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<br /> = 7A!LIA Y -- 1995_. ae�d am �.�:�' � :�{'�-�.
<br /> . . Tkl6 OEEd OF TRU�T.1�mad$as o1 tha 1$.I�day oi � bY � ,.�_,.�_ •��=.N',
<br /> " TED. RdS6 SIHGLE PEEtSON +'� ' ���'�` �'��`
<br /> , .: .,`°� , theTrustor. �803-960,} < . � ,'. ..s-�.`..���;��:�;;�
<br /> _ .. � ,. , .� whosamai�(ngaddreaats 3740 S HIGHWAY 281 6R�N.D LSLAND�1� �ieretn"Truator. wt,etharcneormare�. ,.:.f: �:--_�'r��'�`-`
<br /> � �� �.<.:` � .' �T��. FIVE ROINTS BANK A NEBRdCKA PORPAt2A�U ' - , . � .,. "`' '- `"� �
<br /> , . �� .
<br /> �' _� .� ..� whosa mailing address ta ry � d • . - �
<br /> - :'� (herein'T stee' ,8rt -, �- _
<br /> � .. thsBaneftctary. �IVE PO NTS BANK . � — .
<br />_ . .� ` �_ xrhosemsiungedttressta 2015 N BROADWfLl. GRAND ISLaND NE 68802-15�7 (heretn°lender'f. : �
<br /> '`� . • �
<br /> � � � - ' FQR VALUABLE CANSiDERATION,inctuding Lsnders extensfon ot credit Identlfled Asreln to �° � �_ -
<br /> :�":� ", . ,. TED ROBB ` �
<br /> �ti (hereJn"BoROwer",whether one or cnare)end the trust herein created. " � �� �•.
<br /> ` ` � � the receipt af wtfich is hereby�ckrtowl8dged.Tiustor hereby tasvacabty grants.transfers.canvsys and asstgns to'frustea.IN , ' .:�`�•L;,;M,y '°
<br /> :r �::' , - .
<br /> #,� . . .. TRUST,WITHPOWEROFSAi.�forthstrenefitandsecurftyofLendar.underandsubjecttothetermsandconditionsheretnafterset
<br /> ��.��: . '" forth.the reai proloerry.descdbed as foQow� __....�. '. ..' .. .
<br /> � ��.��°..� :� -`. �r�� LOTS�THREE (3) AND FOUR (4? IN KIRKPATRICK SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF � ._ �� .
<br /> �� ��.��� GRAND ISLAND, HALL COl1�lTY, NEBRASKA. . , �;.'
<br /> ��:� , . : -
<br />_ . "..'. � . . . Togsther with ell buitdings.improvements,fixture�,streets.alieys,p�ssa9eways.easements.d9hfs.Privileges and appur�- ' . :� I
<br /> -� �•- • • � • � -- na�ces located thereon or in anywise pertalning thereto,and the renb,issues a�td prof�ts,raversions and rematnQers tt�ereot and : �. . _,;,.;_
<br /> - - ----..- . .---- BucbpersarYalpropertyihatis�4ffichedtothe�improvemer�tsso�astaconstitutea�ftxture:inctuding,butnotJimttedio..heattngan� ' ----..— -..... �
<br /> �. . • caoling equipmenX and Wgsther with the homeffiead or marital interesffi,Nany,whfch inierests are hereby released and waived;sU �. •• _
<br />_ of whtch.including reptacements and additionethereto,ts hereby deafared to be a part ot the reai estatesecured bythe lien o!thTs , � >>
<br /> ' . ' Deed ot Tnist and all o!the foregoing being referrod to herein as the"Propert�'. °r �� , � ,%•�
<br /> _.___ : "'" '�h(s need of Trust shall secure(a}the payment oi the prtncipal sum antl interest evtdencad by a promissory note or credit � _ ��'`_���
<br /> "� . . • egreementdated .IANIIARV 1AT�],A95 havingamaturitydateoi .
<br /> '. • in the crigtnat princtpal amount ot S 90.020.50 and any and ail modiftcaUona.extens[ons and renewafs , •
<br />- � • . . • . thereof or thereto and any and a0 fuh�re aQvances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder .•s. � , „
<br /> . � • purauant to one or more promis8ory notes or credit agreementa(herein caited"Nate'�;(b)the payrttent of other sums advanced by ..
<br /> , . � • Lenderto protect the securtty of the Note;(c)the partormance orall covenan4sand egreementa of Trustor settorth h�rein;end(�all .� � j
<br /> � present and tuturQ indebtedness and obtigetlons of BoROwer(or any of them If mare than one)to Lender whether direcf,indirecf. . �n�,'�
<br /> • absotute or contingent and whether arising by nots.guaranry,overdraft or otherwJse.The Note,this Qeed of Trust artd any and a!i f� , �" � •
<br /> � 7 other docuentathataecure the Not�or otherwiseexecuted in connecUOn therewith,inciuding without ItmitaUon guaranteea,secur(ry � .��,��s
<br /> - � -' �---' -- -;"� - agreementm and assignments of leases ana rents,s�ali be reterred to herein r►s the°Loan Dacuments". ;-:��-;-`i
<br /> �•• • Trustot covenants and egrees wtth Lend�er es tottowa ` , � ,�"�
<br /> � t.Paym�nt al lnd�bt��s.AII indebtedness secured hereby shail b�pald when duo. ; • ..
<br /> ( � 2.Titla Trustor ta the owner ot tAe Property.has[7�e right and authorlty to convey the PropeRy.and warranta tfiat the Ilen • �•
<br /> ' - � - � cteated hereby!s a flrst and prior lien on ttie Property,except for l iena en d encum brences se t fo R h by Trua t or I n w r i t i n g a n d � ` `��'
<br />- � aelivered to Lender betore execuUon of thts Oeed o!Trusf.and the execuUon and Eelivery ot this Ceed of Trust daea not violate any �, � . .:;;�'�
<br /> � � contract or ather obiigation to whlcb Truator is subject r-�.
<br /> ' , ' 3.Taus.As*a�sm�nb.To pay betore delinquency ail fexes,speciat sssessments and all other charges egatnst the Property �
<br /> now or hereafter tevted. � �
<br /> � � � � • 4.Iniunnea To keep the PropeRy insured against damage by flre,hazards inciuded wlthin the term"extended coverage".artd � . , ,
<br /> - - � � such ather hazarde as Lender may require,in amounta artd witt�compantes acceptabfe w Lender,naming Lender as an eddiUonal �
<br /> � • named insured.with loss peyabte to the lender.ln caso of loss under such poltcies,the LenQer is authorized to adjuat,coltect and � '� .
<br />_ ' compromise,all claims thereunder and shall have the opUon of apptying all or part otthe inaurance proceeds(i)to any indebtednes9 �,.� . . ,� ,.� �
<br /> • � •� secured hereb y and in such order as Lender may determine,(fi)to the Trustor to be used for the repairor resioration of the Property ,. . � •
<br /> , ' . or(iif)tora�ryotherpurposoorobjectsetistactorytoLenderwlthoutaHectingthelienotthiaQeedofTrustforthefullamountsecured I „
<br /> - "' ' hereby betore such payment eve�took ptace.Any appllcaUon of proceeds to indebtedness shail no!extend or postpone the due ; .
<br />" ,�. ��� • ��"- data ot any payments under the Note;or cure any detautt thereunder or hereunder. ; , �• ..
<br /> • �Escrow.Upon written demand by lender.Truator shatl pay to Lender,in�uch manner as Lender may designate,aufflcient r. : . • � .
<br /> • � � sumsto enabte lenderto pay as they become due one or more otthefollowf�g:(i)atl taxes�assessments and othar charges against i. _ : .
<br /> � � ths Property.p�the premlums on the property insurance requtred h�reunder,and pii)the premiums on any moRgege insur�nce �
<br /> . ' required by Lender. �
<br /> � � 8.Matnt�nanc�.R�patn and Compfisnc�wttA Lawa.Trustar shall keeA the Property In gaod condiUon and repatr.ahall � �
<br /> '� ' ' � _ pro7npUy repair. or reptsce any improvement whtch may be damaged or destroyed;shail no!commri or permit any waste or i
<br />- - dsierioratlon ot the Property;shail not remove,demolisb or substentia!!y atter any o!tffe Improvements on tAe Property;shall not �.
<br /> � � � . '" • comm�,sufter or permitany actto be done In or upon the Prope►ty in violaUon of any law.ordinance,or reguiation;and shall pay and 1�
<br /> � � prompUy dlscharge at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilena,encumbrancas and chargea teviad,imposed or assessed against the i . •
<br /> .. ` � • , Properiy or any paR thereol. .
<br /> .,� . . , 7.Emimnt Oomeln.Lender la hereby as�igned all compensatlon,awarda,damages and other payments or reuef(hereinafter ; ,
<br /> .. . "Praceed9'�in connectlon with condemnaUan or other taking of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyartce in Ileu of condemna-
<br /> � '�� � -" � Uon.Lender shaN b9 enUUed at Ita optlon to comrtsence,eppear in and pros�ecute In its own name any acUon or procesdinga,and ;
<br /> ��' . � ' • ahall atso be enUUed to make any compromise or setUement In connocUon with suah taking m damage.(n the evont any partlon of . •
<br /> � . the P�operty ia so taken or damaged,Lender shail have the optton,in It9 sote and absotute discreUon,to eppty ell sueA Proceeda,
<br /> � aRer deducting theretromstl coste andenpensea incurre0 by 1t In connection with such Praceeds,upon any indebiedness secured
<br />- �;� • _ hereby and(n such order as Lender may determine,or to apply ail such Proceeda after sach daducttona,to the reatoraUon of the
<br /> • ' _ _ Properry upon such conditlona as lertder may determine.My application o!Proceeds to Indebtedness sha11 rtot extend or postpone
<br /> � .. � : � � the due date oi eny paymenta under the Note.or cure any defauit thereunder or ttereun�er.Any unappiied funds shall be pald to ,
<br /> - � • Trustflr. �
<br /> , 8.Pedormatice by Len��r Upon the occurrence of an Event of Detault hereunder.or i1 any act is teken or legat proceeding � �
<br /> � � � cammenced ufiich materiatty aHects Lertder's interest in the Property.Lenaer may in Its own dlscroUon,but withoutobiigationto do , �
<br /> - - - . � so,and wtthout rtoUce to ot demand upon Ttu9tor end without teteasing Trustor trom any obltgation,do any act which Truator has �
<br />- � '' agreed but iaiis to do and may atso do eny other ect it deema necossary to protect U;e securriy hereot Trustor shail.lmmediatety
<br /> ' • � � upon demand therefor by Lender,payto Lendoralf costs and expenses incurrod and suma expended by Lender In connecUon w(tA
<br /> � . ' � thoexercise0yl.enderc/thatoregoingrights,togstherwitfitnterestthereonatthedefaultrQteprovidedintheNote,whtchshall�a •
<br />_' . . �• added to the irtdebtedrtess secured hereby. Lender shall na!incur any liabtlity becsuse of anythi�g it may do or omti to Co
<br /> ,. .
<br /> ' � � • .. hereunder. � ... . �
<br /> - ----- —_ -- � _... _ .. . -
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<br /> . _ . . . • =' � d e. � � ,
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