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<br /> �`'_' . + .. � - . . ' ` �
<br /> —=v c ` - � ' � .�. • ENVIdiQNMENTAL RIDEit � �►v�5 • ` y ��"
<br /> , � �.;, �Q�.�� >-
<br /> i. `�:=�,`: .".. �'HIS BNVIRONMFNTAL.RIDBR is ma�te thts 26� � � day of , � . . ' � ,. .
<br /> ,_�.
<br /> _ ��; �,� ` � � ° _TA�sA�v ,' i�9�_ and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to.aanend and- < � �, �, �'�'
<br /> — �, _'`. �: suPPlement the Mortgage, Deed of Tnast or Security Deed.( the "Seturity Instrument"� ef - . . .,..r
<br /> � 6 . �t '' the same date given by the. undersigned (th�"Borrowet") to secure Borrowe�'s nete .
<br /> _ . " tp T� FA1�S tvA�rrO� BANR OP C�iTBAL CITS . • . _
<br /> . � .
<br /> ,.
<br /> -•- _-- -_. . .. - - -
<br /> _. .._._..,...... .._.. `
<br /> . , - ...._, _. � ?
<br /> .. � _Tr� : E ' � ` tthe"Lendei'.) . -- :-:
<br /> � of the same date and conering the praperty descrIbed in the Security Instrument � . . t
<br /> . �",:"Z .i.:.,...�.�.` �: . . �-�t �•�=. - --�` -:`-�
<br /> a =•.:_.._�..` :. ADDITIONAL REPRESEI�3TATIONS AND WARRANTIES. In addit�on to the repre- � � _ . .: _�.• .
<br />- � -. , s�ntations and warranties made in the Secxmty Instrument,Borrower further certi�ies that it � �
<br /> �� U� . , - ` , Itas exerdsed due diligence to ascertain whether the premises or any site within the vidnity � �' �_
<br /> - , ° of the premises is or has heen affected by the prnsence of asbestos,radon,lead,hazardous ur '. '���r ��•::
<br /> � � � ; :" :� ; nuc2ear waste, toxic substances, or other pollutants or hazard�us wastes or materials that �� ' '
<br /> :.; �. �. .. ° .. cuuld be a detriment to the premises or its value. Borrower further certifIes that it has � � � � � �
<br /> : ` exercised due diligence to ascertain wheti�er the premises or any operation thereon violates �r� • ` �-"'� ' 'T
<br /> �• . . . . _:�;. .
<br /> ��; ,. � � � a��y:xal,s �te or federal laws,regulations or standards. �. '�':�.;;�;�;�.,.:
<br />- ��:' , :. .. ., :� --��.a
<br /> -.'��.�.�,:����:
<br />_ ��' � � , . _ .,=a=-_
<br /> . " • __:sx.-
<br /> ' ' . ',
<br /> : - 1:--Bormwer;�its successors and��assigns and Borrower's guarantors (collectively referred to in ` _ --
<br /> .. -- ---- , _. -�-------. .- -- � --
<br /> • � � this Paragraph 1 as°Borrawer") agree to defend, indemnity and hold harmless Lender,��W • F. !'�:-.'Qdy`-
<br /> :. � . � � . • � directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, licensees, invitees, �``''���j
<br /> � . �. ; .;. suuessors and assigns (coltectively referred to in this Paragraph 7 as"Lender"), from and �'���'��--
<br /> � -`- -- -� � . - - against any and all claims,demands judgements,daniages,acfions,causes of act�on,injurles,
<br /> � ;-r:.�-
<br /> •'� • . administrative orders,�consent agreement and orders, liahilities, penaltie,s, costs, and ' '
<br /> �� _ expenses of any �cind whatsoever, induding claims arising out of loss'of life, injury to �� '
<br /> . .�_"�-,. �., persons,property,_orbusiness or damage ta natural resources in connection with acHvities of �
<br /> : �; ; Boaower,its predecessars in interest,third parties who have trespassed on the Premises,or
<br />_ � parties in a contractual relationship with Bonower, or any of them, whether oz not -
<br /> � � occasioned wholly or in part by any condition, atcident or event caused by any act or
<br /> - � � � ' " omission of Lender,which: � - �
<br /> '.+°---' '- °'_-- . .. . 3��r
<br /> . .. . " . . ..�_.
<br /> _ � ' (A) Arises out of the actual,alleged or threatened discharge,dispersal, release,storage, � -;f.��;���-
<br /> �.��
<br /> � .. treatment, $enerat�on, disposal or escape of pollutants ar other toxic or hazardous � �_.�. °
<br /> .- : , substances, including any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irrltant or coataminant, �1�� �"��-"
<br /> t �.. '� , including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and wastes (including � , �-���`�
<br /> - , , mater�als to be recyled,reconditioned or reclaimed);or ���`�'�=T=���.
<br /> .._ • , �:�►�:�_-
<br /> . . ,,;���.`--_
<br /> . : -• _: _ f6) Actually or allegedly arlses out of the use,spedHcation,or incluston of any product, ��'���ry��r�—=
<br /> - � • � material or pracess containing chemicals,the failuie to detect the existence or proportion � -°"�' T
<br /> _��;r.�; ,_
<br /> � �<:_
<br /> . . of chemlcals in the soil,air,surface water or groundwater,or the performance of failure �� s-=;�;.=
<br /> • ��- � to perform the abatement of any poUution source or the reptacement or removal of any "� •,�;.�!°
<br /> � .. . soil,water,surface water,or groundwater containing chemica2s. '+�=�;�M
<br /> � � '
<br /> y . : � 2. The Bonower,its successors and assigns,shaU bear,pay and discharge when and as the. � � � �� '
<br /> � . � . same became due and payable,any and all such judgements or ctaims for d'amages,penalties � � . . � �
<br />= � . � .,� or otherwise against Lender descdbed in Paragraph Z,and shall hold Lender harmless for ' "�' • �' � -
<br /> . � • i , those judgements or claims and shall assume the burden and expense of defending aU suits, � _ . . ..�
<br /> - � � administrative proceedings, and negotiations of any description with any and aU persons,
<br /> , °',�� : � � :. :� political subdivlsions or government agencles arising out of any of the occunences set fotth ; .
<br /> �_- , 1n Paragraph 1. .
<br /> � x.� . .
<br /> �.� " � � �
<br /> . ; � . BY SIGIVING BELOW,Borrower accepts and grees to the terms and cpvenants contained in � � '
<br /> , :'�;�� ` this Environmental Rider. � .
<br /> , :z . . • �
<br /> .�� . ' . .
<br /> � � ' . (Seal) � � . - . .
<br /> .:�. " ,. . Honower • .
<br /> . . ... . � �� .
<br /> - � � � (Se�l) '
<br /> - . . .' � � Horrower . � -. � .
<br /> _ . � .
<br /> � �. � (Seal) � . .
<br /> � . ' Borrower �� � .
<br /> � . .
<br /> - � � ;
<br /> : �-,-- -- -
<br /> ;-_—_.:. .-.._ _..- .
<br /> . � • . i , r
<br /> � �
<br /> . . _ • . . , . . ; .
<br /> � .. . �
<br /> , , � . .
<br /> . �
<br />