'_ . : . V � , a +c_ ' ^.'
<br /> . y � 'a .. .�� . :< , . ' Q . - ' �,
<br /> — .�.'4 •�• r - � r`� . " . � . .a'� • t �� .- c . :t� �t -
<br /> - � �: <. ' e - f- . . i✓�' t _ . � �cG ..�e .
<br /> � _.�,.. .i .f , . --'y�'` _
<br /> �: ;l: k' �• , • . � . , . � �t _
<br /> ^ � ` �IH,�t+)���rBs��� • • ` t,._ ,1 -.
<br /> msnts of Funds Urhe amarmtof tAel�imdshald by Ber+affaaryshatl not be s�Affciant to pay rases sssessmerR� '
<br /> - - .' `',�;.. . � h�sruanee PfemFums and graund rerrts as ti+eY lall due�Truseor shaD Aa'l to Berml�Y enY emcunt riecessa�Y tulireRe uA the dafici2ncy wRhin tl�trry , _
<br /> ec� ,
<br /> - . . . daqs ftCm tha dffis rtaffes ls msi�ed tty 8enafictarY to Trusmr tequBSYtn9Payment Nsr+gol.l/pon paymertt In fe/t of aU indebie�re4st EerraficLsry►sP►all � , . .. -
<br /> � ' .. • '", �F pmmpt►y r&fund to Trusmr any Funds hefdby 8enaf'ida�U ths Trust Pmpsrty Js so(d�nde�the poxrar ot sala or the Trtrst Pra{rarryls othenvtse . __
<br /> ' ' ecqulred Dy 8eaellcfaryc Berrefidary shall ePFA.imme�amy ptfor to tAe sataaf the Trust�ropeny a lts scq�dsi6on Dy Benelieiary,a+N Furtds held t;,�� . '`.� �� �.�.
<br /> ��. � ' � Dy Be�dary af;�he Nme of appfresuon es a credlt agalnst hre tnde6mdness!lBeneNclary execuEas a wntten wahier of TiusroYs o�gatians unQar ., , . :[.
<br /> ;��7 this Q8r8gia{th 4,TrustorCOVgnants and eg+ees ro pay.befa�the saa:e Decome detinquarrC alf taxes.as�essmenLR inswance Dremfum�6�aurtd .' <<t . . , ; : �
<br /> Co �tusro�further �.u on wrilfen
<br /> ,.�:. _ : ��` � `rerm�and ell otlrer cAarges wRatsoever levlad upon or assessed,plaeed ormadB 8gefnst Na Trust Froparty. sS� P , . . . �-
<br /> �`�`r� raquest by 8enefldaryS m prampByGaliverto Berre�rdarya0rec@lPts lor Ure payme�rtof sueh charges�Lustor filcewls�s grses to pay sll taxest „ •
<br /> . , • assassmaalsattd pihar.cherges tavled upon ar assessed A�d a�rnaGe agafns4 a measmed Cy,thfs Oeed o�7�ust or the recordaiian AerBaf. '., u"
<br /> . • �,qpp�c�nn�lpa,rmerRs Atl paymems recenredb�Benehctary as to e►N deb�lia6iliry or oDligaOOn aoed to BenefictaryDy'RustamaY Ge ePpltedby .:..
<br /> � ' Seneficfary ta tlre paYment oI the I�deDtedness or e�arry such otherdeb;fiabifrty or obfrgaUon,fn arry onderarmannerot epplication whkh
<br /> � 4.�� m a1a Untess othennise efected Dy BenehGery,arry s:1ch paymarrt sha116e deemed epplied first � `• `'
<br /> Herref�ary.lrt its aDsoNie discratian,deems aPP lu+ . �-- -- . ..
<br />_t� � r�a `=,T ; to tha paymemotarryr debS lia6Uity orabfiga5an ofher tfi�the Nota `— _—
<br /> � fi CAatges:ilens TrusOor wii/1�8p the Trust Propefty/w9 ham sU Gens and enwmbrances whlch in arr/wa�ma)S in ths judgmerrt ot BBnefccisry,havs � �
<br />�., : ..: . Fdcrityova�G a impa(r tira seCUriryat,this Deed af Trustbut Trusror rtee�aotrIIschargs anY such lien so torrg as TrustorshaU ag�ae�in vnifing,to ` i
<br /> pay the oDGga�onsecrued hY surh Gen tn a marmerea%ePtable to Benefrdary and ahall in good faith eomest sachllen byeAProPdatelegal .
<br /> pmceedrn9s elfacDve to prevent fhe erdarcement ot tha Gen and tlre/ass at arry irrtarest in orpart of the Tiust ProFBnY , : . ..
<br /> - - ., 7. Hazerd lnsurance.Tastor shalll�ap tlra 6ur7�ings and offisr lmprovemenis nrnv exishn9 or hereaftererected on the Trust Properiy insured bY . ' � '`
<br /> . `' fnsur.mce cattlets s�oN ro Bane�ary8gamstloss by hre�haza�ds inGuded in Me term'�xtended coverager'and such affier ABiatds • . _ . -
<br /> �,I,.:;�.�_ •• � :.v4 casuatdes snd eortBngancias as may be requtrad by Beneff�ary.in SucJi amounts and for such periods as may be requirad Dy BeaeTiclary_TAe �" . . .
<br />�"'�'` .. ` ';` . poliry of insrueiice shall be in lorm acceptaLte ro Benefidary,pmv/de that the same may not 6e canceUed nr modd.'�ed without frReen(t�days Prior
<br /> ' vitftlen aotice tu Beneflciary,anOshaU hava loss Payab:a pravisions in favorat and in form axeptable fo Berrefr,xar}�AII p2mi enta!le Td�en(t5) . • '
<br /> , po/icies shallbe paid fn fhe mannerProvided under paragraph 4 hereof or,d not pald/n sueh manrtei by Tinsmr matdng Paym ,. . c , _
<br /> , .i days pdor to fha due dat�d/recUY to the Insmance Camec 8eneficlary shal(hava the rigM to hold the policies and rertewiafs the�ao�and T+usm�shall 1_ .: �
<br /> _ , � pmmptly fumish i�BenefiGary all raaeavalnobaes and sU paid pfemium nece�Pts recehred byit!n no eyern shaU 8eneficitiry w Trus�e 6e hetd .. _. , ,� ___,�,
<br />�- : . respons(p1e for fai/mre to paylnsurarrcepram�ums orlorarry+/oss or damageartsing aut o/a defedin arryPOlicy or arlslrtg outof erry failure Narry . , '
<br /> j . ����mpany p�pay(o�arry toss ordamage lnsurad egatnst or for faiNre by Trustor ro eNect the Jnsurance reqaired hereundec/n tAa evanf of . .
<br />- ' � /oss,l F u s t or s h a 0 g h r e p m m p t a a t i c e b y m a i f m the irtsurance cartier and BeneHClary.Berreficiary msy malce Proot ot/ess if rtotmada promptly orfn ; ��
<br /> ` . pmper(arm by Tiustor.AD poUcies al hrsurance snd arry end sll refunds ot uneamed ptamtruns ers hembY assl9ned to Beneficiary as additfonal . , ,
<br /> `�,._�r.__�_`---.� ��ry�y��paym8nt oI tha IndebteCness.ln the evertt ot Beneticlarys exercise ot the poxer ot asle contained here/n.a in the evant ol ',.^ ..
<br /> . : -. ....__ ... _.fa�scbsv!d-aN�f�f.-dde�af►d�lntarast�ot�Tiusta(n and.to anylnsurar�ca PDf�Y-t�7R[f in.forco shalt pass to the purchaser st MO Aroslie9'9 ssla a - - - ----,- -
<br /> .:�:�
<br /> forec,�rs safa In casro ol arryr toss,Me Insuranea procaeds mak at thB optlon at Beneficlary be epp►ied by BeneliGary upon the rde�Te7in��or � � � �
<br /> "'��• . � `:� Utsmof,and!n such orGer and amourtt as Baneflclary mey detarmme;or sald�nsurance pmceeds�et IAe opuon o1 Be�reficJaryR mrry airher , .
<br /> �Y .' . •: �,''
<br /> ,, � �'' 6a us�In replacing a resrodng the Trost Pmperry pr�ttldry or rotalty dostruyad to a cond�tlon sat(slectary ro Benelicfary:or sa(G lnsurance ;:�':�/,._
<br /> ' � pnviceedsL o►arryr po►tlon thereol,may tro roleased to 1YUSro�Unless Bonoficinry and Trosror otharwlse agreo U wnUng,arry sucA eppllcatran of <<<' •
<br /> - -- Irrsurstrca proceads ahell nat extertd or postporre Ne duo dnte oi Me Notvi or ory insta0ments called fo�frterein,or changa tho emount oJ such _ , , ��_
<br /> • � - lrisfallmaritA:ll tho tast Propa�ly ls erqu(red by Berrefic(ary pursusm ro the exarGSO o!�hs pwia�o�sale Ar otner forocfasur�ell dght,titfa and .��.,;;r �
<br /> • ��' � lororest af Trusto�ln and ro arryr rnsurarsce preceeds payabie ss e rosulr at aam�gn to rno Tiusr Propeny pnor ro tne sale or ecquislrivn shaD poss ro . � .�
<br />: 8ono8clFuy and ahall ho spPliod first lo the casts and expenses,InGuding ettomey(oes incurmd rn coltecting auch proceeds Men;n tAe manrte► • • . .. : .
<br /> • . • arrdin tho orbB�provided Aere/n � ` . .
<br />— . _ .. �:
<br /> p,PreservaUon a�dblalntonsnce ol Trust PropeRy.Tnrscor wn!keep tAe buildings and oMer lmprovements ncN or hereafter erocted on the Trust ,
<br /> , .. r . '
<br /> �. propprly In gaod repalr anC Condidon end wll/not commtt a pg►mli wastet wi!!not afta�Me deslgn or structural charatter cons6tuting a�ry building _.... ...
<br /> rtaw a hereafter ererxed on and constlturing the Trust Proeprty witAout the prfo�wdtten consent ot Benefrciaryt will rtot do erry ect or tA1ng whlch •
<br /> � woufd unduylmpelr or dapreciate the value o/the Trost Properry snC wiU not 8bandon Me Tiust Property.Trusto�wiU noi remove arry(lxtures �. �",�'�1
<br /> canstltutlng the Thrst Prope�1Y unless the same are lmmedfatary repleced with Iike properry subJeu to Me lien and securiry lnterest ot thls Oeed ol . . . '.. ,
<br /> - Trust end af etleast equai value and ertfliry.7tusror will comply wtth ell p�asenf atM futur9 ordinance�regulatlons and requUements of erry ."�• ;
<br /> _ , gavemmenta►body whlch are applfcaDle to►he Trust Pmperty snd ro the occupanaY and use tnereaf.Il thls Oeed of Trust is on e unrY in a . � � %�
<br /> • � conQOminlum ora planned untt dsvefopment,trustor shaU perlorm arl of firstors obligatlons under the declaretlons or ca+enafm oreaUag or _ .,y� -
<br />�• , , goveming Ne candomintum or the planned unit deveiopmerrt the bylaws and raguiatlons ol the condominium or planned unit deu8lopmen4 and the .i "
<br /> 3!;.: � � conso'fuerrt documenta . • �.
<br /> << . ' 91 InspacUon.Beneflclary or its agents may,a1811 raasonable times,enter upon the Trusi Prope►ry/or the purpose o!inspecBon.Beneflclary sha/l have . ��
<br />_� � no dury to make s�rch lnspecffon and shalJ not be Ilable t�Tiusror or to any person In possession il it makes ar Iails to maAe arry aueh inspeCBon. : � �
<br /> ~�� � JR Pratectl�on ot Secun'ry.Il Tiustor lafls to perlo�m a►ryr o1 the carenants snd agreemertts conta/ned in this Oeed of Trust o�B sny actfon or proaeading ',��
<br /> - � � !s commenced whlch does or mey edverse►Y affect 1he Trust PropertY or the Irrterest of Trustor or Benefrclary iherein o�the titfe of liustor thersta � . • .
<br /> then 8ene/lclary,at 1ts opilon,may parlorm such cwenents and agreementS maks such appearences,defend aga/nst and lnvesNgate such act/on
<br /> ' -�'�_�� or procee0ing end tel�such offier acUon as 8enefidery deems necessary to p►�tect lts tnterest Includ/ng,but not 11mKed to,disbursemeM of
<br /> �� ,r�� 1� � rt�asonable attamey fees and enby upon the Tiust Property ro make tepalrs MY amounts disbu�sed by 8eneflclary pu►suant to thls paragrapA tQ , • ,
<br /> ' w/th Irr�rast thereon,sha//ConsUtute/ndebfadrress ot fi+sta secur�d by thls tleed ol Trust Unless Tiustor and 8eneficary agrea to other terms of � . :
<br /> '� ;� . . paymen;such emormts ahafl be payabie upon noNCe fiom Bena�iclsry to Ttusfa requesting payment thereol,and ahafl bear interest trom the date � '
<br />=1,�,'.. .�: � of dis4ursement at the defauR rate,il any,set lorth Jn fhe Note,or btAerwise st!he highest rate permltfed by law.Noihing co�ned!n thls paragraph . � .�,. �.
<br /> � � ahaU raqu/te Beneticlary to lncu�arry expense or take any sctlon hereundet Tiustoi Irrevocably authotlze9 and empwrers 8enefiCJary to einer upon , �
<br /> - • the Trust Properg�as T►ustor's agent and.In Thrsro►'s name or othan�vlse to peiform arryr and all covenants and aglesments to be pedormed by
<br /> � Trustoi as hereln provided.Beneflciary shall,at Its option,te subrogated to a�ry encumbrence,lien,clalm o�demand and to a!1 rights and secunties . .
<br /> X ,, ' for me payment thareol peld o�dischatged by Beneliclary under tAa provlslons"heraof artd arry suCh suDrogaUon dghts shal!be addnlorraJ and
<br /> - cumulailve securiry fo�thls Oeea ot lius7 . . .
<br /> ' 11. ConCemneflon.The proceeds ol ary eward or c181m for damages direCt or consequentlal.in connection w,th afy condemna8on o�oihar taNing al tlre .
<br /> "�. : � Trru!PMpen)t or sny parl thereol,or fo►canvayarrce in lleu oJ or�n anUClpadon of oondemnatron.a1s hereby esslgned fo snd sha0 be paJd tt� • _
<br /> BeneliGary.Trt�stor will file and ptosecul�,In good lalth end wlth due difigenoa,lts cla/m(or any such award oi peymem,and will cause the same ro De
<br /> � � � colle�cted end paid ro BeneJlcJary4 end,should B fail ro do sa Trustor Ineimcabiy eutlior(zes and empowers Benefi�tary,(n rhe nsme ol7fustor or ,
<br /> olAenvlse,ro Bl�prosecutet sett/e ar compmmiss enY such cla/m and to collecb rece�pt for and retain the proceedS.N the Tn�st Pmperry(s abandoned
<br /> - � �� by Tasm�a,t�te►notlCe tr/Beneficl8ry fo llustor tliat tha condemna atfers to make en arvald o�setNe e claim la damages. Trustor lails co respond ro ,
<br /> � �� • Ben�Gary wlthln thlrry(30)days eRer the date such noUce Js rriailed,BenefiGary!s 8utlrorized to coUect end appy fhe praeeds ln the manner
<br /> � jrrd��he�eln,Tfre proceedy of srryr eovarti or clalm may,efte�dadudUrg aU reasvnabte casts end emenses.�nc►uding attomey+fee�whlch mey Aave
<br />:�; �. • ,, •� bee��mcur2d by Beneficrary tn the collectlon fhereof,Ftt the sok+discreUoa ol Beneficiary,be raleased ta 7rusto�sppGed ro restoravan ol Tivst Properry, . •
<br />:y��;:, ; . .� :r o�eppl.�ed to the peymern o1 the fndebiedness Un/ess Beneficlary 8nd Tiusror otherwlse agree�n viritlng,ary sucA eppGCa6on o1 praceeds to ,
<br /> �� ry.: • � InCebfedness aha0 not exfend or pos�one Ne due date of the Note or the paYment ot arry fist81/ments cru:od for the2undec
<br /> • 12. 7tustot Nof Reteased.Extenslon of Ute tlme for peyme�f or modif,cetion al any amortizaHan of the Indebfedness gran:ed by 6enehciary to s�ry
<br /> -j•�^'� �' suacessor 1n lntsrest o1 Tiusfo�ahall noi operdte fo releaset In ary manrte�Ihe IiabiGry a1 Trostor end Tiusto�s successors in rr,terest.BeneN.clary shall , �
<br /> � • ='��'� aat be�e�uUed to commem:e prOCeeding3 agairtst such successor or refuse to extend time fo�payment a othenvlse modAy amor6zation of the
<br /> 4•=':�'`� �. /n6ebf�ess by te8sron ol eny tlomand madB by Tiastor end TrostoYa suCCessas!n inter8st •
<br /> - � ~ � 13C Financrnl Infamatlon.Upon mquest ol8enet/efary,Trustar wul prov/de ro Bertefclory,withfn ninery(90)days ot rhv ctose ol eacn l�scal yea�ol • �
<br /> • Tiusto�Ne conso/idated balance aheet and statement of eamings of Tiusto�and arry and aU guaranro�s ol the Irtdebtedness secured hereDy.i/afr/ • .
<br /> � end wlll prouide and defiver ro BeneliCiary such other linanciallnformatlort and in such manner es Benefrclary may reasonabty request/mm 6mo ro f
<br /> - timB. .
<br /> � � f4. Financlal Couenant9 In eddiNon ro eny other linanclal twvenants ot husmr made in erry othe�agresment,insnument or documeM,Trusmr ana�l
<br />_ � � comply v�ith and SA811 cayse erry sntl sll guaranfi►s af the lndebfadness secured hefeby to comply.viith,or be 1n compliartce with,the(o1laNing •
<br /> _ $y� " �'' Iinanclal cavenants:(lhis paragrsAA shall not epply N cwanants and requirements are not ser forM herein.) �
<br /> �� ' � • 15. Sehedu/B Of LeaSes wthln ten n0)days aNBr afemand,Tiustor sha/l tumish to Beneficlary e scheduJe ce�ti�ied ro by Trusror,serring faru,a�r reases � ..
<br /> "'.� � of fha Trust PropeAy,or a�ry porlion thereol,including!n each case,Me neme o!the tenants or oceupants,a Uescr,pGOn ol the space occupled tr� •
<br /> ;
<br /> - ' � � suct►tananf or occuprtnt�e rental payaDle!or such space.and such other!m'ormaGOn and documents vrith►espect ta sueh leases 8nd tenancles , ,
<br /> i as eeneltclary may reasanaDy repuest � ' .
<br /> • • - 1& Cv�anants af Trustar with Respect ro Leases Without Me pnor�viirten consent of Benef,ciary.Tiustor shall noG Uirectty or irtdirectly,�iiM rospect to I
<br /> -,t � -,_-- -.__ _-'-._.-- . Rny fat�se o1 spat�!n fhe Tiust PrnperN.or srry portion Neteol,whathe�tuch/ease is no�ri or hefeafter in existenCe I � ' .
<br /> . � _—,,� . �._—�;.�__':_ -... .
<br /> ._ , r . ,
<br /> ',��. _ ' . - �.� . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> . . ...
<br /> -w . . _. .. .. _ ...
<br />