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• ' I l •. � . _ , <br /> -- � . ` :' ` . � . � - ���5��c�t��'`d2 ` ��� <br /> __— <� . . .. . .F _ . . . ` . .. . . <br /> - - -, . � ,app�ica6le!aw may+specifY for re;neaat�m�+t)before saEe af the Praperty putsuant to�uyr p�wer of sale coniained in t�is . . - - <br />---- - � Security Lasmua�a�.or(6)eatiy af a jud�t enforcing this Se�uriry In�tumezt� 'F�ose,canditians ate xhat Bo:sawer. {a} • _- <br /> gays L�der mll sums u.rhicfi tiien wouId 6e dne ander this Security lnsumn�nt and tfle Note as'if��ieratioa h�d � ., . <br /> - �ooc�atted;�b)cures uay d�fanit o�anyy other coveaaats�r agneements:i�)Pa;s aD expenses incvmd in Qnfo�ing this Securiry . <br /> _-- • Instrumsn�iactadins,bnt not limited to.Iea�onabl�auomeys'f�es:and�(d3 tatces such acdun as Leuder nra�:.reasonubIy, . <br /> __-_-- " n:quue tn assur�thai d�tien of this Secuiity Lts4rumeni,Lender's r3ghts ia the Fcogeixy and BorrowePs obligatio�to�ray the = <br /> � su�ls secured by,thi�s Security InsO�tunea�shall cantimue �mchanged-� Upoa reiasta�meni_bY�is Sesuriry. . <br /> �Inst�lmcent and th�o8li�adons secured tiereby.shall nemain fully effect[ve as if no acse2eTatian had occu�ecl. Hnwever.this. . • <br /> ---__-- - _ � . ri�fit tw*�in��r s�tall not apply fn the case of acceleration�n�er pa':agiaph 17. • _ . . ' _-__--- ------ <br /> - --" 19. Sak oi Note;C9�aQg+e of Losu Servtee� The No{e ar a partial intereat in the Note(together with tlus Sec�uiry . -- <br />_�,� Iosuument}.may 6e snId oae or mos�z times,without priar notice to Boxrower. A saie may resuI4 ia a ctiange in the enrii�+ _ . - --- _ _ <br /> ' pmown�as the"Y.oan SetvIc�r")diat coltects monthly payme�ats due uader the Note and dus Security Insavment There atso ��'� -- <br /> :�i � may be vne•or mare changes of the Loan Servicer nareYated to a sate of the Nate. If ti�e'is a ctiange di tBe Loas�Servicer. .-�- - -- <br /> 4`_�� . Boimwer will tre given arriuen notice bf the cbange in aocordauce witb pangraph t4 a6uve aad applica�' law. The notice v-_=---�--__-- <br /> witl srate the nau�e and addiess of the new Loan Ser�ncer and the addre�ss to which pay�aents stwu2d be made. �e notice we71 � "�'=-°---m""'� <br /> -"`�'�,� . --- - <br /> --���� , , also cantaim azry other information requiced by applicable law. • '. • , ------_--_- <br /> -;.� ZO Ha�rdoas S�bsfaaoc� Barmwer shalY not caase or gemrit the piesence,use,�sposal,storage,or tetease of aay <br />-=-�'•� Hazac�ous Su6stances on or In the Pmperty. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyoae else to do,anyth�g affec6ng the =-=-- ---- --- <br /> - Roperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences sh�II not apgIy w the presence,use.or �— - <br /> - srorage on the Prop�.•rty of smail quantities of Aazazdous Substances that are geneially recaguizea fo 6e appmpria�ta aormal ------------ <br />