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.. . t�'4.:. ` _ . . :•ti . .._ 'v' ,� . ° �:. - • � � � <br /> } u T t ? `C i"�♦ . . h 1. . _ . , ` � � _ s _ r . <br /> �iYr�, - . . . .. � .. . . <br /> - J' - ..�. ' - '` " _ <br /> de ' . - ` , , ' ' " � . �N ' - <br /> -��rZ .< <t' , ' . , , w . . . . <br /> 4- �.r - ' , • - . - ' . � � . � .. . , - <br /> � � �. , � �'' '► -�1oQ4�t� . , : 4. <br />-,,��„ � 6. �f�o�ortower�cits to: t�mffintatn or pay tho promiums tor tha rcquUAd itssurance ol�the lb)paY mxos�etora deEinquenf.o� . <br /> _-. -; . • ta1 P81!any�+o���und4r o prtor morigege or trust QeeA betaro QetinQuont,or td)msintein ths Praparty in gao�ropair.o�tei PeRortn ��.. � . - <br /> a'�� � � 8rry of tha navanaMS or dgmamente of thle Trust Dec�.tAen tha LartQor moy,at its opUon,pay sucA insuranco prami�nn�,tazea.mortgcg@. ., _ <br /> �' ` � ar trust dea0 poymente,a�meYe ragelra and QisOu►ao sueA sums and Wko sueA actioa o�it Qeems necessary to pmteat its interost�vithout � � <br /> 6•�� � � �vaivins or ofiaatinp it�nght to dectaro or deta+att end aocolo�ote tAo dobt aocurad hereby 6oc�se of any sueh taiture o!tha 8orcb�ve►. 0.�ry " ' - <br /> '�` '�`. �, ' ` amaun�seodtsbunradbytho6onQa�aAallcanat�tvteaddlUonalindebteQnosaofth96orrowarsacumdbyttsls7tustOaedendat�allba:tinierest - � �� - � - <br /> c?��,� �..• . <br /> `"�.;. ; tfom tAe Qate of dlaLursemeni at tho rate payabie urttfar tAa Notn. N'othing comained in this paragrapM1 shaU require Ma Londerto mal�e any' , �' .�.. <br /> • .,, . , aiiah dlsbursamanta ov takb eny eaHon wh�eoeve►. . .: .�� � <br /> . . ' ' s <br /> ��` � 6. 7'he I.ortda(may mako or aeusa to ba maQe reasonahte oMrias upon and inspoction of tho Piroperty. � , , . � � � <br /> .� <br /> ` r� -� 7, TAo proaneda o!any award or cisim fnr dsmage9,direct or eonsequentiEl,i�eonnaction with atry C6tid6mnatfon or othar ta&ing ot th9 ... ___ <br /> _-..�-..- , -- Pmperty.or part titeroot.or fOr L-onveyance in lisu o!cartGa�ufatiaa.ara AatchY ass's�d aisd S�1 Ds R�id to the I.flndeo to Ma mROnt ot Me .- .T <br />- .� �� , fui!amount o4 the remaining unpaid indoDtedrtesa secured Gy ttlis Tnist Qaed. � � -� <br />- . - . . . . .} <br />_. .. ,< . <br /> ,.�"r' . ' " � If tha Propart�ie abandoncd by tfio Borror�et,or,if after�otice by the Landar to ttie Borrower that the condemnor oNere to make an award . �. � • <br /> _"e•�;, •�` ��� ,� . or sntUa a daim for damages.the Borrower tai[s ro respand m ttte Lendee vritNn 30 days aftet ttta date such notica is maitad,the lender . � • - - -� � <br />_ '" • �°` is auLhotized¢o toilect and�pty the pmceeds to ffie sums seeured by Ws Trust Ceed. � ,. _ , _ . ___. <br /> '; .,.. �. , e . <br /> � " ` • Condemnation procaeQs or awards shaff ba ueditad to tAo last matu�ing instai?menta of tho iadebteQneas�secured artd sAa11 not extend or ,, • . '",� � • <br /> .;r�r. . �_ pos�nne the due date of tAe instattmenta retened to in patagraph 1 horoof or change the amount of sucA Instalimants. ' . ' . . <br /> -'�'f� • ,. � 8. If the LenRar issuAS a partial rclease nf this Trust Deed,'tha proceeds teceivad theretorsh�4be ctedited to the last maturing installments of - _ . • . <br /> -_ ' , � the indabtednesa securad hcreby. . � <br />-���... � '. � 9. If tha Lander aithnr votuntan�y.ot imtuiunTaNy Deeomes e party►to any suit or legal procneding relatiog to the Properry.Note or tlis Tcust Oeed, � • . <br /> -- . ' � ti�en the Bortower wiH reimbursa the Lander ior e0 costs tha extont pertnitted Dy faw,roasonabto attomeys'fees incuttnd by the ` <br />-��' ; • . ' Lendar relatingto sueh suit or[agaS procae�ngs and said sums shall canstitute add'Riona!indebtadneas secured by Ws Ttust Deed and Cear ' - <br /> - . . [�terest at the rate payahfa under the Note.imtii p�d. �. �. . <br /> � � 10. As additianal secutity,the BortoNrer dde9 hareby essign,transfer and set over to the Lettdet,in ease of QsfauJt in the perfortnance of any � " ' ' : <br /> - _ - � .... . of the temts or condi6ons oT this Trust Oeed,the Note ar tha terms af any i�ebtedaess seaued!of the rente,rave�es m�d eiry � . . ,_,:.�,.. <br /> � - - - -._ .- ---� �- inCOms tsf�rty�tq(so�whatsoavert�rbard�rivadiramtt�e Propertyiactudiogiand-corctraatpaymettts.-TAet-enQer,inparsan:tiy-agent or-by.--- . -- ---- -- . �,�� <br /> receivar,�vitliaut regard to the sotvency or insoSvency ot Me Borrowar or the vafue af the Proparty,shaU be entiUed to tate possessian of, 1�, �. <br /> � , tepair,rent and manage the Psoyerty and to coIIectthe rents,rovenuas and ittcame tAerefrom and it may pay out ot said incame afl expenses • � <br /> ' of repait and Cos4s ineuved In renting and managing tha Properry and eoffaeting retrts artd for payrstent ot insurarteo premiums avith any - , �;' ��" <br /> ' , • remaining batance to be applied to tha last matimng paymartt9 of ffie deDt secured fieret+y. Upon prasenting a copy of this Trust Oead and , �:��� <br /> -� - - • - demand to eny lesseo,tenar�t or conuact purcluser of the Property. such person shalt pay all rohts,p�yments and profits acciued o� .. ...r. <br /> - :, . . . .. ..•_. <br /> ��` ' -- - -- tlieseafter accriring to tttb LetldeT uati ttitthot r[otice frarrt Ms Landar. ' ' � `�� <br /> � 11, if all.or.any part of the Ragurty or arry interest tharein is daeded,solety by laad cantraet or otherwise comreyed,atiertated or turtRer � . • <br /> � • encum6ered eithor voluntariry or invotuMarily v+itAout tAe lenders prior written consent,erciuding(a)a transfer by oyeeation ot law upon - ,,: <br /> ' ' tho death of e joim taaant or 1h)tho�grant of ar�y leasehotd interost not containing an option to purchaso vrth a lease term ot two years or =�. <br /> � � , '. - fess,ot(c!the creation of Me purchasa marsey security isfterest in houseAold aypGancos,tAen the Lander may,at its oytion,deeiara af1 suns � - �•-- ����� <br /> . • . secu:ed by tAis Tcust Qeed to Ee immediatery due artd payabte. � <br /> . � .. f•; <br /> , � ' 12. Upon the Bortoweta hreach of any covanant or agraemsnt of tho Bortower in tttis Trust Oeed,inctuding the covenanis m pay when due eny • � <br /> � , sums seeurad by ttas Ttnst Oeed,the�ender,at its option,may dealaze aU ot tho sums saeured by ttos Trost Cead to be immediatery Que ' �r, �; <br /> � and pay�lo without tur�tier demand artd may imroke tfie power of safa and/or any othar remedies porccuttad 6y app�caDie[aw incta�ing t1�e f' "'� <br /> � agM to toroctase thts Tast Qoad fn tho mancier provided by lativ tor the forectasuro of mortgages on real estate. TRe LenQer shail be entitted ;,;� <br /> � '•'� to coIIect all reasonahte cosis end eapenses irtcurted in pursuirtg such remedios inctuding,6ut nat timited to,and to the axtortt pertnitted by . <br /> - . . taw,raasonaLto attomays'faes. <br /> .. y,�.�_ <br /> ' � . •. 4%/.. <br /> � • ' N the pawar of sate is imrokad,the hustee s1�afi racord a notico of defauit in eacfi county in uvhieA tAe Properiy or seme part tQeraof i9 tocated �. , . � <br /> • • � a�provtda nntice thercof in tfie manner prascd6ed Ey�pti�aLta law. After the(apse of suaA timo as may be reQuired by epyficabio faw. • i �. � <br /> _ � tite Trustae stra[I give puEGo no6ce of eale to the porsone arsd in the mannar prese�bad by applicabto ta�v. TRe Tn,stee,ar tAa attomey tor '� <br /> • tfte Trustae,withaut damand on tho Borro►var,stwll sell tRe Piroperry ai pubtic aaction to the higAest Oidder at tAp ume en0 ptace aM under - . . <br /> • � � thotemmsdesigrtatedinthanotcoofsateinorteormoroparcotsandinsucAordorastRaTcusteemayQetermine. TheTrustaemaypostpona • <br /> � �- ' sale of all or any paree►of tRe Rroaerty Ey publio announcamant at tha time an0 ptaeo of any previousty scAedulrsd sato. The tender or the ' • � <br /> •i, � ' ` LsamJafs dasignne may purchasa tho Property at any sate. . , r . � <br /> '• '?� � Upon roccipt of p�ymont of Me priee bid,th0 Trustos stfall detiver to Ne purChasBr a Tnuto9's Oeed,withaut wananty,eomreying the • •- ' '. <br /> , ' ^-� • Vropvrry so[d.Tho recitats in tRo?rustae's�oe�st�aA ba piima facie avidanea of tRa dutA of the atatemeats mado tAe�ein.Tho Trustea snall • .� . <br /> _ . . •';'' �ply tAo DrocoaQs of ffia saio in ttto to:Iorling order. (a1 to ell teaSOnaLte eosts artd expeeses ot the sate,including,but not Gmited to,tho • <br /> Trustao's foos of rtot mora than S500.00 plus.5%o!tAe amaunt socured AereDy and�wnaining unpaie,and cosu ot tiUo evidence;tb)to � <br /> :' all s¢ms secured by this Tncst Qeed;and tcl tRs excass,if any,to tAo persan or persons tegalry ontitled tAereto. • <br /> = � , � 13. Any totbearaneo DY tho Lortder in oxcrr.Isiag any dght or remedy hernus�dar,o�otharwiso aNardad by s�pGeaLto lauv,sAal!not 6e a wraiver � . <br /> , � , • � of or preeluda tRo oxoreiso of eny such rig�t or recnady in tho ovant ot eontin�rirtg ar tuturo braaehos by tho BoaoYror. � ' <br /> � ' • <br /> u � � 14. Atl remediss prmrided in tAis Trust Daed aro distinct and eumafative to any othar agt�t ot rtimedy under thi9 Trust Qn¢4 or aHo:ded by lae+ � � - <br /> . ar aquity,asvl may Ee e:ercised coaeartentty,inEepandentiy�suceassivery. . � <br /> _ . 15. Upmn payment at aU sums secured by this Tntst Oeed,tAe lertdersAafl request tna hustee to racomrey Mo PiropeRy and stiall surtenderthis � � , <br /> • ` TrustQeedcuedaflrtotoaevidancingindebtednessseeureODytltisT�ustQeadtotheTrustae.ThoTrustnesha:lreeonvoytRoProporryaithaut � ' <br /> _ ., , wmtanty to tha porson er porsons tag�lty entitt�d theroto. SucA person or parsons slfa!)pay all costa of teeordation,if any. i <br /> • 16. ?M lenQe►,at tho Leadar's option,may trom time to timo ramavo tti�Trustae artd appaint a saeeossor Trustao to any Trusteo appoint¢d `. <br /> • ' Aermmdes Ey an tnsfiunont reeardad in t�e counryin wt3eh tNs Trust Qeed is meardad. WitAout eonveyartco of tAo Propo►ty,tho saceossoT � _ <br /> • • Tnsstae sRaU succeed to a:7 tit'e,powai artd Qutiee canlerred upon the Teustee Aarein and Ey ayplie�lo tari. <br /> _ � • '� ��, � G:) <br /> � � � 17. 6ceept tar any rt4tisos,demands.ce�scs�ta or otRar eart+municatiore caqidred urnfer ayptieaLte tari co be�jvon in anoti+ur manrtor.v.hertever ! <br /> � - .,,s • tRv Lerafa►,the Horto�ver or tRe Trustee gjves or sarve9 any rtatice Gnehiding,witlrout limitatiart,no�co at dotuutt and ratice of sato?. • � <br /> _ �, �j;;�.."`° dem�ds,re�cests arotRer eam�rwnica�ort witA res�ectto t�rs Trust Qead.oacA sucA natice,�ost or otRer cammumaaRan aha11 ' ' <br /> -___�-�:: �' bs in wdtir.g aa�d at+aJ De oHactive anty it th�s�neis deLvormd Ey parsonaf senrice or mated by eartitied mail,postaBo propacd.cntum reca�pt ; <br /> -`?�' � reQuest¢d,addrossad to tha aQd:ass sat forttl at Nt�trsg�nr�rtg of titis Trust Qsed.A copy of anyr r.otiee af detault,omi rtoue¢of sate.reQu�rad ! ' . • <br /> � .�,� . � ar pmmittw�to Co given RArcurtdnr,sAal Do m�2edto eaaA parsan who is e parry�orato at tRe addtas9sot fortA aL t�o Deginctir.g ot this?rust <br /> _ ' '� . • Qaed. Atry party may at aiiy tima cRarge its addross'tcr sacA ncucas 6y dativonrtg or mvling to Me othar pamas tharato,as afarasaid.a ! • . <br /> ' � rtou¢o of s¢cfi chango. Any noIICO hareumSar sha�bo�eemed to havo brsan givan to thQ Horto�et oe L10 Lar.Qer,wnon gjven in tAO martnar <br /> — � designated horein. <br /> � . <br /> — _ � � � f8. Tt:a cavanants msd ngraarrtsnts h9sain aa�ned slt�:1 EinA. m�d tho rigins Rereunder stu�! iwro to tho rasReetiva Aeirs. persanal � <br /> _� . � represantativas,sleeassoro and assign9 ot tRa patti�. All covanant9 and egraement9 ot the Horrorrer stwJ eo�omt and soveey_ WAeneve� � . ' <br /> � • . rateranca i9 maQe to tRo sirtgufar RoreurtGai,�t sA�i mcRcde tho pNral and tRo piura!st�aJ irtctudo tho siagula�. ' <br /> � . �. �� . . , • <br /> �:� . , ' =-.—• -.--- --_... - <br /> .#. . '� • . • <br /> n. . ' .� . � <br /> � - � <br />