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<br /> =' �;-y . .(c�fartraaraRee by l��e Nae s Vltatv�`My[o�bsarttnoe by Lsn�et in euercts�ng any rigM or•remedy hereunder.ar . . - ----
<br /> - - = otlutrwiae efiarded E�y apA�lcebla law.�shail not ba a iaaIver of or prneluQe Me exerelss af any eue!►�igM or�emed+/.The ' • _
<br /> - ,-� procu�em8ntoftaaauanceorthepaymartaftaxesarottforUenaorcAarge�byLepd$rsf�alinot0eawatveroflende�'arightto ` __ _
<br /> -- ---�-.�-�_-. ecaeierat@ the maturY�►ot�ts tn�abtednsas secured 6y this Oee�ai Trust � ���.--,-�-:--_-__
<br /> '�'"_� (�SueeM��nd Assipns Bound:Jadnt�n9 6rws�t Idab�lY C+Pt�n�.The covenant�and apreements lterein c�n-�
<br /> ' tstned ohatt hiad..and.the�iQt�ts herounder ahall inure to,t4�e respective suceassota and assigna o!Lender artd Truator.A!1 -
<br />����; �avenanb arM egrescRa�of Trustot st�ait 0e foir�t and aeverel The ca�tlans and headings oT the Raragraphs of tttia Deed o! �`�
<br /> °��� � Truat are tor conventance only and are not to be e�aed to interpr�t ar deRne the provtsions hereoi. r�'� _- -
<br /> �' (e)Riquuttor No'8c�s.Tha paN�ss hereby requesttl�ata ca�y of any noUce of defauEt Asreund.w and a copy at arry nottce �,k����� ��"°""`
<br /> �,�� of sate hereunder be maHe�to eacfi Pa+tY to this Deed oi Trusz at ttis address set farth above tn the manrter prescribed by � : ,��-�,` --
<br /> ���� appiicabia fsw Except for eny oL1er na?iCe reqeired�rrtder ap�!#cabta taN to ha giv�tt tn tvtatPssr�nanns�aay noSos pr+DVtded .
<br /> ��,� ,.� �. � tar in this Oeed of Trust shall be given by mailTng sucP�noUce b�t ceRifled mai!addressed to Ne other parttes.atthe eddress set � � �`r'� '�'�:��
<br /> °``�Y- lcRh abpva My nottce pmvided tor in th[s Deed ot Trust shali be eftective upon maiiing in tha manner desfgn�sd heretr�.lf 4, �,},�t,� s'x,
<br /> ,� � Tnrstor is more than one person,'notice sent to the address set fortH above shall bs nahce Oo eit such perscns. � ' �"_�,�•�-__
<br /> `�. ,( (fj tn�p�c�on.Lertdsr may make or cause N be made reasortabla entries u�On and inspectlons oi the�PropeRy,provided °�� �,��
<br /> - -"-���s�.' that Lender shall give Truslar notice priot to any saM inspectlon speciryitrg reasanabfe cause theretar retated to Lsnder's - T:
<br /> .,"�.�� = interest in the Praperty. _ . '��.'- � _
<br /> , 2 . c,yr _ f_•- m
<br /> `� (g�R�canvayanu.Upon payment Ma11 sum3 seeured bythis Osed of TrusL Lender sha11 requestTrusieetn reconveytAe -;�'``��� _
<br /> �;�:�� �� Properryandshallsurrenderthis0eedofTrustandatlnotesevtdenctngtndebtednesssecuredbytnisOeedofTn�slinTruste� �r� R
<br /> � ` frustee shffif�recornay the Property withaut warranty and wtthout chargs to the person or persona fegally entiUed thereta. �A'�:";�,t�="
<br /> n4� . , s a�. Tn�stor sP►all pay ati costs ot recordatton.ifi any. � �-�
<br /> -f , 4.`��
<br /> ", (h)penana)Pra�Ay;Saeudty Aqreem�M.As addiUonal security for the�yment of the(VoLe.T�r hereby granb � �,—=-
<br /> • �� Lender underthe i�tebrastca Uniiarm Commercial Code a securfty Fntecest in all tis.-tures,equipme�and other persasiat pro p e r ry y ���-
<br /> �; ,. ',�w.,)�•. u�d in connection witb ttte rea!estate or impravements lacated thenean,and not atherwtse decfared ov deemed to b9 a part ef �;. �` ;_
<br /> , ..;�, ,=, .. Uae real estata secured hereby_This(nstrumant sAell be construed as�Securtt�t Agreement under said Cod�and the lender -:. �`�����_;�. =
<br /> , sh911 have e!1 the�tghte and remedl8s of a sscured pariy under said Code in addlUo�to the rtghta snd remediescteateA untter "��*� �
<br /> �: artd accorded t1re Lender pursuant to this Daed of Tius�Pravtded thatienQar's�lghts and rerttedies under•thls paragraph ahaii i.;h J�:���
<br />,. .. ,.�. .
<br /> . � _
<br /> . , •r.:..._. • .'�j�- -�---�
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<br />- ��... � .:•`.r}�. ---. _-. 6e�umulati.v.e wtU).and in_no.wy a itmilatian on,_Ler►ders B�hts artd remedies under arry other securitS►agreemer►t signed by ----. ._....__ T'- '"-:r-:�_-
<br /> ' �:' BorrowerorTrustor. - ----....- ------. . ..--��- -�--- -�------...--- ., f,.;.� ,.
<br /> '' � (� {J�ns and EnwnttjranGn.Trustor hereby warrents and representa that there is no detault urtder ths�rovls�ona of arg►
<br /> �� �•� rttoRgage,deed ot trus�tease or purchase contract descdbing all or any part o!the Properly,ar other contract InstrumeM or r- •��-' _
<br /> , � agreemen t con s B t u Ung a li e n o r e n c u m b r a n c e a g a l n s t s l i o r a n y p a r t o f f A e P r o p e r t y(c o l i e c t[v e t y."U e n s'q,e x r s d�e a s o t t n e 7�z' . �:. '
<br />=`--(� --=,� data o!thla Deed o!Tiust and that any and eli euisttng Uens remaln unmodtfled except as disclosed to Lertder U T►uato�e - � `�'��`
<br /> _ ��� - - -written disctosure of Itena and ancumbrances provided for herein.Truator shall ttmeiy peAorm ail o!Trustor'e obtigations. �.- r:�� ,.
<br /> .. • , . �;a�i► covanenb,representaUons and warrenUea urtder any and ail exlsiUng and tuture Liens,ehall prompfry torwardto Lender coptes �
<br /> l�;,�'•• '�a; of a11 nottcas of default sent in conneWan with any and all exfsttng ortuture Ltena,anQ sha11 not without Lender's prior w�ttten :.. �' �- •
<br /> � �.•��y� . consent in any manner modity the provtatans of or altow any future advances under any exisdng or tut�re Uena .�`�
<br /> � � � ,�, ,�►App+�ir.aiton o1 Paytnlnb.Unteas otherwtae requtced by 1aw,aums pald tu Lender hereunQer.inctud(ng withaut itmit8�on ;;. �. ;;;
<br /> '• ,f_F ;i. , payments d�princfpal artd inieres�insurance prooeeQS.condemnaUOn proceeda and rent�and prof[ts,ahafl bp apalled by . ,�„
<br /> . tender to the amourHs due and owing nom Truator and Borrower tn such order as Lender tn its sofe dtscreUon deema desitabt9� •' ••�:'�
<br /> ' �� (k)Sw�rabllfry.IP any provislon of this Deed of Trust confilcffi with epplicable faw or is dectared imalid or otherwiae � ��
<br /> �� ���;���� unenforeeabte,sueh conflict or Imaiidity shall rtot aNec�the other provlaons of this Deed ot Trost or the No�which can be �
<br />;..;,��• _. •.°
<br />� :- � ��, giveneftectwfthouttheconfllc4ingprovision,andtotMsendtheprovisfonsolthis0eedofTruatandtheNatearededaredtobe . j� �
<br /> "` , SetfetBbf� � ::�<
<br />. <-a•='r�i•� . .
<br /> � . (1}Terms.•The terms"1'rustor"and"�orrower"shatl include both singular and ptural,end when the Trustor and Borrower �''r
<br /> • � • are ttte same person(s),thoso terms as used in this Deed ot Trust shail be interchangeabla . ,... .
<br /> ' � ;,(m)tiov�minp Law.This Oeed of Trust shatl be govemed by the tawa of the State of Nebraske. '' ' : ;,�„`
<br /> Trustrn has executed thia�eed of Tnist es o1 the data wrltten above. ' . � �� :� ��
<br />:;�-;`. • ""�t.
<br /> �;=�.�='� .. . � .'..
<br /> �•.
<br />"�'`"`"'�����'� TEd ROBB TN�r SINGLE PERSON .� ���
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<br /> _ � - . � •�f. /,
<br /> .�: t .� ,
<br /> .. ' j �' _ . . .
<br /> ''y. • ?: . ' . ' • -
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