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<br /> - , . �. �� 17.T�anSfer og the Property or a�Pneficisil Interest ia Borw�s•er.[f al!ar arry.part of the Property or any interest in it • � , .-
<br /> � . is sold ar transFemcd(nr ii'a bcnePcial interest in Sorco�r•er is sotd or tiansferred and Bnrrower is not a natur.il penon)witttout . _ . -
<br /> � • � lxnder's priar wr6tten conscnt, E.ender may, at its option, rxryirc immcdiate pa}�ment in fiil! of all sums secured by this �"' �
<br /> ' ` , Security in3trument. Huu•ever,this option sh;ill not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibite8 by federal law as of the date � � .•°
<br /> , � of this Sccurity instrument. . ; , _
<br /> -�� , if Lendcr cxerciscs h'�is option.L.cnder�hall gi�c Borrower natice of acceteration. 7'he natice shal!provide a p�riod of not ' ;`. . -
<br /> � °� less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailecl�vithin which Borrow�er must pay all sums secured by this • ; �. •
<br /> � � Security Tns[rument. ti Borrower fail.c to pay these sums prior to the expiration a€tl�is periud,Lender may invoke any remedies . � � �,
<br /> � permitted by t6is Security lnstrument without further notice or demanc�on Bc�rruwer. , . , . •
<br /> _. . -;. - 18. Botrow•er's Right to �tctn5tate. If Bnrrower meets cenain conditions. Snrrowrr shall have the right to have V _ ____' _ _
<br /> - ' -d�= • enforcement of this Security (�.�trument discciatinued at any ame prior to tl�e rsrlier of: (a►5 days(or sucb other period as =
<br /> _ -�.=---�� �-_= . -
<br /> —= applicabte faw may tipecify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any puwer of sale contairted in'this .
<br /> -- ' ' Security[nstru�nent:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conclitions are that Borrotiver:{a)pays � '
<br />_ ' ` Lender all sums which then would be due under this Serurity [nstrument and the Note as if ao acceletation had accurred:lb) • ' .
<br /> g` � � �, �_ _ cures any defauit of any other covenants or agreements:(e)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. ' � •
<br /> --- • -- � - itrcluding, but not limited to,reasonable attarneys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may re�asonably reqnire to assure �
<br />—` ., rc
<br />�:,; � � that the lien of this Securiry Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by ' �'�'`
<br />== ' � �; � �`�. ' this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the � `�� F=• .
<br /> •<`�:. ti.•=���:
<br /> • • • � • obligauons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleraiion had occ�.�rred. However, this right to reinstate shall . ��,�..;�;.�,;_�r:
<br /> ��: . ��� . . not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. �2" �r.
<br />��';'•- •� � 19. Sale of Note; Change of i,aanr'Ser��fcer..The Note or a partial interest in the 1�3ote (together with this Secutity -M'�"'
<br />=�i;�4'`•-` �•���� - �' Instrument)may 6e sold one or more tirttes without prior nottce to Borrower. A$ale may cesWt in a change in the entity(known ':�•�:�'''�"���
<br />� `'�y ` t as the"Loan Servicer")tfiat collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.There atso may be one � . :�`fir�-`"--
<br />� �;;� or more changes of the Loam Servicer unretated to a sale of the 1Vote.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Eorrower will be -- ___
<br />�•�� . • � � given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 abnve and applicable law.The notice will staie the name and ,.�;.___��°--
<br /> � •:;� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymems should be made. The notice will also contaia any other _ �
<br />_ .. ��. �' . ' �. informauon required bY aPPlicable[aar. . , .,.�� —
<br /> �'��� ' �� - • 20. Aa�ardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or emut the ence, nse,di sai, stotage ar rciease of ��
<br /> �� P P� �° �Y .-;;'±';�=—
<br /> � -- ------ � - '
<br /> • • �Kazardous Sbbstances oii or in the�Pro - � Borroa-ei sTiall"�n��d"o. noi a7low"an�one e7se To 80`:ari thi��—affectin��'�e -� -�--- � •�---
<br /> P�Y� Y Y nS S ;�:--
<br /> ` � : Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall nnt apply to the presenre.use,or -=}_
<br />- ,.' ' storage on the Property of small quanrities of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal _ - _- -
<br /> � �� . �esidential uses and to maintenance of the Propeety. � __-----
<br /> . ._ Borrower shall promptly give Leader wtiuen notice of any investigauon.claim,demand.lawsuit or other acdon by�y -- -
<br /> - -. ,--- , ' govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Latv =_
<br /> � � , of which Borrower has ac[ua1 knowledge. If Borrower feams,or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority.that --
<br />_ . � ` . any remova!or other mmediation of any Hazardoas Substance affecting ehe Properry is Recessary,Eoaower shall prumptty take =
<br /> -�, all necessary reme�ial actions in aecordance with Environntental Law. . .
<br /> ' �,� As used in this paragraph 20. "Harsrduus Substances" are those substances definea aS to�ic or hazardous substances by
<br />��.. �. � � � Envimnmental Law and the foltowing substanccs: gasoline, kerosene, other flammablc or wxic petroleum pradtt¢ts, toxic
<br />� � • pesticides and herbicides,volatile�;alvents..materiats containing asbestas ur formaldefiyde,and radiouctive materials.As used in,
<br /> �-�• ., � ' this par.�raph 30. "Envimnmental la�v" me:�ns federal lu�vs znd la�vs af the juris�iction where the Property is Incated that
<br />� �' relate to heulth,tiafety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> ;,�, ,� � � NON-UNIFORM COVE!�ANTS.Borrower and Lender furttter cavenant and a};ree a�foltows: -
<br />-=•+� '- ., � �� 2I.Acceleration;Remed[cs.Lender shall give aotice to Sorrouer prior to accelerat�on follocrta�Botrawer's 6reacb -
<br /> • ' � of any mvenant or agrcement in thLs Security Instrument (but not prtor to acceteeatioa undee paragrapD 17 aaiess
<br /> , � . appliqbie law provides othenrise).The rtotice shall speeify: (a)the default;@)the action reqnired to cure the default; _
<br /> ... � (c)a date,aat tess than 3a day�s from the date the notice is given to Bosra�ver,by�vhtrA tfte delaalt mast be cured;nnd
<br /> . . . (d)that failure to eure the default on or befom the date specifiPd in the notice may result in acceiera3ioa of tlte svms .
<br /> - � , . secare�by this Secnrity instrinnent and sale of the Property.The notice shal!further inform Borrower of the rigM to �-=_
<br /> reinstate after aceeleration and t6e right to 6ring a conrt actlon to assert t6e non-existertce of a�defanit or any oiher
<br />-� • • � � defease of Borrower to 3cceteraiion aad sate. IP the defauli is not cared on or before the da4e specilied in 46e ao�ice,
<br />�,. ` . : Lender,at its optton,may require Immediate payment in fall of all sums secnred by t6is Secarity Iashvment wiRItaat
<br />- :: .� fw7her demand an�may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permttted 6y appllcable law.Lender shaU 6e _
<br /> � endtled to rnitect a11 expenses incurred in pnrsning the remedIes provtded in this paragrapS�21,iaciuding,bvt�t li�ted
<br />- y � , � . .. � ` to,rauonabte attorr�eys'fees and oas�ts of title evider�ce.
<br /> ' �� If the potiver of sale is invoked. Trustee shaU nrcord a nottce of defanilt in eac6 county in wh�C6 any paet of the --
<br /> : . • Property is tocated and sdrall mail copies of such notice in t6e manner prescribed by applIrabte law to 6orrower and to �
<br /> ,'• � � � the other persons prescri6ed by applicabte lacr.After the time reqaired by app6cable law,Trustee shall give pa6lic noi�ce _
<br /> �� � oY sale to¢he persons and in the maaner prescribe8 6y appltcable la�v.Trostee,without demaad on BorroR•er,s6all selt —
<br /> " the Property at pubttc aaction to the highest bIdder at the ttme and place and under the terms desfgnated in�he notics of
<br /> �' . : • . sale in one or more parceLs and in any order Trustee determiraes.Tnistee rriay postpone sale of all or any parcel oY the� .`;==-===-
<br /> - �.: � Property by pnblic anrtonncement at the time and place of aoy previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may =��=-�_=_^�-�_-
<br /> 3 � purchase the Property at any sale. � �=';`��i-
<br /> .. —'j�V �
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