t��:�r�- j _ . 'c ' , . .. ,c< � t � . ' i.. <<rO '"fi 3S 'R
<br /> , . �' ;S .. . . . _ . �;, t._��
<br /> -��- .'F�+ . �. } �,` ' . ' . . � . . t .Y �i� �..1
<br /> .. �� . � • �.. •• . '��a ' _
<br /> � . . . ' �
<br /> ` �tl.. , . ..y• c s
<br /> t • • f�� f�l���9� y��.
<br /> , 1�.��amower'�Rt�tet tn ReYnas�tG -�t sa�awar mear�w�mrn cm,�ris:eono,par �Pa �� �c�` r� .
<br /> , .�., . ,� �TS SecuRy tr��tt 6tscontYiuW at arsy tl��ta @ro et�fiar aE(y 8 daYs tar such othoc Oariod ns aaP�ab�r Baw m�ey aP�gY� �` ._� _.�
<br /> �betars atia of 1�►a Fragerty pnr►fu�9 co essy Pasra�ct�;e cea�mi��in thi��r�U tns�u��� ar N)c:nbY ct H W�t `- .;�; -� - . ,
<br /> ,s�. ,.� " �` �" . , eaetoraUsp Ws S�cu�Y tnstrunant 7t�osa eand3ians sre tt�at Bortoyrer: f� DaYs te�der au surt�whiet� thm� wout�he mre urader,ihis .� ���`� . '
<br /> et , •.
<br /> beC�rbY lra�t an9 ths IVat�as 8 no�ceb�n had aee�ms�(b)�cures eny detauB of Pnyr other covanant or a�nement�(a)Days . , : , �..
<br /> � , , aD e�ses Uu��cied(n�nfar�np thts�eur&y tnabvment.inc4QE:p�but aot fUnHed t�.ressor�aLte agamays'tees:end(��ises such Attian -��: `
<br /> s . .:.:� a9l�ndar maY ressonaLty�uYa�to essure that tR9 Qes�af Nts 3eeur3Y tnsuu�rtenR lendera�ts h ths Proparty and Basrovr�s{,o.�b�IIpattan , .
<br /> '` � � • � to Pay fJto euma seCUr�d R►y th4 S�►rfllr Fns6ument shaD contiwo unchmfledL. Upon c�inata�t by Belraw�:4,41 VW�s"�7 �I1aYW�IIEEII� 4 ' -.CKC'..�.
<br /> ��� _. � art0 tRY obII�atfana saeu�d hereby eh�8 tert�ai��Q►eReeWa es 9(io Basteratlon hB0 accvrred. Howeusr.thts rt�At to retnstaia 8haii rt0� . , • .
<br /> 4'
<br /> � ` � , a9Dty in tha csse af aceeferaUan undar Pa�4�Dh 17. � , � fi.. .
<br /> — � . , .:. ` � ' 19.Sale of Note; Cttnnge of Loan Servicer. Tho Nate or e P� ��Z h me Hote.Rosem�r wan rus serauny '` �.. . �
<br /> .. , 'x ,� . Mctrument)may bs sotd ane ar more Umes w3hau4 pricr naUce W Borrower. A sate'mayr resuS tn a ehang�On the eniEy(imaxm as the .
<br />-_��.,�,-�:._.•.T.�--="---_ '�oan Seiv�ce�thai eol�cts monthry OaYa'.enta duB un�sr tho Nota ana thts Sec�aaY(nswment Thgre e�o snay be ane W more chanpes - : . , :.
<br /> -� • r , of the L�ar►Setvfcer unreSated to a sale ot Uo NOi� it thetr�ts a ei�snQe Qf Uta LaatYSa�viGer.Borrower wI9 ba 4fu��wrdten rtoNce ot b18 . -�= -- .-.
<br /> ' , ehan�e In axordance wBh Pere�teiAb t4 amow end appiteabt�taw THa noNea w0 sffite tt�aame end sddress ot the new Wan SarvTCSr • � • . . . .
<br />- . � �, o,� .: . end!he addBSS to whicb paym�nts shouta 6a made. 71te nottce wID aLso cantah�y►oth�fttom►attorrrequired bY eAD�Cabte taw. '�. . , . ,
<br /> • � � 20. H�4trd0us S�t6stencl�. eorrower shan not causs or psnn3 the presence. use; dsposa� storsQe. or refease ot any � � _ ,
<br /> � ` • � Hersr�ous Slibstances on or in the PropeRy. Bortn�shall not dv,nar auow anyrone e�e to dn.anytt►irtg c�ffeCtln9 Ne PtoPeRl►���
<br /> . o ''
<br />_ .` . . . vIDtattomof any Emironmenml Lew. The preceding t�eo ser►tencss sha9 not apPy ta tha presence use.dr storage on the Ptoperty of smaD :� , �." �.,.�`:.,
<br />_. , . quant@fes ot tie�rdaus SLhstances Nat sre Qen�aRy►�ecopniffid to be epP�Drtate to nartna!residantia!uses en0 to malntenenca of the -,. ;�'"'.
<br /> . . �,�.�.
<br /> . , Ptop�ty. . : �^Y��` .
<br /> . � Bonower shaA PromBwY 9lve Lender wr3ten rtailce o!eny kiv�tion.cla6n� demanQ,�awsuR or other ectton by eny 9a�remmectta!or .�_x�:
<br />�. • . . - --. ��o�S/e9enaY ar prluate paRy hvoNing the Prop�ty and eny Hatardous Substanco or Enytronmantal Law ot which Bo��has ectr�al � • - . '�•"-'; �
<br /> . .'�� ,. . knowtedpa. it eorrower feama. ar �not@ied by�erry �ovemmenfaf or reQutatory autlronty. that eiry �no+ral as ath� r�nedtatian of any . . -�=�`�
<br /> . • . Hs�rdaus Substance atfecthp the PropeRy �necessary. Bo�rawer shaD romytN taJce eU necessary�emedial ectlons in accardance w8h . . � w "��
<br /> _ , p +: • .'•�
<br />_ . . . . Enviro�unental tsw. � , � - '�"_
<br />_- � . Aa used h d�is paraOrePA 20. 'Hazardous �bstences' are t�ase substsnces deftnad as tmda ar harardaus substances Dy ; • �i`;�-`
<br /> ' . .. � �.. .�. .. ' �;
<br /> '" � 6wironn�enffit tnw and the toQowing subsf�rces: Qasofne. k�osene. ath�tfammabt� ar twdc pefrateum p�aducts. tmdc pati�ttcTdas an0 ==
<br /> ��..:—.--T----':- " .. . . iieib7ctdes.vo(at�e�solvents. mete�Tal§ conta�nlnp asbASitls or tonnatdehyde. snd TadtoacWe ma�. tLS used fn this paragrapA 20.- .---- '; .'" ' . 1'-° -
<br /> . .. �:-�- -•�-, ,.
<br /> �.,•„ . , • -
<br /> � . "EnvUOnmental Lew' means fede�at taws end taws of the jurisdictton where the PropeRy,(s_IoCAted that relata to heaftA, safaty or ,.�
<br /> _A '
<br />_ ' emlronment8l protection. - — - - - -- -•- '��'
<br /> . �� ' ..',. :: `�:
<br /> ,. $� �•Y , . . .� NOUWNIFORM C01lENANTS. BOROWeI etld Lelldel fuRh9f COVeA2tlt 9Rd Sq�B9 eS(ODOwS: . . `�r e-:�'� •J
<br /> _ __ _ 21. Acceteratton; Remedtea Lereder shall give noUce to Borrower prtor to acceteration bftowing�
<br /> Borrouver's 6reach of any covenant or agreemer�t in thia Seciuity tnstrumeat (but not prior.to acceteration � - � �� E
<br /> ' �: � ` � under paragreph 17 unless applicable tava provides otherwlse). ?he reotice sha11 spectfy: (a) the defaul� ._ � � •
<br /> - • �-, � -� ��, (b) the ac�tIon required to cure the default; (c) a date, noi tess than 30 day�from Yhe date the nottce is � •. �� -�
<br /> ._. , __ , _ " gt�en to Qorrower, by which ths default must be cured; end (d) that faiEure 40�cure the detau�i on or _ _
<br />_ ' ` betore the date spectfted tn the rtoiice �ay result In acceteration o! the suma sec�a�ed by thts Security � �
<br /> ....r�•^..���I
<br /> � �.. � .� Instrument end saie o!the Rroperty. The notice ahail turther iM'arm Borrower of the right to reinatate afier � � ,'
<br /> , • aceeleration end the rtght 40. bring a co�nt flction to easeR ti�e rton-existence of a detautt or any offier ,, r�r`I
<br /> - �� � defense ot Borrawer to accet�retton end sale. If thQ defautt is not cured an or betore the date specifted �;; -��
<br /> - -- � � in the notice. Lee�der at its optton may requ�re t¢reanedtate payment in tuli ot ali sums secured by this . �
<br /> ���`. � � � r .� � Securt3y Inatrumen4 without inrther demand artd may invoke t�he power of sate and eny other remedies ' . �, �`��`
<br /> .� � permitted by eppllcabte law. Lender shati be entitled to coltect all expensea incurr�d in pursuirtg ffie . •:�
<br /> � . . remed[es provtded in thfs paragraph 21,tnctuding�but not Iimited to�reasonable attorneys'tees end costs f . . ,. �3 � �'
<br /> , . . . . . � ... of tttte evidertce. '�- .
<br /> � � � � tf tha pawer of sale ts Invoked�Trustee shal! record a noUce ot default in each county in whtch any � .
<br /> � � • . part ot the Rr�perty ia iocated artd shail mail caples of such nottce 1n the menfler prescribed by applicable � - � - �
<br /> . � , . .� !aw to Borrowe� ertd to tha ofher peraena preacribet! by applicable taw. After the time required by � � �
<br /> • � . : ' appUc�61e law, Truatee ahatl give pubBc notice ot aale to fhe persons and in the manner prescribed by ` �� :
<br /> . -- � ��--r� eppilcable law. Tru.etee, witnaut demartd oa Bonower, shafl sell the Froperly s4 pubiic eu�tion to the �
<br /> � � � htgheat bidder at the ttme and ptaca end under the terms.designated tn the notice ot eate in one or more � ����' �
<br /> � : .� .' . parcets and tn any order Trustee determinea Tra�stee may postpone sale ot all or any par�el of the , �
<br /> �
<br /> � � Froperty by public announcement at the Uma and place of any prevEousiy scheduled sate. I.ertder or tts ° � •
<br /> - • ' � designe0 may purchaae the Property et arry sate. �
<br /> � � - -- -� Upon recetpt o! payment of the prlce bld, Trustee shalt deiiver to the purchaser Trustee's deed (
<br /> � . conveying the Froperty. The recitats tn the Trustee's deed shatl be prima tacie evidence ot the truth of � ' � � �
<br /> � � 'L; � � tAs etstements made therein. T�ustee shall apply the proceeda of the sale in the tollowing order. (aj to sil � .
<br /> . ��� . � costs and expenaes of exercising the po�ver ot sate. and the sate, tncluding the payreient oi the Yrustee's �
<br /> . • tees ect�atiy tncuned,not to exceed 3 °� of the principal emount,ot the nc+ge at tha time ot the �
<br /> � � � dectaratJon ot default,end reaaonable attorney'e teea aa permltted by taw; (b)to ell suma secured by ttsts i . _
<br /> -�. �� ��.. �� Security tnstrurnen�and (c)eny exceaa to the peradao or peraona fegalty entiUed to IL � �
<br /> . ,�` � � 22. Reconvoyence. Upon payment of aB sums secured by thts Secufity(nshurranY,Lender sha0 request Trustee to racomey the � .
<br /> . ;��� � PropeAy end sAeD surtender this Secur$y fnsbument and a0 nofes ovtdenchp de5t secured by this Secur�y Instrument to Trustee. T�ustee �
<br /> :� � . shaA�econvey►the Property wRhout warranty end w�hout chacge to the person or persons IBgaRy entated to R. Such person or persons shall �
<br /> r ' pay eny recorQat(on costa j
<br /> .� � � ' ' 23.Sub�ti�te Tru�tee. Lender. et 9s opGon,may hom time to tfine remove Trustea and eppolnt a successor trustee to eny ! •. ,.
<br /> � • • . • TNSte9 8ppohto0 hereunder by en insbument recocded in the County h whkh this Securdy tnshumen!ts recorded. WRhout conveyance of : . •
<br /> , ' . • the P�operty.suecessar Wstee ShaU Succee0 to a0 tho t�te.power end duUas conterred upon T►ustae herein end by appiicabt�tav+. �
<br /> � ' � �. 24. Requeat tor Noticea Bo�rower requesb that copies ot the notices ot Qetau�end sale 6s sent to Boaowets address which '
<br /> �• . , � f� the Prop�ty'Address. .
<br /> � • � � 26. Ride►a to this Seeurlty instrumont tt one or more riQers are executetf by Borrower and recorded together whh thts � �
<br /> � Secur�y tnshumenL tho covanant8 end agreamenta oi each such BQer 8hall be hcorisa�ted Into end ahaU amend end supptement the � �
<br /> • � � covenants and a�semasnts ot this Secur�y tnswment as e the r�er(s)xrere a part ot thts Secutayr tnsU�ment 'R
<br /> .' • . v,a•�o�s Fe�m aa2e e�ao
<br /> , F1028.tM0(10/B�) •
<br /> . . '
<br /> . . Q' f
<br /> . . � �.
<br />_' .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> _ .
<br /> ..!�Y ' "^'�+--�'�T---��-.+-�.���...�.. '.�_--.—�.__.—_-_.�.,�.��.� . . . ___. " �
<br />