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--'' .. , t i . . � t� — <br /> . [ '�r,a,,,�f _t -:t.• E:,.^t- . `� ti -`. �•. .G: t. ' .1. � _ ..�.. . . , y,.�: - — --_-- <br /> ar.,1 • i _ _ ' •+C rt . ` � . —___----_ <br /> __ °�` +` C` � . 1 ' . ° . � � .. � _ _- ___--_ <br /> _ -..�1.� :�'� r —— � <br /> - \.2;� ,t.�, . � � ` 1 ��' �����i�. ` f�s`� . <br /> �i., . . . . � � <br /> .. _ ,i'= . . �":-� - _—_ <br /> � � �: • - 9.Hs�s!/�Mrt�.T�shsll kebp Ute RroD�Y In comPltance vvhtf ail aQpllcable law�ordtnances and re9utattons �"=i�-- <br /> � ��G i ` ' � retating ta industriat hyQlene or eavironme�t pro2ection(calle�tiveSy reteRed to herein as"6tivUonmentel Lawa°�.TruaWr Shall , �� ti _ _ <br /> keep tli9 RtoperEy freeMant ali subs�es desmed to be hazalloas or toxic und5rartiy E n v ironmen t a!L s w s(co t t e s t i v e f y r a t e r r e d to �� r> S = <br /> ��-'�� treretn as"ttazardous Matedata"!.Titistpr hereby warrants and represenb to Lendar that there are no HazRrdava Matesiats on or ��',; ,, <br /> '?�r ��t-- � underthePro riy.Trustorh a tnfndemalf�/andholdharmlessi.ender.FLSdirect��s,oft[cers,emAtoyeesastdagent�and ��,:'�� <br /> ,-i_�'-' Pe 9ieh71 � � " �`�r:�°`�- -- <br /> - : �:.�3� �., any sutxesscr»to Lender's h'rbares�from�nd agatnst any and atl ctatms.damaga�,tossas and ItabUittes arisTng in canrtecUoa witl� :,;1.-,..-,.�:�,-.- _ <br /> . . tNe�re�rrc�use,c�1spomt cr tra�spo�t'o'i erry HaaarEous Mat+ertats ors.un�er,trom or abo�.tlts,Proparty.THE FOREG�3t[�tG �'"` _ <br /> '.. , --�_...,,.. <br /> . . VWIFiRANTIESANDF�FPiiE3El�fTATfONS.ANDTRUSTOR'SOHUtiAT[ON3PUfd3UMiTTOTHEFOREQOR1tilNDElat�!lIY.SttALL <. ` :i����: <br /> }, , f. . �. <br /> . SURVIilE EIECOMIEYMICE OF TliIS Q�EED OF TRUST. . . .• -`�:;,,y <br /> . . .��� . 10.As�gmn�ttt ot Renb.Tnrstor tis�eby aasEgns to L�nder the rer.ta.issues and profits of the Properry;provhi8d tltat Tiustor , <br /> - — - 3ha11.untlltfisoccu�rertt�afas�Even¢otflfftautth8�under.hav�tharig!►ttocolEgctar�sireffiinsuchrentatssuesandpm�basffisy -- , <br /> ` . become due end payabla Upon the oC�urr�m ot an Event ot OetaW�Lender may.either in psrson or by agar�L with or without - ��',. . -- <br /> � ` CriRging any aCtEon cr praceadtn+�cr Dg a rc-cs'sver appointed by a couR and w1.Thcut regard to tt�e ade4uasft o1{Ls secuBt�l•� '�., ' . <br /> f_;� . Y uponandtakepassessionatthe�raperry.arartypartti�ereof.initsownaameerinthenameoftheTrustee.anddoarryea�swhich� `�":•" •°` , _ <br /> r: deemsaecessaryosdesirabtew�reservetl�valu�marhetabiliryarrema�lliryatthePraperly.orar►ypartthereolori�eresftf�erein. - - _ <br /> ... . increase the Income therefrom or psotect ttse security hereof and.with or without takirtg possession of the Praperry.aue far ar . _ <br /> . � . otAerwfse coltect�te rents,issaes and profits thereot,iacluding thase•past duB end unpald.and apAly ttte same,tess cost3 ensf , , , . - <br /> <�'• � expena6as of operatiort and coitectlon lncluding atbomeys fees�upon arry indebtedness sscured hereby,afl in sucA order es Lender ' • :a;�•f - <br /> ,�"-�';. � ." . � may determin�The entedng upoi►anQ taking pos�esstan ot the PropeRy,the coltecttcn of such rerns.issues and profits and fhe , , .. . k: �� <br /> apaitcatian lhereaf a9 aforesaid,shall not eure ar watve eay detault ar natice of deisutt hereunder or Invaftdata any eCt done is� I ;. _ <br /> � �onseto sueh detSUtt or pursuantta auch notice of detault and.notwlthatartding thecontlauance in posse�lon of tAe Rropestyor <br /> � the co t t e c�ort.�ece ip t a n d aDp i i c a 8 a n o f r e rt t s.l e s u e s or Orofi b,artd Trustee 8nd Lender ahall be ernitlfld to ex�rciae�r9ry riqht • • ' .-�^.`�' _ <br /> � ' pravtdedf6rfnanyottheLoanQocum�ntsorbylawupopoccurcenceofanyEveniolDefautt,iactudingw�tt�autpmitaitontheNahtto � . ' �,•:� <br /> � ° � exercia�ths power ot aate.Further.Ler►der's rights end remedles under thts paragra�h shatl be cumutative wtth,and in no way a �. � ° � ` <br />- � � IImiLUonon,Lendefertphtsandrertsediesunderarryassignmentolteaae�andrentsracordedagainstthsPropertyr.Lender,Trustae . <br /> . '. � tnd,Ms racttver shadl be It�ete to aa;ount�ry thase rents acNatry reoeived- � ` � <br /> _: <br /> ' ' ' 11. Ev�ol W1aWL Tha[ottowing shait consUtute an Event of Oefault under thts Casd af Trust - - <br /> � •� - � � -°i- �-- __(e)FNture to pay eny i�etaliment ot pdnci a!ar interest o}any other sua�secured hereDy when due; .. __ _ <br /> D • � ;' •. <br /> .:_ - .....-.----. .�_ . -- - � � • ' �: <br /> � �� (6fA0i6ac7ibl�oid�taaltunderanyprovfsioncoriffiinedinttre�iotethisOeedof��rus�anyolthetaanOocumenffi.orany- - —„-----. "� <br /> . othar ttan ar eaaunbtanoe uPOn t�e ProperN: <br /> `r • • (c)AwHtotexecatfonorattachmentoranyslmflarpracessafiallbeenteredagainstTrustorwhlcAahallbecomsalienan •-;�� ' <br /> Ne PropOrty or arry portion thereof ar interest therein; •. .� ':�.�•`� <br /> , , ,. , , , (d)Thera shal{be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower sn actton under any presen!or tutura tederal,state ar other � ;�:,�� <br /> , �t ' statute,!aw or regufa�on reiaUng tfl bankrupt�yi.Iasotvancy or other rellet tor deDtors;or theresheii be appointed any trustees _ _ .�. . � <br /> • �� ; . . �eceiverorltqu[datorofTrusrororBorrowerorotaltoranypaRoltheProperty.orthe�ent9,issuesorprofitsthereo6:orTnisWr ,-, <br /> � . at BoROwer steall make any general assigement tor the benefit of creditors: � , • . • <br /> � � (e)The�sale,banster[eas�assignmenL comreyance or turther encumbrance ot a!i or any part of ar arry interest tn fhe , '' <br /> .. �.� Y�' , � � propetty.either Wtunfarity or imro[untariiy,without the express w�itten consent of Lender.previded that Tnistor shall be � =.� � �-. .�• , <br /> ' ; . ,, <br /> .. : - -._ .,:. :._. . • : <br /> , permftied w execute a leasa af the Prepe�ty that does aot co�tain an option to purchase and the term of which daes notexceed _.. __ : ,, R. �. <br /> :,� ' � . � one year. . . <br /> � • � (Q Abandonmeni of tha Property:or � . � � <br /> � , ; . (g)�e.transfer.asstgnmen�conveyanceorencumbranceofmorethanatotal � 'r =, <br /> �,.� �' � ct.�—percent of(if a corporatlon)its issued and outstanding atock or(if a partnershlp}a total of percent of � � ``"�' ' <br />��;;�� �- � p8ris�ership interesffi d�iring ffie peflod tnts Qeed ot Trust remains a IEen on tAe Properry. ��----.--,-.' -,; :'�. <br /> � 12, Rsme�;Aee�i�ration Upon QNa�utl.In the event o!eny Event of Defauit tender may,without nottee except as reQuired by . <br /> - � , law.dsclare sif indebtedness secured hereby M be due and payabte and the samo shall thereupon Decome due and payabta �•� . ;�,. <br /> � ' . w i t�p u t t i n y p r e s e�n e n t,d e m a n d,p ro t e s t o r n o t i c e of an y kind.Thereafter Lender may. � ; . . <br /> n <br /> � .,_. ; (a)Demand t1�2t Tntstee exeraise ttte POWER OP SALE granted herein.ftnd Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustat's �...: <br /> ; - „ , interest In the Proparty ta tre sotd and tho proceeds to be distributed.atl in the manner provided in the Ne�raska Trust Deeds �� . <br /> •�',' � • � • . <br /> • � . (b) Exer�iseanyandallrightsprovidedforinanyottheLoanQoeumer�tsorbytawuponoecurtenceofamrEventofDefautt � � . , . <br />_ .. . �.• � f <br /> (c)Commenceanectiontotorectosethis0eedofTrustesemort�age.appaintareceiver.orspecificaityentoreeanyofthe } ' � <br /> .� •i CovenaMS hereot , .. . .: : . - <br /> Ho remeQy herein conteRed upon or reserved t�Tn�stee ar Lender is intanded to be exctuslv8 of any other�emedy the � •. <br /> ' � ' '� lpan pocumenb or by law provlded ar pe�mitte0,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be in addiUon to every other cemedy given � �. ��`►. ' <br /> ' �'' � � t� the L.oan Dacuments or now or hereaPer axisting at Isw or in equity or by statute,end may be exerctsed ceacunerrtlY. �� • ' <br /> �., _ � - indeDer�enttY or sutoesstvery. ' . . �. <br /> , . 13.Tru�.T�e Trustee may resign et any Ume without caase.and Ler►der may at anyl time and without cause aApaint a . <br /> - . 6uCceSSOrorsubStiMeTrustE�►c(udingwith0utlimiffitianLe�der.6orrower,Trustoror,any J - , .•. <br /> , : �. . purchaseroltheProperty.taranylossorQamageuntessduetorecklessarwilifulmisconductandshallnot�erequiredtotakeany � � <br /> ► !. � ' � actton in conrtectFOn wfth the entorcement of this Qeed of Trust untess indemrtified,in writing,tor all wsts.comp8nsadon or ; . <br /> ;�. �• � • expenses whfct�may be associated addition,Trustee may bacome a purchaser at any sate o19he Proyerty Qudicial or ; . • <br /> � �' � � undar tha power ot 6ate granted heretn);postpone the sate ot all or any poRlon o1 the Prope�ty,es provMed by�aMr.or setl tha � ' ,. • <br /> .,•.� . � . <br /> . � PropeRy es a whole�or In separate parcefs or tots at T�usiee's discr¢tion. , � . <br /> " � �a, Fu�and E�n�In the event Trustea setts Me PropeRy by exereise of power of sata Trustea shall be entitied to eppty � , , <br /> A <br />_, �•r • . gny gafe proceeds flrst to payment ot e11 Cests ertd expense9 ot exertising power of sa1e,ineluding all TrusteB's fee9.8nd Lenders <br /> artdT�usteesattomey'sfees.actuaftyineunedtoextentQermittedbyappticaDtefaw.tntlteevent8urrowero►Trustorexerciseseny ; <br /> • rtght provided by 1aw to cure an Event o1 Qetautt LenQar shail be entitled to recover tram Trustor ait casb and expenses actuafty � ' <br /> � � - � incurred es e resuit of TrostoPa default inctuding wiJ�out tlmitaUOn att Trustee's and attamey's te�,to tna exteM permitted by ; <br /> . i • <br /> t,. . . :. e{iytif�bte taw. ; <br /> .-, . � � 15.F�Adv�t�eM.UAon reaaest oi BorrOweL Lender its optlon.make aQditional and tuture edvartees and re- <br /> • +• t<�� � ,,,, � advaneesto BaROwer.Such aQvsnces and readvance�.wittr tnteresttflereon,shail bo seeured bythi9Qeed olTrust At notimo shall � <br /> : '�`� 1�epNncipafemountoJtAeindebtednessaecuredbyshisDeedotTrusLnotir�tu�ti�s��edvance0toprotoclthosecurityeithts � <br /> -_� :�.:,.•.: .. . .. Qfled o!Trust excfled the crigir.a!p�rincipa!amount sYated�erein.or!C ' wAiC�8v8r is greater, i. •� <br />=*. 16.IKiMCWe�aa PtottUon� . <br /> ; :.. � • � �e�gatra�n►No1 R�NiMQ.Extensian of Ure time tor Qayment ar madification ot amartizatton of ths sums secured Qy tnis � � <br /> -, .. . � QeedotTruslgrarttedbyl.enQertoenysuce�sorinlnterestof6orrawershallnotoQaratetorete3s9.intu►ymanna�.tholiability . <br />' -,.. . . oithecriginal8orraweiaridBairpweissuccesSOistninterestLertdershatlnot0arequiredtocammenceproceedingsa�tinst . <br />- • euchsaccessmorretusetoextendtimotorpaymentorotherwisemadifyamordzationott�esumssecuredbythisQeedofTrust , . <br /> .. _ - , �,�reaspn nt any►demanQs mttde by the adginal Bnrrnwer and Bonowers suctessars in interest ' • <br /> (p)i;�nderi Pown.Y'tdhout aNecting tRe tia6itiry af eny atner par3on liabte for trte payment oi any oDligatian heceln ;• <br />- ' menticne�ertdwithoutaffectingttretienoieharg8ofthisQeedofTrustupananyportianoltnePropartynatihenortheretotore �• <br />- � , reieaseda35eeurityto►UretuEfartmuntalaflunpaidobiiga�ans,lendermay.fremtimetotimeandwithautnotics(�)reteaseany <br /> � � aQrsonsoliabie,(i)extandthematuriryoretierflnyoiUtetsrmsofanysuchobligations,(iiiygreatotherindutgertces,(iv)retease • <br /> ,. � ar�ecpmrey.or cause to be roteased or recanveyea at eny tima at lender s optian any parcel.po�an or eil ot tt�e P�ra�erty. <br /> , � � . ,` �vj wke or receasa amr ov�er or add�vona�sscuricy ra�any oh:ig�tian herein mentionad,or(�i)malce eomyasitians ar other : . <br /> _ � _•.. .'_ ,,---:_ -- ertaagIImants with daators in refa'.son tAereta <br /> . . . . _ . � ._ - ; _------_ - - <br /> ' �. '. ��, -. •. <br />_ � . .. <br />_- � F, , .. � � � ...,_.,�._.....,.��._. .--�� �- --- <br />