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<br /> � � f�'�� � � at the opsion ot E,endar, if mortgage inauraase coverege (in the a�ount ettd fior the peri that � - � =
<br /> � `� . . : . _ . ptovided by ea insuter approved by Lender agaia becomes available and is obtaiaed�.BorroHer shall pay the premiums , ,` 'y
<br /> :�.� , � :. required to maiatain taortga�e insuraace in e4iect,or to provide e toss reserve, until the requirement for mongage �� .
<br /> _ • , .. � insvranee ends in aocordaace with say wsitten agteement betar�en Horrower and Lender or applicable law. ,
<br /> � � ',4 ' ' 9.Inspe�tion.Lender or its egent may make r�asonable entrFes upoa aua inapections oi the Progerty.Lender shalt
<br /> ' � _. c, u .._
<br /> -� .f�:. give Bonower aotice at the time of or prior to an inspection specsfying reasonable cause for the inspection. - ,
<br /> � . 't0.+Condemnatiom The proceeds of any award ar clsim ior dasnage�s,dis�ct or consaquential,in cannectiaa�vitti - - —, .--
<br /> � . � . atiy coadenanatio�or other tskiag of any part of the Prapecty.or for convepance in lieu of candemnation.ere hereby � •
<br /> .. �. ' � � ��` ' assigaed and shall be paid to I.ender. _ . . ..
<br /> _..� In the eveat of a total ts�lcing of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to th�sums secured by this Security , . , .
<br /> '�'' . . Inatrument,wbether or aot then due.with any eac�paid to Bortower.In the event of a partial taking of the Psoperty ia , . . .
<br /> - � which the fair market value of the Prapertp immediatelg befare ttie taking is equal to or greater thaa the amount of the - ,
<br /> � � �, ., .;"' �.,� sums secured by this Sec�mty tnsavment immediatelq Before the taking,unless Borrower aad Leader other�vise agree ' �
<br /> :r _ . . in writing,the su�a secured by this Security Instrument eha11 be t�educed by the amount of the prooeecls mnitiplied by . �, .r
<br /> , ' `;, � tha followiag fraction:(a)the total amount of the sUms secured immediately be�ore the taking.divided by(b)the fair . , . '..
<br /> � market value of the Fraperty imme,diateIy before the taking.Aaq balance shall be paid,to Bortowet.Ia the event of a __ -' .,,_
<br /> _ �' partial takiag of the Property i�wluch the fair market value of the Praperty immediately before the taking is less thaa _. . • . . _
<br /> � tbe amount of the sums secured immediately toefore the taking,unless Borcower and I�ender otherwise ag�ee in�vriting -
<br />_ ., or unl� applicable law otherwise pravides. the procceds shall be applied ta the sums secured bp tlua Security : .
<br /> ' • Instrumeat whether or aot Ehe susas are then due. ' .• . �.
<br /> • ,,.,: : . . ,� , .
<br /> . .. ' • " ; ,� �� . If the Property is abaadoned by Borrower,or if, notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offfers w .
<br /> after .'. �
<br /> - ,. - ` ••• � - ` �-.;;•., ----....._-make�n a�vard_�or_aettl��cl�im for damages,Bonawer faits w respand to Lender withia 3Q daps after the date the -.. :_� .::':.- -
<br /> _, _ .._ -- . n " �
<br /> , . . . • . . notice is given,Leader is authorized to collect and appfy the Prac�ds,a�ifs opfioii;e�3h�t us�tics�ror repairof the�--�---.. :—,-�---,=:- � '.�r;�•
<br /> ` '. . T�' P r o p e rt y o r t o t h e s u m s s e c ured b y this Sec�m t y Instrument,whetiier or not then due. � `,� s�`-
<br /> • j Unless I.ender ead Bortower otherwise agee in writiag,any application of proceeds to priacipal shall not estea d or �` � �::��,�``;',
<br /> - . : ,.
<br /> -. . . .. . �,� ..
<br />-_,. ''...._ ..:. � � o e moa y ents re erred to i 1 and or c the amouat of such �..
<br /> pastp�ne the due date f th thl paym f "u paragraphs hange
<br /> . .... a
<br /> -' ' '' payraeats.- --
<br /> - .- -.. - ,
<br /> , . _:...,,, � ,
<br /> , '" ' ����� 11. Borrower Not Retessed; Forbearance By a.ender Not a�1/aiver.Eatension o4 the tiine tor payirient or - E'.:"- � �r�+�°:
<br /> '� � ' � ' modification of amorti7ation of the sums secured by tlus Securitq Ir�strument granted by I.ender to any succes�or in � � 4�
<br /> � � ° � � interest of Borro�er shall not operate to release the liability of the origiaal Borro�ver or Borrower's successors ia :y
<br />- iaterest.Lendec shall aot be reqoired to commence praceedin�s against any successor in interest or refnse to eatend � . ' �:. :
<br /> : ``� � time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums sec.vred by this Security Ipstrument bp reeson of aay �:.- `�. , �
<br />��= � • � demaaal made by the oriAnal Borrower or Bonower s successors in interest.Any forbearaace by I.ender in esercising • � . ;� �' '
<br /> � ' � aap right or remedy shatl aot be a�v a iver o f or prec lu de t he esercise o f a n y ri g h t o r r e m e d y. � .�.-.,',�
<br /> -- ; �� ° . � 12.Saccxssors and Assigns Bound:Joint ead Severel Liabilitp:Co-sigaers.The covenaats and agreements ' .,.: `
<br /> � � � of this Secusaty Instcument sliall bind and benefit the suceessors aad assigns of I.ender and Bormwer,subject to the �;d�.� �
<br />_ , . . provisions of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants aad egreements shall be jrnnt and several.Aay Bortower who co�signs - . ;;� ..
<br /> this Security Insuvment but does not esecute the Not�(a)is co sigaiag this Security Instrument only to mortgage, . ,
<br />�;;�. � gcant and convey that BorroNer's interest in the Propert9 under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not . � '.,,..
<br /> �p,� . personall y obli g ated w pay the sums secured by this Se.,^urity Instrument;and (c) agrees that Lender and any other ,; : . �'�%�"
<br />��; ,� ' � Bosrower map agree to eatend,madify.4orbear or make any sccommodations with regard to the terma o4 this Security
<br /> �'� • � Instrument or the Note aithout that Borrower's cnnsent. � i �.. • '�,��'
<br /> 13. Losn Chuges.If the toasi secured by this Securitp Instrument is subject to a law which sets masimum loan � , ,. ,.
<br /> y:' °��. • _���:: charges. aad that taw ia finallq iaterpreted so that the interesK ot other loan charges coltected or to be collected ip � ' �
<br />�. cosuiection witb the loan e$ceed the permitted limits.then:(a)aap such loan charge shall be reduced by the amouat �. � _
<br /> ' `. . . �� . � nece�ary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) aziy sums alceady collected from Borrocver which� � . . � � .
<br /> • • eaceeded permitted limits csill be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the .
<br /> - .� �. . '� , princiQal owed under the Nota or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces prin�cipal.the reducuon `�
<br /> � . � Nill be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. , �
<br /> _ � � ' 14.Notic�s.Any notice to EorroNer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliveriag it or by f
<br /> � �. � mailing it by Crst clasa mail vuless applicable law r�uires use oY another method.The notica shall be directed to the ! . . ;. .
<br /> � • � Property Addtess or�y other addre�Bornower designaus by notice w Lender.Any notice w Lender shall be given by I . . .
<br /> � ' � first clasa mail ta l.ender's address stated herein or anp other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any
<br />� : . � � notice provided for in this Security Instrument sha11 tHe cixmed to have been given to Borroner or Lender when given (
<br /> - . �� � . �, as provided in thia paregtaph � i�
<br /> °,; . -._-_ . !S.Governing Law;5evenbility.This Security Instrument sha11 ise governed bq federal lacv and the lam of the .
<br />-- � � : jurisdiction in which the Property ia located.Ia the event that any provision or clause of this Secwity lnstrument or the i� ,
<br /> � '� � Note conilicte aith applicable law,such contlict shall not affect other pmvisions oi this Security Instrument or the Note I
<br />-. which caa.be givea etiect without the ooaflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security instrument and � �
<br />- ' � the Note ara dectared to be severablt. � k � . . .
<br /> .�.• " �
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