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<br /> ' .� 96�;,100�02 D� O� �.'R�JST� � � Q� �.
<br /> FHR CASH NO. ,
<br /> STATE O�1�ESRA$gA � 321-17396i4?48,
<br /> , . �
<br /> _Tl�DE�OF'CRUST("SecvritY Instnrment")is made on danuat�► 20: J�S�S
<br /> The tsustoc is �y L WAl�DI.E A� �t��l�Al1k�NPOLE� . .
<br /> � ' � ,� �SBAND AND WII�B ��. . ' �••gormv,er•'�,
<br /> - The tnjs�is �2CIAL �'F�RAL BANRs A�1L SAVIIJ(iS BArH� . .
<br /> . . ' � (•"fivstee'�.
<br /> 7i�e beneflciary is �S �RAL 5A1iIh� �ANiC . . , . .
<br /> afucb is organized aad existing�der the laws of �� .
<br /> ��fl��'� 1371 Z6�! �t►Ffi1U� . ,
<br /> OD1A]�TS, NS 68601 . ,
<br /> � . , - ("Leader").Borrowerowesl.endertheprincipalsr�mof
<br /> Forty—�ree �vsar� Four H�a�deed and Ko/lU0 . ---------
<br /> Dollars(U.S.E 4�3 400.Q0 ��
<br /> Thjs de6t is evidenced by Borrower's note dat �he same date as this Security Insuument(``Note•'),which dsovides ftlr
<br /> c�onthlypaymenu,withthef�lldebt,ifnotpaidearlier,dueandpayableon F �r�et_o�,�hinierest,andall
<br /> This Security lnstrument secares to I.ender:(a).the repayrttent oY the debt evidenbr _� 6
<br /> renewals.exceasions and modiflcarions;(b)the payment of all uther sarns,with interest,advanced underparagraph6 to
<br /> pmtect the security of this Security Insuument;�(c)the loesfoimance of Borrower's oaveoaats end agreements.For t�is
<br /> ptupose,�ostowet iarevocably grants and oonveys to Trustce.ln qvst.witb pow�r of saTe,the followiag descdbed pcaP�rtY
<br /> locatod in. �L :� . . Connty,NeWast�a:
<br /> LOI' 1fQ0 (2), IN BIAtX NIN�7ffid {19), IN R�OLLINS' �ITIQN 10 � CITY OF (�tAND -
<br /> � �
<br /> � . �
<br /> . � �=.
<br /> ;
<br /> whichhastfre�ddressof 9D9 WES°i' 41H (�AND IS�
<br /> veet ' f
<br /> N� 68801 (••PropertyAddtess"1: � ' '
<br /> iz�acoac) . �
<br /> � TOGEYHER WI'fH a{f tht improvements now or hereafter e:ecsed on the property,and a11 easements..rights, :
<br /> apputtenances.r¢nts.royalties.mineral.oil and gas rights and profits.water rights and stock and all fixtures n�w or
<br /> hereafter a part of the property.AO replacement�and additions shali also becovered bythis Security instrument.Allof
<br /> the foregoing is referred to in this Seru�ity Instrument as the"Property." �
<br /> BORROWER CaVHVANTS that Sacmwtr is taa+�illy seiud of tIle eat�te he.�by oomr�ye4 aad Gas d�e eigAt to�
<br /> em ooavey the�e�perty an��hat the Propealy is�manrumbei�8.exoept for encumbra�es of reaurd.BmTOwer wasrants
<br /> _ an0 arill defen9 gene�a0y ths dt2e to the PraPertY a�inst all claims aad demaads.subiea tn any entvmbrat�s of r�oord. �
<br /> � ��
<br /> ' �tn:��a�sac►��--s . t�f��� �u�.:�,:c�+.r�r� ,
<br /> tu u�er tef ts�isi�tx!o i���ram
<br />— rtEM�,.''9 C��f . . '
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