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<br /> ,�_��. , , � ,�_ `�` . � `��:� ' S• . - _u� . . � ', .;> � � _—
<br /> 1 , .�.�... __
<br /> ',; • . � � - _,.x.i�SY,� r – .:w.i.._,_�—
<br /> 2 �r _ . . ``. � � • ` ... .. + . . ... . � -�
<br /> r�`` `�� . � + ��r ����� • � v � 4�~'� S� __
<br /> ' 'a C� .� � V fGiLfK- ,� � . � Y j��L
<br /> 6. Borro �ry dcp a Property in good rapair and'sAail not eommit waste or porm�t impairmant oi deferioration oi[he Prapurty. �4 .; �_
<br /> � .< � � t ; � ''c' -
<br /> -�`�Yth:.:��' ,, � T. If thb BorroVror ta;(s to:a1 malntsin or pay the ptomlurre tor the requira0 ins�ranc0 0!tRo PrcAarty.ot bf pay taxos bafo(o daSinQsont,or el RaY a�Y ,� ' -" �
<br /> amount Quo undoi o pdor monQaga or trust Joad boforo daiinquant,or d1 maintain tAo Froporty fn goad ropair,or o)pe�torm anY of tho covnnnnt9 ot ,<< -
<br /> ``�.�.a,..,�..;` ," agreetronta af thia Zn+�t Oocd,than Lartdor maq at itts aption pny such�asura!f�n Oramtum�.�o:as,mortQaflv or trust dESed payes�ont�,ot muRo eopair6 , F.,. .,:•��:x'':�-�
<br /> ��' ` '" ` and disburco such�ums nnd tako suefi c►ct�on o�it dooms nocosaary to protoet its intoroat witAOUt vlaivinp oT affactlnp ii�rtgEt�tv doelaro or detnuit . ,
<br /> �: ` F°'" '� " _ and eccotomto ti�o Oobt sacurad horoby bocousa of eRY such taifura of tho Bonowo�. Any amounts so disbur�ad by thv Londo:b�all constituto • .. . �;��.,.o.
<br /> `v`4-��.. �_ add��onal lndobtednose o!�otrorvCr soeurad by this Truut Oood and shoil 6oar mtotont trom tho dato oi d�stburaomont ot tho teto payablo undnr tho ,� ,' ; .� •�,�._
<br /> � ,- i �" � ' Note. Kotiiinp contalncd�t►this pAragraph shall rcQuiro tendnr ro mako ony suah Aislwrsamonta or tako any aciion wS+utsaavar. • ' •�,•' M � �, E '
<br /> .. , , r
<br /> � ,.u �, � 9. Lvndor►rcoy mako or causo to bo mado roasonabto cn4aoa upvn ttnd m°pactlon ot tho ProportY. . ', ' • . � -
<br /> •� � � . r� �. � 9. Tha procead9 ot any Qward or claim tnr damagas,diroet at consnquontial,in tonnection woth any condemnatian ot othor takinp of tho Proparty. ` ' ^
<br /> ��,==r ` or patt theraat.or f3r ca�ntaY�tua�n 4isu o!tondomnation,aro horcby essigne4 arv!sha�!ba pafd to Lendor to tha pxtent ot tho fuii emount a1 tho '✓£
<br /> • romaining unpaid indebto�noss socurad by this?ruut OeoA. , , < < . ° '
<br /> ' ' � .h. tf the Property is abandoned by BoTrower,or if,after norico by Londar tn Borrowor that tho condemnor offors to make an award ur settlo a c►aim tor , � ,
<br /> ' ' damages,Bortov�erfaiis to rospond to Lendar within 30days after tAe date sucfi notice is mailed.Ltnder ie authorized to collect and apyty,the pmceeds .
<br /> - ' to the sums secured 4Y this trust DeeC. �� - . .
<br /> . - '. Condemna6an proeeods or arlards shall be credited to th�last maturing instaflments of the indabtedness sacured and shalt r.ot exceod or pastpane • •`
<br /> tha due Qate of the instalimenu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 4 hereot or change the amount of such instatlments.
<br /> , '�
<br /> =� �.. .
<br /> ' 10. If the Londer issues a partial release of this Trust Deed,the prnceeds race(ved therefor shall be credited to the last matuc;ng i�stailments of tAo .
<br /> . . ' indebtedness secured hereby. • =
<br /> , ,�• -
<br /> � ,�f�y'. (�. 1 t. If Lendar aither voluntarily or imrotuntarily bacomes a paRy to any suit or tegal proceefing retating to the Property,Note or this Trust Oeed,then • `,�
<br />-.+. '� Bortower v�ill reimburse the Lender for afl costs and,to the extent pertmtted by law,reasonabte attomey fees incurred by Ne Lender ralating to suit ' �.•:rn
<br /> , � ,. or legai proceedings and said sums sfiatl cons�tute additional indebtednass secured by this Trust Deea and bear interest at the rate payaDle urtder the
<br /> r Note,unUl paid. . ..`: , _
<br /> r ;r,. - . . _ . - . . � .., ., .
<br />- � ' 12. As additiortal security Borrower does hereby assign,vanster and set over To Lendec,in case of defeutt in the pertortnaace of any of the tertns or
<br /> '! t' -�.." ' • ..,�._� . �r, , . �:,.� ;
<br /> conditions ot tttis Tcust Qeed,the Note,or the tertns of any indebtednass sewrad hereby,all of the rents,revenues arM any income of any type
<br /> ��` � ----- -`� ' -- �--° -�wfiatsoeverto be�derived-from�the Arope .-includio -land contsact_ a ents..LendpL.iD.p�rson,.by_.gent o:Dy.racb'_er,wittto gard th _ _
<br /> . KY 9 P l►m a w ut re to e
<br /> ' � ` salvency or insotvency of the Botrower or the value of the Property,shall be enUUed to take possessioo ot,iepair,reM and managc the�opecry erid- -�-� - .
<br /> ' ' • •- to collect the rents,revenues and income therefrom aad it may pay out of said incoma all expenses of repair and cos[s incurred in renting and mana�ng - T��
<br /> •. 4 the Property arcd collecting rerrtats and for paymont of insura�ce premiums witfi any remaining batance to be applied to the Iast maturing payments •,/.�_
<br /> • � . of tfie deht secured hereby. Upon presenting a copy of this Trust Oeed and demand to any lessee,tanant or conuact purchaser of ths Property.such '�' '—
<br /> - � • • person shalt pay all rents,paymertts and profits acctuad or thereafter accruing to the lender until furtber notice from the Lender. -
<br /> �,Y � • • 13. If al4 or any part of the Property or any interest therein is deeded,sotd 6y land contract or otherwise corneyed,alienatad or further enwmbered k�
<br /> " ` �.• ei:her vo(untari[y or invotuntarity without Leodars prior written conssnt,or if the Trustor is a corporation and there is a changa in ownership'of 5095
<br /> or more of the corporation's atock,or if the Trustor is a partnership and there ie a change in the mambarship or a dissolution of tho paztnersAip, �
<br /> �r� ' ' • excluding la!a uansfer by operatiort of taw upoo the death of a joirrt tenant or(b)the grant of any leasehold interest not�ontaining an option to •
<br />� �� - - . - purchaso with a lease tertn of two ve�TS or less,or fc)tha creation of the purchase money security interest in househotd appfiances,t�en Lender may. _ ��
<br /> ' �. , ' at its opUon,dectare all sums secured by this Trust Deed to be immediately due an0 payable. In the avent the Lende►conseMS to any such change . � ���
<br /> r in ownership,control or dissolution or transfer ot a'i or atry part of the Property,then Lender may at its option adjust the interest rate to the prevaifing ;
<br /> rate of interest that is charged on new socured loans oi the typo sueured 6y this Trust Deed at the tima of the change in ownershiD.control,dissolution , ,. �f:.•
<br /> , of transfar and may charge a transfer feo. . '
<br /> �` ` . 14. Upon @onuv�otsbroaoh of aey cavonant or agreomont of Borcowor in this Trust Qeod,incfuding tho covenants to pay when dua any sums sacured � -✓���
<br />� , : ' � �. '� by tRis Trust Qoed,Lender at fts option may dedaro a f l o f t he sums secured by this Trust Oaod to bo immediateiy due and payabte without turther -- . -" '
<br /> � domand and may imofce the power of sale endlar any other remodies permitteA by appticabte law including the right to toreclos�this Trust Deed in ;
<br /> • • the manner provided by law for tho toreclosura of mortgagos on real estata. Landar shatl bo ontitlod to collect all reasonaLle costa and expenses y
<br /> . . ' �ncurtod in pursuing such romedios including.6ut nnt I�mrted to,and ta tho eMent pormitted by law,reasonabla attomoy feos. ' '. 1��`✓%_.
<br /> ' • • • If the power of sate is invokod.Trustee shall rocord a notico of defauR m oacA county in whroh tha Property or some pan thoreof�s locatad and provide `y�� t �
<br /> .. • '�'• .' ' nouce thereot in tho mannor prescribed by apnlicabte law. Aftor the lapse of cuch time as may bo raquired by appficabta law.Trustov sdall give public � ' . �
<br /> - • • • � . notice of sale to tho potsons and in tho man�or prescribeQ by applicable law. Trustee,or the attorney for tha Trustee,without damand on Borrower, '
<br /> �y �� shaU sep the Property at publio auction to the highest bidder at the time and placo and under thv terms Eesignated io the notice of sale in ono or more � . .
<br /> ,'� , _ parcels and in such ordo�as Trustoo may dotortnine. Trusteo may postpono salo of all or any pareel of the Propotty by public annou�coment at the
<br />_ � " Umo and place ot any praviously schodulod sale. Londor or Lendei s Aesignee may purchaso tfio proporty at any aato.
<br />_ : . . .. ., •.r#�-'. . . . , . . �?._ ..
<br /> • Upon receiDt of paymvnt of tho price bid,Trustee shall dehvor to the purchaser a Trustoe's Ocod,vrithout warranty,convaying the Properry sold.The
<br /> `� ' . ' • rtscitals in the Trustoe's Doed shall be prima facie evidence of the t►uth of tho statements made thorem. Trustuo shali supply the proeeeds of the salo ' . `i►,
<br /> ` ` in the following order: a)to a11 reasonzblo costs and expensos of the salo,inctuding,but not limited to;Trusteo's tees of not more than five Hundred . . _
<br /> � � . and No/t001S500.00)p�us 1/2 oi 1%of the amount secured horeby and ramaining unpaid,and costs of titte evidenco;b)to all sums secured by this
<br /> ' • Trust Oeed;and c►tho excoss,if any,to ihe person o�persons Iegally onuUed theroto. �
<br /> . � 15. Any torbearanco by Londor in oxorcising eny right or ramody horounder,or othorwise affarded by applicablo law,shall not be a waiver of or
<br />- ��' ' ' ptoc:udo tho exercisa of any such rigAe ot romody in the ovont of cortti�uing or future broaehes by the Borrower.
<br /> . � ., .
<br /> - 18. AII remedies providod in this Trust Deed are distmct and cumulativo to airy other rigfit or romedy undor this 7n:st Ooed or allorded by Iav�o►eqwry. • '
<br /> and may 6e exereised conewrontty,indepondenUy or successivoly.If Bortawe�has givon Landnr a chattcl mortgzge,or secunty agreement on personal
<br /> . property as additional security for the dobt soeured horoby,in tho evont of detault hernundor or therounder,LenCer shall Aave tho right and opaon to � •
<br /> � fitst forecfose o�sald personal proporry without pro�udieo to its right to thoreaher sell or forectose tho ProDorty or to pursue all secunty at the same t .
<br /> - � � , .. , Gma w to pmsuo tho porsonal proporty oHer�he safe or forectosure of tho Proporty. � � �
<br /> r , 17. Upon payment ot att sums socured by this Trust Oocd.lender shafl reyuest Trusteo to roeomoy tho Proporty and shall surrendet tAis Trust Deed � • .
<br />- � �� ' and aU notes Eradoncing indobtodnoss socured by this Trust Deed to Trustoo. Trustee sha11 racornoy the Proporty w�thout v�arranty to the person or �
<br />_ ' �, . persons legalfy onUtled thoroto. Such porson or porsons sha11 pay all costs of rocordation,it any. �
<br /> `4. � . .
<br /> ' 18. 7.ondot,at Londur°s opiion,may fram time to Uma romovo Trustoo and appoint a succossor trustoe to ariy Trusteo eppointed hereunder by an i =
<br /> � ' � � instttimont rccordod in tho County in which this Trust Ooed ia rocordad. Without convoyanco of tha Property,tho suecossor trusteo shall succaod to � .
<br />- � all dite,powet on�d��ti�o conforred upan tho Trustao horoin and by n�pt�.ablo law. � ' •
<br /> , . � .
<br />�'� • 19.Exeopt fot any noticos,demands,roquosts or othot communi:atione roQuirod under applicahto law to bo given tn another mannor,whenmror Lender, . •
<br />- � Borcotiver or Trwtae gi�os ot sorves any not�cq(ir:lufinp, tivithout limitation, notice of doteutt and rtotice of salel, domands, raquests or other ;
<br /> commupic3tion vlith re,spact to this Trust Oeed Yea.tii suen n�k�o,de�nand,requost or othor commun�cation shall be m�vritmg and shall bo eNect�ve � ''. •
<br /> � • • onty ii tho samo is dclivered by porsonal sorvicC ot mailed by cuttif�ed ma�l,postago prayaid,roturn�tace�pt toquosted,addressed to the address as set �
<br /> ' � farth at tho Deginning of tho Trust Doad. A copy ol any notieo ot default,any notico ot sato,raqwrod or pormitted tn bo given hereunder,shall he ..
<br /> ' . � mmled to aach porson who is n party herpto at tho addres9 snt tottfi ai the becynning of this Trust Oeed. Any party may at any t�me chongo�ts address
<br /> , ' , to►sucfi aot�cos by Eehvering or madrrtg to tho otAor parbas horeto,as atoroseid,a notieo ot such cfiango. Any�ot�co horeunQur shall be deemed to
<br /> ' , '�' . havo to bocn givon to Borro�vcr or Londer.avhon g�ven m tAo mannor dosignatad horein.
<br /> !
<br /> • ` • � 20.The covonants nnd agreemont9 heraincontained sh�IlbinO,an9 tho nghts fiereunder sha!I inure to tAo rospeetevo hears.�^prosantatrvos,successors �
<br /> and ossigns of Mo partios. All cevenonts artd agroCmonts ot tAo Borrower shall bo jomt and sovoral. Whoaover retorenco is made to tAo smgutar � �
<br /> . '. heraundar.�t shall mcludo tho plural and tfiv pturN sha11 inctude tAO singular. � -
<br /> ,,. • . .
<br /> . . - . ,
<br /> . .. . : �. .
<br /> - -- . _ _ _ _.
<br /> a. ;_�_-�-�_---� . . .
<br /> . � ,• .. '.. ...: . .
<br /> .. '. •,. . r : , � �
<br /> . _
<br /> =.. ,:• . ' _ - ---
<br />