? t��s. • • . . .:r`. .f!• � •'`
<br /> � • .`•.� . . � . ; . . ..�: . -.- . �.`� ' . . . _ �� --
<br /> _ � .. _ r,. � .. _ , . ., _. . . _ . • � � ,.: � . _ -
<br /> . . , . . ' �'"• � • , �r- � - - .� • � . , � � �. . . . .
<br /> • . .. _ '�'. . . ., r . . ' ' � :.y►�.. . _-
<br /> �` , ; .. . . f �� . . � • _ .
<br /> ` < . .
<br /> i . . -"
<br /> � '� � . . T1�QETt�WfTH aD tbe[mpmv�ne� now ar her�ter aerded on'the PmP�Y,end efl Qssetneiffi.aPPurtenanees.end -• - . .
<br /> t:•` 4 . .__. . _ fD�sues now ar h�reetter a part�oi the properiy.A0 repTae�nents end addtlIona sha0 elso Ee eav�ed by th?s Ssuui�yt tnstrumerrL � , � - ':""-
<br /> • �, ` ._ AD at tke faregaing�tafered to tn thfs Seaufty tnstr�mtert es ffie'Propert�t.'. '(4. , . _
<br /> ... BOARdWHi COVHVAM'3 thaf Bonower ta Iawtlily setred af the eaffie�lsereDy comreyesrd and has the d�t ea�aa2 and � . . - � -
<br /> ` � � comrey fhe Pmp�ty and that the Ropety ts wenamb�exoegt tcr enatmbrances ot�ecard. HotroNer wartanis aasd wID � � . .
<br /> . . ' defend gmieraIIy tits ffife to t�e Fropety a�inst a3 da&ns snd demands.subject to eny e��rmL�ances af r�cord. ` . .. � ' • .
<br /> _ , � THlS SECURriY tNSifiUMENT cot�ines unHome eav�anb far �attort2} uae and nan�un(fom� eavena�rts wlth Cmlte:+ � � . —
<br /> . � . : . ' veitatfmis by jtuts�eHon tn ent�st3ute a tmHorm seautty Gtshtment covcfig reaf pcope�ty. ' ,0 . . '`�
<br /> , ...� �. UNIFOAM COVENAM9. Bmrower end L�d�covenant and a�ee as fo¢aw� . • ' -
<br /> ,. f; "� . , i.Paymont af PrirtctpaT and lrateres� Prepaymsnt and l.a�e Cf�arga�.eomower shan�cei�►va�r wh«� �� ,,��;�� `. "`�:.
<br /> . >• , �a tQe prBat�sel of and inte�est on tAe deM eutde�e�d by tRe Eiate and m►Y PrepayrtseM end tate charges due under the Not� � .. -_
<br /> . :: � ' ;• 2. Funds for Tauoe�and Insurane�.Subiedt to eppIIcable�.iw or to a wtftien waiver AY l,.�Qes.Borrower ahe0 pay � . , _
<br /> : :.:._. �• ta I.�►dar on the day momhty payme�fts ere due undv the Note.ucml the tVote ts pald fi fu1A a sum (`Funds')tor: (a)yeariy . . , -
<br /> � taxes end essess�ttenLs r�Aicb t�jt atte§t ptio�+over tlil3�s�y►lnsIItu��s a Q� on !hs�ty. (b3 Y�Y� '� . '
<br /> .,. :�-��;.
<br /> .. ..
<br /> . P�en.s or�ourtd r�1ts on tho ProA�f►.��Y. (�)Y��Y hazard nr prop�ty tnsivanca P�� (d?Y�+�Y IIood tns�ua�tce, � . .
<br /> �': • P��s.��11:(e)Y�N maRgage tnauranee pcant�.nns.B nny,and(fi er►Y sums DayaDta by Bortower to Lend�in aocordanee ` .
<br /> �;, : �� . wdA the provisiona oT peragraph &to¢eu oi tha payment of mart�gs tnsivance prertdiuns. The�e ftems aia ca{ted'Esaow , - �: .•• c;
<br />_�,;,_:. .::. .:• ` Rerns.° L,a►der msy. at enY�me.eoIIect end hold E�mds in an emo�mt not to mccead the ma�d►RSUn emau�rt a ieida fer a ` :: . ..
<br />��'- • ---- --�-- federaQy rete�ed trtortga�[aan tttay reqUUs tar Batrower's essxaw eccouM wrd�x tlre federal Real EsLata Selttemart Fracedur� � ., •`.
<br /> rr�o t . �:• •_ -
<br />�` � � � . Aet ot 18T4 es am�ded trom timms to Nme,12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. l'RES�A'). untess another taw that appHes to the Funds .�: •` *
<br /> ��a:. . . � sets a les.s�amourtt. H so.Lends may.et ar►y Um�coQect and hold Funds �n en emow�t not to excead the less�emaimi � •: ,�.. ''�
<br /> ' . , . Lendss msy estlmeie the amaimt ot F�mds due on tha haais W currertt data end reasonabte estlmates of�ert6hire.s ot tUWce �„ , '� `�'�'-""'*�
<br /> '" Es�aow tGEms ar othetvTse tn acsordanee with epp4m�ta�aw. �'�`'�' �
<br /> ? � The Funds shaB be hetd fi an tnsh3Non whose deposib are 6umed by a tederal a$ency,instnm�ffii'dy,or . < "``=
<br />_ " . • - -" _ Lender.tt Lend�[s sucfl an inslf�tton or fn �Y M��9 , ��'.'.,,•
<br /> � ) erry FederaT Home La�B�k. I.eid�shaA a�py the Funds w pay the Eaaow "'�'_ -`
<br /> '� • ttena Leredzr�nay not ehargo Bnrrowe�r for hottBng and aAAM�9 the Fwids.�enuaHY enayz�n9 ths es�row�accamt,or vaHytng ., - ` _� v
<br /> the Esaow itena. uniess Lender Bormw� (nteest oa the Funds end �t"�===--,
<br /> � ` �� ,. � p a y s a p DQwbte taw p�mfts Letdzf to m�ke stt�h a �;
<br />_ �f � � ` eherge. Hawev�. L.e�da Borrow�w a eneilrrts , ,�'-•'`"�=-
<br /> �71�ue PaY ct�9e tor an tnd�end�t reai estsie tax teporUng sevlce _.�_-.:����
<br /> - , . . , . used by lenda fn connecffion wwithh thls tosn. unless a�sraPSlo taw pravides otherw(se. UNess an a�eemeit is mada ar . .... �`��
<br /> _ , `•� aDpQcab(e taw reqnites interest to be std,lende�shaU not be , �:- ��- "`�-:.
<br /> P r�quUed m PaI►Bortowa erry U�taest or eamings an the Fvnds. �„�'r-
<br /> . . • . Bortowsr and Ls�d�may a�ee tn wri�g, however. that Grtems4 sfial 0e Datd on the Funds. Lertd�sha7 gka ta Barrowa. : r-`�°. -
<br /> . .--_..�_�.:.,----,_ ...__.... ..�w�hout-chatge.-en�etmttal-eccourttfngofthe�fun�s,-sttawing-aed�s-end�eb@s-to-ihefunds-and�ihe-putposa-tor-Hlhlch�-acA�-- .. ---. .-. . '� --
<br /> _ �-- urtn ,
<br /> . debft to the Funds was mad� The Fimda are piedged as addNonaf securily tor aB sums secureA by the Seaitify lnstrument , `-..��`�-
<br /> • • ' � fl the Funds he3d by L�d�mcceed tha amourrts pennfifed to be held by appllcabie taw,Let►d�s sAaD accourn to Borrovrer , _` -
<br /> • tor tfie mcce.ss Funds in accordance w�the requtrements ot appQcebk+taw.If the emourrt of the FwQs h�d by LenQer at atry � ...•.y�--
<br /> � ' • tUrre ts not suftt�ent to pay the Escraw ttems when due. Lender may so nati�t Bonawer in wriBng,ertd In snr��se Botrower � .. . m �
<br /> ... ' � • _ shaU pay to Lender ffie amount neceESeg►to make ap fhe defid�cy. BotroNr�r sha0 mske up the deflden+.y tn no.mor�ffian. , "'.. - -
<br /> .. . . tweNe moritlUy►D��.8L LQlde'e 3019 dIBtTE�ifOD. "` ,, .�
<br /> , ' : Upon paymm►t tn tW0 of a0 sums securcd by th[s 3ewrity(nstrumer� l�der shaU pmmptry�ehmd to Barmw�arry Funrts ' � � .�,'�
<br /> _ � . • • hdd by L,�der. lf.und�para�aph 21,Letder sha0 acquke or sell the Proyeriy,Ls�d�prior to the acquisffion ar sata o1 Ue � '�r � 4 y
<br /> ProPerty,sha0 apAfy erry Funds hetd by Lende►at the dme af acquisJtion cr�te es a aedit against the sams secured by thts � � �
<br /> s
<br /> ' . .. �: secvrityinsfinnad. . . -. x.�'• . .
<br /> ' . 3. flpp1lC�llon of Paymant� Unless appOcahle law pror:d�s othe�wlse. eU paymenfs recehred by tend� cnder � , *�
<br /> • . . psra�aphs 1 and 2 shaD De eppIIeE: fi�st,to arry PrepaymEmt charges�ue und�the Note;second.to emour�payEble�mder , ''�' �� :
<br /> P��D��thhd.to�nterest du�fourtA.tv pttnrlpel du�artd fast.to azry tate Cha[ges due unde►the Note. . . ; :a,,E=L
<br />- .: • . . . 4. Chuges; Uott� Betrower sha9 pay �1 texas. essessmertts. cha*6es. fines and tmyosHlans affimutabts to Uie '���"�;
<br /> _ Proy�ty whTeA may atffitn priorfty over thta Securfry Instrume�and teasehatd paymenLs or ground renta,it eny. Borrow�aha0
<br />-- .--•----.---- - pay thess obOgattons tn the m�nner pmvtded in paragraafi Z.m (i not paid fn that manmr, 8orrawer sha0 pay them on t6na _.. .,.••..: ,ti c. °- ' -
<br /> dtrecay to the persan owed payment Borrower shaD promptfy tumisA to Lertder e0 nottees of amounts to be paid und�ffifs . : � �
<br /> . para�aph. If Bamawer makea these paymetrts �recriy. Borrowe► sha8 prompityy tumisA to Lender recetpts evidendng the • � -
<br /> m
<br /> . paymertis. • " �i
<br />- - . Borrawcr sha9 P�PfN�scharga erry Qen whicA has pdo�ly w�this SeeuAry fnstrument unless Barrower: (aj agreas in . • �-.'�/.�=� .
<br /> _ � � . wdUng to the paymertt o1 the obIIgatlon secuted Dy tha Uen in a manner eccepfaDie to La►der, (b) centests In gaod faftt�the �� �
<br /> . . , Iten by.or defends agetnst entorcemer�t of the Den in.tegal proceedtng�wnlch In the L�Qer's opinion operate to preirent the � .,
<br /> � . ertforcenertt of the�en;or(ej secures from tha holder a!the�en an a�e&t�ertt satfsfactory to Lender s�orda�affitg the Qen to •• •.
<br /> . . Hds Securigt Instrumrnt If Leider detertNnw that eny part o!Ne Prope�ty is subjed to a Qen whtch may ettak�pdorHy over thts . , . � .,
<br /> • Seari�►(nstrumaft. Lertder may give Bortower a notice IdenUtytng the Qen.Bortower shaB satisty the Iten or take one or moro oi �. • •
<br /> _ - . the acHorts set tarth a6ove x:th�10 days oi the ghrktg ot rtoth;e.. . . •
<br /> t � ;
<br />- . ,� • , 5. H'�za�d or Property Iresuranca.Botrower sha0 keep the tmproveme�s now e�dsstlng or R�eafter ererted on the ' �
<br /> d
<br />_ ' PrePertS►fnsured ageDist loss by fire. h�ds induded wtthin the term 'e�4ertded coveraae` and eny other haracd�, fndudmg � . � ' : '�.' `.
<br /> ftooda or ftoading,tot vYhiclf tender requtras insurance` This insurance shaU be mah�talned fn the amounts artd for tfie pefods � �
<br /> that Lend�requkes. The tnsurance ceater provi�ng the insurastce sha7 be chosen by Bortower eubject to LendePs appmval �
<br /> ` � which st�al not be unreasonabSy wfthhe(d. N Borrower fa�Ts to rt�tn coverage desaibed above. Lender may, si Lender's •
<br /> . -_.. optton.oblait►tavera�qa to protect Lendels dghts(n the Property(n accardance wlth para�apb 7.
<br /> '� • _ � . A9 tnsuranee po0�es artA renewata ehaD be accepLaLle to lender and shaA ineNde e sffindard mortgage dausa. lender ! • .
<br /> . shaQ have the dght to hoid 43fe poQdes and�tewats. If Lender requirees,Bcrrower shaD promp8yr give to lend�aD recetp�o� � �
<br /> pald prendums and r�newal noUces. fn the event of tass,Bortower sha0 give prompt nottce to ihe fnsuranee nrrte and La�d�
<br /> : ' Lender rtsay maka pmaf ot toss tf not made Pmr�ty by B�rrower. � ' � . �
<br /> � • � Untess L,e�der ana Borrawer otheiwfse a�ee tn writing, tnsurance pmceeds ehaD be sppfled to resMraUan o►repab o1 the �
<br /> �� '.• ' � Propaty damege�H the restora8on or repair b ecanortd�ragy teasmte and LendeYs sewdry la not tessened. If the restor+aSon or � ' � �
<br /> ..�. .' ,= � repaY is rtot economicaQy(eas�ie ar LendeYa seeurity►wx�(d be tessenerl,the Insivanee proceeds sha0 ba epp8ed to the sums .
<br /> _ ��;r _ � seaced by thfs SewrRy tnstrmnertf, whetha ar not then due,wftN etry e�toer,s patd to BorrowEr. [i BoTrawer abandons the ' � . .
<br /> ;� Roperty,ar does not ensw�w�hin SO days a natice iram Lender that tAe insusence cerrt�has oitered to settte e etakn. then i
<br /> _ �• . Lertder msy coYeet ffie tnsWance proeeeds. Lenda may use the pmeeeds to repaU or restaro the Fropely ar to pay sums
<br /> . • sewred Dy t1�Seduityt tnstnnnent,whether o►rta2 then duv. The 30d�y pe�tod wID begtn whe�fhe notioe ts gNen. �
<br /> - . . • UNes� L�der and BoROwQ otherwise a�ee tn writing. arry apPQcaUon a1 proeeeds to prin�pal shaD not �dend ar
<br /> � � � postporte the due date ot the monthty paymen�reterred to In paragapha 1 artd 2 or ehenge the amawA o!the payments. If 1 � .
<br /> °� f�* unQer pnra�aph 2f tha Properiy ts ec�tred hy Lend� Borrowe�a dght to erry Insivanea poIIdes end proceeds resuttirtg trom '
<br /> �. :•. damnge to the Propaty pda to the ee�ISNton shaD pass to Lerd�to the e�Gent ot the sums by this Sea�iry Instrument � �
<br /> G
<br /> hrnr►e�tety pdar to the ee�n. ' '
<br /> '� .. . 6. Occupancy, ProH�ation� MatM�nancs and Protacttan of ths P�operty; Bor►ower's Lo�n ' �
<br /> . AppUt�tion; I,+�asahotd�.Borrower sha9 oeeuyy,esmb8sh, and use ttte Piapery as Bortowefs pr'�noipal resid�tc0 within �
<br />_ � • . sbGy days afta the aceaNan o!tNs Seaairy tnstiument snd shafl eorrte�ee to accupy the Prepaty as Borrower's prindpal � '
<br /> � � resIdence tor at feast oha year after the date of ecaipanCy.untass L,�der oUte�n1se a�ees tn vrrft,�g.whicA consent shafl nol � �
<br /> � � be urtr�sonabiy w$hh�ar�mfess mdenuatgtg�umsEenees mdst xfiteH are beyand Barmwers cantroL Bortowa shat!not �
<br /> _ � �esflroy.Qer�age ar.Uripab the PMopdty,aFaw the Praperry to deterlorata,or comrr3t waste on the Pra�eriy. Bmroive�shaD ba hf
<br /> , • defa�dt H erry torMhue aeUon ar procee�g. wflethe d�id or cr6rdrial,ts begun that in lend�r's ynod taftA judgm�t eautd resutt . .
<br /> � • �. [n fo�te�ure of tl�o Property or othetwise matertsLy impafr tha Qen areated by Nis Seartry Instrum�t or Lender's securiry interat. � '
<br />- _ Ft318.t.�l0 t101443 � Fa�a?ot t �� ...- __. .-., .
<br /> . 8'009 . •
<br />