., , . . . , ..
<br /> . � � --
<br /> --_' _ . .. � _ _: � , , _ . .�� ` �. , � � _.'+� ' . � - ;r . .�. � � , '.- .
<br /> __ . r ' a l .. . t _ . � .�. , . t. . , c< • 'C ., f• �' . . .� ,'� � , �. e•-. .
<br /> .. ' � _� -. , ' . . C .. . . .. . � . � ` -: ' �.--�.. '�.�� - . '��� ; - t
<br /> , . , g�_�,00�8 -Y :: , :.;�_
<br /> . . �� . � ► �� a�
<br /> • f _ f� • • ' �. � . c
<br /> � L � � � ' 18.Bonowee'a R18fit tn Retnsfate. H Banowsr mee2s c�tnc��M�tcns.BQSra�s�sha9 Aa�re 4h8 clg�t to Aa+ra e[rfoct�r�ent of � ` _ ;.•� f_. L_,
<br /> ' c ,` t�Ls�P fnstrumen!Qiscanth�ced at miU M►a Ddor to fhs earBer oL (a}5 daYg(m sccch otA�r Oeriod ea ePF��taw maY��it�� . . . .
<br /> � � .,. retnstatemenl)befo�sate a!ths Frc,psRy 0��ta eny pawe,r ot sata easiffilrsad tn tt�is Secur�Y�nstrwnenC ar(b1�t►Y o!a ju�t . . _
<br /> , entareN►q lhis SacunTY tns�umenL Thosg ccnd3tons ere that Bacroxrer: (� �a11$ Lend¢r a0 sums which then wbut0�e due uc�aer tAts ".
<br /> — ` . � � Secunlyt tnsWu�4nt and the Nate es it no eoee�ation had o�N)�eny dsfauB ot enY oth�r cavanarEt ot a�eems+ts:(c1 Dal'� ', ` ' . .�
<br /> — . . ,� a�7�enges incurred�entc�cinp thfs SecurBY.Insttumen6 irteUdi�.Eut nat BmRed to.r�sonabt4 atmmsys't�as:and(�takes sucit ectien� :' , _ ' `.�
<br /> _. ` es LenQ�msY reasonaDiy raquYe m essurB that the 6�ot Nis Secur37t tns0urnenL Lenders riflhis In tha ProD�lt aad B9rrawet's obG�tton ,� • _
<br /> . ., . � to PgY ttre sums seaaeA by Mis Sacur3y'Instiument shai[eo�ue+mcf�anSad. Upon rehstateme�t by Baaourer.tNs Seeur3Y bsbumead " ' : �-.
<br /> a n d t h�ob�t ons seCUred herebY 54�asH ce�rsaln fuLy eHec�va as B no aeGe�ratton had oCCU�r80- Haw�.th�s r(qtit to rehsteie sha0 not G.� .�
<br /> H � �
<br /> ' ' � eFAb Tn ttte t�se o1 etxe�erattan under P�Dfi 17. � • ` �� � .
<br /> ' ,.. �--� i 1�5ate o!Ha4e: CAange o!loan Servioer. trte �to� ar a Qarctar rnr�ese m tne Hom (tc�+� w�r ents seauay f'_:.,_�_,.._-.--=—,L:.--� `-.
<br /> �_--- � - - � .- � (nsbamentj tasy be so�one ot moro times rerAhout ptiar notke tr�8armwBr. A Sab m9y�esn�in a cRang�in ttte6t�t�Y Ccafosct�as t�s --� � ,t' �
<br /> . ` �9.oan 5lervfcef 1 thai coIIecis manthy D87�LS due w�der tS�lYo�snd thLs Sae�ff�L Ttiere etso maY C�ane or mcre cAanpes
<br /> . • . 'j of tha 6oen�un�fed to a safa4 t�end appGCabt� I�+er. 7'Ae otioo w��U�aaroe end �eddr�ss o���LO� o� . . •
<br /> _ . .. � ct�ettge in ecearQar�ee wAt�pereII+�P .—�---- `
<br /> �d the aadress to whtcn paym�ts shoatd be mada The noUee w6{BPSO eenlaYe aaY o�er trdam�an�aQuirea DY aDV��taw. ` _
<br /> � • '2Q. Hamirdous Substatteea earrower st�eD nat e�use or peemi the prasenee. � disAOS� �0�e. or release af erry � .
<br /> ` , �� � ttaarQous Substanc�s on or h tho i�mperty. Barmwar st�a0 not da.not aYaw anyona e�e W do.artpthin8 a�6�H t��P�Y that is b �.(.`, . ` ..;��r
<br /> . ,. � vlalattan o!erry EnvYoncn�ml law Tha prece�g two sentsn4es sheD no!apDb��P��r�°r sto�aQe on the ProDertY at SmaY ;���_,,
<br /> . � qt�ani3�s o4 Ha�rdous�Ubstances thai are g�eraIIy recopAtaad to Ee sppmpria�to rtom�a!reside�►tiat uses and to m�intsnanca o!the _ „"
<br /> � _�' __
<br /> . . ptopgRy. �,�s _
<br /> . � Borrower shat!O�mD�U flNe LP�der wrtmn no8ce of eny 1mesHpattan.etairsy de�nsnd.l�rsu$or othes setian b)enY Qavemme�tal or • . ��£.-
<br /> • ' ft�$U13ZOfY flQ6f1CY Cf p(�IlBiB PBitY hvOMifia t1t9 PlQQBRy Bfld 8RY Hi�US�S�Gf1Ci Cf EI1YkON119[1t8I L8W O}WhdCh BOf[OwBf�t�.4 BC610) • y. ":;tiyf:�u*=�-
<br /> � ' � � ktlow(edQ9. It Borrower 1e�am� ar is �ot�ied bY efil B�OU ar�pnt�iorl► �s+tho�tY.t118��Y�� 0[Othe� temediGUDe 01 e�y :' . � , sf�'',
<br /> :•.��=�".
<br /> Kamrdous S1iDst�ce eftaCt�t9 the ProA�7l ts aecessarl►. Borrawet shaY pcomR�Y �e➢necessa+Y r�ned�l ecUonS In es�dir�Ce wiA � �T ', . ,:��-,,:
<br /> t. ..,�
<br /> - ,� . �vYanrt�m��1 Law. #.�._...±__`z,
<br /> - � - qs used m this P�9�Ph 20 �'Hazarddus Sblssmr� are those-s¢bstffi+c��Qefrted-ss taac.ar-.ha�rdovs�.bY.--- -.�'•_�—�-—'_.���"A=- .
<br /> � • F�oncnental Lsw and the to¢owine substance� flasorne.tcerossne, otAa flurena0t� or tmda Retroteum products.tmde PesUcides aed ,_:�_''--
<br /> herbicffies. w�aL'te snNents. maflertats centatning as�estos or tom�atdebYd�and radioaactt+ie mamriat,. 0.a used fn thL4 Para�raOA 20. • _�.::
<br /> c �a
<br /> � . . 'ErnlronrttiatffiI Law' means federal.taws and faws of the I��n wlfere the Propmtf► is tocated thei relate to healthh. s6te�Y a� ..,� -
<br /> _ . envitOnme�ffi!PtoteCttot� �►4"
<br /> . . .. Hor�t�ruFOww Cov�vaH'rs earroKer and�aer funner ccvena�►c es�d s�ae es,ro�o'"'s r ta acceteratton foitowtng
<br /> ro -- � .�' - ;r
<br /> � 27. �Acce�eration; Rem�dles Lender shaU give no�lee to� 6onower prio � . , � '`.�'' -
<br /> � Borrower's brea�h ot eny coyenant or egreement tn Ws Security tnaWment (�ut not'priar to aceeteratlaa � ��� � �
<br />_��� • . � under paragraph 17 antess appl[cabte law provides oUierwlse� '�he noUze �ha►1 sPecity: (e)the dafaul� � ��_���.
<br /> f:.... ._:. �.
<br /> (b) the actIon required to cure the detaul� (c) a datc. rtot tes�than 30 days irom the date.the nottee is .t�,
<br /> � � � � �� given to 8orrower, by whtch the detault aeuat be curcd; end (d) that falture � cure the detautt on ar �, �
<br /> � � the data iRed in the notice may result In acceleratlon ot t�e sums sec�ared by t1�is Security � .� : �,,�,i�
<br /> detore spse _.
<br /> � � tnstrurnent anA sate ot tite Praperty. The rto�Jr.e shail turtl'ner tniorrn Bonower ot the Nght to retnaYa3e afttr , . .,. �, t �
<br /> _ - . acceEetation �!�± t�e right to 6siag a court actton tg assen the no�existence oi a defau[t or any other � . . . . _
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> � detense ot Borrower to accet�ratiort�and sate. � tf the detault Is noi cured on or betore the date �eciQeO ;,.-�-�°: � ^°•`��' �
<br />_ � � in the noUce. Lender at its opiton may reqWre tmmed�at� paymeM tn tuti oi alt sums se�ured by this , i: � `�;�„��..
<br /> S e c�r i t y t n s tr u c rt e n t w f t h e u t f u r t her demand end m t ry invotce the power ot sale and a�ny othe� remediea
<br /> � permitted �y appt[cabte faw. Lender sha11 ae ent[Ued to collect att expenses incuRe d in p u r�I n g t fi e . . ,.
<br /> � � . remedles provtded tn this paragr$ph 29, tnc[udtng,but not limited tn,reasonabta attorney� tees en� costs �;o!�
<br /> � ot titie evidence. • � .
<br /> � t. � (t thm �wet ot aai� is invoked, Trustee dial! �ecard s nottce of detautt in eaah county tn whtch any . .
<br /> , , part ot the Praperry ta tocated and shati matl t�pfes ot sacte notice in the manner p�escri6ed by apPlir.able . .
<br /> � � � tnw to Borrower Artd to the o4her peraons pnacribed by appi�abte law. Afier the ftme requEred by , . _
<br /> . ._:. . .
<br /> • � appfica6ie [anr. Troatee shali give putrltc notice et sate to the peraona astd (n the manner prescribed by :
<br /> . . .. apPti�abie taw. Trustee, withaut tlemand o» BoRawer, at�ti aetl the Praperty at public euatIon Lo the ':ti.___:_.�
<br /> : . • highest bidder at the ttme and place and under the terms deaignated in ttte natiee ot satc [n one or morc . ,
<br /> ' � parcets and tn any order Trustee determine� Tr�stee may postpone sale of afl ar any parcel ot the
<br /> . � � Properry by publlc anrtouncement at the time and p(ace of arty previousiy scheduled sate- Lender or its
<br /> � ' designee may purchase the Property at arry sale. .
<br /> Upon reaeipt ot payment o! the price bid, Trustee shafl detiver to the purchaser Trusiee's deed .
<br /> � conveying tAe Pioperty. The reclMts tn the Trustee's de�ed shali de prima tacle evidence ot t�e truth cf
<br /> • � ' the s�atements made therein. Trustee shall a�pry the prceeeds of the aale in the toitowing order: (a)to afi .
<br /> - . �sts and expenaea of exercising the power of sate, end tha sale,inchiding the paymsnt ot the Trustee's
<br /> ± � tees ac0ialty incurred,not to exeeed_ot the prirrsipa!amount of 4he aote et tlse tlme of the
<br /> ' , � � � decteratI�n ot defmiff,and reafonabte attemey's taes ss permitied tiy tsw; (b)to aii suma aecured by this
<br /> � � Security fnatrumtnfi end (cj any exee�as tn tha peraon or peraons tegally entltted to it
<br /> � .� � �2. Recomeyance Upan payment of aD sums secured Dy tA1s Sac�uiy tnsbumen�Lender shaD re�uest Trustee to�acomrey Ne
<br /> . . � �P�Y end sha0 suaanQar th�Secut3Y InsWmant and aD natas euid9nCif�doDt seCUred by thts&ei.vrdy(nstrumCnt to Truste� 7tustee
<br /> � shall recenveY��O�Y��aut wartan�r and w3haut ctier�9 to tRe pasart or peis�ns tegaRy�U't�d to�. Sucb person ar persons shat! . ,
<br /> _ • 08Y any rsCOrdattart Costs. '
<br /> � � � 23.Substitute Trustee �aer.e� as oa�n.may tram tire ts t'sne �errtov�TnisteB en�aPPo�nt a suecessar truste9 to enY .
<br /> ' ; Trustee eppofnffi0 her�rtder by an aistrum�t recorde0 0�H►o counry h whkh Nks Seeurity tn5trumanS is �ecarded. W,tt�out Canveyance of
<br /> - . - �• the PrcDertY.SuCCessav fiu�a ShaU r,uasee�to atl t�a t�fe.Dower�d d�tia5 ccnferted upcn TrustEe herea�sn0 bY aDOGCabte Iaw. '
<br /> r . � 24. Request tcr HotLsea Bartawer reQuests that eopies ot ttta natlees of d9fau9 end sAie b9 sent to Bortowefs aQdress whzb
<br /> is tNe ProP�Y ��'�- . .
<br /> � � ;; 25.Fliders ta th[s Security�(nsVuraeni If on0 ar mcta�ir9 ete�scats0 Dy Bortawer and ra�arded togstttet witf►t�is
<br /> 'i" Securdp Ins�tnrmenL N� Ca�ts end eqrae�nenis et eaeA such ridor shaD Ee hearparftte0 �►tv and shall emend and supple�nent tho •. .
<br />_ 4 ' . j ca+r�ints anQ agre6ment�of tAis Secur3yr tnsWrtient es it Na rider(s)were e psrt a!t��4 Secutdy Instruresnt
<br /> : ,� :. ,. i
<br /> � i '• - . -.'j . � p��o}a Farm 9025 0l�0 ._..
<br /> — -- -- 1
<br /> -- .� Ft02attd0l��J�) . _
<br /> - 3
<br /> . � ' " • .'.� .
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