.. . .i. � • . . .. - y� .t,� ar :fi �f � . - `�" C'�_ _ `e t . . < ; `. L `.tt `� , ..t . `.
<br /> S�� A� •�(. 1 . . . -,� ,.� � - 4 -� ' �� ',�.
<br /> . c -<,. - ' y»: ' - .t, F� - ' � - . c- `- _ ' }4 0+-� i .s
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<br /> t:~- LCA: 'C ' , k � . . , �.. -�. -- � - .. C�� i.Y �• ,
<br /> Z ti'a �.t �� �. ' ' � �. . . . . �" . . ° ' �< , .;� . L . . , '
<br /> �S.e� � :�c t . • `� . - � i.. ' ' - , a " . - '' -». " _ �..` _ . ,, (Y:'.
<br /> -}�..t . . . _ , � � . - . ,
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<br /> �� - r ` � � ' � �5�005�� . 6.
<br /> 4}� .� .. ` � � :� ..y .
<br /> ,����:`. , " . 1'7.'Transfe�of the Froperty or�Beueficlat Interest in Bortower.If all o?anp pr�rower�is not ser tural person without . ,... -
<br /> - `�`� � • is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiat intemst in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Bo ;....t:, � ``
<br /> -=��=}' •,. Y P t in full of�11 sums secured by this . _
<br /> ��'i�'', ` Lender's prior writtan rnnsent. Le�der ma , at its o tion. require immedi�e PaYmen � �
<br /> gecurity Instmment.However.this option sha!!not 6e exerciseii by LendeF if exercise is prohibite�i hy fedetal law as,of the date �}v�
<br /> -��•���- x;" ` of this Security Insmurient. ' ; }. , ' —
<br /> � '�' ' �• If Lender exercises this aptian. Lender shali�ive Borrower noace of accet�ration.The notiee shall pmvide a period of not
<br />-�-�rr F.�..� �:•°� -
<br />::7.:�•:,���?�',:•. (ess than 30 days frora the date the notice is delivered or mailed witlrin which Bortower must pay all sums secumd bY tt►is ;
<br /> ':.?E��.� _' Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirdiion of this periad.Lender may invoke any remedies . ,: .ri.�;--
<br /> a;�.-� '' r„rn,�rt,e.±�without further nonc�or deman�an Borrower. ` �
<br /> � � �temsitted by this Securihr -
<br /> � ;,��`_ 18. Borrowes's I�fight to R�StaYe. if Bon°wer meets cettain conditions. Borrawer shaii 6ave the right to i�ve - ` , '4 M
<br /> �_
<br /> �'.'`^� . enforcemens of this Secucity Insvumeirt disco�inued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such'other period as � -
<br /> r�tr-• z. � applieable law maY specify for ieinstatement3 befure sate of the Property pursuu►t to any power of sale contained in this t -
<br /> ���' Secarity Ipstrumex►t;or tb)entrY of a juaS�ent enforcing this Securiey Insavment.Those conditions are ti�at Borrower:(a)p'aYs ��_+ �` ,�.,
<br /> . �_� Y_ �1 1 ���s.-
<br /> , � Lender alt'sums which then wonld be due under this Security Insuumen�and the N°te as'f°°accelerauon had otcurced;(bj _
<br />;_,�_ ;�'k � cures any defaulY of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all eapenses incurred in eaforcing this Seeurity.Tnstnanent. �-,- _ -
<br /> � including,6ut not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such acuon as Lender maY reasonably requue to assure �-��"�"M
<br /> :�'n�;`�'v,c'- that the lien of this Seairity instrument, L'ender's rights in tbe Property aad Borrower s abligation to pay the swns secured by � --- -
<br /> a
<br /> s � this Securiry Inswrrcent shall cominue.unchanged. Upon reinsEatement by Borrower. this Secunty Instrument and the �:__ _�
<br /> ��=`=, � ohligarions secured herebY sball*emain fulty effective as if no acceleration t�ad occurred. However,this right to rewstate shall � �, -__
<br /> ' '' ��' '`` � . not appty in the rase of acceleradon under paragraph 17. . �"`y-
<br /> � r. I9. Sale of Not� Chat►ge of Laan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (tagether wit6 this Securit�r �.-_ =------
<br /> _ s,�.� ; .
<br /> - ` Instrttment)may be sold one or more ames a+ithout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may cesult in a cf�tge in the entiry(iQ►own �,_;
<br /> - `°. ��4 '.' � as the^Lnan Serncer")that colletts monthly payments due under the I�{ote and this Security tnstnunent. There also may be one -__
<br /> � '�;``�.•:` or more c6anges of the Loan Serviczr unrielated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wili be . �"
<br /> • given written notice of the change in acc�rdance with paraSraPh 14 a6ove and applicable law.The notice wi11 state tfie name and � _- _-----
<br /> ��" r�: •- - .----..�ddress..of.th�.ae�v_Loan_Servi_ and the address to which payme�s should be made.The notice will also contain any other' . �__
<br /> �.
<br /> .. .... ........
<br /> ; =. infortnation required by applica fe sriw.--- . .- � -' �- - �`�'�-
<br /> ,'. •:_fr ^ ?A. Hazardons Su6stances. Borrower shall not sause or pemut the presence. use, disposal, stoiage. or release of any �^,
<br /> 'f � Hazardous Substances on or in the Praperty. Barrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anytlung affectin$ the• �,_.
<br /> ° '. :�t;. • Froperty that is in violatiore of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the p n�c[o�� ��.,� _
<br /> ,".` •°-_-�=- storage on the Property of smali quantities of Hazardous Substances that are genemfly recognized w he apprap
<br /> -- � ' ��.'-
<br /> r,. r•.� ..t;�i.,.• _ residenua7 dses ana to maii�tenanr.e ofthe-ProPertY• • -... _ - - - --
<br /> ���.'
<br /> - .. :'•� . Borrower shall promptly give I.ender.written notice of any invesdgauon,claim,demand, lawsait or ottier ardon by any
<br /> � ' govemmental uF regulatory ageacy or private party involving the Property and an3+Ha�ardaus Substance or Environmental Law _
<br /> � r�:•�• � of which Borrower has actnal knowiedge.If Borrower learns.or is notifaed by any govemmental ot regutatory authority,tLat '
<br /> � � • -�; . any removal or other remediaaon of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borro�cer shall pramptly take � �
<br /> � � • aU necessary rernedial actions in accordance with Environmental I:aw. .
<br /> �� '' As used in this paragraph 20. "Halardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�ardous substances by
<br /> � � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxtc
<br /> �'`�'�-�' pesdcides and herbicides.voladle solvents,materials wntaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in , '
<br /> : '�•���,.�y:; :� this paragraph Z0. "Enviranmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is tocated that �,�, .
<br /> � � -�•'4 rclate to heatth.safety or environmental pcotecuon. � . :�' -
<br /> ' ' NON-UNiFORM COVENAI�iTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltows: �
<br /> • ' � • 21.Acceteration;Remedtes.Lender shall give aotice to.Borrower pslor to acceteratIon foltowing Borrowee's breach .; , . ;
<br /> � ot any wvenant or agreement in this Secarity Instrument (but rtot prEoe to accelerat€on under paasg,�aph 17 unless . - �=
<br /> � � ' appiicable lasv prov i des o t he n v i se)..'C he n o 2 i c e s h a l i s p e c i i'�: (a)t h e d e f a u l t;(b)t h e a c t i o n r e q u i r e A t o c ure the defani t; •'� ���%�..
<br /> ��Y'�•��.-i'��;;�°�y � ` (c)a date,�aot less than 30 days i'rom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the detault must 6e cured;and ,��.,•__
<br /> ''���- .' d that failure to cure the de�sutt on or befare the date specified in the nottce may result.in acceleration of the sams �����-"`;- ""':
<br />_;a-�r����;�� ' secured by t6is Security Instrument and sa�e of the Property. '�he�tice shalf Furthe�jnform Bonower of the rlght to � .;z?���-�
<br />-''"-'X--��"�'�- . reL�state after accelesatton aad the rig6t to bring a court act[on to assert the nore-existence of a defanit or any olher ,'� •-T.;�,�?�...�
<br /> "'r�'"`'Y"l' defense of Borrower!o ecceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or 6efore the date speci8ed in the nonce, ��� �,�r;�:.-,,�
<br /> `' Lender, aY its option, may requiae immedlate paymeiat in futl of afl svms secured by thYs Secarity Instrumeat without y;. � `�;r�,:: ,
<br /> � - ' « further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by appllcable faw.Lender shall be ����'� .,.
<br /> '.���.•rt'.°- :. �; � ent[tted to coltect ail expenses incurrc:d in pwsutn�the remedies pro�cided in this Qaragraph 21,inciuding,but noi limlted ••� ��;���'?
<br /> � � � - �� ` to,reasonable attomeys'fee.s and costs of title ev[dence. . � �•.'` '
<br /> -�' ' If the power of sale is invokerl,Trastee shall record a notice of default In eact�county �n �vi�ch any part of the
<br /> :. .�.A ..
<br /> .��'�.�;-� � - Property ts located and shall mail copies af such n�tice in the manner prescrl bie Iaw�,Trustl ee shall give publIc niottce � •
<br /> _-=-���c`:;..;..���.� the other persons prescribed by appltcable taw.Afte�the time reqnired by app . .
<br /> `;�, � of sale to the petsons aad in the manner prest�3b�d by appliqbie la�v.Tru�tee,without demand on Borrower,sHall sell • -
<br /> ' , �•° � the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the Nme and pftice and under the terms deslp,nated in the notice of
<br /> T`='z`t�=�•"�� ,• sate in one or more panels and in any order'Frustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of al1 or any parcel uf the . .
<br /> �%�' .-.��;'� . � pco�erty 6Y pabltc announcement at the time and p[ace of any prevfously scheduled sate. Lender or its desipnee may .
<br /> .!Y 1.
<br /> -�='�;�:.:��� � purct�ase the Property at any sate. _ . . ,
<br /> -��ti�+-:,��«.•::.: .
<br /> �u,�,::�- �:_.•r
<br /> ..:.�:r•, �.ay� ..� .
<br /> _-���_....
<br /> ":�".�%=��.,. �.
<br /> ;Q�'r,:.;.;,' �'_ Form 30Z8 9190 '
<br /> .• `H�t'•i�� , Pago 6 of 6 ' ' .
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