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<br /> � enrd prbt3s ot tho proAertY to Benefictery. I.�ider shaD Nave the�pawer and esMorBy during ttie car�thuartca of tJre 3ocuriy Uutrurtbnt ';`:r-��,.
<br /> ���'.� to colfect th�rem.s,fssaes�nd profas at tRe piopeRy and of • c• -:S.�„L-
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<br /> � ��� P�Aeriy►attec�f hereby. L��.howsver.here�Dy consents to Bartow�'s coIIectlan and retentkn of sueA rertts.tssues and profda as they �� ,:�.� -_
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<br />- : . heraDy.or h Me perfonnen��oi ar►y apreemant her�mder. `'fi1�.:��..
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<br /> ra : or h�9 case o�ta�re to keep or pefomi eny af the camenants or aQr�ements cantahed h ths S�ur�y InsCumen�th6n tAe Lender.fts , , :i "�
<br /> ��?'�::',.�..., s�_
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<br /> :�'•` � _.�• saccesaors or a8sipns. SBeD �e ana ts hecaDy authartpad en0 �cnpoxrered to talce (mmedfate possessian af the Seid premises thereln , . . : •`•_ -j�
<br /> • .,• daaec�ed err�ta co$ac!the�er►ts tt��efrom.and to ePpiy the proceeQs tnereo!to tha payment at the Note _.. ....- _ --
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<br /> T�'�"�y ��'''"' s. oGcatton o7 Rents:tssues an Profhs. A,7�ent's col(ected by Lender or Me recetver aha9 Os applisd itst to payment ot the cosLs
<br /> f � 4 �� �-�
<br /> e� •`,�'.,;;,'�'; o! manapement of the pmpeRy and coBectlon cf rents. tncirdin�� but �►ot �nfl80 to. receMe�'s fees. P�ernLms an receluers bonQs and . .. �i
<br /> - �;;,�';;� •:�: :�- .:, reasonaete utomsys tees..and then w th9 sums secured Oy tha SecurByr tnsbumen�uender end the racetuer shaD bo Oabt�w accaunt ony .� :� -_
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<br /> , 6. Canshuction of ProvTstana Eacb ot the provisians carriafne0 t�this Assignmant af Rents RtQer epd the 3ecufdy tnsbument s�a0, `.�.�. �
<br /> '� untass otherwtse specftfcady tequYed. ba canstrc�ed tn accordartce wnh Nebraska taw. 8rtd b the event eny pmuiston Aer�b ot fh�in � � �
<br />_ .,:a�.. .;,'�,' �i�.. .. :.'�. ,:
<br /> conffihQd sha9 ba detmmhed by a couA ot �x.-z,pet4nt jurtsdiction to be a:.�fo�eesb(a. the seme sdaD ba construed es theupb suoh ',�°.
<br /> unenfarCwbN pravtston w�e no!part hereof or th8reof. . • °'%���
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<br /> ��'�'� 8. �ftact o1_�r_. 6ccep!es 5peoiRcaDy mod�te�by or tnconsister►t wHt�thts Assi�rts�t ot Rents Rtder or by sny ather apP�Cabte � .. ; ':��_
<br /> rtder.aU o!the�aams end provLSktns cantatned tn tha Secufity tnsUument shaD conthue h NU taree an0 eftect ,'�._�-
<br /> �, - •• ;��
<br /> —'-Y� a IN WPINESS WHEREOF.Bonower des m�cutad thfs Assi�nment of iient8 RfEer 0o the date fb8t Aoted abova • • ' � ' .`'
<br />���Y•i'1�'.7-�._ � .. ..
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<br /> _----_—:..� COUNTY OF HALL� .
<br /> ���"- On Nb ZO�day af Jenuerv . 1995 .befare me,the und�s�►ed,e Notery Pubtb duty commissbned end : '�.�.�'�
<br /> .����:.�,z.
<br /> _-_-_ :�!y;;�� qu�a ror mara c�wnty�peraon�jr cam�CRAIG O M111.Y end OEBRA L MALY , , .
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<br /> ---- to be hislher/thei�vol�ntary act eri0 Qeed. �.
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<br /> -`=- " VY�ass rrry d NotarW Seal at QAAND ISLAND R SKA s d county,tne . � �
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