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< -_�' .r Y .—'_ "� � . ... - . _ T° �� . r-• :_i� ��y�., • �•, -,.T�..S'.su"=--_— — —_.-- <br /> ,.� �.�. '� . . �T .�.,i. Eaivc. er.�i�. �n�'�b. ' � --_ <br /> -i. - i . .t_ _ ' '_ '�c?..' — - __ —. <br /> -�y Y ' - - z -- --- — -- -- —=— — �- — <br /> _-t � Y ' ' ' " . � ; ` ' �f���d�i��8 , , �_ �- <br /> - �` • : , , <br /> °' � �,� , • 17�Trama�ar 'ot the Propepty,or a �en�flWal Int�r�st ta Ro�rlmviae�t aD cr anY pert at the Property or,.� - - <br /> °''-' : . ` - • . • . any Nterest tn tt fs ao!�or transteRed(ar ii a 6�nsRela!intese9t U�Borrawe+r!s 6at�ar transf�red and Bortawer Es rwt e a�tai �-�'°a°'�°"" <br /> h:� ,`':` , <' p�aon�vfihcul Lendet's pHar wdttm eonsenL f.endtt may,et(b dp8on.reqvQre•taisn�tGate paytn�t in t�,9 of e�.simla s�tasred by �.� .� � ` ____ <br /> = ,-;�< " '.` � Ws$ecu�r tnaWmenL Hawav�thfa`cpt[rn shall not 6a�mcera�ed 6y t.�►d�H exerdse Is P����1t taderal Eaw gs of the , __--_ - <br /> �....� ` daie of thl9 SeCUtfty tnshument � • � , . . . �` i�.ti..���--�- <br /> �; Fc.� , <br /> .,.!� ••• • °, N l�der exerdses thts optton.l.�nd�ahaII gNe Barrower notIcs of eticetcastion. 7Ae aaUrs ahai provlde��pertod o1 not _ �.;_.— <br /> -; �;; �>. - tess than 90 days ftom ihe dita the roUea Is dclfv�ed ar maSted�fitAlr►whlci� Bocrcwa must pay d a�nns se�red bY tt�fs ' � j�,i �,r,��_=��.. <br /> �, . � -- <br /> , � ` ` Seavr@y tnswm�nt. (i BorroN�t�its ta pay these s�ans p�ior to ths e�UsKcn c2 tt T�petad (.en�a may hvake etry retne�es .����-�.�:--� <br /> . �,i . � , , perm8ted by thta S+eam'�I tnstrume�rt wMout tuRt►Er notlee ar d�und an 6artawer. _�°A.,��F .-- <br /> 18 Bonower'a Rt M to Relnata4e. [f eonower meeSs canatn con�ona Bacrowar�at tiav�s tAe dght to have • `.���� — <br /> . entoreement o!U►t9 SecurRy►tnsiiument d:scontinued at erry P,�rte pr�r 4b tha s�8er a� {a) 5 days•tar such ott�a pertor!es ' '�=.,�.�.Y <br /> , �• ,� cur y '••`` �` t,�l�- <br /> ' � ap�IICabte faw may sper,flyl for reTt►�tsteramtj batore�saiA ai Ure PropatY Riusu�Y tio arry Pawa ot sals cantaned tn t'1Es Se�ueHy► � � �:�.-- <br /> - �' ;'��„y...� . (nsVumeriC or(t►)en�il af a jud�t cMorcdng this 8ecurfitY Ins�uma��t Those eon�n3 are thai 8airower.(a)C��endEr aB `�,r_ .` . -'.```z""�-�: <br /> - �`-: sums w�fch trien vtavfd be ds:a mtd�th��7t�end tlta Noie as H n0 a�n h a d O�a e d: I b)p�s a I�Y . . - �� <br /> � -:;'- , 4 <br /> ` ` deta�it oi airy other cov�am or agfeementx I�)G�e7 e�e[ses trtaured(n e�totdng thb ScaniiY triswmenL tneiud9sg but ,._r . ;� <br /> : �. :. � ^ nai Qm�ed to.reascnabfe attomey�tees:and(�tekes such ac��as Leeid�mey reasanaby re�tre ta essure that the Qen of .4 ;, <br /> ��;;'..= <br /> Uds Se�y1 Inshumer�L 4ender�a.dgh� (n ffie Prope�ty and Borrowe�s oEDgatton to PaY tha�m seauad by tfds Securfry . .• ..:%�.: :. ;.- <br /> tnsUurtsent sl�sli•w�Tnue unchsnged. Upbn ce�stffienent by Bortav�er. thts SectaRSl tns'�c�se'R end tho obII�ons secured ;� ` <br /> 4 .`• ; , �,� hereby ahaU rert�tn ft�IIy etteetAre as B a�o ecce2eraHon Aad ocAnrted. However.tfiis dght m reinstate ahaD not eppty fi the case �-A�����"`� �; <br /> of aeceieratian tmd�para�aph 1T. �c���� "+5., <br /> _�F�.. <br /> - � 19. Sale of Note: Change o! i.oan S�ntl�et.The Note or a a psAtai tnteest in tha f�tofe Roga4heP vvi!lf,Uds a:.._..._.�__.� <br /> • _ ,—_�= • _,}'���..�.� <br /> " �� ' Sewriry Instrument?may be sotd one m mare Umes wNhout pdm na4ics to Bamower.A saie may r�sn8 H e ehange In the entit�l .. ��<-:;�:�,_� <br /> _ ':` r.:;�. . . .. -_�s, <br /> _ - �. t, t� <br /> �wm as the't.oan 3ervicer7 ffiet coUeeta monthty paymenta dus underthe Note end this S�curf�Y Instrum�rt. Th�'e atso may . �F�-• ::�n-.. <br /> : : x_:.:.�_� <br /> : -� � � be one or more ehanges ot tAe Loan Send�,unretated to s sale at the Kot� 1�these(s a change ot tt�a Laan Senr[cer. , ry,�,:�- <br /> � �'� : :s�;-:.__ <br /> Borrower wID be gN�writt�nogce of the efiange tn aaxrdance.wfth psra�ih 14 aDwe and appIIenl�te tsw. The noUeo w61 • ._-.,�-;T=� <br /> etatethe neme and adQress oi the new Loan ServTcer and tAe ad�esa to whkt�paymenta ahoutd be made. The�atice wiU atso , �`S'�'.��y"""'�`'' <br /> i ..L- '{�:-. <br /> - , . eor�4�arry ot6er tnlormaUpn requGed bY�DP��bte taw. ��� <br /> r, '� . �:. .:�5x�5._ <br /> . ; r: .:sac�.. <br /> �� 2A. Hazerdous�ub9tanoY9.Bar►owpr shaD nat cause ar pennJt the presen�.use.�sposa�stortQs.or retesse at � °� -�- <br /> .., : . ::. . , , =-_ <br /> ''' � � �� •':`;� . �ny HatarQoua&�bstu�aas on or fn tha Properiy: Bocrawtr at�att not Qo,ncr aIIow anyane etse to dQ.�yihtng aftecting th� - <br /> Su �.:;.:���G�. <br /> �' _ . •. �.—r ...' _''__.' _""' . ,.:—. -. : <br /> - . . . -�- -f�oytRy�tt�at-Ts-Invtotatlon--ot any-EnWronmantal�lflw.,-Tho preaeding�two-eerKa�ces-ahell-�ot-eDAty..to_th�Rreacnae...u� �.-� <br /> _ '� � .' � etonpe an tho Proparty of small quanUtle9 ot HataMous 3ubstaneee that are gen�a�y�ecegn(zed to be appropdate to nocmat . <br /> ' � � rosiQanttet usea and to matntenanee ot tha FropeRy. ' � • ' — <br />_ . � 6orrower shall promptfy gtue tender m(ttan noUce o1 arty fmreattyatlen. rJa6TL d�a t�auit ar other acUon by any ��;--� <br /> . . . ,.. . <br /> .• . • ,. ' � govemmental or cegulatory agenry ar pdvate pariy�voMns ihe Pcoyerty and atry H�zallous Substenee er Envlronma�ital Law of .. .• <br /> _'�' _.. ._._;. ._ whlch-BoROtiver has sdual tmowtedge. It Borrower-team�.or t�:�otfl[ed Dl►anY Sov�men�!or regutatory authorfly.Ihat arry.-. - -' - � .:-:� r _ . <br /> . removal or othe► remodfaUon o1 airy Hazardous Substarsce �9 ProDertY (s necessary. Hocmwer BhaM promDt�l�e efl . <br /> neees�ary cmnedal aetions in accordance witMh 6iv(ronmenml Law. . ;� . <br /> , . . As used Tn this P�4�Ah�.'Hamndous Substances'ara thase substanees defined es to�da or hasardous substanees by � , , <br /> •,;�• <br /> • _ ' .. , -_� Frevtronm8ntal lsw end tt�e !o¢awTng subst�nces: gasoIIn� keros�� oth� RartQnahte or toxta petraleum produets. to� -- - -. ;`��'�,< <br /> � �� �" pp6ddes and herbtddes.votaL7e soMents.matertals cortaintng esbestos o�to m�a l d e h y ra mo a c d v e m a t e r f a i s. A s u s e d(n : <br /> ` • ' � " � para�aph 20. 'Environmental Lavu'means federal taws ered tawa oi the jucls�dton where tha Ptoperiy Es Ia�ated that retate to •� %n <br /> � • . heetth.safery ot enviaonmenml pm2eetIon. � : :�,:: 'y.. <br /> . .Y <br /> HONd1NiF0RM CdVEMANTS.Borrow�aad Lender further cavenant and a�ee as foIIows: . • ;; ;j, <br />� -�-: �"-- '� 21. Acceleration: Remedles. I.ender shali give natice 4o Barrower prtar to acaslera4ion . --_ . . ;� <br /> :� � . � . toilowing Borrawer's breach of any cavenant os agreement tn tlils Security Instrument (but not � :_ <br /> ; �. �, prior to acceleiatton undar paragraph 17 unless appllt�6ie faw p�avides otherwise). The no4tce . .s.: %` <br /> _. ... shai! specHy: (a)the defaut� @)the adion requtred to 6ure the detaus� (c).a date, aot loss than _ " ���'� <br /> � . � .: . 30 days from the date the eaottce is gtven to BoROwsa. by which the default must be cured: and •��� ; ,� <br /> � � . �,� (�t hat f a 1 1are to cure t he de f au l t o n o r b e f o r e t h e d a i e s p e c i f[e d I n t h e n a t l c e m a y r e s u(t t n � , <br /> . �' � a�ce�eration of the sums seaured by this Security Mstrument and sale of the Property.The natice : <br /> � � ' � � � � - shali further tntonn Borrowar uf the rfg9�t to reinatate after acceleratton and ths �ight to b►ing a �. <br /> , ^ <br />= `, :F • - --�-� `x� �ourt actlon to assert the non-existence ot a dslault or any other defense W Bomower ta ; � .=r;... . <br /> .. ; �a . • . �• � ac�eYerallon and sate. E�the defautt is not cured on or 6efore the date speciRed �n the notice. :,�: •,- <br /> . . Lender at Its option may requtre immedtate payment In fiall ot atl sums seeured by this Security .. - . <br /> I�strument without further demand and may invoice the power of sale and any othar remediea 4 ' . � . <br /> ` - ' � permitted by appUcabie Iaw Lender shali be etnftted to cotlect afl expenses inaurred.In puesuing � . <br />�-� . :� ° the r+emsdiea provided tn thts paragraph 21. tacluding, but not limited to, reasonabte attamoys' . ' <br /> - � � . � • tees and costs cf titte eWdence. ' � � � '' � � <br /> �.F,"�� - : ' `. (f the power of sale is invoked. Trustea ah�l1 recoM a nottce of defauft tn �acb coanty tn . <br /> . whlch any part of tha Property Is lacated and shall mail coptes of such rtotico In the manner <br /> � prescrlbed by appticabte taw to Borrawer and to tho athee petsons presc�i6ed by appticable taw . : <br /> � � . � ARer the tima �equl�ed by apptteabie faw,Trustes shall give puWic notiae of sal�to the persans � , <br /> �?~ � � and �n the manner prescrtbed by appltcabte law Trustoe.witfiou�demand on Bo�e�, ahal!sell � <br /> � . � the Property a! public auctton to the higheat�tdder at ths tlme and ptaes artd under the terms � . <br /> _ � � � deslgnatad in the not�ce M sate tn one or mors parceis and tn any order Trustee determines. , <br /> • • Tivates may postpone sate af all.or atry parcel at ti�o Property by pubttc announcement at the <br /> � � time and place af any previo�sty scheduled aate. Lender ar tb designee may puechase the � � � • � � <br /> . �. PropsRy at any sa[e. ! � . <br /> . � Upon recei�! ot payment of ths prica bid. Trustaa sfiali deliver to tRe purchaser Trostee's � <br />- �� � , deed comreyl�ag the Property.The reciWs In ths T�ustee'a deed shaU�be pN�na fa�te evidence of ! <br /> � � the truth of the statements made theretn. Ti�ustae shatl appty the proceeds of tho eals In the , � � <br />- . �, � � foitawing order: (a) to afl costs and expansas ot exercising the pawer at sate, and the sate. <br /> . ' . " � Inciuding tha payment af th0 Tntistae's[ees acZualiy incuried,no!to exceed i en-----�--- : <br /> --- ------------�---(1�)-----..--------y ou of!he principal amount W the ` <br /> � <br /> . � nota at the 8me ot the dsclaration of deiauit,and reasonable attcrr�ey's fees as permftted by taw: . � <br />- , ` � ' . . - ,-- - (b)to all sums secured by thts Security tnshumen� and (c) a�►y excess to tha persan or per�ons � . <br /> � tegally ent�tted to i� ; <br /> . , .. <br /> . . . ` . c,31s.�tr.o no�a� vagn o m s � <br /> _ . <br />-- •,. - --_._ __ . . . <br /> �. <br /> --------- -- - <br /> ,. . ,� ___.-.., -__:.._ --:. <br /> .x , .. t� E • . <br /> . <br /> �,�- . .' � . . . ,. '' {:- : __._ _. <br />