.�� �•4;".t.tF'��» 4.. _ � �^�t � . . . '`, . � t - � `. `�j, _ - .J . . +` 4 F�(. Y
<br /> ` ,S�`- _�!`.'�.. . -' t� �c< . • • ...
<br /> ��^f��f-.ti:i'�.!'-:'g� , . . . '. � � . -�: ` ' .._ .
<br /> _ � , ,
<br /> `�
<br />_ _.� '� � iiT� � � A �
<br /> �`" ' ' � ' �fe7 a�� ����a�r`�S .
<br /> — �-��;�� ` ` DE�OF TE�UST WdITH P!�'ft�i3E ADVAlid�� �
<br /> , �T�YC�w3 t4, }.. � . , . �'_ R .f:_.
<br /> ;�`7.
<br /> �--`'"��`�` , TlIIS�EED O�TRUST.ts ma�e aa a!the Z�_dey o+ Jan. ' ' ,1�g5 Dy and amang • `
<br /> _ m•� �� ° � . ; •� .
<br /> r� �. . �, .
<br /> � thaTirustor. Gra A Sanahez � Kartha Sanchea ,^hva6ancQ end vife � �` G G�• ',
<br /> �� � �• � � � 3al9 i� 15tQ St � Gr$nd isl�nd NE 688@3 ` , � .
<br /> ��,KK w� wri�o maiiiny adBress la � (hereln'Trustor."wAether ane or mote). .�,
<br /> = �1 ,�. . . �,� .. ` '` '
<br /> ,.,�z-� Five Points'�Bank, a Hebraska Corpor�tion � �
<br /> _ , ,:�.,,=� , sho Tivate� , . .
<br /> -�����'`�`���• �vhosematitn eddressis �•O. 8os i507 Graad IsXand. .t�iE ���12 � (herein"Tnistea"�,aRd • ' �
<br /> v=_.:;��d,_-��.�'- � � . . . ,
<br /> =-;��. ' �. ,�;s,=,. � ' E'ive Poiata Bank ' • - -':
<br />-�c+�ii�ec � :..� -�-- : ihe Bepeficlary. � ;_— �_ _ `�
<br />�,.'�l�,:�., � �� wiiose mailtng address ts Za15 N. Sroadvell Grand �Ieland, NB. 68802-l50� marein°Leadas"). � . . - . .
<br /> �; -�-���S:� . Greg A Sanchez
<br /> _ -� :'��,:r FOR VAWASLE CONSIDERATtON.including Lender's ex0ensfon o!credit iQenURed herein ts _ . __; _
<br />=� ` ° �� � flartha F Sanchez (heretn"8orroweY'.whether one or more)and the truat here[n created. �`,"```r� �- -- L`
<br /> � ar
<br /> ''�'�l`z�'f�` t9t�recetpt of whlch ts hsreby acknowiedged.Trustor hereby irrevocabJy grants.transfere,conveys and assigns to Truslee.iN . �
<br />_� r_. - ;,; _ .
<br />��, � _ � TRUST,WRHPOWEEiOF3AtE.b�thebensfltandsecurityolLender,undersndsubjecttothetertnsandcandltIonsherelnaftarsat . ,. •
<br />_;y �`. torth,the real pro eRy.d �tred as tollow� . ` �
<br /> __�, =°`��;;�,-,Y,. Lot One ci�, in�8land Acres. NumDer 3, Dei.ng � replat o� Loti FiiLeen tiS1, _. _
<br /> Island Acsea. a Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hell Connty, Hebraska �`�4� �
<br /> "+• � }. �—..,3�' . . . ..
<br />— _ t —��'_ _ , . . � .. .
<br /> - •. Iy�'.'..:a . . ; . . .
<br />_ •. ti�;j�;�:� ' � . � � " , .
<br /> ,��;�,-,-, Topethar wt@�all bulidings.tmprovements,fFxtures,•streets,altayrs,passageways,easemenfs,►ighffi,privlteges and gppurte- • . �
<br />- ""'�""":;°,: ' rtastces tocated thereon or in anyw(se pertatning�ereto.and the rents.issuea and proflts,reverstons and remaindars tl�ereof.and '
<br /> '� $� ..v+;�, ;_�_> � ° sach personel pmperty that ia attached to the improvementa so as to r.Anstitute a flxture,tncluding.but not limited ta heatlng and '
<br />=.:. • • : _-
<br />_. . _: . .�: . ,....;:.� •, _cooting e�utpmen�and togetherwith the homesLeaA or madtal interesta,if any.whlch interests are hereby reteased and waived;aii • `..'=
<br /> � � � � of K3sich,including repfacements and addtilona tfieieto.is tiefe-6y d�ctaredto 6e a par�oftfie reaTes�fe s$cuted6y tlie lien ofihi�� "��
<br /> ..� � � . .,.. _ ..----. •,
<br /> � �•`• - �:°��- Dee�f of Trust and aii af the toreg�ing betng retarred fo hereln es the"Property". ,i� =-
<br /> ��TCT::•.. .�.:Y,� - . � . ��. �
<br />� �''`'�F' "�"'•..• � '� ' Thls Deed of Tivat shall secure(a)th9 payment oi the prinaipal sum and interest evidenced Dy a promiasory note or credft � :�';�`�''��
<br /> _ ;«'�•• . ., r�•,:;:. >.
<br /> - ''-�• '�~� agreemeM dated January 20th 1995 having a matur(ty date o! February iet 1g98 � _ ,
<br /> g• , ' .
<br /> .`°. ` ' S9.055.00 '
<br />_ � ' - tn the orfginal pdncipal amount of S ` ,and any and a!I modiflcadona,extenstona r�n0 renewats � .
<br /> = ,' ` ' �' thereot or thereto and any and atl future advances and readvancea to Borrower(ar a�ty o!them ff more than one)hereunder � ;''�; �
<br /> . . , �. ,;. •- .�-�' .� , . .,.
<br /> �;� , ; : pursuant to one or mo►e promissary notes or cfeclit agreementa(herein caited Nots').(b)the.payment ot other sums advanced by . , , :.
<br /> � � �'''�':���" Lendertopro2ectthesecur(ryoftheNote;(c)t4�egedormanceofellcovenantsandagreementsofTrustorsetforthheret�:and(�atl .
<br /> ;:_. �' '-":r,,:�
<br /> �'�� � " � '"'~ - present and future indebtednesu and obli g atfons of Borrower(vr any of tnem if mure tfian orte)to Lender whether.direc4lndfrec� . �
<br /> •, �,�. ...�[•�y: �• �.�
<br /> �, .. : ,_�. ebsoiute or conUrtgent and whether eflsing by rtote,guaranty,overdraft or othervuise.The Note,this Daed of Trust and any and sil �',"�.`�"
<br /> • ��.� .;
<br /> -> ���„ otherdocuentslhatsecurethe6Yo2aorotherwiseexeautedinconaectlontherewith,includingwithoutlimftattonguara►nees,securlry , _ •-��
<br /> _�: ��!�.�' ��.� .
<br /> .-. _- . �- , . i�. .. :�
<br /> -- t.,..��,_ -{. �••; .; agreements anA asslgnmerrts of lea3es and rents,shall be reterred to herein as the"Loan Documents". .
<br />--� ���-�`a���A�' � Truatar covenants and agrees with Lender as followa 1,
<br />_= '� • '^ �"''�"�'� 1.Paym�nt O1 tnd�6t�dn�.All tndebtedness secured hereby shail be patd when dua � � � � ��`
<br /> i �....,;.#;�;�: � -. . . ,.. -
<br /> �,��;Y.r.�s,:;..'.. .., , �.Tlttt Tntator la tha owner af the Property.hes the►ight and authority to convey the PropeRy.and wanants that the lien , ,_: ���i%
<br /> ,�,..:�.,• created hereby ia a ftrst and prior lien on the Property.except tor liens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor in wriUng and � ��.�
<br /> . �`",�•-�� del�tvered to Lender bebre execuUon of thia Deed of Trus�end Yne execution and dettvery oi this Oeed o}Trustdoes not viotats any � �"y�''
<br /> contract or other obllgaUon ro whtch Trustor is aubJect • � . ,
<br /> ,. � �Y:�;�° 3.Taxeo.Atan�an�tb.To pay before�te!lnquency aU texes,special assessments end all ofher charges against the Property . . .
<br /> ,.,r�.�,=�--s;,,: nOw or here8�r tevied. , .. �
<br /> •� � ��:` , 4.fnsur�nc�.To keep the PropeRy inaured against damage by flre.hazards inctuded withtn the tarm"extended coverage".and '•
<br />- _- sucb olher hazerds as Lender may requtre,in amounta and with companles acceptabte to 6.ender,naming Lender as an a0d(Uona! ,
<br />_ �����",': named insured.with tosa paya0le to the 48nder.in Case o1 tuss under auch poilciea,the Lender Is author(zed to adJus�coifectand _ ' . �.� • :
<br /> ...�.: Compromise,aticiatmsthereunder9nd8hatlha4etheopttanofapptytngallotpartottheirtsuranCepioCeedsntoanyirtdebtedness , . �`�;.. ":"
<br /> - . ���r;��, S secured hereby artd In suah ordar as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used br the repalror restoratton of the Property ''
<br /> =;'�a�3;r:�. �� or(Ilpforanyatl�erpurposeorobjecteaUsfectorytflLonderwithoutaNecUngthetlenofthisOeedotTrusttorthefuilamountsecured ,. • r.
<br /> �s.-r'�'�.�.. hereby beTore such paymeM ever took ptaco.Any appllcaUon o!proceeds to indebtedness shait not extend or postpone the due
<br />-� `� ` � � date ot any payments unQet the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunder. �
<br />- '�°��h�"����`� 5.Escrow.Upon wr(tten demand by Lender.Trustor ahall pay to L+ender,in such manner as Lender may deaignate.sufftcieM . • ' � '
<br /> � �~����:���;, sumatoenableLendertopayastheybecomedueoneor,moreofthefoflowing:(qalltexes,assessmenba»dotherchargesagainst ( , . �
<br /> ��';�,;i,,�;_�'•'..: � , the Properry.(ii)the premlums on the property insurance required hereunder,and pin the premiums on any mortgage insurance .
<br /> �,_-�.-:�•-.. _ . . . . requtred byLender. . ,
<br /> '�`''-'�`��-`r � -�=r� 8.Mainhnanc�.R�pain and Comptiane�with Ltw�.Trustor shall keep the Property in goad wndtUon a�d repair.ehail ••
<br />��y�p`�f!t-Fr .
<br />. 'R'l�6tY�. ..�3 7P�
<br /> ---•��-:_.-W;���� k prompUy repati,or replace any tmprovement which may be damaged or deatroyed;ahall not commit or permit any waste or �
<br /> --"'�'_"�;� .�`�.�'�,x° detertoratlan a!the Property;sRall not remove,demollsh or substanUalty after any of the improvements on the Property;shall not .
<br />�ii���•.. i'" .
<br /> —�:��;u.�}:'� _�,: commlt,suNerorpertnitanyacttobedoneinorupontheP.ropeRyinvlolaUonofenylaw,ordinartce,orregutaUon;andahallpayend
<br /> - �.,�-�• promptry discharge at Tnsstors cost and expense all Ilens,oncumbrancea and charges tevled.imposea or essessed againat ttre
<br /> - =- `�_�•.' Propedy a�any pas!thereof. .
<br /> �-__,�;;_, .
<br /> -�a}` -- 7.EmMMft Qaaain.Lender is hereby assigned eil comaensaUon.awarda,demages and other paymants or refiet(hereinafte► ' �
<br /> - -_��-��'�` "PrOSeed�'�In connecttan witt�con4emrtaUon or othertaking of tho Prope►ty or parttheroof.or for conveyance in Ileu of condemna- � • •
<br /> --v��' •-� tioa l.ender shail be�enUUed a�its optlon to eommence.appear in end prosecute ln Its own name any ection or proceedtnga,and ' �
<br /> -=`�"'�'�� - sha11 a�so be entitted to make arry campromiss or settlement in connecUon wifh auch�ing oHlamage.tn the event arry portton of -
<br /> _ _. �,`!�7 � � the Prope�ly is so�taken or damaged,Lender ahall have the option,In its sole and ahso�utei discreUon.to appty all such Proceeds, •
<br /> - ' aft$r deducting theretrom eticosts and e�enses incurred by It in connectlon wtth such Proceeda,upon any tnQebtsdness secured �
<br /> _ .�._',•:�,-�•, hereby and U sucH orQer as Lender may determine,or to appty all such Proceeda,after such deductions,ta the restoraUon of the
<br /> -_ _--- :,�-:; - Prcperty upon su.t�condii�ons as Lender may detertnine.Any eppllcatlon oi Proceedatu indebtednes9 shall notextend ar postpone �,
<br /> '��.�`" :;� the duo date of any paymenta under the Note.or cure e�y default therounder or hereunder.My unapplied turtda sha0 be paid to �
<br /> -_ `'Y`��: Trustor. • . �
<br /> ;• �.;,�"�y; B.P�tlorm�nc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occunence of an Event of Defau(t hereuader,or if any act is taken or legal proceading
<br />_- , . commenced which matedally eifecb LenBers IrKerest in the ProAerty,lsndar may In Its own discretlon,but withoutobilgaUOnto do
<br />"-. �"�r_: '�;: ,�;;:= so,and withcut n�ce to or demand upan Trustar and wit�out reteasing Trustor fram any obiigaUon,do any act which Tiustor has �
<br /> -���, • � � f� agreed but faila to do artd may atao do any other act It deems neceaaary to protect the secu�iry hereoL Tr�cstor shall,immedlatety � �
<br />�� upon demandtheretorby Leneter,payto Lenderafi casta and expenses Irtcurred artd sums expended by Lender in conrtecBOn wlth _ �
<br /> '. �! theexercise by Lender of thetoregotng rights.together wtth tnterestthereon atthe detautt rate provlde0ln the Note,whtch shall b� ' � .
<br /> �;� . c• ' adQesl to tho IndeLiedness secured hereby.lender 8hall not incur 8ny Ilabiltry because of anything iE may do or omtt to Qo , •
<br /> � .,�° � herounder. • . •
<br />