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<br /> S�.-s�r�,. c� .•.� TOGE�'EIER WITH all the impravements now or�he�eafter er�cted oa the progertrty,a�ad5aIi easemen'ts,aPP�� . - -
<br /> e .
<br /> '' � �d fiRt�ues uaw ar�fter a part of the piuperty�ill rcplat�ments and addiflons shall also be covered hy dns Secnnry
<br /> fR j-
<br /> � �
<br /> �'�� �.. InsuaaieflL All of tIIe f�regomg is refared to in[bis Seea�ity Instrament as the"8ioperly.•• .,1��
<br /> -...� ,_ . ,,.�.�: ■ �
<br /> `�`�-� BORRUV6'Q2 CO�I►1ANTS that Bormwer is taarfully seised of the estate fier�eby conveyed apd has the rigiu to grant � L,__
<br /> �'.,���. • ead convey the Ptoperty and tbat the Pmperty is naencumbezed,excepi for encumbrances of record. Bormwer waaants and . . ' `X� --°-__
<br /> �. 1y . wili defend generally the tide to the Property against all claims�ad demands.subject to�y enc�brances of recanl �.p �"""" _
<br /> �.-��".'�i`�: THIS SECiJ1t1TY INSTRUI4�NT cambines nniform covenants for uational use and non-aniform covenants with � `�
<br /> �,z
<br /> �,�;{;`�°�. limited vaseations by jurisdiction to constitute a aniform secariry insuvment covering zeal LomPerty- _
<br /> �'�;_='� � tJN�'ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ag�ee as foltows: ; ; y�r =
<br /> ,� �f� ° 1. Paymgnt af Prindpal aa�Interes�Pre[�Yment and.Late Chasgcs. Boimwer shall pr�►pt1Y Pay when�e the , .�,, —
<br /> .�'FG�,.a, u aFF�� . . ' .
<br /> �_;�,, , pru�cipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the No�and anY P�Faymeat and lsie charges due nnder the Piote: " .1���'�'r°
<br /> �t�s.'n:'i�.� k ti �. FuaaLs ior 7ases and Insuranc� Subject to applica6le iaw oi m a wriuen waiver Iry Lender.Bonowes shall pay to �,"`}-'�,�`�-�
<br /> . -, Lender on the day mont�tY Paymen�s aze due nnder the Note,until the Note is paid in fnll,a sum t"F�nds°)fos:(a)Yearly � "°�=E��"��
<br /> ^<�~�-``� �:- taxes and assessments which may auain priority over tius Sewrity Ins[mment as a lien on the Property.(b)Yearly IeaSehold . ��--.�.}=�._,
<br /> ` =.�y� ``#:.: payment� or ground rents on the Prope�y, if arty: (c)Yesdy ha7ard or P�P�Y insutance premiums: (�Yearly flood 1 � s����,�.-.
<br /> .��• •x� insurance premiuuic,if azry; (e)Year1Y mart$age IDs�ance pceuriums,if auy: aad(t�anY.sums Payable by Boaower'to . __-- a- -
<br /> ��.�`L 1. 'S:,' -
<br /> ..��._,. Lender.ia accorSance with the pmvisians of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage i�snrance premiums. Tfcese �-���_-
<br /> .�::�r;_,.': .:'.Ri:=�...�--_
<br /> -�''.T�-,=r.�__. items are called"Fscrow Items." i8nder may,ai any time,coIlect and hold Funds m an amavnt uot w exceed the maximum � �,<_•- ---
<br /> _,r���:.: � amount a tender for a federalty related mortgage toan may neqnice for Horrowe�s escrow accaant uader the fedeial Real ��� ,' --_
<br /> , �'f ,,.?` "�.:'. Estate Setttement Procedums Act of 1974 as amended fmm 6me to time,l2 U.S.C:§2601 et seg.("RFSYA"),anless another ,.4'^"�., -
<br /> ' ��"=�'`�`'�`: law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so,Lender may,az any time,collect and hold F�mds ia an amount not w __: �
<br /> , . . --��
<br />-"zf�`�.�`."`--�' • exceed the lesser amount L.ender may estimatc the amount of Fuads due on the basis of c�eat data and reasonable
<br /> � �=•.. e�mara of expeAditures of fatiue Fscmw Items or othernrise in arcordance with applicab2e taw. �.� � �j-�
<br /> '1` � The Funds sha]I be held in aQ instit�tion whose.de �u aze ins�ued b a federal a en insuamentali or enti
<br /> � ��:.� _., . �' y g �. n�, ry. ��.� -
<br />--,:;.,. -��„. .. . (including Lender,if Leader is snch an insdwtion)or in any Federal Hame Loan Bank Lender shall appty the Funds to pay . '��_� �
<br /> --°`"=�mr-�' • • the Escraw Ieems. Lendermay not charge Borrower for holding azcd aPPjY�S the Funds,annually analyzing the esarow . ,�';'-��^_-_
<br /> _ ;�:,?:•,;
<br />�:-' '.,�;II. a�couat,or verifying the�scrow Items,unless Lender pays Bariower interest oa the Funds and applicable!aw pennits • F.. ;�'a��_
<br /> � " '--"'�' - Ixnder to make suc6 a charge. However,Leader may require Borrower to Qay a ane-time charge for an indepeadeat real _ _:,::1�'*��:
<br /> � ` ..�: . . .
<br /> .. . --� -------- ----------��-��,—�----- ,
<br /> , . ,• : estatc tax repordng senrcce usedbyZenn3e�in connec6an wiiti tliislo�ts,-unlessapplicable-law pmvides othetwise.--Linless-an-------. _ . . :
<br /> `. �•� agreement is made or applicable law requires int..-rest to 6e paid�ader shall not 6e required w pay Bormwer any interest or ,
<br /> uY: Borrower and Lender ma a in writin .hoRever,that interest shaU 6e paid on the Funds. Lender . -�:.
<br /> °-•• earnings on the Funds. �
<br /> �':�!`:', ,��'q•.-� shall give to Bo�wer,without charge,an annu 1�nting of the Funds,showing credits and debit�to the Funds and the . � . ' r.•'•:
<br />.•t . �.:, . .
<br /> - ----s��>- pacpe�for wluch each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged as additional security for all sums secured by + �'� �
<br />- _.._
<br /> -�_ �� �. . , . -
<br /> - - this Secutiry7nstriimen�: -
<br /> � �. � ' ' . t
<br />-. .. If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amonnts permitted to be held by applicable law, I.ender shall accow�t to .. ; �t' .
<br /> ` �• ' Bormwer for the excess Funds in accordance v�nth the nquuements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by � '
<br /> �:.:�...�, '. Lender at any time is not snffrcient to pay the�scmw Iums whea due.Lender may so norify Bormwer in writing,and.in .'" ! '
<br /> _�;';.'�..:,:���`�:�;''�` s u c h c a s e B o i c o w e r s h a ll p a y t o L e n d e r t h e a m o u n t n e c e s s a ry t o m a k c u p t l i e d e f c i e n c y. Borrower shaU make u p the "��
<br /> "�• .�,:9. 'r=.s . �, deficiency in no more than twelve caonthly payments,at Lender's sole discre6on. .. , �.,;� �
<br /> • " �;:', �• ;• Upoa�ayment in full of all rsns secured by tlus Security Instrumen�Lender shall�rompdy refund to Boaower any . • , ;;
<br /> ��:nr � •' Pu�ds iield by Lender. If.under paragrap'a 21,Lender shall acquim or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisiaon or : '� j .
<br /> '=��-�"'w;°"t��� • sale o4 the Property,sha11 apply any Funds heId by l.ender at tf�e time of acyuisi6on or sale as a credit against the sums • ' ''����
<br />- ,.:;�-.t�% .� secut�ed 6y this Securiry Inswment ��
<br /> • -*=� 3. Appltcation of Poyment�. Unless applicabfe law pravides otheiwise,all payments received Isy Lender�undcr •- .---��• ._ �; -
<br /> ,�,, . � pazagraphs 1 and 2 s��all be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amoureu payable mder • � •=-
<br /> '� �' paragraph 2•third.to intenst due;fourth.to principal due;and last,w any late chazges due under the Note. _ ''`Y�
<br />_ . . , r , .
<br /> '�''�-:�`•.'-:•;•����� q. C6siges;I,Iens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges. fines and impositions attributable to the • . •: �%.�"�.
<br /> ;ri:;,�;;,�;,..:;�' �� Property which may attain priority over this 5ecuriry Instrumen�and leasehold paymenu or ground renu.if any. Sorrower •. . '�='�:-.-
<br /> ,_�;::�:�°���."��: shall pay these obligations in the maanec provided in para�r�ph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Horrower shall pay them an � �
<br /> ".-• • r. , time di:ectiy to the person owed payment Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to 6e paid under ,
<br />"'�"`�'� -;•�, this paragraph. If Botrower makes these payments directiy.Borrower shall promptly famtsh to Lender nceipts evidencing �
<br /> �:":+;`°�`., We payments.
<br /> ,- _ � �•�4 ! Borrotiver shaU Qr+omptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry insuument unless Borrower.(a)agcees .. . : � ` �� ���'"__
<br /> ���J �-;��•- in writing to the payment of th,e obligation secuced by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the ,���'•..:�"-
<br /> 'y t::s_,.�...,:- .
<br /> ••� •� � � liea by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the � •-
<br /> '•_�=-•:�-#�:...:.�;.
<br /> � . - • •..... enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemmt sadsfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien •
<br /> �_�'`�` _�"�::� �"-�� to this Security Instrumen4 If Lender detemunes that any part of the Properry is subject to a lien which may attain priority '.' '
<br /> ��`_��='e��5��'' over this Security Instrumen�Lender may give Botrawer a notice identifyiag the lien. Soaower shall satisfy the lien ot take :
<br /> � ���`� T oae or more of 1he actioas set ford�above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � �
<br /> � - - ������ � 5. Ha�rd or Prnperty Insurano� Borrower shall keep the improvemeqts now eusting or hereafter erected on the • . .
<br /> - ' � �%. Property insiued against loss by fise.hazards inctuded within the tertn°extended coverage"and any other hazards,including •
<br /> `:-l='�:,:;.`:"" flaods or f�aoding,for which Lertder t+eqnires ins�uance. This insurauce shall be maintaineei in the amounts and for the .
<br /> -- �.��=�,�:�� •
<br /> �>�:.,�^.��,�•
<br /> Fprm 3p78 9190 fpaRe 2 oJb pagesl .
<br /> ^�7�;?;':� :�' ,
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