-�+ . . . ' . . . .
<br /> _� __ . - � - . . . .
<br /> ,. _ .
<br /> -: �.. . . . � . • . �.
<br /> �
<br /> , . � -- -....., .. � , _ � �.� .� . . � . _ . ... � � . ._ � ... _ .
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<br /> , :r' '. � .: ` . . . ' - ' . �,_ r .. .....:-� .�
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<br /> - :� • � � �l,�.�'.�5,- �U��?'Z . . .-,�. ,� .
<br /> , ; ' by d�is Seauity Inshmmeat.If Bonawer fai7s W gay these s�s prior.to tha espiration of this per�d,Iea�der may invoke . .�, ..
<br /> - ` � aay rea�dies pea�nitte3by this Seca�ity�astrument witteont further aottce or demaa�on Boaoyver. . . t'
<br /> ' . � 18.Borr�wer's itight to Reasffit� If Bormwer�ts ceitaia cdaditions, Borrower shall l�ave the right to ttave . .. .
<br /> . , enfoneemeat of das SecuritY Instrumeat discontinaed at any time prior to the eartier o�(a)5 days(or such other gerio�as . �.
<br /> . agplicab2e law may specify for ccinstate�ent)befa�sale of Ehe Pra�periy p�saamt to eaY Power of sale contained'm this� �'F
<br /> � � Secancp r�r(N.,�a��or(b?eairY of a judgment eaforciag this Secu�ity t„�e.��.nP.+ _�use conditions ate that$orcower.(a) .
<br /> � . . . pays L�ender all stm�which then wovId be dua under this Security Tastnimeat and dte Note as if uo scceleiatian had ... .
<br /> _ oowned: (6)au�s en7+defauit of eay oiher cavenaats or agreemeats: (c)PaYs all eape�ses incu�mrl in eaforcin8 this . . -
<br /> --` i ' -_�",r--'.- g��y , �L mc�ing.but nnt timited to, cea�nable atwrgsya' fees;au8{dj Eakes sue��ian as L�a�s msY -------.-=.-- .
<br /> � � seasonably requiae w�ura t�at the li�of tLis Sect�riry lnshumeat.I�der's sighte II►the Property and Boaower's :-
<br /> - � obligation W the sams secared b�this Secu�ity Instrume�t sball canbaue�mcbaa$esl.Upo�►reinstatement by#�orrowet, . , � ', x
<br /> ur
<br /> this Secun�y � �d tha obvgativas seciued he�by sahaU s�main fally effective as if no acceletation bad axvned. -. ---- - , . .
<br /> - � gawever..t�is rig�t to temstate sball�tappIy i�the ca4e of acceIeiation nader gazagtaph 17. -'�� •
<br /> ati
<br /> � � 19 Sale of PIot�;C6ange of T.aan S�io� The Nate or a pxrtial intesest m the Note wg��r with tbis Se�urity - . .
<br /> _ , ' . instrnm�t)map 6e sa2d oa�os�ose times an t L nutp�'or notice to Boirower.A s a le may t ia a c b.a a g e i a t h e e n ti i y . ` .. ., ,
<br /> (lmown ss the `Ioaa Seivicer')that ooltects mamiily paymenis due aader the Note and Wis Sec�ity Inson�meaR 1Uess ,.
<br /> " ' s l s o may b e ane or more c�a a g e s o f t h e I�o a a S e r v i c e r u a i e l a t e d w s s a t e o f t i i a Note. If theze is a ct�aa ge of tl�e Loan '` .
<br /> ,�; . • � Servicer,Bostower w�l be ven written notice of tiie chaage in accordance with pat�g�aph 14 aTsave�d sppticable!aw- . , . . ;
<br /> � � ' • The aotice will smte the name and addre�s of the aew Loaa Semcer and the sddress to wluch paymmts shanId 6e made. ..'���;�s-w
<br /> � � " � . . .pi�^..-
<br /> � �:, ' � � �e notice w�also conmin auy other informtuion requi�d by 9pplicabte law. -_ _
<br /> ?A.Ha�ardo�Substanoes. Borrower s1�aU not cause or permit the preseaoe.use.dis�osal.storage;or relea�of �<:�- __
<br /> -. �+' , `�' • �y Hszardous Sabsmaces on or ia the Fm�erty.Bomswer shaU not do.nor allow eayone elsa to do.aaythwg affecting , . _�•:-r.�•�.-
<br /> the property that is in violation of any Envuonmeaml Law.The psecedirig two sentenoes shaU not apply w the g�eseace, .; ''.• :. �.
<br /> � � , � usa.or atoiage oa,the Property of small quaadties of Raz�sdous Suhstaaces t�se ara geue�lly recognized to 6e appropriate .'.�(':=?::��:. �'
<br /> , .
<br /> •, w aormal resi�deatial oses and w maiate�ance of the Fm • � �o.
<br /> ea . . •
<br /> -.:� �, . � Borrower dtaU ' Le�der written aoti�f i�resti tioa. 1a ther on b .. _. ='`�._r �_
<br /> . ._.P�PUX�.._.._ .. .._ c1a�m,demaud, wswt oz o acti y .� .;
<br /> • ' aay�govemnoentalo=regaTawiyag�cyospnvaie�PIIttYmvolv`�w-g�@t$-Pta�rtysud�any�ia�rdous-Substaace�or�aviroa-.� -.. -- - �- --� _
<br /> . m�tal Iaw of which Bonawer has ac�ual knowledge If Borrawer leams.or is s:otified by any gavemmental or regulatory . _ --
<br /> ,�� . . � suthority,tbat aay�nval or otbes remediation of any He�dous Subsmnce affecting tha Propeity is necessary.Barcawer . .. • —
<br /> . st�sll pmmptly take allnec�ry remedial actions in sccordaace with Eavironmental Law., � :�-� _
<br /> ��b �.� . . . As used ia t}i'ss pazagzaph 20.'Hazardous Su6stances'are thase substances defined as waic or ha�rdnus eu6s�nces � '
<br /> - = by Envuonmental Iaw sad the following sabstances: gasoline;tcerosene,other t�aiauiable-or.toxic petroIeum products. ._ ":"��"="
<br /> ' : � ' . � wuc pesticides and herbicides,volatile solventx,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.end rediaacAve materiaTs: , . .__ , F�f.
<br /> . � �m t�is parag�aPh 2p, `F�vimnruentai Iav6r'means federal laws and laws of tha jwzsdichon where the Property is
<br /> �� � located that relute w health.safetSt or�vimnm�l protection. � '' '� :
<br /> - ,. : NoiwUx�ut�Covetvnrrjs.Bosawer aad Lender further covenant aad agree as follows: `
<br /> VE
<br /> ' 21.Accetecation;R�edies. Lend�s sL911 give notioe W Borrower prior W acoet�ation following{gorraw�'s --- . .�,��, . .
<br /> � ! ' bmacL of airy ooveaant or agreement in Wis Securtt�Lashwnen!(�ut aoi ptior ta acceteration imder ParagrBP�17 ' .. ' • ,
<br /> tmless applica6le Iaw p�vIdes ofhawise).The aotice s6all speafy.(a�the default;(b)tBne adio�required to care We '`, .�+
<br />- _�� � • d e f a�d t;t c)a d a t�noi less t�u 30 aJa ys fram the date the aoUce�given tn Borrawes,by wWcb the defaWt must be . . � ;;: ;
<br /> cared;aad(�tbat fa,��ue to care the defaWt oa or be8are the datc s p e�S#ed in t t e e�tice muy r e s u l t i n a o ce t e r a t ion �_ ;
<br /> ._ o f t�e smns s e a u+e d 6 y t t i i s S e c�i t y I n s b l u n e n t a n d s a�e o f t h e P�ro p e r t y.The aotioe s[�aU fiuther iaform Borrower `��,{ i �
<br /> o f 4 m e rIgh t t o r e i a s t a t e a f t e r a a c e l e�atioa and the r I g�t to b r i n g a oomt acttoA to assert We aoa�ce of a _---°.,._�:;;� -��:
<br /> ' defaWt or any oW�ss defense of Bormwer to acceleratioa and s�ale. IP the defautt is�oi cua�ed on or before the date . •
<br /> �.,� � ied in the afltIoet Lende�at its op6on may mquise immediate pa�nent ia faU of a0 s�uas seaued by t6is ' ,•� ,�`
<br /> �ty Insin��t without finther demend and may invoke the power of rraie and any other remedies.peemitted b� ,.� K�l.'
<br /> `� . appli c a bie taw.Leader shall be eatitied to co l iect s U eapeases in c m�r e d in pursuin�t 6 e r e m e d i e s p r n v i d e d�n t f� . � � ' ._�`;
<br /> �' paeageaph Zl,inctading,but not Ltmited to,reasonable attorneys fecs and costs of aUe evtdence. �� . _ .
<br /> _ . � � � If t6e power of sale is invo�ed,Tnutee shaU secord s�a�tice of defaatt tr�each county in whic6 any part of the . ..���
<br /> ;i : Ptoperty is tocated and sball mail coptes of svcb aotice ia t6e manner prescn'bed by a4plicable Iaw to Borrower and .. .
<br /> to t�e ottse�persons presm'bed bpagp Hcable law. APter the time eeq�ared by applicable Iaw,Tncstee shall g�ve .
<br /> �. !+ � publit aotice of sale to the person4 e n d in We manner preswz'b e d Dy apP l i�le taw.Tnntee,without de�nand an , '. , �
<br /> . • • Borrow�,shaU sell tdae Fro�at pu6Bc aaction to the�bidder at the time and ptace and wder We te�s , ,
<br /> ;: � ' d�Sgnated im the uotnoe oP s�ie oae or asore Qarcets and auy order Tnistce determines.Tncstee maypostpone
<br /> � , , • sale of all ora�garce!oY the Arop�ty 6y puD1c anno�moement at the tia�e and place of any previously schedWed , �r�., . �
<br /> sale.I.�der or its d�ignee maq�e We Ptoperty at any saIe. � .
<br /> �' � Upoa receipt of paymeat of the pnce 63�,Tn�stee shaU deIIver to the purchaser Tiustee's deed conveying the � �
<br /> �r; • propedy The reataLs in the Trustee's deed sLa1! be prima faae evIdence of the Wth of the statements mude j
<br /> �; ' theaein.Trustee shall apply the proc�ed4 of the sale in the followipg ordes:(a)to all cast,and experises oP exercising �
<br /> , � .
<br /> ,�+ � .
<br /> .' . , .
<br /> Form 30 g7/901pogo�g''^��/6/
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