. ��l_,,, s..�.7,�r..,.R t: rf;._,'.��- .'j? . �, . • . . v y ,�ku:-.c< <c
<br /> .� , r ' _ . _ _ -•�.��y� _, ' . . � " - :c.�� 35,: ` ,r t' �'�e s�. _
<br /> -= T' . .c4 . a _ . . .� .'Y qL.
<br /> ' 4 : y l ` . . � . . 1 1 ����� ,'•.;� e
<br /> ' ` � � • 18 B�ROYI�i'8 FiiQht�i�ei(d3tat0. t!BortowBr meets�c�r aaa4�+on�,saaaw�r shafl���ri�tft tv hav�ertfcrc�sw�t ot . e`.,�'• .:`� ��-
<br /> -- � � `�� '•, ` this Sacvckfl�t�carthued�t aaY b�e�t t4 tne eerQar o�(e).6 d3ys(ot sucA otfter 98rtod aa eD��i�t�ar rr�sy Spec9y tor � , ` % < '.. .
<br /> - - .�`` `'��"' . ��smt���Eaton est� ot�Prc�tY v�c�►t to enx vo�rer ot:aaw aante.�ee N tnts s�scur3�r tns�r,� ar(D)ontry at o W�t ' `,; {•_;� , :, .,
<br /> L `�, �� . b" `. �I.�OtQh� (}IIt �it� UISINRWnL T1iOS9 COR�lOi[S 8(�W1 B9ifOW8P. (�� RaY'J I�t!lS97 88 Sidlil8 tV1tTC11 Ehaf1 WO{iI�J b� �t� IIPIQ� Mt9 . " � ' _
<br /> . . ..r � •:a ,'` ,.
<br /> '—". `" .� ,.`. Sacsnty InsD�umont end t3ss Nats as U no acc9i�rattan tsad o�i�3��i►�tauR a!enY otAer covenent a��:(o)0�` . ,
<br /> �...,c � . � d�ans�s taeurrad h e�fomir�NB 8ec�t tnstrum�6 hcl�din�brrt noe�nlnd to.�sonabt�attomsy�taos;n►d I�t�us uuh acUnn . . , ' -
<br /> � . i':. , : `. ` ts L,�ndw rt�c7►aasana0ry re4uYS ro asaun tt►at tha tt�n ct ttira S�a►ray►Wtnrm.er�t,I.ert�s rtahta tn 8w PiraP�N and Borrow��ab�etton � ` � , ,',� :
<br /> ,,� � CiY t1y cu�s�und �lt�Ns�cu�5►tn�UUmrnt etuf eonthu�uneAan� Upon catnstai�r�n!b1►eo�rowr.tA�SocurRy mstra��ert! , ` • ,
<br /> , �.` and tl»obt�ttons sseucad h�oby sAa!�nain t��y�lfootM��no accaS�tcn hsd accuaed Howwar.thb ripht to rehstafi sha9 not . , •
<br /> �°.`. . . � �DAf In ftt�csse oE�nNan undar pua�raDh 17. • . ..
<br /> _ �.��" � ; • 1$.SSlO O!NOtG:CQlattg0 Ot�+08/1 SLtltiCgi. TAe Noto ar a P� ��ersEt in tha Note (tapeiher wBh ttits Sac�u'3y► - .
<br /> -`� ; . ' '� • Instnurtentj r!�¢Y ba sotd one or more tfrt�es w8hout prtar notice to Bmrow� A sale may casuH fn e chanpe In the�Fty(knawn aa th0 • . `.' . . •
<br />_�?�' • ' ' - =��---`-- - -
<br /> �... ��._'_._.___ `, 'Loan Servlca�tAat co4ecis mQnthry Dayments dua under the Nota end tAts Secu�3Y tnSLum�i Ttt�O eeso maY be o�or more changes . :. -. . ....__..__..
<br /> . of the Loan�sm�etated to g sato oi ti�s Note. If th�e Is e ahanpe of the LaaA SeiviCer.Horro�rer wa 6e pkan wfiiten no t i c 9 o f t t e a . .. - - `
<br /> .''`- � . . edsnpa M aCeordanca wS�pars�sph t4.ebove end eppGCabi�taw. Thg notY;e w9 stafe ths aame end address ot the n&w LoSn$� � ' . _�,� .. "
<br /> � an�!tAs nCdrasa to vtthlcA payme�►ts s�ootd Oe maQa The hoNae wIIt aiso contetn arry other hfomiatfon required bY�P��� . °
<br /> . � Z0. Ht�YdOUS SUb3tSRCP.s. Ba�rower shaU not cause or p�mit the presenc� use. dtspasal. stOrage. or reieese of eny � - -- , -� - -- - .�
<br /> � Hazerdous SUbstan�es on ar h the PiropeAy. Borrower sha0 aot do.nor a�w anyona eise to do.enythhg aftecthp the PropeRy tRat Is in � ._ --�- � � �
<br /> _ . � .�. ��F_ . ,. vlo�tton of any Emriranmental Law. The precedtn0 two sentencss sha0 not ePAb to the presence.use.ar storape on tRa PmDeRY at sma0 , - ,
<br /> "� � . �rsntit� ot Ha�rdous S'ubstances Mai aca OeaerattY reco�ntxed to be eADroDctQte W norma!cestQentiaf uses end to maiitemnce of the ' . .
<br /> , : , �, � .' �<` �. ProyeRy. ' , .. . �;�,
<br />_ ,• . "" Bo�wer shaU PromPUY aive Lender w�ten nottce of atry investi�ation.cfaYn, de�nan4.fawsuB or oth�ectTOn by eny 4ovemmenffit ar �
<br /> ; . .£ , -.L cegsrlatary►e4enaf►cr p�party hvotuhg the Property end e�l Haardaus�bsffirtce or EnvYonm�nffiI Law af wtfich Borrower has ectual • .
<br /> :� - ;.. � - ...
<br /> = ,- '� • . ' Imawied�A it Borrower teems, or ts noU'fied by any Qovertunental or repuiatory enthordy.Ma! 8r►y wmoval ar other c�nediatton of eny , ••
<br /> . � � . ��•.� Na�rdous Su1ssffince�aHectlnp the Property (s necessery. Bortowet sh&U prort[ptly fek9 BO�eCesserll retrtedial aCtior�S H eCCOrderts0 w$h . � + . •
<br />_. .;. <' � ' � . 6riY0ntst6ntel l�sw. • � ,
<br /> ..'..:,,.. ' . .� . h'�. As t[sed in Mis p8rayrapt� 2D. °He�rdwrs bUbstenCas' ere tt�OSA substances deRned es tmdc Of heard0us 6ubsf�utces tiy - ' . ' •
<br /> , _...._, . ..._ , Envtranmentat law end the to9owinp su6smrrcea: �suQna. keroseria. other tlammabTa or w�a Detmteum pmducts. to�da DesNcides.end .. ;
<br /> . � �.: _ :
<br /> . . . •' •.. -
<br /> _ ... _ ._ .---- - . . .. ..._..-- � ------- ---- --....__ �
<br /> .«. .
<br /> - • ; " heibtcWes. votatIIe sokents,�matertais ConmTn�ig esbestos ci i6rtnaldehyde. end �adioactlub mgteti3ts: 1l�usea-irr�thfs__p���..��- . .. �_.: _ .-. --.� ',�;.
<br /> � ' 'EmYonmenffit Law' means federat taws elsd faws of th9 I�dsdictton whma the P�oPertY ts facated that celate to heaht►. rafety or • • . ,.��_
<br /> , . . ,,..•� -
<br /> �� '` . • • � BmrUonmes►tal0rotecHon. .. , _;..;:�;�'
<br /> . • IdOI�IJNiWAM COVENAt�fTS. Borrowsr end Lender further covenar�t ead agree as foIIows: :. , `r� ,�
<br /> ° , �.
<br /> ._.r.: __.. _ ,., ...;.. :. • .
<br /> - � �. - - - . - 21. AcceisratIon;..Remedies. Lender shall giv� aottca to Borrawer prtor ta aeceterntion tollow[ng --_ ...;; �.`=� ;
<br /> ' Bo�rower'a 6reach ot any covena�et�r 8greement In this Securiiy Instrument @ut no! prEor to ecceleraUon • � �
<br />" : � � under paragrapb 17 unteas eppiicable faw providea otherwlae). The no�Ice shali spectfy: (a)the detauf� .. � , �. i
<br /> � • ' � . , �_ (b�t�e action required to cuie the default; (a) � date, not less�than 3� days trom the date the notice ts
<br /> �•.. . �
<br /> , , . ' given tu Bo�rower. by which the deiautt must be cured; and (d� th�t failure 4o cure tt�e defauli on or _- _ _;,��_: ;
<br /> . � _ . , � ' before the date specified in the notice may resu[t in acceieratton ot the �ms secured by this Security , . �
<br /> • • � � , instrument and sale ot ffie �raperty. T�e notice shall turther tniorm Borrower ot tha r ig ht to re in a t a Ye a ftet � • j'�`� j
<br /> :` i '�.
<br /> ' �. � � � acceleratton an d t he r dg 8 t t o br ing a cou r t ac t ton t o e s s e r t t h e n o n-e x i s t e n c e o t a d etault or an y other � ' ,-ir=:4
<br /> , ' dete�e ot Borrower t� acceleration and sale. tt the detault is not cured on or before the date specNted , � '. ��1�
<br /> � !n the nottae, Lender et its option may. require lmmedtate payment In luli ot ail sums secured by thta c.� .
<br />_��.,� , • � . � Security Instrumeni without turther demand and may tnvoke the power ot se4e and any other �emedles . , � �:�"- ,
<br /> .,� • permltted by epplQcabte taw. Lender sha11 be enUtted to coatect e11 expenses dncuITed t� pursutng the • ������
<br /> � �.. � remedies pravtded in thls paragreph 21� Including,but rtot Itmited to,reaaonable attorneys'tees end costs .;;��"'
<br /> -.,
<br /> � ��� � of ttSe evtdence. � � �
<br /> �� • �- ti the power oi aata is invoked, Tirustee sh�il record a notica ot deTautt i» each county In which e�►y . , �
<br /> . _ • • � �.,_;� part of the Properry ta located end shafi matl coptea of such notice tn the manner prescribed by appllcable - -
<br /> . _ . taw to Borrower and to the other peraans preacribed by applicab[e taw. After the tlme requirod by
<br /> ' � •�� , � � applicabte Isw, Truatee ahali give public noUce of sate to the peesona and tn the manner prescribzd by � • � }� �
<br /> -. � � • . � eppltcebte taw. Truatee. without demand on Bomower, shafl aell the Property et pui�tio auction m the ;.� :� ..�� :-
<br />- • � �� highest bidaer et the ttme and ptece end under the terans dealgnate� in the nott�e ot sate in one or more ' . �. . � _ '
<br /> � � �. parcets end tn any order Trustee determines. Trustee may po�tpone sale ot at! or eny perce! of the � .
<br /> � ,r,. .. . ' Property by public annaancement at the time end place oi any prevtousry scheduled sate. Lender or Its C, � -
<br /> �. � r� _ � deatgnee mey purchaae the Property et any�te. f�
<br /> `. : � � `� Upon reoeipt o! payment ot the price bf�, Truatee ahatl detiver to the purchaaer Trustee'a �esd �
<br /> .. �� c��vey t n g t h e P ro p e►l y. Th e r ti c J t a i s I n t h e T r u s t e e'e d�e d s h a l l b e p r i m a f a c l e e v t d e n c e o f t h a tr u t h o t � . �
<br /> �..�- .. � ` the stetements made therein. Truatee ahall apply the proceeda of tt�e sele !n the tolfowJng order: (a)to all I
<br /> ` t : � � . � costs and expenaes o!exerclaing the power of aate, e�ac4 the sale, Incfuding tp:e payment ot the Trusiee's �, .
<br /> ,� � � � � fees ectualty incurred,not to exceed 3 °•G ot t�►e principai emount ot tl�note at the Ume ��tite � .� •
<br /> �d� .y. . � � �� dectaration of deteult, and reasonable ettorfloy's tees as permitted by law; (b) to ail eums seoured by thla ;�
<br /> � - � . � ' Seauriry InaWment;end (c)any excea�to the peraon or persona legatiy entitted to tt � .'_ .
<br /> ' � 22.RECO11VOyERCE. Upon paym9rn ot a0 sums Secure0 by this Secufity tnsuumen�Lender ShaU re4uest Trustee to recomroy tAe �
<br /> � � � PropeRy end sna0 surtendAr this Secutdy tnsUUment ertd a0 nates evldencirtp debl secu�ed by this See�dy Instrumer►t to Trustee. Trustee �
<br /> � ' : � � • ' sAaO wcomrey the Property wRAout wairanry end wdhout charge to tho person or persans fegayr ent�fed to 8. SuoA person or persons sha0 • ' .
<br /> : � � ,. pay eny recordntton costs. �
<br />;:3' � .��;:`•��"' 23.Subetitute Ttustee. �nQer, at Bs opttan. may trom time to t§ne remove Trustee end appofnt e successor trust� to eny �
<br />— �•�;��`�;'` Yrustee appointed hereunder Oy an fnstrument�ecorded h the counry In which th�SecurHy fnstrument Is recorded. Wdhou!comreyrence ot f � . �
<br />-�=�- � ths Prop�ty.suer�ss�r frustea ahaD sueaoed to a9 the t1t�,power end duties conferre0 upon Trustee herein and by eppReabte�w. ; • "
<br /> :�'�' " �' . . . 24.Request ior NoUcee. Bortower requests that Copies ot the noticas of defauB and sata ba sent to Borrowers flddress which �;
<br /> :- , ' ts tha.RroO�► ad�ross. .
<br /> �; �; � , 25.Rtders Qo thts Securtty tnsVument It ane or more�Iders ara executad by Bortower en0 recardsd together wtlh Nts �
<br /> Secufdy instrumont, tho covmants end egreements at esch such dder shaD be hcorporat�d tnto end shsU emend end supptement the . �
<br /> �'°y � : covenants ertd eQreements oi this SeCurRy Instrume�►t as N th9 RQ6f(9)wAre a paR o!thta Secufrty tnstrumen�
<br /> •}.: • ' , . . . ' .
<br /> ,' � PaD��of 8 � Fotm 30?d B/80
<br /> •i . � . . F707¢LMOl10/8�) ' �
<br /> __ � .
<br /> • ' ', n �' .
<br />