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<br /> �s",f�"''�'- '�`_ � . NOTICE �F INSTAi.I.IdENT CONTRACT FOR SALE OB REAL ESTATE ' �'�s'�'�+�-.-
<br /> ��.s � - �.s.' �s: ':� "
<br />_ ���4F'l !1(��/�' . , � �y`� 1 �'�'l�-__
<br /> ) 1' .r
<br /> ����-��1 •b• 1. COL�STRACT SSLLER: �Evelyn Starkey and her husbaad, � =_�����-=-r
<br /> ;�, � �
<br /> , Clifford Starkey. '�- _--
<br />- .F• . . ' y�`iib'.Lt�_--
<br /> '.'r..• . .'.`tt+L4' � . . . - r ir?�—"___""
<br /> � - 2: �OL�ITRACT BUYERS: Robert Loewens�ein and Robert Lnewenstein :���, ,�•��_"-��`
<br /> ,�._ _ . �, -
<br /> ;�t,�,�,�,,,- Jrr. , as joint tenan�s and na� as tenant� . � :_ � _
<br /> wF��
<br /> }j,,3..,,t§�. � . in coffieon. . <r � � _ -
<br />_,_�..._ , . �.,�.?�,_ -- -
<br /> ---::�..�:� , . � -_ -- -
<br /> -1 . -- ___--
<br /> `'` •��;:�..�' , 3. DATE OF CONTRACTs December 16 � 1994. . • � -
<br />'�'�``��' .<. . • . . � __
<br /> .`;,:�;�4�;:;�..�. .�� � 4. KIND OF SALE: Installment oE sale. Joi.nt Tenancy Warranty.
<br />`->�:���;- ,;r��' Deed L•o be delivered to Buyers by Seller upon
<br /> -'L::��"��'��: , paymenfi of the balance of the purchase price. . _
<br /> �'s'` .�� � - - . ,
<br /> _ 7"~` .: 5. DESCRIPTION OF REAL E$TATE: ,
<br /> .. - -� '
<br /> �..�;;�;�=`_�..� . •
<br /> _-.�,�.:;__��.. .
<br /> A tract af laa�d compri�ing a part of the East ,
<br /> :.;.�:;:��;, ,
<br /> -- . Hal¢ of �he Northeast Qu�rter (E 1/2 NE l/4) -
<br />-- __:�.��:.�R_ _ of Sectian Twenty Three (23), Township Elevea ,
<br /> , _ _,._..,
<br />-.-�..:y i•'_' ' . �..�._"...._.._..._.."'.. ._._ ..._
<br /> � • :`�x,�'. . - Y11j�-Nortfi_.-..�Rang��Ni.ne__.(.9�-Weat--of--the-6th------�----•�-----... ..' . •
<br /> .: .� � :,..�'� P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more . ; _
<br /> �. , • particularly described as follows: .
<br /> - � _ Heginning._at a .point.on. the. east _line o£_.said. , �—.
<br /> " r�t',,„� ., L�Iortheast Quarter (NE 1/4), said point being One
<br /> , �?�.;; ' thousand One Sundred Forty and Seven TentUs . .
<br /> ' ' .':,�. , (I,140.7) feet south of the northeast ca�cner of � '
<br /> �� � ���'� sai.d Northeast Quarter iNE i/4)s. thence west at
<br /> ��'f � . ���;, a right angle a distance of Tcao Hundred �iairty . ,
<br /> . Three (233.0) feet, thence south, parallel with
<br /> , the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1��}), —
<br />� � '� a distance of Eight Hundred Fifty Seven and five
<br /> � � Tenthe (857.5) feet; thence deflecting left 90 �� �
<br /> � -• degr�es 00'and running east a distance of �nto •
<br /> " " Hundred Tha.rty Three (233.0) feet to a point an
<br />� �' ,., "` . the east line oE said Northeast �uarter (NE 1/4);
<br />"_ � � � � thence north along and upon the east line of said �i
<br />- � ' Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of Eight �=
<br /> �.e�- .:, �. ;� � , Iiundred Fifty Seven and Five Tenths (85�.5} feet �
<br /> ��'�,�. - .;,- c., to the point of beginning and containing 4.587
<br /> '��r� � '� �'� ~ acres of which 0.650 acres, mare or less, is
<br /> - � , occugied by pub2ic road right of way.
<br /> � .. - � � —
<br /> . � � 6. TERM OF CONTRACT: Dece�aber '16 . 1994, to December 15, 1998. � �':�==
<br /> . :d ,i�;.�--- _
<br /> '� .' � � " 7. NOTICE: Contract Selier has sold tlae real estate to Contract ���±:'
<br /> . '�_�� ,._=�=°�
<br /> ;� .. . �� Buyers under the terms and conditions contained in .,c_;i,�;,�,:�;,: S�--.
<br /> � the Installment Contract for Sa2e of Real Esta�e - � �
<br /> , •..,� «
<br /> - described in this Notice. =�'"='`�;�
<br /> .�' .,�,, � .
<br /> , :'.�.,"'" . �
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