t4. f . .. . i i/l •: x . . . r
<br /> ��' t f : V. . `.. ��a�C` ' " Y`�. . 1 }.�, . - 1�I1�':._ .i � .
<br /> �+D�.G' ln ..r .fc l ..Y {. �" ' ' .a�. .�., . - � _
<br /> — 3..____ �..,« —�.� •q s� � cy� -
<br /> -- --- � �` •-� _ �---_ . . _ . .. c`_ . _ . • �,f�l� .�{;i�
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<br /> r.:
<br />� ' NpN-UNIF��iM COVENANi'S- Borrowei and Lender fvrtiter covenant and ag�e as fo�lows: � ' :.�... '� �;:``. �:.'_
<br /> ° 17. Faredosure Procedar� If Lenderreqn ires immediate payment in full under paragraph 9.Lender may invoke the r.•� , � ,��
<br /> ' Pawer of sale and any�other ie�ediesperm'stted by appt'tcx,6le iaw. Lender shal�6e enUiled tR�Ilect ail expenses incumed ,k ��.�` �' -
<br /> _ ' in in�tli�cemeclies provided in this paragrnP.h I7.induding.but not ilmitcd to.teasonable auom�ys`fces and casts of ..�_�_c�,:.
<br /> �� , d evid�nce: � , ';,-� :
<br /> ' If the power of sape is[nvak�d,'QtuStee shall retord.a aolice oY default iri�h eounty in�whtsh any part of the' ..° , �S ,,S ` w
<br />�.� PmpertY L�jorat�d aad shall ma�copies of sath noi�ce in the manaer pressribtid by s ltcable taw to Borrower and ;.� , ��y
<br /> ` �.�.i!''.�Ff .�..'_.
<br /> ' to t�e ather persons pretcribed 6y ap llca6le laiw Aftes the time reqnired by app cable law,'iirustee sLa11 ve �.-=�
<br /> �s c�ithout de on W
<br /> .�. pn b f Ic n o t t ce of saIe to the pessnns�in tiie manuer piescri3�by applIca6le[a3v.7lrustee. ¢ ;. ,��-
<br />°--� Sasrowar,st�alf seil tBe P�'operty at pnbiic sustioa fo the�es1 tsldder at t0,�ttme amd ptace an d un der 4 6e terms �
<br />: � • designnted in Ute rtotice of saI- e in one or mnre parr�Ts aad any oeder'IFustee determiues. 'It ustee map pastpone ' •. . r . '. i
<br />- sale of all or any pa[ce!of the Freperty bypuDlie aunanaceittent at ehe time sud ptace of any prevaously scheduled , :_�:,
<br /> � : . ' sai� l.eu der or i t s d e s ignee may u s c t s a s e i h e F r o a e r t 9 a t a ny s a t e.
<br /> �Jpoa receipt a� 4p�y�ut�ttte��ce bid,'lYustee s6a11 cte�ver to the p�'c6aser Trustee's tteed eonveying t he
<br />:- :� Pro a►rtp. The recitats in the'iYusSee s 8eed s9all be prima�acie evidence of teuffi of the state�ents made 4Yteeeie. ' t -:- .
<br /> 1lrnstee sh�4t aRAIY tde praceeds of t6e sa'te tnt tde foltow6rg order: ta) W.aU costs and�expenses of exercising the ;. ,..,
<br /> � ���r. .�,......
<br /> :� � Power of�le,snd Qhe sale;ind�ding the p�ayatent oF ti�e'Il�stee's fees attQail9 incvsred,aot w exceed `� . �:,.-:,: . - _
<br /> - of t[te pr�incipal amouat af the aote at the time of the declaratian af d�'au[t,and reasonabde attor.Qe����s as "� - ,
<br /> - n or ersoag . .��L.... `
<br /> ':,` permitted by Iaw;(5)to a!t sums serured bp thts Seeurity Instrmnent;aad(c)anY es�ess to the pesso p
<br /> i�aUy entitied to it. � ��
<br /> ;� 18. Reco�eyance. Upon payment of all sums seciued by this Security Ins�u�ent,l.,e�►der shall reqnest'IIustee to •:� �,� '�x �
<br /> .� reconvey the Propercy aad shall swTeader this Security Insm�meAt and all notes e��idencing debt secured by th�s Secttrity r � '�
<br /> Instn�eni to'Ikustee. 'Itustee shall reconvey the Property without�varranty and without charge to[he person or petsons ;;=, � �� �„�T:
<br /> '�•-+� legally endtted to it Such peison or persops shaIt pay any re:ordation costs. ;�, �'�'---�' �
<br /> 19�Snt�stitate 1'stsste¢ Lender.at�ts option,may from time co time remove Trustee and appaint a successor uustee ;` �� - _
<br /> so any'Itustee appointed hereunder bg an inswment recorded in the county in whicb this Sec�uity Insvament is recorded. . �;� ��� ---
<br /> • Withoni conveyance of ihe Pcoperty.the successor m�stee shali succeed to aIl the 6de,power and duties conferred upon �.,
<br /> '(histee hetein and b appl�icab2e law. . T:'-__-_.,_—
<br /> _� ZO Request�as 1Vottces. Borrower requests tha�copies �F the no�ce: of def.�ilt and sate 6e sent to$orrowet� 'T - --
<br /> ..� address wfuch is the Property Address. . � - _�_—
<br /> � :,_, �- "_
<br /> ;• .--.--- ..... ..Ri�ers to tl�ts Secarity Iastramen� If one or more riders are e�cuted by Borrower and zecorded togeth with tbis •- �'•''
<br /> yx�.,--=_--
<br /> Secarity Inswmeni,the covenants of each sucTi n'der s�la 1-be-incorpo7'�t�ti�-int�and shall-amend and supp ement the--------�- �..-;�,,_
<br /> cavenants and a�eements of this Security Insuument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securiry InsmimenL •;;�a��
<br /> - (Check applicable box(es)I. . ' �. � i
<br /> � �
<br /> -.�.,
<br /> �Condomurium Rider _ - _ �Gradnated payment Rider. ❑Cuowing Ec�uitY Rider _ �'T;,:-.---
<br /> t ���.
<br /> . . a�,
<br /> ' �Pianned Unit Develapmettt Rider a Uther(Specifyj,�� � •':r
<br /> BY SIC,N[NG BELON,Borrower aCCepts and agrees to the terms contained in pages 1 through 4 of this Securiry
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it .
<br /> Witriesses: �
<br /> : . . , �D � � �S�> :-{
<br /> .; � eo��« �'`---_
<br /> . WI I A BAC�I , r��?�'���
<br /> - �i--
<br /> :� • (Seaq ,��•�-�' �'=—
<br />_°;'� , . Bormwer �'.-',: iV
<br /> .�� _
<br /> �,� ' sorsco�wer "���.�_��
<br /> .�-� :�
<br /> �S�� -YS'..T .�_
<br /> „ � d� �:
<br /> -: - BO7tiOWCt .'a�i�•• .-
<br /> . �Y�,:
<br /> , ' STATE OA NEBRASKA. � County ss: , . -
<br /> ��s 315t day uf J 1995 •before me,the undersi�ned.a Notary � �
<br /> Public duiy wmmissioned and qaalified for said county,persona3ly c3�e , •
<br /> . . to me known to be�he .
<br /> ' idendcal person{s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoins inswment and acknowledged the execution theseof to be ' .
<br /> � vofuntary act and deed., �
<br /> ;-'"� , W�iuiess my hand and notarial seal at � I S�D . in said counry, the ,� '
<br /> - date aforesald.
<br /> M Commission ex ires: Nocary wmic �
<br /> ' f �HQ� liie ol HeCraslu RrpEFd1TA L RF�D � `
<br />= '�- ���R6BE�L-R£ED ' ' `
<br />_; � � IA�Corm,E�R lut�30,1998 g�QUEST FOR RECON V EYAI�ICE . �
<br /> 'I'O TRIJSTEE: .
<br /> ' ' The undersi�ned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 11us� Said note or notes.together with all • •
<br /> -- oiher indebtedness secursd by this Deed of'i�ust,have beea Qaid in fuil. You are herehy directed to cancel said note or .
<br /> notes and this Deed of livst,which are delivered hereby,and to reconvey.without warranry.all ihe estate now held by you _ _.. ;_. _ •
<br /> . . •
<br /> =� ` under this Deed of'ltust to the person or,persons legaliy entided theneto. • •.
<br /> : Date: . .
<br /> -:_�_ � • fPaSe4nJ4pa�s) . �
<br /> _ .. , •—�»�- .
<br /> i. ' , ' .
<br />