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<br /> 1 p.. �;� : ' :�-�t. .s• !���Sr.�°-
<br /> ` v.�. �J,- . :iit, jC� -r. .f .c� ti � . C( ��} � c c , Q: � 4 -.-s' k
<br /> -y� i�5 �, :c F ' c r,��-: S '�'• `-- a �i :i?��f,'- 'y..� ,��
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<br /> -_ �-.{:" . . _ -.
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<br /> - �T+./-^;nceCk . . � . . , c . . < .y. S 5F
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<br /> '��� .� • � � � � � � ,r�`" 4r_,����.
<br /> ,,:�,� �,,.a:, , . , . r ._ ,.
<br /> . v `trr�'.� �:.-
<br /> �� .-� �,� ,... . , � , ���5������ .` . r��'�-�::..
<br /> --yiLq.�.''f���! . . . � .. . .. �!�;
<br /> _ �-�." . ' �4•_ f• "`'�f .
<br /> �-:�.�'�;.'. • . .. ` , r:,,�_c,c.
<br /> = Neibraska, �sare particular�.� described as ff�lloWSS 8eginniag �at ,
<br /> -�"�°`���' �he sonthwest cor�er of said North�est Quarter (rT1i1/4�; t�ence ', .,`, � ' '
<br /> ..�°-;_..� • .
<br /> -,�,,, -�•.� north�arlp al�nng the west .line �of eaid Plorthweat Quarter (H�t/4),
<br /> - � y,�� o;� a dis4ance of Tvaa �utidPed�Tmi�tY-ThPee and S�.x Muadradth8 . _ -.
<br /> - ,��'-,,�.,.F-�� (233.Ob) feet to a poiat o� the southerly bank of the Soath Laup ,
<br /> � ��" -=�Y=�:Y'-- � Rive�: thence deflecting right 112 degrees �37'06" and running . , • ' .
<br /> ..r �..�:� • ` �
<br />=� - �outheasterly along said bank, a Sistan�e of Three Hundred � �, �-
<br /> �- Fiffeen (315.0} feet; �hence deflecting left 09 .degrees 27'S9" � ' ��-<•�-� : �'
<br /> � , and �unning southeasterly along safd bank, a distance af F�ur . . . � ° �:
<br />�. Hundred Tweraty-Seven and SighEy-Six H�ndredths (427.86) �eet; � . ;.._�.-'r
<br /> �° ! -t' thence�deflectifig• left 07 .degrees 25'10" and running � .. � ' �• 5`�'`���`
<br />_� ,_ : �;.�-,a�=:=_�_
<br /> ,� . ��;��"`. southeasterly along said bank, a distance of One Hundred ` .`�:..,_: ����,_�
<br /> "`�:�=�-� � Fiftq-3�ive and Thirty-Four Hundredths (155.34) �eet to the soutb
<br /> . yti �., �h^ .:
<br />°-� - % 1 ine of said North�resi Quarter (NAit/4); thence �esterly along the � ,- - .��-?�:�:
<br />� �` . �o�th line of said Northxest Quarter (NWt j4). g distance of . ���."�;�,:�;..;,�
<br /> �:� ��•� �igbt Sun�red Sixty-T�o and S ix Hundredtbs (862.6) feet to tbe � � �°-, • � -"-
<br />- _ - ,s��,,;: . . �, :. =r:.:�'P"..
<br /> '.�; ,'�;. �.�r.:. ::, � place of begiruiing, said tract containing 1.790 acres, more ar �, � . .
<br /> ,_ • less, togetber Nith any aceretion grouad thereto; � � ___ �'-�'
<br /> . r L+-�+*T�� ---._... - --�----� - •-- �-- ._.... --- - ... .............. . _ . . .. _. . _ . . _ __ _. ._. . . .. ...._ . .
<br /> �E �T N: � � . . .i. : •• i :
<br /> '� ���;:�::".�:� � Tra�et'No. 6: � A tract of �and co�qprisiag part �of,the � � .. ,;_:�
<br />-�` •�p�a'`—G. ''r':_� _ �
<br /> .t.;;�.��:.._,� Southeas� Quarter of the Soutbxest Quartar (SBf/4 Sw1/4); a part , ����'��.
<br /> . . '��''� of the Southwest Quarter of tlae Southeast Quarter (S�1/4 SB1/4); '�-'{�� .
<br />- - ����''� ���'�+ - -- • aad p�rt--of Lot Nine .(9) in the Southeast Quarter of the -y�- ,
<br /> ..�_s5,_ ,. . -�.. �
<br />- ,:�`�:3.�.-��:•;���� �outheast Quarter (SB1,(4 SB1/4). all in Section Twenty-Seven : � . , _
<br /> .� �` ,.. . � •- (27}�• �„Q part of Lots One t 1 ),. T�ro (2), Three (3) Four (4)
<br /> X::�P�-�-� 9. ' � R �,�.. ��.
<br />- ��F►�r...••'�' �; Five i5}:, Six (6), Seven (7).., Sight (8�} and Aine (9). all fn�the . � �,.. -
<br /> �:�,��,:_:::,=.. '•:: � .��.
<br /> ��{,�,_. North Half (A9/2) of S�ction Thi�ty-Faur I3�,), all of the abave >Y.i ;
<br /> - :��:=z�"��h` �� � ' situated in To�nship Thirteen (13) North, Range 7�pelve'�12), West �� .` �"� . •
<br /> . .:,: •;r��.:�� . , �.�� : • �,;
<br /> - :_�. .. of the 6th P.M. in Howard County, Nebraska, and more particularly �_
<br /> -�- `�'•'�*� described as follopa: Beginning at the sautheast corner of the , •. .'��r ,,
<br /> �y ��`='°-� �� 'i`� Nort�east Qaartes (NBf/4) of.said Sect ion Thirty-Four (34); .. "� ';';�4
<br />- '`�:?��t;:.: � . ,
<br /> �..3 :...,��� � tmesce ae�t�rZy along tbe sough line of the North Half (N9/2j of , - : .� •
<br /> � ���_�=,•:��:'��i' said Sect ion Tbirty-Four�(34), a distanee af Fo�r Thousand One� � " � �� � �.� . ._
<br />� ;;<;�'�'"�r��'. , Bundred �welve and Txenty-Three Huadredt�as (4.112.23� feet; • . �}. .%
<br />-" thence defleeting rigbt 95 degreea 39'19" and running • ' ; ,�"�
<br /> � ,>r;,.:.
<br /> - northeasterly. a distarnce of One Thousand Sis Hundred Fifty and � � �
<br />- Tihirt�-Bigtat Hundredths �1.650.38) feet�; thenee deflectfng rfght � " �� �
<br /> r' 48 degrees 35'41" and running northea6Xerly. a distance of Bight . � � . -
<br /> � Enndre� T�enty-Five and Thirty-Sight Hundredths (825.38) feet; , ; �.� � '
<br /> �._,:�x�,�' thence defiecting left 37 degreea 26'SS" and runaing ' � � , :.; .�:. :=
<br />= u;• ��'•` � � northeactterly a distance of 83gLt Hundred Seve�a8y-One and , � ; �
<br /> - '-'��� -- Fif ty-Nine Hundredtbs (87'!.59) f eet; ther�ce def lect ing lef t 65 � . � ` �, �'�"��� '
<br /> •; ':��� ' degrees 30'38" and running nort�Westerly, a distance of Tro � • � �� -.� .
<br /> ��..,�;�;: "�`� - . � . .
<br /> .�-�;;>•r:;�� Hur��red•N�ne and Nfnety-S�tg�t gundredths (209.98� feet; thence ;,
<br /> -��.�i�:�.-�,;�:7 deflec�ing right 35 degrees 1�'03" and running nortbxesteriy, a. .. _ . • .
<br /> ' '�``'�' �`�.- . distance of Three Hnndred Seve�ty-Sight and Nin�ety-Seven �, � �
<br /> .,; ,. -
<br /> - <���.:.�, � Hundredtris (376�.97) feet; t6ence deflecting rigDt 21 degrees • �
<br /> �::;�'`;��.,,,.�.;;.. .
<br />� - y 22'01" and�.running nortAeasterly, a distance og TWO Hundred �. �
<br /> � Fifty-One and Fffty-One �nndredtbs f259.51) feet; t3�eace ' � �'
<br /> deflectic�g right 13 degrees 1�5'35" and rwnnicnf; northeaaterly, a ° , �� � � . .
<br />_ --- , , 2 �' �_ �. .,;. ' ' ,
<br />�'� - {'� , , . . . . . �� . : � ...
<br />