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<br /> - _� b1'tL`l'L Ur' Mt�tl�36A�� l;onnEy o8 .
<br /> — �` - Ir`ited�or reaard eud enterad ia Nmu�Ical Yadoa . .
<br /> 4 . , . -
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<br /> . � s . an.......»»...,......».. .�...._...r.._.as......».»..... o'eloek........_....»bi.< < ' • :
<br /> -- ..�-�. ,,�. , - ` .. . - .
<br /> _4 _ p �..� �and re�orded in Dee3.B�corrl ...,......................, Pege »..»..........�......... � �.` • .. . :
<br /> .xz.,. � • , ..... �..»........................................». By ......:.....« ,,,,,,........ • '_ `f
<br /> °� � ' 'y . �'6Y Clerk ar DepnEy County Clerk or 1 g.(���l�zo� � . ' -
<br /> !e
<br /> =F,,-.c`,,.'` ` _ . Be�b^ter of B2eds ' �egnty Eegister u4 Deeds , ; �e5+ • h ` " r:
<br /> *�_ ��.; . , �� � . .. .�.
<br /> �:� � ��:�-; . � JQIRT� ��NANCY V{i�9►�t�ANTY D�� �� .. � � � �
<br /> :� � � . . � - - - .
<br /> � _ _� _( , , .. � �_ , _
<br />_ ��,• • � Jason'Lee �Sagner and Paula A. tJagner, husband , ��� c�iLed the graatos whether oae or moie, ` . . .... _
<br /> '��:::°� � and wife. . ' �- '
<br /> ' < . . �: �.. :.: . .
<br /> �;: ; ,
<br /> � '. .� in consideratfon oY Fifty-tf�ree thousand dollars and 00/100 ' -
<br /> �,�. .. 4�
<br /> ^ r � reeeive�from graatees,doea grant,basBain. seu, coavey and eonfirm unto �'. " . ,Y3, ,
<br /> • `.� ' Michael P. Shriner and Shery2 Y. Shriner. husband and wife. � �, , �•�. ' �,, •
<br /> •.� . -. . _ ..
<br /> .. ` ' , ��. . _
<br /> .. . � , as�aint tennnis an@ uot as tenanW in eommon, the foltowing described seal prupertg m �. . . r .
<br /> �
<br /> - —_ - : , Ha2I t... ".. • .. :
<br /> _ _ � � ` ,� . �,,,„„r.............„.....,....»... Conaty,Nebraelra: �t six (6), Block three f,3), Roehler Place, �� .
<br /> .k � �.: City of Grand Island, Hall Gaunty. Nebraska. , ; _ � ��4.'�
<br /> ; �,...�..:..�.�� '
<br />-- � .,; .,. . ..� . ..---�--�---------- -------.._ ...-�-�-- ----- -.._...--------- -�--�- -------- - - .. . ._ . . .-- - ---�---�- --- -�- --._._._._. ..__.._......_._... _ . _. .. ---- ,
<br /> '-� , . � � •- Grantees herein, as part of the parchase price and�consideration for this deed, assume. ��. � , ../�,_�
<br /> � ' . . , " .�nd agree to pay the indebtedness evfdenced by that cer�ain deed of trust made bp Jason ( . '�;;.:.`�`'
<br /> -' �• � ' ' Lee Wagner aad Paula Ann Wagner to Columbus Federa� Savings Bank. which deed of trast `' '�'-��
<br /> ,� �`� ��� is recorded ia the offi�e of Aall County Register of Deeds in baok Doc. �93-101541. � ' ' � •-��• �
<br /> ' ��'
<br />