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<br /> _ , L'gnn r�cei�sf of lsa3'�e� oY ttEcr prlce bld, Tr¢�tee si�al�.detiver tv the Purch�ser Truscee's deecD convey€ng the �
<br /> ' ��.�e a�ecitats tn tF�e'�stee's deed shalt 6e prfiva facie evide�ce of tPce truih of�e sta4cm�nts made the�ei�t. .
<br /> . �nasiee sbati app1Y tlte�ro�eeds o8 tpe saie 6n t�:folto�si�a;order:(�?to fl!1 custs and espens�s of exercisn��ttse�iow�i'of _
<br /> _ . �le,and tlie sate,•i��ciuding the payment of the'��st�e's.fees a�taalfy Encmred;�to!to exceed� 5.00 ','S ,
<br /> .aF ttie principai amo�t�f the note at,the time oi tDe dedaration of defau4t,"aad reaSOnaDIe uttoraeys'f�s sis perav`ttsd ---
<br /> . by[aw.[b)so atI s�s secured by t�Is SecurIty Iustet�ment;aIId(c)ang txaess ttr the per�a oa p�rsons t�alty eatItied to
<br /> it. , . � ` ' :
<br /> • i8. gtecanYe�rance. Up�os payment of aIl sum5 s�cured by this Security Instrument, Lender sball ceq►iast Trisstee ta� _ _
<br /> raconvey the.Property and silall snrcender this Sec�arity IrutEvment aa� aU notes'evidsncing de$t secu�ed 6y this Security ' _-�
<br /> � IQStr�ment u►Tiu�tee.Trustee s�all reconvey.the F'ropetty witbout warranty and tivithouc chazge to the pelson or peisons lega!!y __-
<br /> �mitted to it.Such pe�son or persons shal!pay any reeordarion costs. ___—__
<br /> � 1SP. SuhsNiufe Truste�Lender,at iu optinn, u�y from tiine to time remove Trastee and�vpoint a suscessor trustee so � _� �
<br /> a�nY Trustee appointed he�reundcr by aa instrumese recorded in the county in wiuch this Secvzity`�Instn�ment is resoided.�thout -
<br /> conveyarice o�die Properry,the successnr u�e shall succeed co all the tide,pawer aad duties confened ugna Trastee herei�
<br /> and hY aPPlica6le law: . ; • , -
<br /> ZO Reqnest for Nottocs.Sosrower requests that c�pies of the nouces of defauit and sate tie sent to Borrower's address ' -
<br /> � which is We Pmperty Address. ' ' . . � •
<br /> 2!. Bfders to thLs Secusity I�.ste��ent.If one or more riders are execut�d by Borrower and recarded together�+itti this _
<br /> Securiry Instrumeat.the cavenauts of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall aonead and suppleme�t the.covenants _
<br /> • •and agreements of this Secui�ity insw�ent as if the rider(s)were a part of th'ss Security jnsaument. NEF6-OU95-b --
<br /> [C9�eck.applicable irox(es)] '
<br /> 0 CBndominium Rider [� Graduated Paymeut Rider Q Ott�r[Specify)
<br /> � [] Planned Unit Development.Rider 0 Grawing Equiry Rider NZFA ADDE1�IDEri � ___
<br /> . _ . ..-�-------------- ----•------------_.�--__-- -
<br /> -----------•---. ..._.__.. . . ...._ ._...
<br /> 5�', p 0 HOX 1768; GRAND I�LANA, NE E,88020a00 ���
<br /> . �=� .
<br /> BY SIGNING HELOW.'Bomocver accepts and agrees•to the tem�s contained in this Security Instrument aa�d in any rider(s) =$°.,w_ ._.
<br /> exeeuted by Borrawer and recorded with it: - - - - r:
<br /> Witnesses: ' • . -
<br /> � • (Seal)
<br /> N I CE A L cTH. -Borrower
<br /> . �r,
<br /> -- �«)
<br /> - -BOROB'2J -�
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<br /> , ....s r �:' .�'Y�,1a±W__
<br /> � �6Ari;,q.•;� -
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Connty ss: . '--f ��•.
<br /> 'fhe foregoi�instniment was acknow2�ged before me tDis 24TFi day of J ANUARY . 1995 . "'_``-
<br /> .
<br /> Witness my hand and rtotarial seai at GRAND 3 in said Coun� the te aforesaid. � =•.� `�'
<br /> ,i���.�-.
<br /> My Cotmnission Erpires:��� �� ���, . �
<br /> 6lia ��
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