_ ___ _, ___ _ _
<br /> : . '. : . < �� . - • <<-1 • � _ .� .�; _ — --
<br /> • . �, �_ . � . � � . � . � � . . . ..
<br /> � • , " , ' . , . , . • , . � �'` _ •, � '. • . ' � : _ _ ' �� .. -
<br /> � `� � , . � . . � . '. � .. �� OF RE�F��1CC8 ��.�, ��''"'�.��� . ` � e` ' _. ,..
<br /> .. . _ . . �.. , .
<br /> ` ` � ` � ' � �. " ,.. - , t- . . � , , - ,. . . _
<br /> , • `._` . ��JlS, t�to',un8�era9.gaed� �Tiliiss� �. B�adcburn,' of Grsa�d Ia].�nd; H�ii Cauntp, �• �� �; �- :
<br /> :'. Na�rRS�a•, is � a��D��r of�.�he: Nebrss3�a �State �aa �ssocias.��a sa �Yuste�s ttQdar the �' , ,
<br /> � Des�`of T�uit datad Aptil Y9, �988y e�ce.auCed 6g Suaan L. Jef�res", .A.Sf�agxe Per�oa aAd �
<br /> � � �symoaa Zfa�e�asq,` � a�r�:ied p�rsorll �hnab$ns3�•aad• La� .�., gt���, A �sr�ed :'' : , � :
<br /> .' p+eraoa'���ife�. si��su3to�► in�which Rtve Fa�Cs.B�ak ai Grand Le�snc�, Nel�ras�s. is"� `• ,
<br /> aaseQ"a4�• B�a�iciary, .nnd t'Ys uadersigned as Trustes;��w�icti Bsed�was recn�ded: s�.
<br /> s IJocw�ept No.: B8-i0Z189, tn tlse Register .o€ Deeds af�4ee of Ha1I Cour�t�r, l�ebr�ska�.`osc
<br /> ;,. , . _ . _ ._ _ _
<br /> .� the Z�iB 8�� of i�ys �JB� snd , . _ - , = . . -. ::-
<br /> , . , � �� , ' � '. � .
<br /> {i�REAS, aaid r�adarafgned, pilliam G. Hlaekburn, of Grand Is1aa8, �ali �ouatp, ,
<br /> Nebiaaka, hsa recei+�ed .fro� Fie� Poiats Bank af Graan¢ �sla�d,, �¢etiraska, c�rftt�a
<br /> reques� to rec�nvey the real e�tate dascribed.ia the Deed of Trust above m�ationad as _
<br /> fol�aws: � , � ` • . '. .
<br /> Part of I�ct l�ifteea �IS) of the �ountp Subdivision of. the Souih Half af the Sou�heast
<br /> Q�.isrter (S�tSE'�) •of SacLiQn Sixtaea (�6}, in Tac�nship Eleven (!i),Nor�h,"8ange Rfite -
<br /> ' ('9) itest of tks .bth P.M. a�ore particula�ly described as followe, to-r�it: comm�ea�ing
<br /> at s poiat 80 �eet aouEherlq fra� Ehe ena�ttir�esterly corner of Lot Four _t4), �fa Slock
<br /> Four (4) in Niebe'a l�dditioa to ih8 City af Grand Is2aad, Nebraska, anc� ea a 13ae . �
<br /> � vrith :tlie. Iteeterly _houaQary liae af� .said �at, thence ru�ing eouttierly along t8e
<br /> � easterlq.bAUndary iiae of Eddy St�eat, �ia eaid eity, #or a aistance af 68� feet to t,ha -
<br /> aortheriy� bouadnry Iiae�of Jo�rn Stcae�t, iu esid cfty, r�aaaiag thence'easterly.alang •
<br /> and upoa .the n�rttterly Doundary line of Joha Street for �a �distance of b6 �eet,
<br /> runuiag thence aosthesly� parallol with Ltie��asterlp.bonndary iine of Eddy Sueet for _
<br /> �a distence q� 68 feet runnfng tbettce ueaterly, parallel with �&e northerly bonndary - _ --
<br /> lias of Joha Street; f�or a diatance of 66 faet the piates of beginuing, Hall Co.,, NE _ ___ -- _
<br /> eaid requeat to secouvey seciting that ail aums secured by such Deed of Tsnst have
<br /> Deea fuily paid; � . - -
<br /> � . M
<br /> � NOiJ, �THEREFORE, ia accordance with such request aad the provigioas of euch Trast
<br /> Deed, the uadersigned, as Truatee� does hereby recouvay, without warraaty, to the _ ,
<br /> persou or persona legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by said Trustee � _ '.,.
<br /> . hereuades. •
<br /> .'''�::--
<br />- ZR idITNESS 4i8E8E0F� the un8ereignea hae �xecnteil �tbis Dee� �of Recoaveyance at _� '.�±��`'` "
<br /> Graad IBlaad, Nebra�a�e;;,�s-23sd day o� Jaauary., 1955. . �; �: �
<br /> �y,�_ ``,,r� • �t�:
<br /> ,;rc ?+ h�.' . .�//'�_
<br /> • �,��°�•�.:t�i �`;'��•.i��,`� . , , �J �
<br /> /i ,__j�'' ' . • :y��.
<br /> % .� ' , •�
<br /> �� � � ' '�•` ILLIAM G. LACRBURN TitUSTEE • . ,,.
<br /> - �.� ..,
<br /> ,; . • . . � . . :�rM •
<br /> • �.;y.. _ i . . % ' ` ._
<br /> ,�F�:
<br /> STATE OF NBBRA' ..�.�.` � ,,rs"�;. . ..�"�`-•�-_'��
<br /> i; �,�h.,•,,,'~-'; _ . `_ :,.:-Y; ,
<br /> 4`,-'�._�� �;��,.,;� � -
<br /> COUI3TY OF HALL `��: t�':.�, �;:.�.• �-'
<br /> . ��' n" -
<br /> . .. • . c�f •
<br />- The foregoiag Deed of Reconvayanae� wae t�eknawledged before me on the 23sd day of • -. , -
<br /> January, 1995 by WILLIAt} G. BLACICBUAN, TRUSTEE. � . . �
<br /> 6�EML IOfAAY�Stb1�I� ' � , .
<br /> REatw►�•et��.oW Notssy Pub i
<br />_ fdy Coe�ei.F�Oct�J.194S - ,. � .
<br />- . � � ' . .
<br />- The Beneficiary requesLS, ehe Truet�e to r�caavey the real e�tate above to the �� � ,
<br />- person or persoas entitled Lhereto. � �
<br />- . � •� � By� �\ : . • .
<br /> � ililum w: Marehall III
<br />� � �, . �� � Chaisman 1� Fxee den . ` . � • � .
<br />- �' �� c�'°n � °'i """.r*'� I:. . . � .,
<br />_ � �� � � �' � 4i. Y � C"' � � � - -- - '
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