. < _� G 't - C . � i. . � . � _ ' 4 C ` F 'l t
<br /> *- . < .*�: , � �.:�� fij r Q: � ,. < < 4., _-
<br /> -.} , ���� . . . � : - � ..< - r e.
<br /> __- .c _ , . . - , � _ ' . �_� r,� - ' -� �EJ:.:.
<br /> -- 5. ''. - . `• . . ' , . . ��O/���.i���� � , . � � .
<br /> _- .. 'InGSfHEEt W1Tgi all.tha imgrov�a�ts uow or her�aRea erecxed on the prc�aty:an.d aII��,aq�p�oenat�s.an� � , _ , ; _
<br /> - ' �atu�s now m�eaeeafter 8 pai4 af the piapeny.Ail�Iaoeffients an�additi�ns sL�aiso b�coveae�l by mis S�ity insuame�Y. � � � -
<br /> - .'• ` '.� Atl of the fo�egomg i�iefeaed to m t�is Secmity Instrmaentastlte°Propeaty" ` , _
<br /> --_ � `• BORROW�t�OilEl`/�PfS that Bmmwt�s is tawFnliy seise�of tTia e�mte tieieby c�nveye�aad Las the�t in gi�t�+d , �• ' . .. "� .�.. � -�
<br /> t'�:� � � , �, cpnvey the Praperty snd thas the Prop�ty is�mencambeied,except fat eaa�ml'o�ances of t�eo�d.Enaowa w�ts�d w�71 � ' �.,+F�
<br /> °'�- ` �:: �_ . defe�l genetaUy tTte tWe�to the Propeaty againse all claims and de�aaifs.snbjecx o��y encumtuanoes of�d. , : . . , �
<br /> � . � TEIIS SfiCt]IiITY IleIStRUN�NT cort�ines�mifoim coveaanB for aarional�sse and non-aaifoAn wvea�wish timiu� ' :
<br /> << , v�ns by jurtsdicxtoa to oonsdtute a unit'oiu►sec�uiry ias�ument o�re�ag rest pmperty. . � .' .. . .� .�*,�--
<br /> . , . UIeT�ORhi CdV�iANTS.Ba:mwer aad Lender covenant and egt�ee�s follaws: � � . �. . ..
<br /> . �,.: ;..y-�.. I.Feyme�n4 0!Frindpal atttl Inte�st:Prepaynteut aad 4ate Cl�a�es� Baaowe� st�aIl Pm�P�Y PaY when dne the . I � .
<br /> Il t -.-
<br /> —.- �slaf aud int�i�tT�d`ebievidensed by the Noie m�auy�yme�t2nd 1s�i�chatgesdas�tleeNota. t- =r=�.--,-=-�u
<br /> � �Efiads tor Tp:es ond Insnraac� Sub�ect o�applirabie taw or tn a wriue�waivea 6y Ia�dea,Baaowea shaII pay tn � � � � .
<br /> �; •: ' Zc�der on the daY mcn�tilY payments�e due�dea the Noi�,aan'!t�e Na�is paid m fnll.a sum("Fimds'�for.(a)yeady�s • . , . � -
<br /> ' . ' . . -.- aad essessmenis whirb aiay at�a griority over t�is Seauity Ins�utteae a4�tiea�on the Piage�ry;N)3��Y�o2d payat�ts -. - -. - - .
<br /> ' " - - --. .- ar gi�and�its on the Pcopecty,if any,(c3 Y�5►k�rd or W'aPeatY�ce�(�YearlY fl�od ms�ammoz Pieminms.if --_ ..._ ___..-_._.. . . --
<br /> ,,: . " , , ' any:(�)Y�I3+ma�a8e instuance pr�miums,if any:ancl(Q a�►9 sums payable by Bmtowea to I endet.in accurdaace with the �� ',,, � .
<br />_ ` pravisi¢mis of pa�a�aph 8.m lien of the paymeat of ma�age ins�ance ptemiwms.lY�ese items are called"Esciow Items." . .-
<br />- �' � , . Lender may.ai a�r dme.wl�t�d hntd Fuuds in�amnnnt nnt to exc�eed the ma�cimum emrnmt a Icuder far a f�y zelated
<br /> �g � � mmtgage Inan may req�e fnr Boaourd's escsow account und�tlte fedeial Real Fsratc Seffie�ent P�ucedmres Act of 1974 as ' � . :.
<br /> �,l,...�� '` � . �fmm time ro tbne,I2 U.S.G Sectian Zb(}I et seq. ("RF.SPA'�.an2ess aaother taw tLai spp3ies tn the Fimds stts a 1essPa - ..
<br /> r=� ' • amotmt�f so.Leadrs mey.at any mne.cflllect aad hoId Fimds in an amoant nai to exceed die I�ama�t I�der may ' - '
<br /> � � .. �ma�the amouat of Funds due on th$basis of cm�re�t data aad reasanable esnmatQS of expendinues of fi�e F�nw Ite,ms or . . - �
<br /> -. .� � , otheiwise in saxa;+danae wIth agplIcable taw. .. �' .�, ' i. ;;
<br /> . 'Ihe Fimds s6aI1 be hetd ia an inspi�n whose depostts are insared bg a federal age�acy,msoramenlaliiy,ar eutity findudiag � • ,
<br /> �`=_ . `. ; Le�►d�if Leader is sach an insawtion)ar in any Fed�al iiome Loan Bank.Ir,nder s4a11 appiy the Fmtds Lo �� � -
<br /> gay the fisc�ow
<br />-_. - _.._:. :�----�- ' -ieade not eStsrawaf��a3d�a aad • �`' ..
<br /> _.._._....::__�, �Y �� , g �YmS�tl��imds►ananall anat the esx�ow-aeontmt,or - ---� ,-
<br /> , , � the E�xaow Items.�mf�ss�eada Stiaowea mteaest on the Fumds�d Y Y�8 - �YmB - .... - ' . ,`, ;.
<br /> . P� ePPlicabte law p�its I.endea to malce s�a cbarge. :
<br />_ �� ;, .� ' .. . Iiowevea,Le�td�r may requi�Bouower to pay a oao-time cl�rge fa an indepeadc�t real�tax regnrtiag ser+ic�used by , ; � :%,:.,�
<br /> ' . .. . . a.eader in oonnoction wirb this Ioan,imless appliCable 1aw provides o�etwise.Unless an ag�ment is made or applicabie taw .r ,- .
<br /> . .,�''�; .
<br /> i `�.� .` '� _-�. � interest t�be paid,.I.e�der sUall uot be to 8ormwet .
<br /> • . �....... . - �-- .._.. -- - - _ � A�! aa9 mtec�st or eammgs oa the F�ds.B�ow��d � '` -- , • �, s
<br /> _ . � . I.ender may�ee in writing,howevea,that iaterest sba11 be paId on the Fnnds.Lendea shall give w Boisower�witDoui chazge,an .
<br /> t at
<br /> .� _ a�aal acoo�ting of the Fm�ds�'a��g credits and debits W the Fands�d the pmpase far ahirh each de6it w tlte Funds was � . . .
<br /> � , - .. • made.'�e Fimds a:+ep2ed$xd as additional seciuity far all stm�Sec�red by this Sec�ity IostrameuL � �., � . ��, t `
<br /> . . .. If the Fimds held 6y I�der exoad the amaunts pea�nined ro be hetd 6y applicable taw.Lendrr shall accatmt ta Boaower for `
<br /> � - -'� -- We�xces,s Fmids in axordance witA ihe requue.meats of applica6le law.If the smo�mt of the F�ds held by E�nder ai any dme is . � ; ;
<br /> . ; � . not s�t w pay the Escmw Items whea dae,Lender may so notify Bo�wea in writmg,and,in sasb case Bmmwer shall pay . � `� � `
<br /> "� . • tn I�der tbe amount nece�}r m maYe up ttte defiaea�y.Banower shall m�1ce up the defrciency ia no more than twelve � '. ,�;�'���
<br /> . . montbIY PaYment�.atLeader's sole d�scre�on. i .�� � , �:� -.;
<br />_- _ � ` , ._ .•_ Upoa paymeat in fuII of aII smns secared by thLs Sesurity Instrament,Len�er sha11 prumpdy refimd to Bon�uwer any Funds ` '. . ;�-°_i'
<br /> , ' . . held by Lender If.aader pazagraph 21�I.ead�shall acqime or se11 the Prbpesty,Lendez.pnior oo the acquisitioa or sale of the � . ,
<br /> � , � �P�Y,shaD aPP�Y�Y F�ds heid by I.�dea at the tisne of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secared by this fI � _ � -: .
<br /> - � SepuitYTnsWme�t f . . :�:,s;�
<br /> �_.,
<br /> . . 3.Applicatton of Paymenta Unless app�iCab�e law pmvides othe�wise.a]i paymeats rece�ved by Leuda under paragraphs ! - ;,.;��
<br /> : . • 1 and 2 sbaIl be apylied:fIISt,w az�y prepay�ent ct�arges dne unda the Note:second,ro amounts payabte undrz p�agiapf�2: . .
<br /> aI
<br /> � , � . third,to intrr�at clue;fo�th.to primapal due:and iast,w any late ci�arges dae uuder the Notc. f � . �
<br />_ ' _ . 4 C�8"�f Liea4.'Bbrrower sball gay all taxcs,asses�.e�ts. char8es.6aes snd 'uapo�rians atm'butab2e to the P�aperty d ..
<br />_�9 ; ...� � whicd may auain prioriry over this Sea�rity Instrumen�and leasehoid paymenm ar gcoimd re�fs,if any.Bonower shaD pay these �
<br /> • ��- obligadnns in the ariannea provided in Daragtaph 2.or if nos paid'm that ma�er.Bmmwea shall pay them on time direply to the ; � �
<br /> ` ,,: .
<br /> ... � . pason owed payment Bomnwer sha11 prompdy fumish w I.ender aU no�ce.s of affio�ts to be paid unda this pare�aph.If � � � •�... ..
<br /> � Borrawa maTces these paymeuts daecdy.Bolrowea shall prompdy fim►ish ro I.c�de�re�eipts evide�cmg the payments. �
<br /> : � . �� � . Boirower s�all yro�8y discharge any fien whicb 6a4 priority over tlils Sec�ity Insu�unent unles4 Bmrower:(a)agrces in ` .
<br /> '� writing w 4he paymeat of dee obHgation sec�aed by the tien u�a ma�ner acceptable w Lendea;(b)contesta u�gaod faith the lieai i . .
<br /> .• :�'� �. ' bY.or defeat8s agamst enfotce�ent of the lien u�.leF,al Piaceedm�s whicb in the I�der's opinion opuate w prevent the � . .
<br /> � . � enfm�xnent of the Geu;or(c)seaues from ttie holder of the lien an a�eeinent s3tisfacwry cn Lendea subordinaang the lien to . .
<br /> this Secariry Inswmeat If Lender deteamines diat aay part of the Pr+ape�ty is sabject to a lien whicG may atrain prioriry ovea this
<br /> ' • ' Seaaity Ins�ume,nt�IRnder may give Boimwer a notice Idenvfyimg We lien.Bomawea shall satisfy the lien or taYe one or more • � � �
<br /> - '• .�� � of the aeti�ons set fmtth abave witIw�10 days af the�ving of ao8c� ; ,
<br /> � . . e �
<br /> iorm 30Z8 9/9� ! �
<br />- � �. . . .' �•QR(NE7(92t21 Pea�2o18 Inhfafs: i � .
<br /> � .
<br /> ' • � .
<br /> . . I . '
<br /> - , • . . �
<br /> � � • • �� • . . . ' .. , • ' • ` . �
<br /> � , . . .. . � �
<br /> . . . . ti� � - ... _ _. ' . . - _. . : . . . - � ' ' . . .
<br />. �' � .. . _ . �_ • - . . ' . _ ' � _
<br /> ' .. . .. . • : � ' a • � � � �. .� ' �
<br /> i__ e _ _�_�� '_• _ '_ , --D'—- � _ . . � .
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<br /> _,il"` -- _ _ . -- --- — -- -_ -•- . � .
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