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"� <br /> ..� <br /> ��,��a_� � recorded�vith.Ike Mortg�ge:T(�e tes�n"Mo�tgt�e"shal!6t de�ned to in�fude"Uted otT�usl:if appti�bit. � , ��. <br /> _-- -- — --_- -•- � •- _���.- <br /> —:_--��::� '. . .;�;r�:�� <br /> �— , X �Hl�andF�nHA AUD�NDUM . . . . -.. ,�;;:�:.. ,:,._. <br /> _�:=�_---___. . � <br /> .___.�---:.� � � � �:-� :�:,. <br /> - -�,��• . . . ,.: <br /> ��� THfSTAX-�XEMPTFINANClN6RDDERismadeth� 20th �tayo( .tanuarv � .ly s5.aadis . � : ��'"�s' <br /> ' �"' � incar arated i�to and s�all6e deemed to�mend and su ement ti►e Ma ID�ectoiTnist os Stcurily Deer1("Security Instrumeoi'�oilfte '`�'` -"`� - • <br /> ��'-��-�.; p Pi� �8�� <br /> _ �,,,��,;;-:' saame date givea by tt�e undersigned(�Borroarer`�io sewre�oma�ver s jVote("Note")to � • � ., •-' . � <br /> ° =€� � �DLlfl�113 F�IItAb SAVIPICaS BANK � t ., .' . - <br /> �_�.. � , �("Ledde�')of the sa�edate and coveringlhe pra�erty descn�cJ in IGeSeeurity Instrument end located a� _ . : , '.�`�r: <br /> �;,.-.�. <br /> ,.;,t�-; <br /> � • . • �.1�..= <br /> ' ' -' �•`;'!�}.r�y"'�,�'•,. <br /> � � - 909 iVEST 41�1 SIREET Cf�AI�ID ISLAND, IV$ 68801 � 4:��. A�v�.�;.�- <br /> . �' y. (Propedy A�dt�ssj � . ."�'�° <br /> CS . „ _ <br /> . . ' � . ' ,C�f_"—_ <br /> .,�.'��' ��r=� •' � in addition 4o thecoYenantsand agreements made in theSeiurity Instrwaeni,Bonorrer and Lender[urther coti�enant and a@ree to amend �'�T =` <br /> �r <br /> "�':'"``"''�� Paragraph 9 af the Madel Morigage Fom�,entitled"Grounds for Aae[e�ation of de6t"as by addingaddilional grounJs�'or�eteration as ��` , .'�=�`�~'__= <br /> � . ,��,.� <br /> �'' ��}` foitows: . 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' <br /> . ,::: .�;� , <br /> .t�K• -• � : � �`<<� (a)All orpartoftheProperty is soldor othenvise ir�nster�3 by Borrotiver to a purch�or other transferee: �- <br /> : F��� :� .} �•.. <br /> �..�. _...,..:_.:.: _ _ _. <br /> L ,. . • :- .:. <br /> �` . �•,'• `����:. ' (ij Wiio cannoi ieasflnabtybe ex�ecied to oocupy ihe pro�er�y as a principatresidenae�vit6in a reasonabtetinie after thesale or • � . .�;' . <br /> . .r.��. .�. . ...... , . . <br />_ � : .,:: • �� transfe�allasprovide�in Section 143(c)a.�(iX2)of the Internal ReYenue Cod�or �� - .j:� �. ;` <br /> ��.. '�••�.Y '' �� .L � . <br /> � �� ''�° �- u W6o hashad a �et owaersii interest in� rinci at�esidencedurin an eiihe three- ar rioJ ea+c.4n�on thedate �• +� <br /> � ';'4� C.) P �P. P P � Y P� Y� t'e b .. . � ::�:i <br /> .s,�;;� ''���.. .:��;y, . <br /> ��; ,;;:_.:. - .:,.:�. -..;,, ofthesaIeortransfer,aUasprovidedinSec,tion141(d)anJ(iJ(2)oithelntemalReoenue�de(exce�tt�at"IUOreroent"shall6e . . ;���_��,; � <br /> •��� ���-�• . :�•y .. subslitnte�for"95�eroeatormore"wtietet6elatterappearsu�Seclionl43(d)(1));or � ����: ' , � <br /> .._t_,. j , t . .��:�,�f <br /> � i �. _� ;:.� .. : <br /> (ui) Atao avquisilioncastwlud�is greater than 40 pe�cent of tlie avecagearea pu�chase price(gieate�than 110 percentlor _ . _ � � <br /> w `�"��l=• targeted arca residenaes),all as pmvided in Section 143{e)and(K2)of ihe Intemal Revenut Cads;or � " <br /> _�` " _ ���Y _ . .'•��� <br /> �.: ... . . .. -�:. <br /> .�� r._.:y (v) Nho has a gcoss family inc�meia excess of the applicable peroentage of ap�lirable mediat�family income as provided in <br /> L.� <br /> Seitinn 143(Q and(iH2)of the lntemal Revenue Code:or :�� <br />�'°. • _ � . <br /> "n+• �''�''- . - . � . . <br />- �'` � (b)Qotrower fa�s to ou�upy the properly described in t[ieSecurily lostrument wilhout priotwritten consent o�Lenderor itc � . � <br />��t r�.�` sucvxssorsora�ignsdescri6edatthebeginningoflheTax-Eaem�l�nanangRider,or , ; . <br /> •Y .�� + ' . ... �. . <br /> {°. _ �'-� (c) Bonower omit,g or misrepresentsa fact that is materiai�vith ces{�ect lo ihe provisions of 5ection 14�of�he Internaf Revenue Code { ��`'' . <br />_� ' = •����.'���;'f�=�. in an application far lhe toan secured by thisSecarity Inst�umenl. E ; . <br /> . �,�`- � . . <br /> � �"'`"�`" . � Ref�rencesaretothelnternalRevenueCodeasamendedAndineff�onthedateoli�suanceot6onds.lheproueeJsof�vhich�vi116e - � . <br />�i. 3)'�E[:•».a'. f � . � . <br /> .�.. ,.*._,..T,,'-,' � _. <br /> ' �::���;,�,�.T���� usecl to financelhe Security tnstrument and are d�emcd to inctude the impk�ren(ing regulations. ;� <br /> .F -�,•;-��_ � . <br /> :�. . <br /> " BY SlGN1NG DELOtV��mrower aocepts and�grees to the tenns and provisions in IhisTaa-Exempl Fina cing KiJer.. ; � <br /> �� ,��,....:; //"`%y � ' <br /> _ �:-M, � �,. <br /> " ; � � , - <br /> � F . <br />_ Qorroaier qR�OY L I�E ` . � <br />:� ' �� <br /> � � � <br /> - - — January 80, 1995 ' <br /> =x�� Uate <br /> Borro�rtr� y�yyE ` <br /> .4.w - r� � . ' <br />�f� � ' � VAMORTGAGEADUENDUM 909 WEST 4411 S7itEEf � ` <br /> EE <br />'��'{ri:-�. C�NND 1SLAIm, NE 688d1 ,; � <br /> -�,.�::,..�,7r� . � <br /> -- "�'''`=�"' ' 1�,so[on as the Mort e�soutstandin ,allor an rt of the o �sotd or trdns�'erred b Borrow�er�k�lhout I.e�tde�'s nor�vritten <br /> .�,� . 8 8�� � Y(� P� i�Y� Y P� <br /> �"`� mnsenl,otser thao a�ansfer b devisc.deseent or b o ration of lacv,lhe Leaderma ,at Leadet s o tcon,declace all thesuma secured 6 the <br /> ��� y r a� y �' r � . � <br /> -' �'�,.:�- :_.:: l4tortgage to 6e imr{►ed�tely dae and payabte. � <br />_ �: .;; , . <br />- �� <br /> �� �:;::.: . . Boao«�et . <br />. - ' -t . � <br /> t` .3.�._ � , � . . <br /> � . � . Jan�ry Z0, 18g5 � . <br /> _ •.• <br /> . . , . <br /> .. ,..� <br /> . .. •`��`_:� �-.�_ _�_�_,:�. . . Date Borron�er <br /> 4 .. �.. • :�•.: . . .., <br />. ... f � � °, . ; . +� . . . <br /> � . 3 � . <br />