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� . ` - , ' .� _ . k- .._ . . . � . .. , . '�' L�v> � ,j' :—T"'T—�'_"'._<<. . 2� C} , .. <br /> i S` 5 t L ) <br /> , �� ' � ` .. . �� � 5 �� . . •. . <br /> ,.. -- . <. � � . ' " � � �t. L`• <br /> . � '. .�CC . 4' , • ' C — <br /> �c - . • . . . , • � � V- — <br /> .. � '.t" <br /> � ,t�F ' (��. . < < . , ` . ��8, . 'O� :r'�� � ' - <br /> - " - ' ' � YYVGi{K{l.� � � � C ` . --' <br /> :. �, :' � � . �. 1. aay�n:uin.Barrawer a�ees to make ali,paYmer� on the seuaed deEt when du9. Unies3��wer end lender�agre9 otherwJse.enY � �`.`. . - <br /> � �r �� � paymerts Lender teeeives ftbih Scrtorvor or for Borrowere 6ensfit wtU ba ap�Qd first to any amnunts Barrower awes on the seeured do6t , <br /> excfusive at iMerar.t or pdncipy.sacond to imerest,end then to prtncipal.H partial prepaVmer!t at the sec�ed debt oeciva tor any reason,it will �• .' <br /> . �- � � no4 re�e or e�ccuse arty schedute00aYtn�l�i.urt4d.titaseaired debt is paid in tull. ; . . � • - <br /> . • ..• 'X.•:. iM'n:. ..: :'.�c` ' . , c r <br /> •Z.�p���• e�';Njy`,r'K�11{axqy,essessmerts,ftnd other ehargas attributatrle to thepropeny when due and will detend titte _ <br /> ,. � �:. 1 � m ti►e pro�erty agahut a�atms.wM�waut�'irt��patr thelien of_thts deed of trusL Lender may reauUe Bormwer to assign any rlghte.datma nr , . .. �. <br /> .� . . defenses whfieh Bartower may�D'va eaaLn't 0���suDDN tabar or materiaLs ta+mprove or maimain the propariy. <br /> '. � • • � 3,fnrmnee.Betrower will keep efie property icuured undet tetms accepteDte to Lender at @onavaet's e�ertse anQ for Lender's 6eneftt.All • �� ,� ,� <br /> ` � insiaance potides shalt induda a standard martgage dause in fawt of Lender.Lendar�v7i be named as Ioss payee or as the insured on any such , , , , <br /> � insutanee poltcy.My insutanse pmeeeds may 6a appiied,within I.ender's disuation,w eithar tho restoration or repair of the damaged property <br /> , - � '' +. = or to the secured debi.If Lender requ3res mortgage Fnsurance,Borrower agrees to mair�in sucfi tnsuranee fqr as tong es ksnder requires. ; , � _ _ _ _ <br /> ��-<. 4.FraFertY-8arrower.will keep the property in good sos�tian a�d cnake a9 topatrs ressonabty necessary. ' ---- -- .� . <br /> " � r` � 6.b�panus.Borrower agrees m pay aU LendaPs e�ensea,inciudhig reasortabie attomeys'fees,H Borrawer breatss.any covenart¢s in this Qeed � � . . <br /> , ' of trust ar in erry obCgadort seciued 6y this dea0 of Vust.Borrower wnit pay these amourtts m Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of <br /> �: . . - .. _.e- .•`- Vust• . � _ -- °� <br />— • 4 : :�.__• g,prior Sec�uiiy t�ansts.U�Iesa Borrower first oDtetna Lendefs written conseM, Bomower witl not make or pemtii arry changas to any priar _ _ <br /> . � � security irrterasts.Borrower wiit peAorm all of BonoweYs o6ligations under arry prior mortgage,deed of vust ar other seairity agreemerrt, � - -:- -� <br /> 6 <br /> � • . . , • fnctudtng Borrawars cavertartts to make payments whan due. � •. � +,, . <br /> - 7,/luipnm�nt ot Rertts anA PmRta.8orrower assigns to Leruter the cerrts end profits of the proparty.Untess Barcower and Lender hava a�aed � . ; _ � <br /> � � ; � otherw�se m wriUng,Bortower may coltect and�etain the tertts as tong as Borrower is not tn defauit.If Bortower dafaut[s,lender,Lender's • <br />- r�,,: � •�, . . agert4 a a court a¢poir►ted receiver may take possessron and manage the property and colisct ths�erns.Arry rerrts Lendsr witects shali be . • _ ' . _ <br /> �ir;. ,f . . , aPPI�����e costs of managin9 the property,inctu�ng court costs and attomeys'tees, commissians to rentai age�rtts,an0 arry other , _ • . G . ..-, ._.... <br /> . necessary related expenges.The remau►ing amourrt of rents�nn"ti then apply to paymer�ts on[he secnred deht as provided in Covenant 1. <br /> }t'j�" 8.L��hdda;ConQamintums:PtBmad Unft Qavetopmaerts.Borrower agrees to comply witA the provisians of any tease if this deed ot Vust is ort .-- - - � • •� . <br /> _ �s;� ,�� . ; e Ieasehatd.If this deed of trust Is on a unit in a condominium or a ptanned unit davefopmertt,Bonower will perform all of BaRawer's duties . � • <br /> - undet the covenarrts.6y-iaws,or regulaUons af the candominium or pianned unit davetopment. '.. , <br /> - '� s:. - 9.Autfioiity of Lan�r w P�rfortn tor Borrawar.H Bortower falis to_Derform any of Horrower's dutles under this deed of trust.Lender may . � . _ f. - _ <br /> ��` , � � . <br /> ' ��• � -- perfarm the dutiea or cause them to be perfartned.Lertd�r may sign BoROwer's name or pay any amauni if necessary for performanee.if any f� �+ •' <br /> , � <br /> � ' '� � '' nsUU n tlfe r t ' a r m nn n er y o uvhatever is necassary p tect Londor s � <br /> . . -. :. • � eo ctIo an paperry is�scominaed or rta car►ted on m easunab(e a er,Le d ma d to ro <br /> _ _. . .� .. .. .. .. - securi�ictterest in the propertY•.This maY ine(ude comptaUng the conswcdon. . ,. . , . . <br />— , �...-----�----- -..__. ._. . . . .. - - - - -. . . _ .... ; . ':. <br /> • .• ., - - ----�- -. __..--- ._._ .._.._. ._..---. _..- ----.._._..... _. .. .. . . . r ��, .------:- <br /> �� <br /> • , • Lenders failure to perEortn witl not preclud�Lender from exetoisi�g arry of its otfier rights under the law or this deed of trust �� <br />- � Qrty emourrts patd 6y Lendar to protect lender's sacurity irtterest will he secured by this deed of trus�t. Such amounta w11 be due on Qemand ' � .:�;,:s. <br /> , , �� and witl bear interest iram the date of the Daymertt uatil paid in fuil et the Irrterest rate in ettect on the secured debt • � /_;� <br /> .- • � � t0.D�h�dt artd AceeteraHon. H Borrower faifs to make any paymecst whsn due or breaks any covanants under this deed of trust or arry ;�` �l�.�;�; <br /> '�*. , . - f•-� - de�mand irt►mediate payrunertt a d mayinvoke the power of sale and anY otaher�r�emed ei a perm ti d by eBpp�ti�be taw�of the secured debt.artd . , _- , , <br /> ts <br /> � 11.Re�tsst fnr Nofica of Oefauk.It is hereby requested that coDies cf the notices of defautt ond sate 6e serrt to each person who is a party f � �,� � ,S '.. <br /> �' - • - hareto,at the addresa af eactl such person,as set forth herein. , <br /> " - •- -�-- - �- � 12.pow�r ot Sats.If the Lender inwkes the power of sate,the Trustee shatt ftrst record in the affice of tha regiater of deeQs ot eacb courtty <br /> � wherein the trust property or some part or parcel tfiereof is situated a noUcs of defauft cor►taintn9 the informatian required Dy law.The Trustee i : �, <br /> � shall atso mail copies of tAs noUce of defauft to the Bortower,to each person who Is a party hereto, and to other persons as presuibed by �- <br /> � appliceCte Iaw. Not less than one month after the Trustee records the novice of detautt,ar two months 'rf the trust praparty �s not in any . . . ' 4 _ <br /> � ' �� incorporeted city or village anA is used in farming o�perations eerried on by the trustor,the Trustee shatl give publfc notice of safe to the persons • •� � <br /> and in the manner presctibed by apppltcable taw.Trustee,wlthout demand on Bonower,shall sell the property at public auctian to the highest , ,f%:,:'� [ <br /> • requ3red by ths Farm Homas4ead Proteetion Act,Tcustoe shatl oNer the property in two separate sates as required by applicabte law. ,•. .� ! , <br /> � �� Trustae�may postpone sate o!aU or arry parcel of the proparty by puDlic announcement at the tima and plaee ot any pravlously scheduled sate. . :;�,`•.t <br /> _ - -�------ - Lender ar its dasignse may purchase the property at any aete. -. �- - -�• <br /> ' Upon receipt of paVm ent of the price bi0,Trustee shall deliver to tAe purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the property.The recftia(s corrtalned in � � � <br />� � ':, Trustae's deed shatl be pdma Tacie evldtenee of the uuth of the statements corttairted therein.Trustee shall appiy the proceeds of the sala in the .,E <br /> foltowtng arQer: (a)to aIl e�enses of the eale, lactudtng, but not Itmited to, reasona6te Trustee's fees, reasonaRte attomewa tees and �. <br /> relnetatsmem fees;ib)to all sums secured by this deed of trust.and(c)the 6alance,if any,to the persans Iegalty entitled to receive rt. ��,�ii" <br /> . ' � ' • 13.Faraetosuro.At Lender's oPtian,thia deed ol uust may be foreetosed in the manner provlde by applicabte law for forectosure ot mortgages � �� � � . <br /> ��� <br /> ' ' on real property. • . <br /> ' • 74.In�wcUon. Lender may entor the property to inspect it if Lender g(ves Bortower noUce beforehand.The notice must state the reasona6la : �, <br /> .. cause ror Lender's inspection. • ,_ ' <br /> _ ' . _ ..:..� 18,Co��mnstlon.Borrower assign�s to Lender th�proceeds of any award or daim tor damages con�ected with a condemnation or other taking � <br /> ' s, . . _• •�; � of e11 or arry paR of the property.SucA procseds will be apytied as provided in Covenant 1:This assignment is subject to tfie terms of any prlor , , : <br /> � �• , securityegreemant. <br /> i . . dy V • <br /> �` ' � arsiy reme�pon BoROwe�s defautt,Lende�r d�oes not^walirB eny rigM to lateacons�der�ihe event a�defauftifat happens againy�By not exercising ��r, ' <br /> _. � ' � 77.Jolnt and Sw�rat Ua6UItv: Co-algnero; Suecesaors an4 Aael�s Bound.All duUes under this deed of vust are jolrt and sevaral. Aoy � <br /> i, � �` " � � $ortowar who co-slgns this deed of trust but does not co-sign the undertying debt Insvument(s)does so onty to grant and convey that • <br /> � + BonowePs interest ln the properry to the irustee under the terms of this dee0 ot Vust.fn additlon,such a Borrower agrees that the Lender and • <br /> � � '�' � any othet BoROwer under thts deed of Vust may extand,moditv or meke any other ehang�s tn the terms nf this deed of trust or the secured ._ <br /> deb!without that Borrower's consent and withaut releasing that Borrower trom the terms of ffiis Qeed of trus� <br /> f• k • <br /> • The Eutles and 6enefits o}this daed of uuat sheU b(nd and benefit the successors and assigns of lender and Bonower. � � <br /> � 18.No9e�.Untess otherwlse requlred by law,any notice to Borrower shall be givon by delivering it or 4y mailing it by certifled mail addressed to � � •� . <br /> � Borrower at the property address or any�pther address thai 8orrower has glven to Lender.Bonower wtU 8ive any notice to Lendet by certified � _ _ . <br /> mail to LonQei's adCress on pege 1 of thle deed of bust,or to any other address whlch Lenaer has designated.Any other notice to Lender shafl <br /> � • � � 6a serrc to Lender's address as steted on pa({e 1 of thls deod of trust. ' • <br /> a� ' .� . . � <br /> � . ' �` Arry notice shall be deemed to have been givan to Borrower or Lender when given in tho menner statod above. . <br /> � . 19.Trwfe a?ths Ptop�rty or e BMSRctat(nt�rast In ths Bortow�r.ff a11 or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or transfened F . � <br /> - � without Lendes's prlor writtAn consern,lender may demand immediate payment ot the secured debt. lender may also Aemand immediate h <br />_� � � . d m nd pa�rrt In�e above S1tuaUons lf iiie prohibtCd by f9deiel I w a9 of�ie daf e of thls deeA ol�trutt nsterred. However, Lender may not � _ : <br /> � � 20.Raamyanee.WAen the obllgation eecured by thls Qeed of Vust has been patA,and Lender has�o tunhet obligation to make advances <br /> � • , wder th9 InsVUmente or agraements secured by ihla deed of Vust,the Trustee shal6 upon mrtitton roauost by ffio Londor,raconvay the bust i• <br /> . � :' pr�o�perty.The temder shalf deliver to the Bonower,or to Borrower's suceessar In tnterest,the trust doed end the note or other evidence of the r <br /> T_ : o6u8aUon so eaUsflad.Bortower shatl pay any rocordatlon costs. � • <br /> �• 2�.Suuasar T�wLee.Lender, et Londor's oDtion, may remove Trustee and appoint e successor trustee by first, mailing a copy of the i . <br /> • � - subsUtuUon o1 Uustee 8s required by applicabte law;and then;by titin�the substitution of trustFre tor record in the o�ce of the repister of deaQs � i � , ' <br /> ' ' of each eounty in which the uust property,or some part thereot,is sttuated.The suceassor trusteo,without eonveyanee of the property,shall � <br /> ' � succead to ell the power,duties,autAorlty and tltle of the Trustee namad in the daed of Uugt and of ony succassor trustee. i <br /> • � i <br /> � <br /> ' :'-- . . - , ( '_ . <br /> � <br /> ,' � . . ' I � <br /> _. . ; . ' i• <br /> ' . � lpage 2 0121 , . <br /> - , . . _ , •.;_-., ' <br /> -�-- '--� __...- �--_�..__..• BAN�tEaS SYStEMS.mtC.,ST.CtOU2 ELN 683011180P39Y73411 FOAM OCVaNtGN!81t gldt I <br /> , . �._,.._�_.,,..._,..- <br /> , ��' ' ' • � ' <br />- '�.. . � ... .� - __ <br />