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<br /> � �' • (al Botrow�►Not ILiai�sa.6Rensmn of the tane fo�paymen!or rtsaddlcatFan of the a�mia sacurad by fht�Qa�d cf T�wt q;anted � _ � �
<br /> � �°� � � by Lander to my eueceisor in intareat of Horrowar shaU not operate to retease.§�an irtanaer.tlis fiabiGty o4 the eriyi�d�arrow�r -�t s,•< , '�:�_--
<br /> , Y .,i .z•i..'s�}�.
<br /> � - • ,etd Batrowa�a aucceasors u�5�t�t.Ls�der�ai1 not be raqutrad Lo cammmaa prccaedlrepa aaainat mtcl�euceesso�ar tatuse to ; • r� •x• a.4s_-�=._---
<br /> � t . �::i��j,'�_�f�.. �__
<br /> exta�d time far paymart o:othaarrise modify�rtoKizatian•of tho s�uns sxured Qy tha Oead of Tncst by teason of arry damndrr� . ��'�..;-,_-��.- -
<br /> �.�+� made b�the odpaeal Hcamwer�d Borrowei'o sueeessors in iMerest. . . � : _ j"���
<br /> ., •u� .�. .
<br /> . (bI L+�nd�s Parqms:YlPdhuut�dfacting the Gab�ity of aiiy othm paaan lia4fe for the payment of aay ob1'is'atbon herain ma�stIaned. • �ti ,��,� t,t''
<br /> m
<br /> —� ' -- and wit�out aNaciinp the Ga�ar chnrQe of this Qeed of Trust uyon any portion of the Praperty nct than ar theretafore�e[eesa�as . �s . ,.• ���;.�.
<br /> ' '_' •t'''-���,._
<br /> . securi2yr fot ths fuU am�unt of dl�urpatd oDlipattons.l.�nder iaa�/,ftam 4§rte to i�e�d w�hout�otice G7 seSeaas any pemn ea . . .;_ ����.-x
<br /> _ �'.-:"'-:--°-s Uebt�I�i!mRand 4he maburity o�alter mry o6 the tmms of m�y sud�ol�GQetions.Q anr►t o4her indulamcas.Gv)ietaaia or recanvay, °� xr,,;���,i-�,"�
<br /> , , or causs to bs rdessad or recanueyed at s►y t�mc at Landa�a _ '. . j.:.'_'
<br /> „:. . aF��il P�.Fartion or aIi oi ths FroP�i/.(vl taksor retms anY .a±.•�,�;�_'-s<";`;--
<br />�� . ' othar additIonel securify for any obGgaiton hara'vi mantianed,oc(wl m�ce eompositions m ather errm�Qana�with.de6tom,e� . r?�,����,-s.. --
<br /> � .. `. _. .` ,_ re[ation thmalo. • ' • . _ ..�,��,��
<br /> � � �•,x .. . � (01 foebw�w bp L�do K�t�Waiv�r.Arty torebsatanes by Lender in mc�cisisg�ry risht or remedy hmamder,ai otha�w�e � �:
<br /> `• ` • , " eitarded 6y ayp�te lavr,sha!!not Aa e weiver af or pmetude 4hs mcercise of any such�ipht or tsttady.The psowrammt of '`r'�r"�"'F �•
<br />_:�: V e�auranes or tfis p a y mart of tm�ces or otho►Garts or e#�arp�by.L�der eha0 nat 6e a waiver of Lertdefs ripht to aaoetstate the ` �•x • ���=` ' �-
<br /> � • 4` ` maturity of the�edahtsdnes�exvrad Dy this Dsed of Trust. • `;�.�="=��...�`��.5 �--
<br /> ��' � ��Sucataaara�nd Aa��s 8aund:Joint and S�varat Wb�ty;Gptlona.The cnvanante and•a�ss�sente hetein�ttt�ictsd�hall ' '�i"�6"�-
<br />_��i:.� `, ' �ind,�►d tha dahta herau►der.ahai! (nure to,ths rnspeauve eucceaaore and assigns of Lender atsd Tniato�.�Ifl cavatarts nd ; i r �'
<br /> . ,yc���: T�
<br /> '1,.3;, . _ .. �, ,. . egieenents af Tnutor shafl 6e Jo§�t end sevmral.The eaptiorw�td headinQs of ffie parapropha of thia Ceed of Trust ara for , �: ��::��+�_-�
<br /> `.-; • . . ` conv��a�ce ordy�ed nra not to be used to interyret or define the provision�herea4. � ,_.,,:,•: �''' --
<br /> ...�. :;�L;;��a'�-
<br /> (e1 R�qu�st for Hotttp.Ths peRiea AerebY[petesi thet e eopy of�y notiee of defauit hera&fde►�d a copy of�}►�otiw of ._`.;i., '=.=R=�—
<br /> eals hersundm bs ma�ed to each party to this Oeed of.Ttust aL the edQras9 set toRfi a6ove�the rt�aru►�prescrihed by apyfimhts . . , ';�_.___
<br /> iaw.Exupt for ar�y other aottce cequ'Qed under appGcaDte law to 6e Qiven��nother mmu�er,any natice pmvided fm trs thb Daad of �- �. _�`-=_---
<br /> �� , ` • Trust ahaU be pivan 6y me�Te�A sueh notice by oertified mn�7 eddreased to the other paetias,et the addm�a set tonh shovs.Any • � , ={°"'�.-R�._.
<br /> >t . • ' notiee piovidad far in this Oeed of Tcust shall be effeetive upon ma�7'a�p in tNe manner desfpnated haroin._If Trustos is more tlu�ane _ ;;�;� '�,i:,�`�
<br />�- •_ . :'• °', � ' �. erson_notfee sant to the eddress sat forth abova sheii be notiee to afi aueA peiaons. -- -`-" -.
<br /> .:�._-----,. ._ ._..._.._..,_.....P_----' ---�--�-�---�---------------�------� '. 7 �er;.,ar --
<br /> , . --�--°----------...---�,------ - ---- -
<br /> • tfl[nspeation.Landar may make or cause to bo mndo reesanable entrie9 upan end mspeaLons��the Praperty,pmvia�tfiat , ���]bas:.
<br /> _ • ` Lander afieU aive Tn�stor notice prior to any sucF►insyecticn spec�ying reasanabte aause tharefar rafatad to Lepdar'e intarest 6�the �
<br /> . : � PrcportY- ' ,�=+ f . '
<br /> - � • � � (9)A�cenv�c�. Upon paym�t of eU suma secured by this Oeed of Trust. Lsnder ahall raquast Trustae to reconvey the • lY_
<br />-• � ... '. . '' •�-- Proputy and shaD sLrrareder this Qead of Tast aa�d aD notes evid�cm�v�debtedne�s eeaurod qy this Deed ot Trust to�'Fniatee. . , ' -
<br /> - •,� .
<br /> : --. - -- - - - Ttustee sfiafi�ecnnvey the Property without-watrenty end withoirt charpe w the persan or petsena lenalfy a�titted tftareto.Tntator - 't.�s_
<br /> s . ." . � . shatl pay eli r.oats of recordation,if arry. , s�
<br /> (h)Vanonai Prop�ty;Sswrky A9r�Yn�nl.As edd'dionel e�writy for ttte paym�t af the Note,Trus4or hereby ara�ta La�der tmdat � u �
<br /> •� the Nabros(c�Unifortn Cammeriaal Coda e sacurity tnterari In all fnctures.equipment,and other pemonat property wed itt eonttection �..�:`'•-
<br /> � whh the rm!estate or'unprovemente loeeted theteon,end not otherwise dnetared ar deemed to 6e e part of tt►e raal estate sa4vted `�
<br /> - � � �� ' � hereby.Thfs instrument aha0 ba conatruad es e Sacurity Aqreomint urider eaid Code,end the Lander eha0 heve a0 ths tipAts end � '"��-.•;, _
<br /> , � ' � r�nadies of e eeauad party undet aeid Code in addition to the rights end remedies created under and accprded the Lender Durou�t ' ��";� �''�'.'.
<br /> a ,
<br /> , to thi�Oeed ot Yruat;provided tfiat Lende�e righte mid remedies under this paraeraph shall bo cumuiativa witN,and sn no way e � � ;�`�
<br />�::- � limitation on,Lando/a r�Dftte�d tanedies under arry other sacurity apraemen2 eipned by 8orrower.or 7ruatbr. ' ' t•� �
<br /> Cd Ltms �d Encamhmau.Tnistar hereby wanants end represente that there ia no default under the.provisions of any � '- �`-
<br /> .._ ... ___ _ mortyt0e dned of treist, tease gr purchasa eo�ECra� desuib'a►a ell or enyr pan ot tha Property,or othcr cantract,�strumant or _,_ . . _. % '
<br /> '. agreament constituto�g a lien or oncumbrance against ell or eny Deet oi tho Property(colfecttva, •Uens•),eYlsttng as of the data of •'��
<br /> � _ this Deed of Trust, end that any end eIi exlstinp LieAng remein unmoditied except as disctosed to Lender fi Trustor's wrrtten .f � ��:�
<br /> ``' � � . �• dGtctoauro o! Uens ar�d encumbrences provided for hereln. Trustor,ahell timely pertortn ell of Truatore abliQattona, cavenants, �
<br /> ' repreaentstians and wavanties undereny and ait exlstmg and futuro Liens,shali promptly forward to Landar copi�of all noticee of � �'•t �_
<br />� � ' ° �� Qef�tk eant in aanneotion witt� eny end all existm�oF{pture Lfens,end sfieB not without Lende�'s prioe weittm consent in eny .•- " • '- � '
<br />-�` �� � m�ner modify the pruvi�fana of or atiaw a�y future advea�ces undet eny existinp or futura Uene. • �,�'
<br /> • ;,�: ' (7 Appgcattcn of Paym�nts. Untes�othemise roquired by lew, sume�eid to Lander haraunder, incSudinp withaut I"xnibtion , ��;/
<br /> . . . peym�ts ot preicipai mid�terest,insurence proeeeda,condamnstion procaed�and�mts and protits,afidll be applied 6y I.ender to � _ • '
<br /> - � . tfle amounts due and ow�p from Tnistor and bonowar in euch ordar ae Lander h ite sote EiscreNon Gaemo desirable.
<br /> , Qq S�vra6aity. If any provision ot this OeQd of Trust confiicta with appliceble law or i� dectereA invalid or othetwiae '� �
<br /> 'r`` unantorceable,such confliot or inve6dity shaU not eHect the othar provisione of this Deed of Tniat or the Note which oan be ptvan - ° � -
<br /> - � � } effeat v�rithout the aonflietiny proviaion, and to thia eod the provision9 of this Daed of Tmst and the Note are decfared to ba • � • . �- .
<br /> ; . � � - aeverable. • , :
<br /> • l�Tsmv.The terma"T�uator'end'Bortower"shelt include both singutar and pfural,enA whea�the Trustor and Bortower ere the ��•� '�
<br /> , •�
<br /> � � eame parsonte),those tertns as uaed in this Qeed of Trust efiafl be interchengeabte. � ' . •
<br /> � , , (m)Qov�minp Law.This Ooed of Truat eAell be govemed by the laws of the State of Nabraska. ,
<br /> y' � ' TN3�01 hEe 6Xa�sutOd 1hi9 OeEd 0}TfUet d9 Of th0 dat0 Wlitt0118bOV0. k ' :
<br /> .. . . { , .
<br /> � , • .
<br />_ • .: .� I(ENNETH . N. LANDI stor _ � . • ' .
<br /> � ����� �.
<br /> . . . . • SANDR�PI C -LANDIN Truata !f � . . . .
<br /> '.. . . �0 f .
<br /> . i .
<br /> • ! �
<br /> - .. � .
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<br /> _ ., .. • -
<br /> --_-��_..__=-- -°-= iY8C345l�faeed}Rev.10188 =__�__----�_:,- - -�- _.
<br /> ' �� � Q 1988 Naticnd Bank of Commeree Tnnt ena Savinp�Aisoelation,lh�eotn Nebroaka � ` .
<br /> . . . , , i .
<br /> ; ,
<br /> . . � .
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<br />_ � .�._ �. .
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