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<br /> , � ;4 a , . . . = DEE1D OF TRUST . � : ,�' � ° �
<br /> _s � � F t;, . ! 9Sa i�t�SQ� • `:�" � �r `��
<br /> 5"` L �` This AEED�F TRUST is Fnade this 2btd of Jan k�` � -�-° �� :
<br /> � : , L,,.:� d�I► uarY,1995,by and among�RANCIS�.WEBEIi
<br /> . _�..
<br /> yT,,. ,� ; an@ KATHX K.V1�EBER, 6u�6and aad wif�, hereinafter ceferred to as "Tn�stora,"whether oae ar mor� ' • � :` �
<br /> �,� ;,M,; . ,`,.�,
<br /> _-�,�:<:-._ .. .. ° . whose ma�ling address is Poat 0f�'fse Boi�30,Cairn, Nebraska 68824;TRE��ATE BANK QF CAIRO,a .. : � : "�:.
<br /> :�� 's `��'� I1T�bras�a �aniun�Corporatgoa, l�ereinaRer referred to.aos "Trustce,�� whose mai�ing addres`s is Bo: 428, 4`: . ' .. �
<br />- . � , �Cairo, Nebrastca 8887A; aad TI� �S'i'A�'E BAI�T� OF CAIItQ, a 1oIebsast�a Banking Corpo�ration, . ; `; '�� -
<br /> - ��`� �'��,� � hereinafter referred to as"Bene ificiary,"whose maiting address is 8oa�d28,C�ia�o,Nebraska 688Z4. . � : ,.
<br /> �_Y..—•--�. For valuable �onsideratinn,Tivstors irrevocabjy grant, transfer, wnvey and assign to Trustee, in trust, , _ _ - '
<br /> •�'' ��� with pawer of sale,for the benefit and secuaity of Beneficiary,under and subject to the terins and conditions of � . .. �.
<br /> �=`° =�-• � this Deed af Tnist,the fo�iowing described real propetty located in HALL County,Nebraska: ;, -
<br /> �; .
<br /> :�:- �'-:;:��-.t..: � � " ; ,� ,;, ..:. .,- . ,,
<br /> ,. . ' .
<br /> .�:`,� ,,•.,;:�;t� . VD.LAGE OF CAIItO,HAIeL.CULTNTY,NEBRASKA, . . �
<br /> �•:.:u.�;,: =�.,`.: . .
<br /> - - ��r;. , .
<br /> a:{�:e°r4-.CV�, . . ... . .
<br /> ~�, �. together yvith ali buildings,imgrovements.&xaues,streets,alleYs,Passageways,easements,cights, Priviteges and - . , .
<br /> ' . • "� appurtenances located thEreon,and all personal property that may be ar hereafter 6ecome an integral part of suc�► . � �
<br /> - � -�.� „� buitd'mgs and improvements, al�crops raised therean, and�a}1 water rights, all of which, including reglacements ' � �
<br />- . and additions.thereto,are hereby de�lared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby,it being agreed ' � . � � '
<br />-- �� � that aD of ihe foregoing shatl be hereinafter referred to as the"Propetty." ; ° `�� � .
<br /> . .. . • , . :« .
<br /> .. . .
<br />-. . .. .:. _,,:, - —
<br /> ,- .. „
<br /> a -�.. .. -�----_.. ---�--..._..-�---...-- ----._._ .�_--.- ._:--:.� ._
<br /> - --- F�R THE�PURP�SC�OF�SECUItING:-- .... , - - - .... . . . . . - .._.__ ..
<br /> ,:. �� � . � � ` .
<br />= . '�.:�. � �, . . _�,�
<br /> � �. � �` a Paymert of indebtedness evidenced by Trustors' note af even date herewith in the principal sum of � %��-
<br /> • ;s'%.```
<br />: � �:�"� =�.�`'� �. $�0,000.00,together_with interest at t�te rate or rates provided therein,and any and all ren��atats, madifications = ��` �..,�°_�
<br />-'' � - - and extensions of such noie,both principal and interest on the note being payable in accordauce with the terms ' %'
<br /> � , �`� � set forth therein,wtuch by this reference is hereby made a part hereo� �� � ��-�.
<br /> .` ' ' �b. The perfom�ance of each agreement and covenant of Trustors herein contained;and ' � _ •���� �
<br /> �� . ' � :f c. The payment of all svms advanced by Beneficiary under tlie terms of this Deed of Tn�st, together with -� � � � ; �.�::
<br /> ' �. " �. inte•rest thereon at the rate pravided in the note. , • • . ° ��
<br /> R � : d. The above amount is secured even though all or pait of it may not yet be advance. Future advances under � • � : �:�;� -
<br /> - . , the agreement aze contemplated and will be secured to the same extent as if�nade on the date this deed of tnist is �� � � ,:f�; .
<br />_ . ;�. , � executed. .. r;
<br /> .t . .. ,. . . . :�1%`
<br /> , • .� � , � i. To pay when due.the princigal o�and the inter�t on,the indebiedness evidenced 6y the note,charges,fces and all othcr � -������ .'
<br />__ . . • ' � sums as provided ia the loan instruments. .
<br /> .-;�:: _:,;'.�� 2. TrnsWrs are ttte awnets of the propetty and Uave tE�right aIId authority to cxecute this Desd oP Tmst ia res�t to the . . ' , •
<br /> .-^ � ... � � .
<br /> �_ . �-:_ -_ f . . ��A�Y-
<br /> .. ,.. :. . .. . . . _ _ .._ . .. ....
<br />- . '� 3. To�y. al� due, all taxe�. speciai assessments and all other charges agaunst lhe propeitgr. before the same beaome � � � •:,��;.
<br /> - - delinquent Tnutors shall pay alt taxes and assessments wluch may be teviod upon Beneficiarps intenst herein or upon�his Deed of �
<br /> ; ' TnLSt or the debt seaued here6y.without regard to any laiv that may 6e enacted imposing payment of We whole or azry pari thercof � "� �` "
<br /> �. „ upon the Beneficiary. , ,
<br />- . , '::;.:� � 4. To kap the Impravements now or hereatter toca[ed on 1he property insvred agaihsl damage by fire and such other ha7ards as _ .. . '
<br /> . .. , .. the Seneficiary may recjuire,in amwttts and companies aooeptable to the Beneficiary,Such iasvrdn�poliry shail conta9n a standard . .
<br /> _ . mortgage cl�use ip favor•of Beneficlary. Tra¢tm sLall pmmplty regair,maintain and repiace the pmperty or airy part thcrco�so „ � :
<br /> � . tt�a�except for ordinary�rear aad tear,the pmper�y stialt not deteriorate. .
<br />='��..`,'" �. `� ��F S. In the eveat the pmperty,or any Qart theceof.s2ia11 be taken 6y eminent domain,the Beneficiary is entitled to oollect and ' �
<br /> �� • . ' ��� reoeive all wmpensation wiuch may be paid for arry pmperiy fatcen or for damages to property no�talcen,and the Beneliciary shall '
<br /> _ . � �"' a{spiy s�ch compeasation,at its option,either ta a rednction of thc indebtedness sea�red hereby,or to repair and restore the properry
<br /> � :.. .. . so taken. � � '
<br />�; � �. 1 ' ` 6, T6e geneflclary may, but shaU bave no obligation to, do any aq wLich Trustors have agrad but laitod to do. and tho
<br />-�` • . "� �. , +j- Benef�ciary may also do any act it deems neaess�ary to protect the lien hereaf. Trustora agrce to repay,upon dcmand.ar►y sums so •
<br />��� • �.._�� expenQed by the Beneficiary for the abave purpnses,and any sum so cxpended shall be added ro the indebtedness secured hereby and ��
<br /> = " ��� '�'. beeome seivred iry the lien hereo£ The Beaeficiary shall no iaciu any liability because of arry1hing it may do or omit to do �� � .
<br />_'=�' ' .. �,.���' uer�nader. ; , . . .
<br /> _ '�' ' .- �,: . g. Tt�e geneficiary shaU bavc the right,pmver and authority during the contin�sance of ttus Deed of Tn�st to oolloct the rent� � .
<br /> ��_�.-�:LL�-�';' issucs and profits of the prapccty and of airy personal property lopted thereon tvith or without taking poss�ssion of lhc properiy i • ,
<br /> � .. � affixtrd he.reUy,�aad Tiustors hereby a6solutely and onoomditioaally assiga al9 such rents,issurs and profils to the bencficiary. The f .
<br /> ��T .�,.' '�' bcnefciary.huNCVer.hereby oons�nts to Tnutors'cullaction and r�enlion of such rents.issucs and proTiis.5fl long as Tnistors arc ' .
<br />—��.�_:�:�� -,. :�..... . � _ . .
<br /> '`'• ' ' '�'" no� at sucH time,in default�vitfl cespe�to yayment oi any indc6tedness secvrod hcreby,or in the performance of arry agroement •
<br /> � - ` ��-'� hercunder. lf any evenl of defaalt d�scribcil hcreaftcr in respce�t ro this Dcal of Tnnt shail8a��e aaurced aM bc eantinuing,the '
<br /> e'1!� :r . � . . .
<br /> � ° � Ben�ciary,as a matEer of ri�ht anA withwt notice to Tnistors or anybne claiming uader Trostors.and wiWout rcgard to the��aluc of� • �
<br /> ` `::� �' • We m�t cstatc or the intetcst of the �Tnistors therein, shall t�ne ths right to appiy to any Caurt havirtg jurisdiction co appoir�t a
<br /> � : .. . recei��ec of the property. . '- :
<br /> � . :
<br /> l, � • � ' ' � i. �• . .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> __._. . - - .
<br /> : . , , �:�–-=----='---
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<br /> •• • . �
<br /> ��= . .__.�----_r—._�__._.._ -.,.,...�r. —,..�_. - .
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