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.V . . ` {� ' .,� - r<<-v y. , ' , ?: . .._ � . . _. . GL . . . . c' '. ' . _'S . _ <br /> ��.� ,)� . . . �� ��.. Y 4 , . . � . r i . [ � •} . .. �2. , . � '.t.. f. '�t`�4 C — <br /> _ 4 'G . �� _ r.. . , f. . • �`4., ,^�,,,� r` - .� - � . <br /> �¢ ' . • � ' � �: /0�����p������3. , £ .,t! ` V i <br /> _ — .. ' . . ' ` .. c �{�:� c t' ' , .4: S'. <br /> a' �. � . � � ��i7ST�BI.E RA�'E RIDER . ` .� - <br /> Y`'� � (bMoffi6 T Hlll,WaEsTy Auctl�n Averaga(Iavcst���M—Rate Cnps) �.1������a"� � ' - <br /> ;w�• � , • .° <br /> �_ t'. �:` ','`� ;. 'SEIIS ADNSTABLE RA'i�RIDER is a►ade th9s 328T day of JA.H�lItY. 1995 . ,and is inc�o�porated into aadshall • � ,� .: ,,� �. <br /> ' ' 6e deEmed to amead aad sappIrr.ment the Mattg�8e.Deed of�]tast as Sect�tity Qeed(the°Sec�Ity Tast�umeat°)of the same tl�te giv�n by . �:�,� � ; <� <br /> - . c� tItetradet�gued(the"Boaowe�w sectu+e Sonower's Adjustable Rale Nate{tha"Nots")to � - , - `_�` <br /> •r . . , <br /> .. �.� ' . . � � �It�� � � - .' <br /> - , . ' . (the"LQadd�of tl�e same date aasi coveiin8�Pi'aPertY desctibed�n the Sec�riry Insttnmeat aad lacated at: ' '`� <br /> .. . . � .. <br /> : 42?S �3 Ct�Q,B. C,RA1�D �D. 1� 688a1 ' � , <br /> � ', . � • - . ' clhogarc�,adarssal . . ...:- ---_.-.:_-.: . <br /> � . <br />� ., �,,�_- -... � THE NOTE CONTQINS�ROVIStOI1LS AUAWItllti FOR CHANGES IN THE fNTEREsT RATE AND THE -- -- — - <br />�a •: � . . ��_ ; MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LlMi'��THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S INTEREST l�ATE C/�(Et � � � . <br />-� •.. ' . ' � CHAIN�GE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMCIM RA'TE THE BOI�ROWER MUST PAY. � "..- ..- -_- .--. _. <br /> �- • . <br />��... .. . . *���z.t .L� �t,� ,��..�2 p: �.�,t,,� . _ . - - <br /> 2�':, � .' ADDT[TONAL CQVPNANIS:111 tuiWLL��Y1G�STld�����m WG�cf:uii���D��er��i•LUGS r • ' , ' <br /> � fiuthercovenantaudagteeasfollows: ,', ; • . <br /> ,_. • .,1.. . . ' . <br />�y~�� '•� ,.. A. YNT7�1iEST RATE AND MONTffi Y PAYN�Tr CHANG�S • - ' <br /> YNT' . . <br /> - - 'Ihe note providesforan initlalinte�irdte of �.800 . °,6.'ihe Notc provides for changes�the intcrest -.:'.. ._ ..�'.: `f_: �- <br /> , tateand the mffithly paymanis,as follow� . ' . ° . ,� Y <br />_� � ' 4. Il�1�dtF.Si'RA1E AND MONTHLY PAYArff�IT CHAN(iES �. ` <br /> �� .: •: . ; .; . (A)C�aage Dates ' ' . 4 ,. <br /> _-� � 7he iatcrestrate I will PaYmaY cLange on the fitst day of ADC�R3T • ,19 95 ,and oa tLatday eveiy 6th mnnth �. •:. : <br /> ti�ereafteP.Fach date oa wluch my interestratecantdcliange is calteda°Change Date." ��' � ;�- <br /> —_:. ....:_.�.:; ' � . . --- - - <br /> . � .. —{B)-�.�x-- - <br /> - . ._ - <br /> _ _-. .. . . -------�- - --._....__._._ ._.....__...-- -------- . _._._...._.----. .. .. .-- - - ... ............._._.._.._ . -----------�--- <br /> «:.r� .. <br /> ' .. � Begianingwhh the 5ist cl�s�e 1Jate,mY intetestrate wflSl be based on an Index.lhe°lndes"is the weelsly auadoa average � •. � <br /> - • • . ;� (investmeat)on bmonth treasary b�Is,as m3ds available by the Federal Reserve Board.11ie�ost recentlndex figue availab2e as of t�e . .. _.;,.���. <br /> '- � date45 days befaie each Change Date is calledthe"C�urentlndex.,• . ,;;,�-�- - <br />`:;��.: . ., . - _ -�; ff the indea is�longer available,the Note Ro2detwlll ebaase a new indea w}�ich is basedt�on camparable i�'oimadan.'ihe�Tote . . <br /> . - _ HolderivJll gtve me notice of this cfioice: - - -- j" ' <br /> ,� , • " (C�Catculadonof Cbaages Rffii�A1�ID '�� .. �,;s <br /> Befo:e eacfiQange Date,the Note Rolderwill calcnlatemy new interestrate by addtng perceutagepoints( 3.395%) .. , ',�:�- <br /> - .. _ .��_ , . <br />_� . . ' w the Gmentlndex.'17ie Note HoIderwill thenmuad the tesWt of this additton to the ncarc.stnn�eighthaf ame percentagepoint .. ,:. <br /> , , .� ., ' <br /> (O.1Z5°k).Subject to the limits stated tn Sect�on 4(D)below,this munded amotmt wIll be my new interesttate tmtil the next C�age Data T •x <br /> � , '. ' , ,. ._,��• <br /> _ ' . . , � 'Ihe I�Totc Holderwill then detemune the amouatof the montbly payment thatwonid 6e s�&c#entto repay the wigaidpiiacipal Wat I . `o-". <br /> . . atnexpectedw owe at the Chaage Date in full on themaAultydatc atmy new interestrateia substantiallY equal PaYments.�he result of .' � =�%" .; , <br /> . <<,. <br /> - ' " this calculatioawIU be thenew amotimt of my montWY PaY�� � _':... - :-. ..:�. :..�. <br /> ' � �ti• N) Limits on Iatcrest Ratc Changes � •• ` •` <br /> , , <br />—_ • ' 'I�e interest rate I am required to pay at the ftist Change Datc will not 6e greatcr than 7.SS0 'Ib or les�thaa 6.050 �.'i4iere- ' � ,� ;:; '` <br /> ..i '�� . <br /> f�� , �. . aftcr,my interestratecvill nevesbe iacteasedor dccieasedoa any stagte C6ange Date by mote tbaa 3/d percentagepoiata�0.750°,6) . ,.. :�.��' � . <br /> f�m the rate of intenst I bave been payIng for the pieced�ag sk mantl�s.My inteiest rate will never6e greater tban 11.3006. <br /> .' (� Fdt'ective Date oYCI►anges . <br /> • � ��;' � My new Iat�restrate will become efFective on each Cbaage Dats.I will pay the amo�mt of my new'montlily paymentbegtnnin�an the � - <br /> _ �st monthIy payment date aftet the C�aage Date uadl the amo�t of my mantl�Iy payment cl�aages egai�t. � . <br />- � �•: (E�Nadce of Changes . - . . , .'. -. :: <br />— �, .`� 'Ihe Note Holderwlll deliveror mail to me a nolice of aay changes in my intemstrateand the amaunt of my maathly gayment before •� : • '�:�:` � <br /> - � „. .. the effecdve date of any cLaage.lhe notice will incIude informat�on required by Iaw to be given me aad aLso the tide and telephone <br /> •� n�berof a petson who wll1 aaswer any questIoa I may have regarding the aodce. <br /> � , ..'" .. B. TRANSFFdi OF'THE PROPFdtTY OR A BFNFd=ICIAL Il�TFREST IN BORROWFlt . . <br /> . • . • Uaifaim Coveuaat 1,7 of the Sec�uity Ins�ent is amended w read as follows: � • <br /> . . •' Zitansfer of the praperty or a beneftcial interest in boaower.If aIl or aay part oF the pmperty or arry interest in it is sold or traas�erted ' • ' <br /> ' (otif a beas8cial Interest ln Ba�owerfis sold o:t�an.�ferc�dand Borcawer is not aaahnal peson)withrnrt Lcnder's priorwritien consen; � . <br /> � Lendermay,at its opdon,rcquin immedlate payment ln fWl of sU s�s sec�ed by�his Sec�uity Ins�►�menE.Lender also shall not eaercise j � <br />_ • ';, tLis opdr�a if:(a)Bormwer causes w be submitted to L�nder iafonnadon required by Lender W evaluate the iateaded uaasferee as if a aew f . . ' <br />—`_ . loanwtie being made w tLe tiansferee�and(b)Lender rEasonably detenniars that Lender's security arill not be 3mpaired by the loan r . , . <br />==�Q.'� ' � assumptton and tLat the risk of a breach of any eovenaat ar agreemeni in tbis Sec�Ity Insuumenc ls ecceptab2e to Iender. . <br />=�"� �. . � . ' To the extentpem�it*.edby applieabie law,L�dermay eharge a masanable fee as a condittan to Leader's consent to the loaa . � . � : <br />_�•..� �;; asti�ptifln l.endes may also requine We traasfetee w s3�ea ass�pttan agteementWatis accepta6leto Lender and thatobllgates the � .. • <br /> uaaYferee to keep all the promises aad agreements made in tha Note and in tHis Secialty Instn�men�Botmwer will conUnue to be • <br />-�—�` � .. � obligated�mdcr tlte Note aad tbis Seciuity Inswmen�unless Lender releases Bairnwer in writing. �,� • <br />. , �;.�� r� + . <br /> � . If Lender exercises the apflon to require immediate payment in fuU,Lender shaU�ive Botrower noitce o!acceieration.7he notice . <br /> i t <br /> - "�ti:;�:. shall pravIde a perFod of not Iess tl�an 3�days from the date the not�ce is delive�d or mailed wltl�n wluc6 Boaower must pay a11 sums 4 � . . <br />= " � ' �c�ed by tWs Security Insttumen�If Batrowet faiis to pay these sums prtor to the expiradon of ihls perIod,Leader may invoke any ` � <br /> t�medlespermitted by this Secutity Iastrument without fiuthernotice or demand on Ban+ower. � • <br /> ���.'.. ' �`� ' BY S �BFd,Aw.Bo�awer ts end a to the terms aad covenantsconrai�ed in this Ad'ustable Rate Rtdet. � � <br /> �P � 1 i '. <br /> .. �� � �� '� i <br /> (Seuq (Seal) <br /> ' , 'e°"°"" ' -so"°w°' ; <br /> . . (Sea!) (Seal) ` � . <br /> _ . _eoeowa -eerivrru � <br /> . �SlgA�/Jg(ItU��Jfl3rJ . <br /> ' �y � f . <br /> . . � . ; . <br /> _ _ .— • iihtJLSiSiA'iEAf,iJiiSili$i.E fiA'iF flit}Efi—/�iiM 5-2—Singie Famiiy— i�--••'- . - :——-_.__- .. <br /> ��� � � Fannie Mae/Froddie Mac Uniform Instrument Form 3111/3/85 � EG3033(REV�3/93) • � <br /> F" • - . • � . � � � . — <br /> � . • ' . � . . , . <br /> . . � , . . <br /> . . .� � . . �� ' � . . .._._ <br />