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<br /> 1 j-!'� f ♦ ' , ' ' ��•-�
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<br /> -r±�ev �� . � � � , • ���L`'�r�'''�'f��r'�:
<br /> ',� r" ; r..' ��9 5���V°��p . �c � �:-
<br /> � candemnution or other taking of aay pazt�tfte Property.or for conveyanoe in lieu of ca��re�nnaaort.are hereby ass�gned an8 . �
<br /> -_ '_ t.•? : . �6e paid ta Lender. � . � ' f ..� :,• �` � :
<br /> _'�-�;�.�.;a�- _ In tive event of a tu?ai taking of th� Rvperiy. the proc�eeds,sha�ll 6e applied ta tfle snms secuied by this Security � . f• . �,�: . .,;
<br /> =-'"`-" ' Insnumen�w+I�aher or nat tben due.with any eacess paid to Borrower.'In the event of a partia!takia�of the Pro�ia :�� °
<br /> —��:.�x.: ::' <_, . . .
<br /> �=�;; which the fair market value of ihe Peoperty immediately before the tnking is eyuat to or gmater than the amount of the sums . ��
<br /> _`_°,•,:.`�`'•. . T • secar�d by this Security instrunnent immediut�ly before the ttiking.untess Borrower and�ender otherwise a�ree in writing, ' ; �:• ` ,* -
<br /> =_�++��.`•�-- ��k � the sums secured 6y this Security[�ment shall be reduced by the amount of the proceedg multiplied by the followiag , ,, .i;. _
<br /> ___ '�` � `�' � fraction: (a)the total amauns oi the sums secuted.immediazely 6efpie the taking.divided by(b)the fair market value of the � , . � �,
<br /> �.<:.. � .
<br /> � �`� � ` Rogerty iminediateIy before the mking. Any balance shaU be paid to Horrower. In the eveat of a�anial,taking of the ''� �
<br /> �;-� �:� :� � ' ` Pmperty in which the fair muket vaIue of the Pco�erry immediatelx before the taking is less thar.the amount af the sums . �
<br /> "•`� ���..�'' secured�icnmediately isefore the taking.nnless Borrower And Lender otherwise agrep in writing or nniess applicable!aw ' � � � ' • �'_
<br /> '�"' ' � atherwise provides,tlie pioceads shall be apglied so the sums secured by this Security Instrumertt whether otnot the sams sie ,
<br />-��`�` 6=�� ' thendue. r, ,, _ _
<br /> ,.. � ....
<br /> - '��� ` ' �f the Property is abandoaed bp Borrower.or if.after no�ce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make , � . •.';, , �� ,
<br /> ,�.�:, .•• •� �::. an award or settle a claim fas damages,Sorrower falls to c�spond to Lender withia 30 days after the date the�6ce is given, <. '
<br /> ' :�-• � Lettder is authorized to�olleq and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoradon ar repair of the Pcogesty or to thz - ^
<br /> - _.�::'�c;.:_ _ .,.. � snms secuned 6 thic Sea�ri Instrument,wheiher or not thea due. • . ��,,:
<br /> - , .�.:.-_�,-.... - . Y t3+ . .
<br /> ��. •4 ' `� Unless Lender and Bormwer otherwise agree in writing,any appli�tion of praceeds to principal shatl aot extend or • � ` ; `
<br /> -'�� � postpone the due date of the montlily payments refened to in paragraphs i and 2 or change the amount of such payments. � . . `
<br /> �b,::-*,�,: '-� Il. Bor.�ower Nut R�Ieased; F�rbearance By Lender No! a Waiver. Extension of the time for payReent or " . • .
<br /> . �T•-� - r modifctuion of amorUrriion of the sums secured by this SecUrity Instr�menC granted by Lender to any successor in int�rest � ��• ` -
<br />_ ��•� � :. -... of Bomower shall not apeiate to selease the liability of the original Boirower or Borrower's successors m interest.Lender � � .
<br /> , _ shall not be zequited to comme�e pro�dings a�nct any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymeat or � • • � ` ,.
<br />- �.�-.. � , otherarise mod.ify amortivation of the Sums secured(ry this Security Instrument by ceason of any demand made by the original , •�-•� r��, °
<br /> ` ' ' Borrower or Honower's successors in�interest Any forbea�artce 6y Lender in exercising any right or remedyshall not be a
<br />� Y;F� � `` waiver of or preclade the exeicise of any right or remedy. � '� '-
<br /> " 1 J`�� . 12. Saccessa�and Assign.v Bac�ad;Joint aad Several I1a631ity;Co-sigaers. The covenants and ag�eemenu of this � �
<br /> _ � r.
<br /> - Securiry Insuument shall bind aztd 6enefit the successors and assigns of Lender azid 8orrower,subject to the provisions of • �• . ' • ���
<br /> � : � „.:
<br /> •�• ,_��_ ..=._..• � .•.
<br />_._ ___,_� p�agraph 17. Borcawer�covenanis and agreements sha116e joint and several.Any Bomnwer who co-signs this Securiry � •- ••>- .'�-.-
<br /> ° ° -:.:�-- ---.--._..__._. Instrwnenrburdoes�c�cat�cecnt�[h�Not�:..(�)isc ' ' ��S�ri InstrumenroM -ta»r iatideanae th� . .. ------�-- --�-- �-
<br /> ,�,u ���� tY 9 ��•� � , •.; •f�'..
<br /> �� • � Bmcower�s intecest in the Pfoperty under the terms of tiiis Security Instrume� (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums ' '�.:• .���_
<br />- - � � � �. � seciu�ed by this Sec�ity Instiwnen�and(c)agzees that Leader aad any ather Bocrower may agiee to extec�d modify,forbear ` • �:�'�—`,
<br /> � k `` or make any accommudalions witb regard to the terms of this Sec�rity Instr�ment or the Note without that Borrower�s -� �4�
<br />- f' ` . � .: consent. . , , • .y`.
<br /> • _ _,-., .. ,
<br /> - .__ ,.._.. . .� -
<br /> .: •. , • :�+ . - - - -!3: Loa�t Cf►arges; If the loan securi;d by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan , - =� " '
<br /> ;,'; , • � , chatges,and that!aw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ot to be collected in connection • � �
<br /> ,' � with the loan exceed the pertnitted timiu,then: (a)any s�ch loan chazge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce �� � � . � ` `
<br /> � . . . , - the charge to the pertniited Iimit;and(b)any sums atready collected from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted limits will be � _ �, ;•
<br /> ' • �-�' refiuidgd to Borrower Lender may choose to make this refwid by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a , . �
<br /> �- • • • . diiect payment to Borro�ver. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any ,`" • ; ;�;'I '
<br /> prepayment charge under the Nou. •� .,�.,
<br /> 14. Notices. My notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall 6e given by delivering it or by �. �i'
<br /> • ;• tttail�g it by�rst ctass mail unless applicable law reqdires use of another method.'ihe notic.e shall be directed to the Reperty -,'��� ,
<br /> __ • � • .' Address or an y o t her ad d re ss Bo r row er designa tes by no dce to L en der. A ny no t ice to Len der s h a l l b e given by f irst c lass . "
<br /> . . , mail to Lender�s adds�ess stated herein or any other addness Lender desigaates by norice to Bomnwer. Any no6ce provided for �;
<br />- ' ' � � i n t h i s S e c u r i 1 t►s w m e n t s h a l l M d e e m e d t o h a v e b e e n i v e n t o B o r r o w e r o r L e n d e r w h e n 'v e n a s r o v i d e d i n t h i s � . � �'� `�' '.��`::�
<br /> tY g 8� P .. • . ���
<br /> ` P��Ph• . ...� :
<br />� ;� '..: , �. 15. Goveming Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and[he law of the �..;;A�� �
<br /> _ � jurisdiction in ahich the Propetty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Insdvment or the Note •--�.. _ � -
<br /> r,�E: • . . • .'�..,,,:• conflicts with applicable taw,such conflict shall nos affect other provisians of this Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> -� 6e given effect without the wnflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Insuwnent and the Noie are •
<br /> ' �T � declared to be severabte. � .' ,
<br />_ '-,�. • 16. Borrower's Copy. 8mmwer shall be given one conformed wpy of We Nate and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />=��:.,•..r � , � � • 17. 7lransPer of tke Prmperty or a Beaefictal Interest iu Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in . .
<br />- .�,: it is sflld or transferted(or if a benefcial interest in Borrawer is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural persanj . . . •iw; ��� �
<br /> ,, r '. •' ' .� without Lender's prior written cansen�Lender may.at iu option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> • •-. this Security Instrument However,this option shall nat be exeroised by Lender if exemise is prohibited by federal law as of �
<br /> •• the date of this Security Instrumen� '
<br /> �:'. ,.r= . .. �� If Lender exercises this opuon.Lender shali give Borrower norise of acceteration.�I'he notice shall provide a period of .
<br /> '' • ' ' �� nat tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maiied within which Horrower must pay all sums secur+ed by this -
<br /> _ •`.:4 � Security Insuumen� If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any . f ;� " � �
<br />-_ • . • � nemrrdies pertnitted by this Securiry Instrument without further nofice or demand on Borrower. � •
<br /> - ' ` 18. Borrower's Righ! to Reinstat� If Bormwer meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> �'-.� ^w . -•- :.�: , enfore�ment of this Securiry InsWment discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as � . �
<br /> '� �`�J" � . Singit Family—Fhmie Mne/FtedGk Mac UN[&URM INSTRUMENT»Unifortn Covenantv 9190 Ipage 4 oj6 pageal
<br /> -? . .. ' • Y y , . ' ,
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