�� • _ � � i c.' � 'E -
<br /> � .'� . .... � . �.ri ��4-. {. . r c. . _ . r � . . \ c� � - � ' � -, 4�c, , ;.a i� .
<br /> . , � <�• s ,� , .. r , 8� •t
<br /> '�.� . `°J � . � . ` _ � rt . , _ 4' ' ' .:9.a' ` i. .
<br /> sif'.-'� r - c � � _ • . ; • � -
<br /> _ t' _ : .
<br /> —" . . ' . . �` . . ♦ —_
<br /> -T,. . � � ' ! � . , .. v', , �. —_
<br /> .. (� A9 �out ot tntl Ptoyat�►. ar a b�rtrtaBCW tnaarsst in � mr�s awnhp a9 ar Rsrt ot the Pmperty, t� sctd ar , . , —
<br /> � -. - oihprwtsa kuu�rta8`(o3�t thAn E1r dMse ar�U bY tt�Boaaw�r.�nd ` �-
<br /> -' `.,��.:�; , . (�Tla PraAertl ts a0t accuD�bl►�A 0'�hass bt�anfN as hie Cr ft�t Pth��at cntide�t��.�tho pur�tt4sef°Gt '-'� � . � , _-
<br /> �> �Y . . , p�t91a �s sa 000�►Ay tiw �ty. O�t Rt� Or t�er wdi Aas rtot mwir► opOroved tn �cearOIIr�ce �v�l► tM � ' r -,
<br /> .. . �iaa�ts at tM S�cntaty. ' � � _ . ti.� -
<br /> `:(:, . (Cj �IIO 11VAIYN.H Ctt�m�at�nCaa OCGUr ttut wOtt(Q Owe��L�t�r t0 aqulr� hYmdiaU WY�t 6 fug.Eut LetidR � . . ....,�
<br /> ,. . • . ' das nat wquir�aic�paymw�b.�.�9r dou na!waM b�tt wiA wtP�ct to dubseq�nt swnie. • � . _
<br /> . `' � .; '� (d� Re�eiat[ans o4 HUl7 Sacret�ryt. [n m�r crca,m�n�a c.�+tiuons r:svaei o�r e�s �r w� em�� . �� �
<br /> � 6snd�fs�b.b 9tN cat�a!paymmt d�uls.to�tire�iPary� H fYi➢�d krectose Y noi petd.Thie � ' , , ..
<br /> _ .��;`- . 8�cur�y Inatrvrtwnt daQS not�uthcr�acce4rat&on ar taceciosmv tt no4 P+�tiY��tlons o!the Secrata�y. . � . -
<br /> _, � � • - ^
<br /> -; __ , _ � (e}ld�st�Lte idot is��d� eoRaw�r a�e�s u�ae anw,ia ws s.c,a�►mstrum�:ana cns aote sea,�ea trt�ao�r C�1t :
<br />- not b� �1�j�y far fnsu�co urtQe►ths Na�onal Housha Act wkAin 1�0 trom ffie 6ete heraaf. � �- -`— - ,
<br /> ,, :� .� • ' , Lind�r may. �t Its aDUo��nd nol+x8hstan�np anyUtinO in pata�aph 9.[�ut� Y�P�►Y�t h fu4 ot 87.aucns � ?.;� � � ' �.
<br /> s�wu�d bU.tflts Secur�ll tns�vrtiertL A wn�FOri s�ertsent of my autl►orFad �ent of ths 3erxelarY dated sybseQaertt • �. ` }
<br /> . � ' -..`�._�-: ' ta 180 erom tt+o'date f�ereo� dacWn�to tnsu� tlsfs S�urR�t U�strument an�tne NOta sacurad `, ` �. .; :�� ".
<br /> - �. � � v+erebr. sh&1 bs deartied CoacLshrs Draot of suctf hai�Y1ll.Ho�w�,sran�rn�ms ra�ha.m�a�uo��ar n��� �� :
<br />- �• �ised 0Y Lndar when ths unava9ab�►,af trtsurartca Ls aoletY Qw to Lsndafs ts�to ramt a rrwrt��s hsvranca `<< . . � --
<br /> �
<br /> ' . .� ' : ' vraniim to tha Sacntuy. . , ';�.��_
<br /> � �' �:��. 70. Reinstatemen�eorrower t�s a�»t to e�cam�d k tmasr tus reaated hnwatata Pav�t„tuw becauso ot ' .-
<br />., � Barmwws Qa�n to.D�9 an amaunt dus imder ths Not� a tRi�S�aat�l ��L This rqM eAP4�s even ette�forectosura , . ., :?`�"��"
<br /> . , � .- psoceedh�s�s hsti�ted.To wbstate the Secvftll tnswrtw�t,Borrower ahai�rtder in a Au� sum aY amoucrts r�equtred m ;::�-,=.=T��
<br />_ .. � brtnp Barowr's a�camt curwnt ha�d�sQ, to ths e�dent ths�►at��ob4p�t�s of Boaawe� urt�r thts Secufd�l tnshum�+� ' ._°�.""s,"-`..
<br /> , h�f `< r;:.
<br /> +.�t�:---
<br /> . to�aotostua eosta anA ra4COnaDle_an0 custom�r�l attarttaYS' iMS �nd c��ns�s PmOeM Qssactafed w�A tAe tareclosuns • . .�i�=�.,,���
<br /> � . praCeYdUiCa UPan ratrts�tt by 8ortowe►.thb S�rrili tnstrum«ft end th�00�ltens ftm!�secutes ShBY_ranain In eHaR is ��
<br /> _ . . .. ,'"' B L�det Q8d ttnt rBquYed htme�Oallh�ent In N�HowaYer.lender b not nquiced to parmB[atns�nent 8:.(i)I.endet h�s ��"�•,:�.��`-_-��y_
<br /> - xrlhin txro yeets.htmedie18ty Precedhp .. '���
<br /> ' - . , eccepted rehs".atement after t�o cammencament o! faracioa�ua procaedU�s �e " •,.5,;:�• '_ _
<br /> . ., ,��. -
<br /> _ °
<br /> , , ..-_,-,-� ....--�----�--��--�--�tomm.�t-ot-.-euaonc-�arectosun pra�edinQ.t��:�+r�.�racVair.raraetos,uu�_an d�a[ens.pmunds.Tn.thR-niprr�a-------..--. `. ���-
<br /> ` or(�rehs�ment wi9 adua�so.Y�1.ths priorRy of tl�a Bon enated 6y thb Seeu�y InstrumenL . • .•..;�`.:
<br /> • • , . � ,��,-,
<br />- ;� 1 �„` �� 11. Boaower Not Reteased:Farbeuance By�.ender Not a Watvar.E,aensron of ma ume o�psymerst m :..�t, �_.�
<br /> � mod�ication of amortt�lion bf tt�6ums sacurod bY t11is 8�cur�y►NshumeM�nted Oy Lsndar to eny successor Ort Fnt�t ot
<br />- � � -- Bonow�r ahti no!opRab�to rabas�th�if�bPty of ttw-orfpU�al Borrawnr or Bocrawefs swxessor tn tnteresL lender shao no!Ea ' . _.. --�°
<br /> :, ... `� ' ..`. '�.,,.: . _ _.
<br /> ._,,.� :
<br /> raq�ited tm eortmaice O�cceiidf�W+�frist-anY successof h tnt�!a raNas to eoQend tim�tar�t or ot3te�wtss mod� ...
<br /> .� amortJatbn ot tA� sums SeCUred.by t�Is 8eptrRS► UtstrurtNr� bY cwon oi �ty demend �de by the or�inat Botrowar or '
<br /> � . � Bortawers �cossoa h KUna6 My fo�by Land�r h m�efstnp any►Rph! or r�medY shaA not Oe a waMr of or . '
<br />�. i" . .,. .. ' �;�. precWd�N��ot eny rt�M ar can�edyt. � -
<br /> ��:•..,-`-. .: : :}. - •
<br /> � . • . . 12. Sliceeasora and Aeatsns Bound; Joint snd Savarel Llebittty;�Co-Signer� �a ao�renanra ene . . ,
<br /> . ' ' a�eements of tflis Securfly Instrument shaY bfid an0 baneft tha succ�score�nd asstqns ot LenQer snd Borrower�sub�ect W tha
<br /> e
<br />_ • . RrovfsTons of Pera�Bph 9b.Bortowers cavenents and a�aert�enta sfia➢bs joint end Savem6 My Bor�war wh0 Co-s(gns thts �.
<br /> . � _ SecurdyF tnsuurrtent but daes not executa ths Not�(4)ts co-sipnh�dW Securky Inswman:onry to mortgape.grant and canwy : �-�
<br /> ' � thst Bortowers htetest in th0 Properly unQer the te�ms ol this S�CUt�Y'tatstrum�tt�•N) is no!Personally oDepBted to PaY� � �•' .��� • •
<br />_ ��. ;��•.
<br /> .. -- sums 58eutad by this Soeu,r@y ins7umen� and (a)�685 Mat LAnaor ano.ny o�,er eo�owe� mar a�ree m e x�e n e. l i t o d 7 y. .. - .,. ,��,� �
<br /> ' toiboar ot matw arry accommodattasis wib repard to the terms ot thts Sec�aity InsGVment or the Note w@hout that Bortawers ' �
<br /> � , . � cansenL . . • ,.S.���... �
<br /> �.
<br /> �. . � . - 13 Notlee.My nottce M BorrorrR provided(or b this 3ecurTl►fnstr�mwnt s�&0 be pNen by deIIverin��ar by me�rt�R �" • `-��
<br /> ::�
<br />- . � � bp ftrat Ct�as m�untess epp�cable i�+r+requires us�of enothar metho0.Ths notk:s shas be directed to the PropeRy Address or " .",'-:���:;
<br />_ .. • Any other address Barrower dos�atas by noUco to lsndor.My notic�to Lsn�ter sha7 be pken Oy first etoss maD to LenQers �� .
<br />"- . sdQress ststad haroY� or arty addrass Landor dui� by notic� to Borrawer. My nottco Provlde0 for h th� SeeurYy � , ' �.
<br /> . Instrumant sha�D�down�d W hau�bem 0�+ta Bortow�r w Land�r wMn 0�as��h thi�D�O�DA. .. . _
<br /> „ • .
<br /> . � . 14. Gaveminp Lew; SeverabUity.�nm sea,�y �nsa�umant an�e e•Qm�err+od ay Feaera� �axr ana ene �w o��e . � �'�
<br /> . ' � jurfsdictton h xfiicA th� Property fs loated.tn tha wait that�nI► provtstan ar eYus�ot thta Secur'd1► Instrument o�tha Nota -'�- �.- ' �.,;' ,`
<br /> ° �„ � ;�: • tontACffi wBh�pp�cabp�aw,sueh eonfGet ahaY not afteet oth�proviabna of thta Security Instrument or the Note whtch can bo ' . . �
<br /> • . piuen eftect wRhaut ths aanfti�thp pravisiort.To thTS end the provbiana of thls Securityy Instrument and the Note are dec�re0 to . • �.' '�
<br /> • . b9 swerab(a. .
<br /> : ' � � 15. Bonower's Copy.eorrower snso bo onron ona conromwo copy or thes securny rnswmena _ �. . _.
<br /> � � . � ' 16.Assl��menQ of Rents.Bamowe uncond�taru�y osa�s�ne uansina to tendor at ths rents and revenues of ths .. '.
<br /> ' - Prop�rty.Bamaw�►uMor6as Lmdn a I.�ndws a�nb W CoA�ct tM nnb�nd�snuas an0 AerebY dtrocts esch tenant of tha � •
<br />-_ � • . Property to pay tM r�r�ts to Landr a Land�a apmts.Howr►h►.prtor to t�ndM'e notia to BarrowN ot Bortowels b�aach o1 �
<br />� - ., enY cavanant or aprN�nt(n tM S�eurYfl Inetrumrn�8arraw�r shal co�ct�nd tec�M et�nto and r�venues of tha Piraperty � � .
<br /> � � ' as Wsta�for ttw brNH o1 L�ndr md Borrow�Th� atatpnmYnt ol nnts const�0�s on abso4ts assipnmen!and not m .
<br />_ - . � essi�nm�►t tar add3lond aeavfdy ony. . �
<br /> '• • . Il l.and�r piws not��ot braoch to Borrawor: (a)aY ronte neaMb by Borroxror shaY be eet�by 8onower as trustaa tor � •
<br /> ' • ' baneft ot Landar onSy.to ba appQod to th�sums aocund by tM S�eufdy Insbumw�t(b)La�dar aha0 be ent8led to co0act�nd
<br /> ' � � recatu�a1 of tM rent9 of tho PropeRy;ena(o)6�ch tonant of 4ha Ptoparry shaY pay a➢renta due and unpaid to LsnQOr or � �
<br /> _ . _. . tsn6efa ep¢nt on LsnQara wfdten dertian0 to ths ten=nL f .
<br />�� • �., Barrawar hao rto!exacuted any pfcr asstpRment ot the rents an0 has not and w�not pertonn any act that wout0 prevent , . -
<br /> . • " . Lender ham ex�ncbiny R.s�hb unQW this PetWnPh 16. � . .
<br /> � Lon�r shtl no!b�nquitid to enta upon.taks eantroi of or rtyhtiin th�PropeAy betor�or afte►glvhg notice o!breach to � . .
<br /> ; ,,.'• .•;� Borrowr. MowwN.t�nda a�Judtcl�S►+�OGoint�d wc�kw nny do�o at usy th�s thera Fs a breach.AnY ePAAcation of�ents � .
<br /> - � � � , • shaM not cuns fH watw�any Qef�ut or irtvaQQUr ony othn rtQht or reinrdy of Lartdv Tt�b essipnmertt of rents o!tho Froperty i � .
<br /> � � • ahaY termtnatr wh�n tt�de6!�curad by th�S�curiy tnaotmwit(s O�d b Rill. �
<br /> • .� 17. �orectosure Procedure. If LenQer requlres t�nmediete psyment in futl under Parngraph 9, ; � � �
<br /> ' � Lender may (nvoke the power of sale aed any other reme�les permitteA 6y applicabte law. , �
<br /> � � ' Lenater si�tt be enUt[ed to eoltect a1! expenses IneuRed in pnrsui�g the remedtes provided in i� �
<br /> � '"��.. � � thfs paraqrapb 1T, Mctudi�g, but not Itmfted tc, rea�onabfe attoraey� tees end costs of titte ; �
<br /> • ev�dence. �
<br /> �
<br /> ' - � • � �; . ' .
<br /> - . ,
<br /> .
<br /> -_-�.. , -: ,._�'_-___._�__'_ fSII131.AE�t�li1) PtOf�of�
<br /> .. �c _ . ;:--__���..__..�:::.-:�-.-
<br /> " t� � �.. . • ' . . •� 1• . . .
<br /> . . d� .. I,
<br /> � _ � .
<br /> ' �:
<br /> ' . '. . � .
<br /> � .. .�' . . ._. . __ "____ _.. ..1 _. .____ __.— ..
<br />