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Y . . , �` `. . -�y.. : . ., w � , < ,.�. c ... a-i �a. —:a aw,.,n _ <br /> �R ,�,i � �.s, . ., � .. .. -. �.c ,M L , `rs.-�.. <br /> ` '�r . �. �4:" ' `r.�� .-4 Y Y� � ,} _ 'r "„lS�i�n'Fi_Yylti7 Q.� �5,�_ 4e.Zi.M i�°•'�' �'1S•�� _ —_ <br /> :._ Y '1 ' . � ' ` ��V���IV���`— . • � C �.r�Y?.�'cM13ei! _ <br /> �r . '� . . . . � . . . . .V :- ��y:��i.� <br /> - . • YOflETH613lVIM an ths fmpravements naw ar het�atter�eeted on�►e DmF�tY..anA eA e3smne�a.eA9irltenances. and -�---'��,� <br /> , � -':: , fBd�ues novr ae h�eaa�a part of tfie pmpesry.Aa repl�aanants and add?flons eha0 eiso b�a covered by tf�Is 3awu(ty fnst�nent. .' - ; <br /> � � � AD o4 tt�e toregong is�eferted tD(n tfiis 8eFUCftY 6isUume�t�s ihe'Froperiy.' � ` <br /> 7:. , .` •� . BOAROW�i COV�N�l11T[9 tf�ai Bohower ts tawtufly seSzeQ oi the esta.te Rereb]►eanveyed end has tha�IgM to grant�nd . , - - • � .��_:: ,�;- ;- <br /> _���', .-��...,5 .• � carneq the Fro�etty aad thst tha Property!s unencumhered. ex�Pt for enoambrenoes Q!��e�ard Barrower warrarita enA wm ° � ` : ::_'._:,-•;2 <br /> :;:,'�,"';;r-.` '��:.. ' defend genera8y the U'tie to the Property egalnst eltda(m�end dar.ande.IIueiea to�y�,e�rances o��eeam. . �4: � ,4�:..c"�=�; _ <br /> - ��°� ,�'. ` THf9 SECUAfTY tN91RUMENT ccmbfios.wifiorm couenenta fot naUanN use and nari-unHarm cqYenants wfth limited �, <br /> ��: �:.��` �` variattons by jurisdtctton�o�eonsu'ride a unHotm searfry tnsUUment eovedng�1 PropeRY• � � . : .,. - <br /> -°_ .. :. - UNiEOAN!CCVEHANT� Barrower end LenH�eavenant end agroe as foLbws: _ <br /> .Y-�s��,.�.;' � " , � t.Pay�rnt of P�inclpal and lateress� PrOpagrnneat and 9.ats Chargas.eorrowe:r ahafl PromPUY PaY when � `�` < ., • � <br /> � due the P�uFe1 ot end Tnteres!en thQ d�!�utdenc�d by the Nate snd anyt Pre�ayment and ade chargas�e urtdar the.Note. - <br /> . ��;.F�... � � 2. Fueas�for Tt�es ene e�isurance.�Biaet to eppEanta tav,ar io s,�waNet b�r t�r►aer.�oROwer sn�n oa�r - .• .'� , .. <br /> � � +�'� to Lender on th�da7t moMhN PajRnerrts�e due und�the Note.urrt�7 the Kate ts paid tn Nii a 6um('Funds7 for. (a)Year�! •�'. , �„ � .' <br /> ',���` ���y�', taxes and essessments vfitch may attaln Pdarity over thi�3QatfitY trtsWmmt es a Q�►an the P�oP�Y• (b)Y�M'•easehatd --_.-.--__- . <br /> . paynier�ts or graund r�nts nn the P�A�Y•H�Y• (�)Y�►$I��1��P�P�(instuattca premlums: (�Yeerlyl L�ood insut:tnce -- <br /> _� . ' `�.-, ' premiums.fF anyr.(e)YearM mortgage tnsivanca Prenlums.B any;end Qj any surro paya6!e by Barrow�to tender(n acwrdaz�ce ; -. : _ <br /> ���� ` � " writh tAe provJstons of para�h Ueu ot tAs p�yme�R oi mertgage insucancs premtutns. These itans ars esIIed 'Eserow ' , <br /> e <br /> i� � ttems.• Lend�may. at any ttm��oBec!end hoid Funds tn en amount nat to exeeed the m�dminn emawt a tender tor a . <br /> . federally related moKgage toan may requhe tor Borrowei's escroW account ttrtd�the tedera}Real Estffie Settlsnertt Procedures _ . _._..-- . --.. - <br /> '� "f ' Act a11S74 as emended trom time to tIme.12 US.C.�2601 et seq. ('NNESPA�.untess another taw ihai eppBe�to the Funds � <br /> T ;�: • ��� � sets a tasser amount 8 so.lertd� any Hme.col(eet and ho(d Func[s In an amourrt not to exceed tAe I�ser amounL • . . .. , <br /> 1 • . Lender may esttinate the amount oi F�mds due on the 6asts oi airrent dam and reasonabte psHmates of e�endrtures of future . <br /> �``�:,. . . • Eserow it�ns or othenxlse in accordance wfth appqcabts taw. - ' • <br /> . , . °: The Funds shaD be he(d in an instriutton v,hose deposfts ere Gssiued by a federal ageney,tns4umentafityf.or ent@y(indadtng � - , <br /> � � Lender.H Lend�Is sueh an Instlditlon)or(n arry Federal Home loan Bank L�der shaD eADh►the E�mds to pay the Escrow . . .,. � ".` <br /> ftems.Lender may nat charge Bortower tar hold'mg and ahPhN�9 tha funds.annually analyRing the es�r aceotmt.or veritytn9 ._•. �::�:.`_:_. <br /> • � the Escrow Items, unlesa lend�pays Hortower UtiPrest on the Ei.:.ds and eppQcabla tfm pertnfts I.ender to make such a ,. <br /> • ' charge. Howe+rer. Lender may requlre Borrov��to pay s oneafine ch�ge for an fndepend�t reaf estate rax reAortfig seMce . , • . . <br />_ � used by Lend� in connec8an wTtN thLs Inan. unless ag�II�'.e taw Froyfd� othemTse- Unless an a�eemeni 1s made or • � � <br /> _ - , . appRca6le laEV req�tr� iatc3est to be paid,i.end�st�a7 rtat 6a�equUed to pay Borrower any Tnieresi'or e�min9a on ths Funds. �� r. *. , <br />- Borrower and Lender may agree In wrriEng,howaver,that interest shaD be pald on the Funds. Lender shab give to Borrower. <br /> ����� � ` ` without charge,an ennuai accvurrttng oi t?�e Funds, showing credits�d de8fts to the Eunds and the purpase for which each ,'.. .. . , ' ' <br /> yT �� � L � - deb$.to the F�nds�raslnada__It�e.Fuod��tQ pl�dged es.addRional secu_ tor e0 sums secured the Seevrfty tnsttument '� <br /> :.. ._ .-� '•-- �-----_. _._._... �L.-------�--��------��- ' -- - <br /> ��,; �N the Funds hdd by Lender exceed the amaunts permitted to be hNd by eppiicabfe faw,LeRd2l 5�1811 BCGOtl��0 E�OROwer�� - � �.— �� <br /> ` �� ' far the excess Furtds in acc�rdance vrtth the requTrements ot eppU�bte taw. It the emourtt ot the Funds hetd by Lender at any �``�_ <br /> � �� � tima ts not suflicient to pay the Esaow items when due,lender•rtiay so noNfy Barrower(n wrfting.and�n suen case eoROwer ��-.-- <br /> ;� . . . .. ah311 pay to Lender the amount necessery to make up the deftdency. 8errower Bhatl make up the defldency In no more than �� •-� <br />_ :r.;, , . ..-.. . � twelve monthly Paymer��at Rertder's so►e disaetton. , ;._.;.��-.= • <br /> � �: • � � • Upon payinent In fu0 0!all sums se�ted by thls SecurltyinsVumeM,tender sha9 promptty-�eNrtd to Borrawer eny FunBs- - . ;- <br />, •�; _ hetd by Le�der. If.urtder paragraph 21.Lender sha0 eequire or aeA the Property,Lender.pdor to the acquisHian or sate of the , • . <br /> � . -. Properly. shali apyy any Funds Ae(d by Lender at ths ttme ot acqutsiUun or aele ae e aed'�t agah�at the eums eecured by thts ` i <br />- , ' . SecurPry Instrumcmt 'v � ' <br /> ' ' 3.. Ap�iteattan o! Paym�nte. Unless epDAcabte faw provtdea.otherwia� aD paymeMa raceAred by I.�nQer unQer . . •�_ -� ; <br /> , . paregra�hs 1 end 2 shaA be appfleQ: tUsl,to any Rrepayment charga9 due under the Not� emounts paya6te under , : .,. <br /> _ — . � pare�aph�thtrd,to tnterest due;fouRh,ta pdndpal due;and( arry tate charges dua under the Note. .. • �,�?` . <br /> �� . � . . � 4. Charges; Ltene. eorrow� shau pay efl taxes. assessmer�ts, chruges. ftrtes and imposRlons attrtbutabte to the •:-; ; <br /> Properiy wA1cb may attefn prlorit�/aver this Securny tnstrument�and teasehofd payments or�o u n d rents.N any. Borrower ahall � �,-�:; <br /> � � � � pay these c6Rgstlana In the manner provlded In paragrapb 2. a►ff oot pald fn that manne►, Borrower sfia11 pay them on time i . . ���r'�� . <br /> _ �y,;.•:., � • direaUy to tha person awed paymertt Borrower shaN prompIIy 1�misA to Lender e0 notlees ot amourrts to be paid under this � _ ._ "_=_�..�. . <br /> � • paragraph. I! Bonawer makes tkase payments directty, Borrower shall promptty tumtsh to Lender receipts evidendng the . . �,:�; <br /> ' - - D�etrts. • ��; <br /> = • ' •. Borrower ahail promptty diseherge any lien whtch has pdority aver this Sec�uRy Inshument unless Bortower. (a)agrees t� � � . �ti�'• <br /> s- � ,: ' . • � � <br /> � . �,. �� . writing to tha payment of the obligaUan secured by the Qen In a manner eeceptable to Lender, (b) eontests tn good faHh the . • � <br /> � . . ' 11en by, or detertds against entoreement ot the Den tn, legat proeeetMgs whtch in the Lender's opinion operata to prevent the �.'"%�- <br /> _ � ^ � enioreement of th0 Uen;or(c)sewres from the hotder of the den an sgreement satbfaetory to Lendv suhar�nattng the Iten to . � <br /> _ �' �. ' thiu Securfty fns4ument Ii Lender detertntrtes that any part oi the P►operiy Is subJect to e Ren whieh may attain pdoc(ty over this <br />- . � ' Securfty tr:swumerit,Lender may gNe Borrower a rtotice IdenUy�g the Uen.Bortowei�aha0 setfsy the fien or taku one or more ot . <br /> ��~ i� the acttons set foRh above wRhTn 10 days of the gNing ot noUce. . . <br /> -"� - ' ��"• . S. Haz�'d or RropBrty(nsuranCe.Bocrow�ahaU keep the impmvements now e�Jsting or heresfter erected on the • <br /> • �� � '} � Propert}( tnsured agalnst loss by Sre, bezards inctaded within the term 'extenEed coverage'and any other hazards, inJudng • <br /> „s. "� `` ' _ �. ''�, 400ds or tloading,for whicD Lender requires tnsuranca TAis insuranca shati be maintained in the amount�and for the pedods .��!� <br /> • • •• that Lender requires. Tho Insuranca carttar provtding the insuranee shail be chosen by Bortower subjecl to Lender's approval . . <br /> , whicb shall not be unreasonabty wHhhetd. It Borrower fa1►s to malntein coveraga described abo4e, Lender may. at Lender's � <br /> 'i � _ • bptton,obtafn cwerage to protect Lender's dghts in the Prope►ty in accordance witb pen3grapb T. � <br /> - ' . M insurance poliotas end renewals shell be acceptabte to Lender end shell include a standard moRgage ciause. lender • , <br /> � shaU have the dghi to hold tha policiea and renewats. If Lendet requires,Borrower shall proroptiy gtve to�ender efi reaeipts of , <br />_ �'. • . . paid premlums and renewai nottces. tn the event of foss,Barrower ahatl ghre prompt noUce to tha(nsurance c�rtler and Lender. : <br /> ' . '. lendv may make ptoaf of toss H no!made promptlyl by BocrOwer. • ' • <br /> :::� .. ' ,. , r' Untess Lender and Borrawer othenvise a�ee tn mittng, tnsurance proceeds shaU ba appUed to restoration or repair of the . � . � <br /> . _ P►opedy damaged.N the restoratlon cr repaU Is economicaRy feasible and LendePs rtot(essened. If the restoration ar <br /> � `'�. . repatr is not economlcaly feasible or Lenderb secvrRy woutd be leaaerted,the(nsurence pmceeds sha0 6e eppIIed to the sums . • <br />-`''' �' - > secured by tfits Security Instrument, wfiethe►or not Nen due,witl�erry e�ccess patd to Bortawer. (t Borrowe►abandons the . <br /> ,� , <br /> Propariy. or does not ensv�er wfthin 30 days a nottce irom Lender tAat the tnsuranee earrle�has oftered to eettle a elaUn,ihen <br /> � lender may coQecl the Insurance pmaeeds. Lender mey use the proceeds to repatr or restore tha P4�operiy►or to pay sums • <br /> ' secured by tAts Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 9Qday perlod wtD be�n when the notice Is qNen. • <br /> � ' � • . Unless Lender and Borrower olhen�vise agree in miting, any eppOcatien ot proceeds to pdndpal sha0 not extend or <br />- • � � � , . postpone the due d�te o1 tfie monthty paymente refened to in paracpaph9 1 and 2 or change the emount of the payments. It � . <br /> � ' � �� under parsgrapfi Y1 tfie Property ts acquired by Lender. BorrowePo dght to any insurance poRcles and proceeds resu►ting irom , • <br /> • •• '�' damage to the Property pdor to the acquisftlon sha0 pass to Lender to the extent o1 the sums by this Security Instrument !' . <br /> -:. ,.#�` : ; <br />- •••�r.�.. Itr�mediateti pdor to the acqulstUan. • � • <br /> ,_ -.,�.-r-:_::�:: ._.. i <br />- � � � 6. Occupancy. Preservatio». Maintenance and Protectto� of the Property; Borrower's l.oan � <br /> ; � AppUcation; 698sehOfd9. Borrower shep occupy.eatabQsh.and use the Properiy as BoROwePs pdnctpal residence wNhin � ; � •, <br /> ' sGRy days efter the exeeuHon oi thTs Secudry tnsbument end sha0 conUnue to accupy the Property as Bortower's prindpal � <br /> . '�`' � resldence for at�east one year after the date o!oc�pency.unless Lender othen�vise aflre�a In wr�ing,�vhich consent shall not � <br /> � • • . be unreasonabfy wtihhetd,or unlexi extenuat(ng cireumstances mcist whtch ate bayond Balrower's controi. Bortower shail not � <br /> • � , destray.damage or impair the Property,eRow the Property to deterlorate,or cammit wasfe on the Property. Borrower sha116e in , • <br />- � defautt tl a�}►forfeiture actien nr procee�ng, whether ehnl or criminal,ts begw thet in lertQer's geod taitF�judgment couid resu8 ! • <br /> - tn tarfeRure ot tha PropeAy or othenvise matedatty tmpaU the dea created by this Secu�ty tnstrument or Lender's secudty Interest. � , • <br /> ,. � � . <br /> ' ' Pege2of5 �� <br /> � , • F1318.LPd0(t0194) � . . <br />--_- ------ --.,. _ '-�-- . <br /> ;�._•___�-�--_--__: . <br /> ' � . ' 10000048 ' ' <br /> ! . .. <br /> . , � <br />