� .. . :� . . � o r• , �`� �` ' �t... ` ;fi -� � ,a--�-�-�
<br /> � :� � r , „ �L �s���.
<br /> '�i 4
<br /> _ �T �t ' � . -..^����ax�'�'.L�EI� 'PTY\ ,k: 4 � �F S F — � � .� . -__. —
<br /> - � ! . . .l. .. :8�e�"^r�"`' 3__�..: f — —
<br /> i � __.. � ,•i � �1,.-ae'����mr..��� - _,,'�,.....L _— �-°_
<br /> ���*'„���,��"�, - - � . _ ,�-=--
<br /> , . _
<br /> ---���-��_ � � • , . ..._- � --
<br /> _-0^x'�`����«� � 6-<Emtnokf�aenttn-LeeGtu 1s�ereDy esslgna0 ai!eampensaUOn,aw�rQ�,dertrdgea and othc►payment!or rdia!(hereifu(ter"PrateeG�"E+n pattnaetlon�i2h� —
<br /> , A. sr�^ai,c�.....��..�-.-
<br /> _ �� ��.�3,�, cu�'�dmnstionafoiRUta4inpolthaP�apertyospartth�reo4.ortor.wmeyancefrtl:buoleonCemnation.LenderaflauDstntdted�td3aytrootocommartcs.Op'�Q��4liiib �L
<br /> - ,� ,4'; pra78Cpt�lnitsaBrtenafManytetlona►proetedlnas.mdahdlatsoNaAtltl�tom�ksanqe0mpram�sroruttt�menliaeonntst�anw�thtutdt�funyarGimigs.lnth�� � �.,,�
<br /> .,,"__'��x ' ' . ltiyitlMtypprttp�OtthfPfOpeKyls�O�t�rtasda�[O.lQnd/►t?�fiRive1ft90p1tOn.ipibwtsande8satu�ad�crsuan.`eflapptya:EauehPwceaOS.alt�tdv�ctiag ,� ----�
<br /> _ -�F���ti`�? 1l�n4romallwsis�n0�aperroefinew� Dyltieaconnscudr►witRaucDO�a���.eF��Y���u�Rtuaeeundh�rfbyandlnsueho:4�re3�tnQtre�oyQ�!MninwotQ��
<br /> „�„�y �.�,.,. agp.y at1 tuch Qtaw�db atter wxh R��uouans.to in�cas.Cratiotr0!Uro Propart►.ypon saeh eandwans a�Len4nr moy deterrsim�.Any aODhcat�on ol Pcaea?s tA �,�� �._. -.
<br /> __ . �.�5 lnC�QtlCrtt3�atta11na1enaatlprpsoatpcnolheduaQxtaatanypayment9wndartnalttota,o►curannydNaWinerannCarorna�eurt0ar. _�:_�� ___
<br /> - _r._:s . . �. Iyrta�nane�O7��n6�s.tnth�4v�nsofQorroweratailuretoysHarmmyollrtecovenenunero�normasaanyO�Y+��ntsrequinOh�rtDy.aiifanyanbuUnar ��,�"°°� __
<br /> _ °1��ry �' b�Iproet�art�cOmmmNOwnir,hrtuUnafiyNqct�lertG�r'o�nterQatintheProp�riy.LOnQ�rmey�rt�lnownQUCratlOn.Oc+twil�oNaDttaitmntoQoao.tnOwttnbufnattef - � Y --
<br /> -_u_ �.f' taar¢smm9upan8arrowtran�wrtnoutretaas�np8otrow�Hromanyobup�UOn.CO�nyaCt+wNC�t�080rrowutu��prBBObulhlt�todaln0ttuyalsOQOtnyothu�Ctd ` � , � �.a �_ _
<br /> _ .,,-�'y, � Ge�msnrceiurytto rotecttnsseew�ryrtereot.eorro�wrat�ao.�mmematetyupen�eman0itaretuDxlendor.paytolender�u�ontsanae■pan9es�newraaondepms i ,� � � _
<br /> � u p
<br /> ��rt, �aqnd�d0yltaQ�rineonnee6onxnt�tnae:eruubylonQotofthatorsgolnprlg�U.togaNfl�v�dnmtororitt�erponatlherAtoprov�GeafnlReNOte.wfl�chstUllbesGdedtp ���
<br /> -- _-.�,--�-� Itfo MdaDiaQnets tYCUrBA he�DY tender 6t�a11 hol�nwr arry porsonal haD�:�ry Oaeause ot anylntng q mey Cpar om�t to Qo heroundar. _ ,<?����_
<br /> F'.. . �
<br /> _ �¢ ;' , s ;8. �r�qbaiQ�LtdRThO�oltowing8hptleongiitutuaneventclQetaWlunCOrinlsQeeCO►Trust: "-- , _ 7� _
<br /> - ��t#�,$ . (q Failuretopayanyin�lallmantol0rton0Slarintorostoranyotnoraumeeeuredhoro0ywi�pndua.artaduretopayw�enQuehnyot�ermGebteOitessof ` ,� Y z
<br /> ��,f�#`"'-•" . ' BnrcoyrertoLen�er, , • • `�' ti
<br /> _- . ,�`. .
<br /> - ' (0) A OroacN at or CdfaNt unQer any prons�on eonta�ne0 in tae Note,this Dved of Trusl.eny documont rerhkfi sfleures Ino[Hate.and any othor �� , ` '+''
<br /> �'�`v.�'�,. ' �tassceaDastRSVraperiY• _ t_
<br /> ��� .~ , . , � -
<br /> � r. '' (c) AwtitoleaeuWOnordit2tbmentoranysim,tarpraeessshatlGeentnratlegainsf8orrowerwh�Gfs�a1lbecome8l�enontlseCroDenitoranyOOrtIqn
<br /> ,� , � theraotorinterestinarein:
<br />�•:�'.�,��- (4) T�ere atutl Ce tite�by oe egairst Bormrr�r�er en acuon anEer any present or(uture tedee�i.state or other atahrta.taw or reguiahoc+refaung to �' � � �- ' r '-1
<br /> �t� �•���•.:._.^- ''.• � Qar�ruytey,Insotveacyoromerral�tefforQabtoie:art�ereahatloeappomteaarrytnutea.recerverorliqui�fatorotBerrowerorot8uor�nyOaAOflheProporty.or ' ' ` ��:�
<br /> _. ,• a
<br /> ft�e tents.isauea or ptoUb t�ereot,a Boaoue�at�a��maku @ny generIIl assignm8nt fcr the Oenatd of ereAdo�s ' • '. ;.�
<br /> n��������.'�i., l 1 , . . . . , �'� .-
<br /> % +_ ;.;.,; (e) T�a safe,transter,auignment,CO(IrrBydI1C0 Ot(urthBi e�CUrt�bfdnc9 01 911 or 3ny part W Or 8rty mt8rB3t m t�8 PrOQBrty.eithet votuntanly or ; � . +
<br /> ' .� • ` ' � imroluntitiity.vmho W the express Wmren eonsem ot LenQar. ',.'' .:;.:::_•., ``
<br /> - ���s..�''�� (t) HBorrmreris�olaninGiv�Gual.tnesate.transter.assigamem.wnveyanceorencumarzneeofmoretnao�pereantatpt�eorporatmn)ite , � r��"''`;�-�
<br /> � ��s.'� �}' Issuedana outstenGmg atoch or(d�yannorsn�D) Percent o1 partneisbipmterests . ' _ , "�F ��3•-•"'�_
<br />_ ^ , , 9. R�audbs;RepteraBanUpanO�taut�Mt�eeveMOfanyEventof0efaupLenae�mayCaUaraatlmdea�eanes9seeurea�erepytoOeGueanOpayaOteanAtt�e �- T-;��4��.�
<br /> � ._' , 6ama ERiU 1lfereupnn hetome Que and Rayabte vnthoul any presentment,dem8nd.protest or noLCe ot any kmd.Thereafter Lender may: .. �'�¢.�,-
<br /> � p) ,Oemas�dtnatTrusteeeaerc�set�ePOWEROPSALEgranteanerem.anaTrusteesnattmereaftereausaHorror�er's�nterestmt�ePrapertytoeasatG . � . �
<br /> �-. ° �•�.,. ana trte proceeGS to Oe dlstnbute0.atl m ehe maoner proviaea m me Nebraska Trus�Oeeds Aa: ' _
<br /> �_-:' . ;. ..'
<br /> .���. . . .. .
<br /> Y.. . _ �b) Eit�er in parson er Oy ageM.with or wrthoul bnru�mg any act�on or proceedmg,or by a receiver appa�pteA by a eaurt and w+ihout regard to the , � -�,�;,
<br /> .�c�- ,.. ` � aQequaGyofrLlbBCUrity.enteruponanCtakeposs8ss�onoHheProperty.orartypartt�ereot.in�tsownnameormt�enameottneTr¢sre�anAtloanyactswhich • �_�-`;�
<br /> if deems aecessary or Gesvabta to preserve the vatuo.marketaLd�q or rentaDd�ty ol the Property.ar part Ihereo�or intesesl u+e:sm,�ncrease tne mcome
<br /> , ., . r, .,
<br /> thHre:�orprotectt�esecurityhareofar.0.�tDOrwrtbouttakmgpossess�onclt�eProperty.suetororotherwisecollecltherents.�ssuesanOptot�tst�Br8o1, � � � ��.
<br /> � � .... � _inetuC�a�SOSepasiQaeanCunpald.antlapsythesame.lesscostsande:pensesotoperatmnand:olteetwn;nctu�- attomeyrs'teea.uponanymCe:_:aaness � - =--- -
<br /> 9 ' �
<br /> � � securedCere�y.atfin§ucTioideras-Cen�eirtiayae7erm�neTfieeAloriAju�-6A8'nifPatiing(fbSSe5si6rtbtit(ffPrppany,ineYOOeetionrofsuchrents:issuesend�--� ---`�-�`-,��:
<br /> - , � "� prohba�Cth9apphca4�o�Tereof83aforesa�d.shallnotwrecrwaweanydelaultornoUCeatpetaullhereunAerounval�Aa[eanyactCpnemre5pOn5etOSUCh . ' , �'. _ � �� �
<br /> • , �,•'-.?�;T Gefault ar pursuaM to sucb not�cB o1 EefauH anC,notwrthstar.�mg Ine conhnuance in possession of the Property or the cpltectwn.reCe+DlOnd appheaUOn o1 ����1�
<br /> ' �'s renis.issuesorprofits.TrusteearLendershallDeentittedtoeserus9ere�ynghlproriQed(or�nanyo/tneLOantnstrumentsorbylawuponaccurenceola�sy . •
<br /> � �- � � �8v8I1101 G8t8u11.Uf Wud711g ttlB f19R1 t0 87[CfCi58 IhB OOw81 0153t6.end Y•>
<br /> . . t' ,+.-�_:
<br />-� - � • (c) Commence an achon w toreclosa ehis Qeed ot 7rusc as a mortgage.aAPOint a recerver.ui speuLcally entorce any ot the covenants nereof, '- ,�
<br /> S�'. `� ' � .
<br />- Noramedy Pereln wnterre4 upon pr reserve0 to Tmsteeor LenOer�s mtenaeA to bee:ctuswe olany other remedy hererri or Dy�aw prov�Aed or peFmAfe6,bdteatn shallDe :f,f
<br /> T. ' ' � • CumutaGve.shall he m addd�on toevery other remedy gwen hereunEer or nowor nereairer ea�sung ae�aw or m eqwty or by statuto.ana may beexerc�sed conwrrentty. „ �'` �
<br /> � . . inGapenCentryorsuecess�vety • ,
<br />-r • � • t0. Tmstq.Theltusteemayresrgnatanyhmew�tM1OUtcause.andLeneermayetanyumeanCwrthoutcauseappo�MasucceasororsubsbtuteTrustee-Trustee ' ,
<br />- �� _ -� ; � _ Shi111f0100IN0I0 f0�COy 104$0�C8M898 ulll@55 QuB(08CI�Of13htC QBg�IgCnC80f Wllllul rt1�8CO11Q4tt.0na S�dll n01 b0 tCQUtt¢A t0ldkg 84y dCb00�1f COn�lBCfi0f1 Y1dt1 th8 � �-`,:ti,.
<br /> _ . entareElment ot tMS Q8e001 Trust unte59 m08mmhotl.m wnung,lor all wsts.compensalion or e+penses wh�ch may Ce assonated therew�ttf In aQGihon.Trosteo may , --� �- -� Y *.•.,�,
<br /> _ y " - " beeameapurC�a40rd18ny1810011110PropertylluG�c�alorurtCeitllepowerof901egrantetlhereml.9ostpon@Ihesaleotalloranypo�UOnolthaproperty.asprov�tleA0ylCw. .. .. -
<br />_ • � , or 6ell Ihe Vmparty asa whoto.or m aeparato parCefs ar tots . '��•r�„ .
<br /> � .,�,:, . y; 11. �utunAQYUItp.Upon requestof Borrower.LanCer may.at rts opUOn.mahe add�t�onal anA tuture aCvances ana rea0vancesto Bor�ower Suclf adrancef anC
<br /> • �' _ , teadvance�.xnth mtareslMerepn.Ehatl de aocure0 by tn�s OeeO of Trust At no hme shaU�he pnnc�pal a�naunt i�t�ne mJe6red�esg secwea dy tn�s Deeo al Trus�.not�n• . . ;���
<br /> . � CtuAingfumsadWnCeOfopratBCtt�o58CUntyo11m90CeDOlTrusl.eACeeOtheongmatpnnapalamountstatedherem.orf nla__.__ .__.__..__..�n,�ena�e.�s ,,��:, �.,
<br /> .. K areatar -- ,_.. . �. ,�
<br /> � � t2- MlscNl�a�oa�prod�lon�. • � �
<br /> � (e) Eortowu Not R�hastd Ertension ot tne hme for payment o�rr.omt�eauon ot amort�eauoe ol me sums sewreG Gy th�s Oeea of T�ust granteA Ey � -j. , ,
<br />.�� . '� lBnQertoanyauccessorm mtere9t ot Borrower shall nol operate toretease.m any manner,tne liabd�ty ol tne ongmal eorrower anO Borrowei ssutcessors+n - • .°� ✓ '
<br /> • .. i�teresl LBnQ8t8�a11nOf0ereQu�rCAtocommencoO�oCeeQingsagainstsuchsuCee3sororretusetoeate�dumeforpaymento�m�etw�semoG�fyamort�iatiOn /�/
<br /> • of tne 6ums saeured by th�s peed ot Trost Dy reason ot any aemanas ma0e by tbe onginal8orrower an0 Borrower's 5uctusson�n mterest . "' ���_�'�
<br /> �4. . �.
<br /> - �� . . ' " - � '�� (b) I.�nQKspowen.Wrtnoufaftecungthe��aD�t�tyotanyotherpersoM�abteforinepaymentotanyo���gahonnemmmentmneO.anAwdnautaffecUng , . .
<br /> ., • �=� thehenorehargeofthtsDaedolTros/uponar+yporhonoltnePropertynou�anort�e�etolorerelensedassecuntytorlheluuamaun�olatlunpa�OOCt�qahon9. , ' .
<br />' �� �: -• ee ' L@nGO�l��y.}roT hrt10 t0�ulte 8nd wtlNOUt noNte P)tet0d50 any p¢r90n SO I�ahlB,p�)BatOnC Ihe mdWnly O�01tCt eny ol lhu[erm5 Of any Sut�OOItg3tiOn3.(m) - ' - � ','
<br /> � r'�� ' rantothefmAul enees.pv)releaseorreconvey.oreausorobareiease0o�reconve eaa�an t�meatLenCeisopt�onsan parcet.porhonoral�otlnaPropert
<br /> ���� �' ' `��' • (v)takeorteleas AnyotherotHCEMOnalSecuniyforanyobl�gat�On�eremmeNioneO.o��rqmakeeomposmonsorotherarrangementswd�GebtorsinrelaUOn • ' '
<br /> .'f '.
<br />_-.=3. _ � ; - tI18t8L0. . . .-- ' . - '-;,
<br /> __ _ (e� iorOnrarteabpt�rtd�rt�taf�YY�tser.AnytorbearanceDyLenaenne�ercismganyr�gMorremedyhereunGer.orotnerw�seafbrded6yapp��cable ';i�. • .
<br /> � Iaw.s�allnOtheawarverOforprecludatheeierasaotanysucnngntorremeGy T�eO�acuremenlotmsuranceort�epaymenloltaxeeorot�etlieneorc�arge� , . ,
<br /> • .. Oy LBnCB�6�011 not OQ a warve�of LenQefs r:gtit to aceelerate t�e matunty of the mOeDteGness seeureG by t��s OeeG of T�ust ' �
<br /> - ' ta) Sueetuon�nd Aulpns Bou:..�Jo1M�nd S�»rU LI�DUIty;Capt:anf.Tne covenants and agreements�erern containe0 shatl DinO.an0 tne ngnq � • � '
<br /> ° ' hereun0era�allmureto.IhetBSpCGp�09uCCB9S0l9antle55ign401lenQB�eaOBOtrOwe�.SUb{BqfotbeproviSiOn901p3tag�epff8(0)�¢�COt AIiCOVOn8M38�6 , ' "'
<br /> ' � � agreamCn/SOfBorrowershallEe�omtentlseveral Thesapt�on�anOneadmgsoltneparagrapnscltms0eeaolTrustarelorconvemenceonlyandarenottobe
<br /> - "- � ° - ,_ usu0l01MOtprai ut tlefuro�e yro��s�Ens ne�eut •� . ' . �
<br />-� r ' '. • (e) R�QutalfOfNOUCN.ThOpart�89harebyrequesllhataCOOYOfanyno6G80�defautl�eteunOar8ntl8cOpyofanynotice0tsatehereunderbamaAeOto
<br /> � eachparlytol�ISOee0olTrusfalttfeaAdressseltorltfaboveinthemannerD�escnbe00yappocabtetaw Eaceplforanyothernoueerequ�re0undarapp6cable ' �
<br />-_ • � (aw toba grvan�n another mannor,eny�Ot�tO ptOr�d¢d 10t m�ht90¢¢tl 01 Tfu91 Shell bB grv8�bylnd�1�11g Butb OOltt9 Gy C@ttd�@O InBd eddr8558Qt0 th001het ,
<br /> . -_ , ..i parties.at tf�eedarass set forth abovo • .
<br /> -. - � Any ootico provided tor in this Oeea ol Trusl sha11 De Qeeme0lo�ave been gwen 10 Borrower ar LenCOr whon g�ven�n the manner dos�gnate0 Rereln '
<br />'_ � . (ry Infp�eUon.LendermaymakotircausatoOemaCOreasonableentrfeauAOnanGmspeet�onsoftheProperry.D�oviQe0thalLenCershallgrveBorrowe�
<br /> ;,•�r'.�+ � -• . ,� AOMeprI0�t0YnyluchmspBeHOnayetitympre88on8DteCiuset�or8lOrr8tate0tOLOn�Cr'9�ntarpSlinthOPropOrly . - '
<br /> ��-'_�_'., .��• (g) R�eom�/sno�.Upanpaymentotetlsum9sncureGOythlsOoeAOfT�usl.LenOershanrequestTrosteetoreconveytnePropertyantlaha8surrendor ,
<br />- thisOeeaofTru31�n0AllnoteaerlCenanpmQohmdnenssaeuredOythls0ee0o1TrusttoTrustee Trusteeshatlreeon�eyMeProAOrtywdnoutwarranryand ,_
<br /> �'°-�.�� ' w11hoN CJ�atya fo I�e p0ta0n Or person918galty entntad thereta Su�fi pereon ot parsons sh811 pay atl costs o1�ptordatton.A anyr .
<br /> �' � ,"?�;. '(n) PinotutProy�tty.II�euAlyAyn�nunl.bflQQltionalsecurrtyforinepaymemoltneNOtealHixtures.eqwpmem.andot�orperoonalproportyuse0 �
<br /> ,..���y .�, � �neannecll0nwrtbtheraate3tat90rimyravemenislocetadihewon.andnotothOrwisodeclaro0or0eeme0to0oapartoltherealesteteseeureAherehy.e�aOdo
<br /> �� eubjedt0asecunry�n2ere�ImfsJOrolttfeLenGe�undefl�QNehraskBUNtormCommorcialCoQe.Th�alnstromqn�sh9�IDeeonstruada9a5eeuntyAgreemenl . .•
<br />- � ��� :�' unde�WdCoGe.endthalenQerthauhaveaptnonght�andromealesofasocuredpartyundersaidCoQe�nadE�hon�otnengmsanaremed�escreateAunde� �
<br />_ • � .:,g'.?'��`'' �nd YCCOrdeO tho Lende�purauLit to tM9 DoeA o1 Trust. �
<br /> - , ' .�{� p) SfwwblNfy.tntnoeveMthatanyprmns�onotftUSOea0olTrusteoMl�dvritbepppcaDlolaworeroCeetareAmral�dorotherw�seunenforceabte.sueh �� . .
<br />- ' �`r �" eoniUctoNnvaLdUya�a11no18ttectt�eotherprovisionsoithlsOeedofTmstorthoNotowh+chcanbogrvonotPoetvntnouftheeoMbctmgprov���on.enOtotb�e
<br />- u��.•: � � end the prwislons o)t�o OooO ot Trus!anOt�e Note are GectareA to Ga sevarabte. [
<br /> � � `= 8otrower haf e:ecuta0 thls Oeod of Tmst tho dato wrdten 800vo- 4
<br /> .q; �
<br /> � �� � � G + " .
<br /> � � ������C?��
<br /> � .. . . . 17 id F. "ie: 0�4lfower � .
<br /> - . • � ..
<br /> � . .
<br /> ,., .
<br /> ' ,. � dit K. t11e . .
<br /> . . . � �� . �� i '. .
<br />-�--- --- _ __ ____ - - --
<br /> -- - � � ..
<br /> � . ' . . _ . � . - � . . . . r---===------ -
<br /> , . . ,
<br /> . . . . . . . .
<br /> . , . .
<br /> . . . . • . � . , .
<br /> , : ,,. , . . � � .
<br />