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<br /> }� � . . ..��. <}�,•,S',, �. . _'? . . . � � ' .. ` - . . ,r. .� - _ -� ,_ •r c d`. G- __
<br /> _ `\ . . ).. � _. ' �F . �^ , �t .. � . .c . � 'F � . . 4 � . .�cw1FC�-�}" (Y r C P. .
<br />'t.: , ' Z' .. . . . ` ' . . `<' ' .� ` , '° G � ' . . . ' , - '
<br /> � '< , , � • � . : .l � ,` .` , < . - .. ' - ` � . ` _
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<br /> � .. . • 4C1Ir�T��3 ,�AI�'1' [`�S���Qa�'a9 � � , i �,r`�k�-
<br /> � -
<br /> . . . • • �"' -"�� ��.
<br /> -. '�" - . This Collateral Assig�ei� (�'Bssiga�eint°) dated December 23 a � �. . .:.,e: � ..�;;�`-
<br /> . . : ��, 299�, 3�s m.�de fraln CABLb IISA, I�IC.,. a �Iebra&ka corparatio� �. ..� , .r�-.�:
<br /> - :�'�"'' (�Bo3�'o�tes^j• as ass�tg�or t� FaRS'�' DI�TZOId NATIQN� B�NK OF NORT� . , t_ � r__: �t� �
<br /> ,� . . CARULIIIA` ("Hank"). a nation�l bankinq assacia�fon; � -� ���:�T1_.
<br />'$� . . S�� , �-"
<br />-- , .` �._ Recitals: � . � ���:�s �"r -
<br /> :�g��^v�
<br /> . �=� _ -- -
<br /> . - �:s-=���� -
<br /> � . � A. Borrower � is entesing into that c�Cafn t�,mendea aua ��t�_��=��_
<br /> . . Restated Loan �greement rrith Hank to Be da►ted Decembet 30, 199�, �.-:=-p�_-
<br /> - � � re2atiug '�o an ag9regate S17,o00,OQ0.00 �redit fac3iity (the "Lean �-� -
<br /> ' � � . . Aqreelaeatn) e.stended by Bank to BorroLter. �-"�"_
<br /> - - ,.� . , � _��--
<br /> �,�•: . _ , : ,
<br /> �.�,=_-
<br /> : �:_, � . _ B. Borrower is the oc+cupant under cne or �ore leases, �.-
<br /> �'` � �asements or other aqrep�ts for the use of real proPertY. �hich _,-�=----
<br /> j �: , , .
<br /> � .. .. 3ease.s, ease�ents ar agreements aad c,�gticl� real property are mnre ��`�._--
<br /> � , particularly desaribed on tDe attache3 �tbit »��� (�bicb leaees, = -
<br /> � ' `• : � �� -: easeaents and jor agreements, tvgether �►3t1� any and all sene�ai�,
<br /> -=--- ' � � � __�-
<br /> ..- -.._.... . - --� ----��xtatrsians�--amendmers�s and--supple�ents� �hereto,--are -collective�y �
<br /> � refescred to fs� tlais Collateral Assiqr�ent as the "Agseemsnt"). The . ��=---
<br /> ��._�.__
<br /> . ot,mer of the real estate under t3ie Agraement ie as identiliad on � �-,,,�--
<br /> - � � � � Sx�f.Hit "A" (aoomer" to iaciude each o�m�r iF nore than one -.---
<br /> . • .:• . .: �.., � . - -�,� ==
<br /> _ Ag�teement or Gwner is .identified�. ��`� �
<br /> ,__ ..__-_ .. -- - - - - -. _.. . _ � - -
<br /> y � C. Aa a condition ta 8ank's eac�easfon to Sorro�rer o! the .
<br />- � financisl acco�odations described in the Loan Agreement, Hank has . �
<br /> - , :._-:� =�. , �.-�--�� � required.ttzat Horra�rer enter. into this Assigre�aent, to �ecure the
<br /> t .. •� •
<br /> �� � . Obligatfons (as defined in tha Loan Agreeiaent);
<br /> .: . _ . . ,,..� PIo�, therePore, •fn consideration of the premises, and fa -. •
<br /> - � - - �� -- conside�atioA of TBTi DOlYa=s ($10.00) aAd othBt qOad �id v81118b1e � ;.- .F�:'"} '
<br /> �� � • consideratfon, the receipt and sufficiency of which are ackaewl- ,,, �•
<br /> ' � edged, Borrawer agrees wfth Bank as follows: 4 ,�.
<br /> �� 1. As collateral securfty for the payment and performance af ;��-`="�;�
<br /> . � ,� • � - the Obligations, Horrower assigns, transgers and sets over to Bank . : •�,�_;
<br /> . (a) ali of H�rzc�r�:'s rf�ht{ tit�e and int�rest, gowc-�s. privi.�eges .Y =. ��,
<br /> aAd other benefits under the Sgreemeiat, �i.ncludiDaq, without ��=� �
<br /> . �. .
<br /> � limitation, thB•rfght of use oP, and where applicable, to take � �
<br /> _ �� . �. ' � possession of and use any and all of, the premises co�vered by the - ° •:'�;r : �
<br />_- .. ' Agreement and related facilities (the "Facilitfesp) made avaflable . � -�
<br /> ; �.� � for use to Borrower, and the right to mahe all wafvers ana . . •,w:. . -..�
<br /> � . _ . �. agreeaents, to give all. notices, consents and releases, to take all
<br /> -. -- . .. - action upon the happening of any default givinq rise to a right in �_
<br />- favor of Borrower under the Aqreement, and to do any and all o�her �'� j� .
<br /> � �� . �� �� things Whatsvever wbich Boxrower is or may become entitled to do : � .
<br /> -- ' : � un8er �he Agreement, and (b) Sorrower�s renewal aad extensfon . _ .
<br /> h
<br /> . optians, if any, under the Lease or any other agreement to extend .
<br /> ; .' ��� , � ; , the tarm oP the Agseement. ,
<br /> 2. Qpon the accurrence of any "Event of Default" (as deffned � i
<br /> ,- �: � . in the Loan Agreement) or any faflure og Borrower to perform or
<br /> � � � '
<br /> - � � , i
<br />_ . , • ;
<br /> . �� ' ' � . ..-T— -.�_.._,._....,.. .... ...-tj.�-�__.. . . _ ....... . __..--_�__'— .
<br /> ' ' ' �. �� .�r . . . . ' � . . ' . . ` .. . ' � _ � . .. . • ' .
<br /> ' � ' � ' • . . � - � . . . ' . � . ` . .' ' . ' . .
<br /> • � . ' . - . . - ' . ' _ �t . , • ' _ .
<br /> ' .. :. .. . , .. . .
<br /> .. �' . ;_ , . : . . . .. , ' . . � ' . . .� � � - �
<br /> -.. _ . � �� - '-. �
<br />