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��� .. . .} � _ .. �' 3i . ..' _f `_` r • . 3`�er... _-.:x':r.• _ j __ <br /> .d'S,-�z1��n .� _ x�a�u'�e�Feie. ' ��'���r' i%�� v2' _ -� .1�-���cSS .r'aA � _ __ " _ . <br /> �35SL <br /> -- `Z''`�1�.�� ' ----_— <br /> __�e�.=��` � \ , t . . � , ` , �^�_�'_--_ <br /> ��� � <br /> ;� � � ��9�- 1 ��s �f� �= <br /> =�-.�� . , . �:.� ..,.-----�- = <br /> - � . <br /> � _i . �r1 .:-�+Yr,r�°'�`��.�._= <br /> -4 ''� ot them,shat!be e�}titted t0 entorce lhis Trust Dead and arry ot�er 5ecuaty now ar hereafter hetd tiy BeRefiaary or TrusgSa In such order and mannet :.: s <br /> --�.� g3 they er etther ut them may ia their aLso(ute disaeUOn determina.f�[o remedy herein eonierred upon ar resenred to Trust89 ct Bertetidaty is irttended T�:s `:�r> � -___ <br /> -'° •to b9 exclusfve at any ot�er remedy�erein or by�a�v praviQQ�or permitted.but each Shail Ge cumutative and shall he in addtion to every oUtBr remflQy 3.,_ � ;a�r � �_ <br /> �,mf_.� . Y t ' <br /> ,.,�.•� giventfereunderorno�NOrhereafterexistingatlaworinequi.yorbystaYute.Everypauverorremedypro�IdedunderthisTnutQeedta7rusteeorBenefteiary . 4 , n r , <br /> __ = nr to which eltRer o1 tP�em may bs atfierxise entiUed,may bs e:erdsed,eonwnertlly os InQegenderitiy,from time to tims and as often as may 6e deam9d t� <br /> --•_�� esped[ent by T�ustee ar Benefieiary end either of them may pursue irtconsistent remedies.(VotAing hetetn shail bs construed as proAiDitlng 6engiiciary " ''�:E.����'--`.� <br /> T�'r:_ : <br /> - _�:_� � iram soelcing Q deficiency judgment against the Trustat to the e�t�rK sucA acfian is permittBd by Eaw. , _ . � ,,,`;.•..`,z�['_ <br /> �'--= <br /> --- --�`� � 11.TRANSFER OF THE PROP'RTY:�iSSUMPStON:lf ali or any Part ot the Properry or interest tnerein is sotd.transferted or othenrilse camrayed ` <br /> :-�-' by Trustor�vithout Beneficiary's prior wriiten cansent,exCiuding(a)the creation of e lien or enwmhrance subordinate to th(s Trust Dead,(0)a uanster , • ' < �'. � <br /> _�`�`�""`�� by opsrat3on of Taw upon the death of a Trustor v�ho is a joint tenant or(c)ths grant ot any leasehold interest ot lfiree(3)years or�ass�vhich does not ; , <br /> � a.:- <br /> _ - caatairt as�option to purchasa.suct�achan is a breach o!t!�agreement.and Beneficiary Benefiaary's opUan,declare ell the suma sscured by , <br /> �,�� ttils Trust Oeed to be immediateiy due artd payabte,provided.further,this Trust Deea 8eneftciary's optlon,Oe Qectared immediateqr due and � �,, ,- <br /> � � payabta,it(t)Trustor�s a partnership and any interest in tha partnership is solQ or assigned try any maans vfiatsoever,or(2)if the Trustar is e carporation , <br /> ---'�,,.i?'� and a transter of the majority stock ovmersAip interest in the corparation oocurs.or the Tnutur corpor8tion merges in amr fartn vrith anothsr corpwat�an . . ' <br /> -""�'� ar entity.Benaficiary sha11 have vraived such aption to acceterate if,prior to the sa�e.Uansfer or eanv8yano9.Beneficiary arid the psrson to wRom the :�<: � • � <br /> ---:.:� ! <br /> -- __�_� Property is to be soid ar trartsferred reach agreement in writing that the eredit of such person is saiisFactory to Beneficiary and that the irrterest payYaGte - :�.;�-' _ <br /> - „ . on the sums secured by this Trust Deed shail be at such rate as Benaficiary snall request. '�; <br /> ` 12ACCELERAT[OHUPONDEFAULT;REMWIES;SALEThefailurebytheTrusfir,tomakeanypaymentartopedormarryofth6teRnsendcanbitlons ' ���� .�.� <br /> _.__._.-_� of this Trust Oeed,or the terms and coctditians of the Note,or any renewais,modificatians a exfensions thereof,ar the faitvre to make payment of a�ry ;�� �. ', ,:'�`��`_ <br /> _-:,� other indebtedness,prior or subsequent to thia Trust Deed,and secured by this property,or tAe death Of ans or more Tnistors&hail be a 6reach 8nd _ , ,�;_„,,,=,R�yi;,,�=r�i <br /> _=t_� � defauN oi this Trust Oeed and the Benefsciary may dectare a detault and may dectare ail sums secured hereby immediatety due and payabte and the , �; �.,.��t:;•_� <br /> — same shail thereupon become due and payable without presenimen�demand,protest ar noficB of any ktnd,provided,Trustor shali have any statutory >:- <br /> �igAt to cure the detault befare acry notice ot default and Cemand for sa18 may 6e delivered to the Trustee.Thereafter,Beneficlary may Qeliver to Tnutee !,� <br /> ��`'� a written declaration of default and demand for sate.Tnutor a rees and hereb nts that the Trustea shail have the power of sale of the Properry and "�"�y `` = <br /> 9 Y S� ��-t�.w.r:. <br /> - -°���� , it Bertefidary dec7des the Property is to ba sold it shaii deposiE vrith 7rustee this Ttust Deed and the Note ar notes and any other documenLS evidencing r. <br /> _�`� • expertditures secured hereby,and shail deiiver to Trustee a mitten natice of def3ult and etection to cause the property to be sotd,arrd Trustee,in Nm, .. , '�. ��.x'�= <br /> _ .°. Shafl prepare a similar notice in tfie torm required by law,which shatt ha duly fitad for record by Trustes. • <br /> .�.z,�r+,a�;;: • ��2 <br /> ='�`,�Y -" - --� -ja)"-AftBrthelapse�ofsuch�imeas-may-be-required�byiaw4oliowing-tfietecotdationot-NoGceot-Detault,and�NoGCeof.BefaultandNotice�f.. . _ . . _ �"���'�,-.�,:. . <br /> - Sale having been given as required by lav�,Trustea,wrthout demand on TrusWl,shail seil the P�opeRy,it ttoE redeerned,in orte or more . . <br /> usw 'i <br />�s=���-r pazcels and in such order as Trustee may detertnine an the date and the time and ptace des(gnated in said NoUce of Saia,at puGiic aucUon � ' � <br /> '.� ''— <br /> "-' -�r � � aaording to taw. ' ' <br /> �� . �" <br /> `�`;`:' When Tiustee seits purs9ant to the powers herein.Trustee shatl appty the proceed5 ot the saie to paymerrt of the costs end e�cpenses of � <br />;,A;,�+�.;a - - @� exeiCising the pouVer ot sale anA-ottlt8 s31e,including:without limitadon,attameyr's fees and the payment Of Trustee'8 Fees irtcurred,wtl:ch • a .� <br /> , �.,�:� . Trustee's Fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the following amaunts based upon the amaunt secured hereby and rematning unpaid at <br />�::_,;.,,...' the time scheCuled far sale:5 percentum an the bafance thereoi;azsd teen to the items in subparagraph(c)in the orCer there stated. '•� �.• <br /> t-, <br /> �-��7`� (c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph(b►,ii the sale is by Trustee,or if tfie sale is pursuant to judicial foreclosure.the praceeds " �'1.•� <br />.<<..;• . . d:c: . <br /> •_�_,�� �� of saie sha11 be app'�ed in the following order. � .. =jsr' :. <br />�-�rr,-:.. . , »;rJ „ . <br />=-.�ra r�• (r�t'. (1)Cost of any eviQecce o18Ue procured in cannechon with such sate and ol any revenue transter tee required to be paid: ,c. , <br /> -�w-�;=:.;,Y:� {2)Aif obligations secured by this Trust Oaed: �L r�. <br /> �,1�� � <br /> -_-�;�:�,g; (3)Junior trnst deede,mortgages.or ather lienholders; - � .��d`":,, . , <br />-_ :_•,:�;. (4)The remainder,it any,'to the person Iegaity enUttetl thereto. � , �i <br /> -:�_���. <br /> .�T�M�,-..,.�}:� 13.APPOINTMENTOFSUCCESSOATRUStEE.Beneficiarymay.fromtimetotime,byawri::eninstrumentexecutedandacknowledgedbyBeneHCiary. r rz y- <br /> ,�.•.�., .�-, mailetl to Trustor end recorded in the ccunry or counties in which ihe Property is located and by othenvise complying with the provisions of the Bpplicabie F = <br />-f;.%r'%.'=� laws of the State of Nebraska substdute a successor or suaessars to the Trustee named heretn or acting hereunder. � � S�� <br /> -_s�__y �/�� <br />-"=��i�-•�,�' 14.IHSPECTION$.Benehuary,or its agents,representatives or employees,are authOrizEd to enter at any reasonable bme upon or in any part of the ' ��;t".�/� �•` <br /> _i-� PropeAy for the puryose of in5pet�ing the same and fa the purpose of perfotming any of tfte acts it is authorized to per(orm under tha tertns uf Me Tru,t OeeO. � � � <br /> -.-,�°�� 1�.OPTiON TO FORECLOSURE.Upon ihe occurrence of any breach and upon the dec�ara::on ot default hereunder.BenBfiGary shaU�ave the opUon . <br /> to toreclose this Trust Deed in t�e manner proviCetl by taw br the toreclosute ot martgages on real propeRy. . <br /> -r;-,�s 18.FOREBEARANCE BY BENEF(CtARY QA TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Beneficiary or Trustea in exerclsing any rlght or reme0y , i �,:�'��� ; ., <br /> T-=��� hereunder,or oMarwise aftordetl by appllcabie taw,shall not be e waiver of or pre�Nde the exercise of any sucA right er►emedy.Ukewlse,the walvar • �i � <br /> by Beneficiary o►Trustee of any default of Trustor under thts Trust Deed shalt not be deemed to be a waiver at any other or similar detaults s�`equently "w� �"�"'�! <br /> �,' . <br />.T:�s,�� occurting. . .. . <br /> -��-�"==�� t7.BENEFICIARY`S POUYEIiS.W�thout affecting or reteasing the liabitiry of the Trustor or any other person Uabte for the payment of any obligation • •� <br />��"�:�'� hereln mentioned,and without aNecting the I�en or charge of this Trust Deed upon any port�on of the PropBrty.Beneficiary may,flom time to time and ' . . . • <br />=-��s.��� • wlthout notiCe at the request ot one or more Trustors.(Q releasa any person liabte.(ii)extend or reaew the maturtty or alter eny of the terms ot eny such , <br /> �?��- obll tlons,(�ii rant other indul ences.(iv)release or recanve or cause to be reteased or reconve ed at an ttme at Beneficia s option an parCel - ---� � � <br />�sa�p�'"�_.. 4a )9 S Y. Y Y �Y� Y � . <br /> -__'•�� or ell.ol tA9 Properly.(v)take or release any other or additional seeurity tor any obligation herein meMloned.(ri)make setHements or other arrangements ; . . <br /> `!"'� - wtth Trustor ln retation thereto.Alt Trustors shall be Jointly and se+erally obtigated and bound by ttfe actions oI the Baneficiary or eny one or more Trustoi . <br /> -_^�°�_� as stated in thls paragraph. � ' � � � <br /> �"'�"�`•�"'� 18.ATTOANEY FEE9,COSTS AND EXPENSES.The Beneficiary ot this Trust Oeed is entitled to t�e payment of attorney's fees,costs and expenses • <br /> - -�_�,�� as provldod in this Trusl Deed.except as otherw�se prohibned by law. - - ��� <br /> - _��3`� 19.RECOHVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon wntten request ot Beneheiary and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's tees.Twste9 shatl reconvey to . . : <br />=--- -__='� Trustor.or the person or persons Iegally entided thereto,tivithout vrarranry,any portWn of the Prope�ty then held hereunder.Recitats In such reconveyance • <br /> -='a�Y�se ot any matters or lacts shall he canclusNe prool 01 tha truthfulness thereot.The grantee in any reconvayance may be described a9 the person or persons � � _ <br />�-`'�""�� Iegally entitted thoreto" � ' . <br /> -';,,':a:�� 20.NOTICES.Except far notices,Cemands.requests or other wmmunicat�ans requ�red under apD��cable lav�to De given in another manner,whenever � <br /> _ BeneHciary.Trustor oi Trustee gives or serves any notice(indudmg,wdhout Iimitauon,notice of defautt&nd notice ot sale),demanOs,requests or other <br /> -_==y���`� communicatlon wfth respect to th�s Trust Deed,each such notice,demand,request or other communlCaUon shall be in wriimg and shall he eftective onty : <br /> .__�, if the same Is detivered by personal service or�s mailed by eertitied ma�l.postage prepalA,addresssd to the address es set forth at the beginning o1 thls <br /> --- Trust Deed Any party may at any Ume c�ange its eddress tor such notices by deUvering or mailing to the other party hereto,a9 atoresaid.a notice of <br /> —'- <br />