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<br /> (c)�tiyj L�s�d�s ltoq�Iyatvtr My tor�3ranee by Lert�er in exertising any dg9�t ar remady hsreunder.or , ' . ti� �-
<br /> a�nerwrse erro�aea ay�,p�catite�sw.shfltl not ba a watvar M ar prealude the exerctes ot arry such dgm or�emedy.TPie •
<br /> procure�entoitn�urancecrthapaymentottakeao:otherilensorc�ar��yEenQorshailnoYbsewaivermfLerrdersrightto� , •°'-y., -<<���
<br /> � a�tera,ffi the maUir6ty o9 tha tade6teQngss cecureo�y thts De+od ot TM�t. :;w���__.
<br /> • (��eetaori ind Assi�ns oaun�:dok►t lutd 8rr�ni W�y:Cs�tian�.The aavenar�ts and agreemenb Aerein can- . •. S L r
<br /> . � taine�Briafl bfnd end tAe rtphta Rereunfler shal{lnuro to.ttre res➢BCUve auoaeaaore an�assigns o9 Lertda►snd Trustor.AII , :-
<br /> � c�venartts en�s�reemer�cf Truator a�al i b a to lnt an d sav�a L T he ca p H o n s a n d h e a d E n g s o f t h e p a r a�r a p h s o i t h i s D e e d o f ' � '�-��z:;��__
<br /> Trust�aro tat eamrenience onty artd ere aot to be uaed to tnEerpret ar deflne tne provis[ona herecf. � � , . -" °"
<br /> (e} Reqtc�etio�[�ta�cs�.Thep2Rie�her�ebyretiaestthatacapyof8nynoSceafdaf8utthereund8rastdacopya?anyrtattce � • ^,_.'��`-`_z.�•w�``R`
<br /> ot sa�e hereunder ha maited to each party to iMa Ceed of Trust at the addresa set torM ebo�e in the manner prescribec�by � ,. ,.. ;'
<br /> appifc�bie Iaw Exceptfor any other notice fsqulred under appltcaDte taw to bagiveq In another manner,any►�otice provIded , ..����:
<br /> lot tn thts Deed atTius!ahaA De glvan by mailing such noSce by certltied mail addreasedto ttte other parttes.attl�e addreas set
<br /> forfh al�ave Any_nc�ce provtded f�r in thia Q�o!Tnrst ahatl he afte�ve upon maltir�Ia the manner QesignafeQ isereln.it � - , �" �
<br /> Trustor Is rtrore thsn or�a pet�son,notice sent to ttte address set brth abave Sflal!be rtoU�s to ali such peraons. ��`.�
<br /> (t�ln�c4brt.Lender may maka or cauae to be made reascneble entries upgn and inapacttons of tho Rroperty,pravtQed � , •
<br /> that tender shaU gtva Trustor notiae prbr to arty sueb inapectton specttying reasonabie cauae therefior refated t�l.ender's �_�.. , ,
<br /> irderest in the Property. . . - - -
<br /> . (g� A�camiy�ea.URonpaymentotalisumssecuredbythisDeedofTrustl-eadersnatlrequestTruateetnreconvaytha � . •
<br /> property.andshallsurrenQerthisOeedofTruatendalinatesev[denetpgindebtedrtsssaeeuredbyth(90eedotTrusttoTnistee.' , •
<br /> � Tlrtiatee sh811 recanvsy tlte Property without warrartty and wiil�out cA2rge t0 the person or person9[egai�y entJtiad therOAD. . � �•
<br /> � Tnistor shaD pay a(I costs o4 recordaUon,H en71. � . �. ' `�'.,:'.'�..�
<br /> (K) p�rsanai Rra�rty;S�eutiiy Agra�m�n�As addiSonal securlty tor the payrrtent of the Nats,Truator hereby granffi ' '� , ° �.
<br /> LenderundertheNebra9[caUnHorrs�CommerdatCodeasecudtytnterestinailflxhirea.equipmentandotherpersonaiproJ�e�ty : . •_ '.'
<br /> used in connectfon with fhe real es�or improvemenis to c a t e d t hereon.an d n o 2 otherwise declared or deemed to be e part of % �'^� �.
<br /> the reaf estate secured her�dy."Chis instrument shall he construed as e Sacur��y Agreement under said Cada,and the Lender ' . �.-��J;�� ;�; ;
<br /> sAatl have ait the dgfits artd�emedies ot a secured paRy under said Code irt addfUan to the r�ghts and remedies cteated under � k�. . .,.
<br /> • endaoccrdedttteLertderparsuantto�isDesdotTrustProvidedthatLendefsdghtsanOremediesunderthfispar8graphshalt �;:,.,.=• - .
<br /> Oe cumulatfve wiih,and in no way a timita�on on.Lender'9 dghts and rerttedies under arry other sacuriry agreement signed dy .. ' 'Y``�'`��'�"
<br /> Borrower ar T►ustor. ' . _ - ' •c- .';�^6`—
<br /> --� —y -�,...- "'^,`Y.
<br /> --� ---�------ (� Lpns ufd Enet�mbra�ea�.Truator herehy-warrants and representa thatihere.fs na defau[t_under tfl9 DrQvisto s of an__._ ._.,_ . . , _ . _r..r
<br /> a
<br /> mortgage.deed of trust,i8ase or purchase corttract describtng all or eny part oithe Praperty.or other contract,instrumant or . �. . ';,. ; �,,;�/.�
<br /> agrsement cdnstfditlng a Ilen or encumbrance agaTnst ait or any part of the Properiy(coilecttvety,•'Liens'q,exisUng as of the � .'_�
<br /> dete of thts Ceatl of Trus�and that any and ali exisUng Uens remain unmodified exceAt as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's . �. .
<br /> wn"�en dtgctosure of Ilens and encumbrences provided tor herein.Trustor shall tlmety perfortn alt ot Trustor's obttgatlona, �
<br /> cavenar�represen�UOnsand wartanUea ut�deranyt_artd ail exisitlng end future Ltens.shali pnompttyfo�rardto LendBr.eopies .--
<br /> of all noUces of detauft sent(n cQnnection with arry and etl existing or futuieUens;and shall not wlthout Lender's pdor written : - , • � '' �
<br /> consent In arry manrter modtty the provistons ot ar albw any future advances under airy ex(sting or fut�re Uens. �� ` �
<br /> � �y�App�of Paym�nh.Unless othemise required by iaw,aums patd to LenQer hereunder.inciuding wifhout limitatlon ~� ��. ���••� �
<br /> payrnents of principal and interest,insurance proceeda condemnaUon,proceeds and rents and prafits,shall be applied by . • �•��-�
<br /> Lender to tne amounts due artd owtng irom Trostor and Borrower fn Ruch orderes Lender in its sote d►scre�on deema desirabte. � '� �"�' �"
<br /> (ic)Sw�biQty.ti arty provlsion ot this Oead of Trust confltcts w14h applicabie taw or is declsred invatld or otherwise �; � ,� ;y
<br /> unentarce�te suoh conflict or invalid:.y shall no!aftect the other provisons ot this Deed of Trust or the Note whtch can be �!'` �'.���
<br /> hreneHectvYlthouttheconfltcUn provistOn,andtothisendtheprovlsionsotthlaDeedotTrustandtheNoteareaaciaredtobe '�j�•�
<br /> �verable. � ' ' �`� --
<br /> (p Tirms.Tfie terms"7rusLO�'and°Bonowe�'shail include both singufar and p1uraF,artd when the Trustor and BaRawer' . . �� r��r
<br /> are fhe same person(a),those terms as used in tt�la Deed of Trrust 8ha11 be trnerchangeabia . .
<br /> (m) Gc+amin�L�w.This Oeed o!Trust shatl be govemed by the laws o!the State of tVe4 ka "~
<br /> ,� ,r.:�.•�+�i
<br /> Trustar has execufed thta Oeed ot Tast as ot the date wrltten ab e. � • �,��
<br /> .���
<br /> � . �• . .
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