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<br /> - `,� �Ai�', �iie undessigaed,. Five PAi�ts Ben4:, as �'su�tee,. uader the D��B nf . -
<br /> ",� Tsust'd�etes� Aprii 28, 1993,,executed by Ma=ty t�. Pistulka, a marrte� peraau9 , .
<br /> � eud��Jili I�. Fistulka, a marrier� garson, Hus'band aad itife, as Truetars, im
<br /> ---- _ � . �hich. Fiee Pointe Bank� 9.s� namad as. Beuaffeiary, an8 ttee un±dereigne8 as_ .
<br /> —__ '� . �rustee, Which aaas recorde� in the of�ice af the xegi�te� of Deeds of.8�2I'
<br /> -_= Countp, Nehxaeka, as Docum,eat �93-I03588, and • � " —"-- --�
<br /> . . • , . � -----�
<br /> _ �-- -_- ' � WHEBEAS, �aid undersigned, Five Points Baxik, as Trustee, has rece3ved from =--_ ---
<br />- . ' F�ve _Poiats Bank, as B�neficiary, writtea reqneat to recoanep t�te �rea1 . �_�-_--
<br /> estate described ia the Beed o� Trust above meationed a$ follaws's
<br /> Lot Sevea f 7?, $osa aad Ashtoi� Park, City of Graad Island, Ha11 Couatg, t -_ _
<br /> �ebraeka. ` -��-
<br />-•�� ' said request to recbnveg secitfag that all eums secured by such Deed a� � ��=y
<br /> . . Trcnst'have �eeu fuZiq pa�d; . ' ��4�=" _-
<br />- �`=-
<br /> • � NOit T�BEF�OF.E, 1A aaco�dassce witla auch reqneat aad the proviaione of such � �`_-_----
<br />- °' Deed of Truet, the' nndersigned, as Tsustee, does herebq recoavep, �withaut , �""�r-�r ;-_-6_
<br /> �
<br /> -�� ' to the erson or peraona legally entitled thereto, the esta�e now '���•�-=---
<br /> •. __ ... _ t�ta�8IIt9.a-- �------,P---- �_ � -
<br />_ ,. _ . ,--...---� -� --._._._.__.._....--------------�----�----- -� - - -
<br /> - held by said Trustee hereuader. ------�-�--.._...._ _ . . ;"�
<br /> '�r. � . . ..�' '
<br /> �,.:���.
<br /> �� , IN 1�ZTNBSS WHER�OF, the underaigned has. executed this Ueed of ._ :T;'E�-.
<br />=;;: � aeconveyance, a . Island, Nebraska, this I9th day of January, 1995. •.,
<br /> �. As� �� .' � -_ --
<br /> .�. eQt��,j ;.,,�` _ _ . _ _._ : _ � ,�,- _.
<br /> ' K' _ ��j'}�, oto3ec4�}'d. . F��. P�I�.S BA�� �ST� &:_�'r •.����
<br /> . . s�� Y7.� `�i` �`�r���.��r�i�.I.�t . 1� � / . _.
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<br /> .'�k. x a'k...31 �~o . JUJ/I I .._°— —
<br /> f: d /(i1L�R" ' •1 ' ^` --
<br /> �' r ?'!.. . . . `'"1..�.._.�
<br /> �, ��°�- � gy: William W. Marshall, III � �'
<br /> . 1`;�'i,+�� 1�� �:� � • '•�f�
<br /> ' � .�� `�� Tit1e: Chairman & President �;,.,�-
<br /> _ .,, �,��G,,O';,Y, !. ' ' �—
<br /> -'�� -�e. ' �; !Si •;�'c'��' -'� . - ' _, ,�t�::��
<br />�..�.: STATE OF NEBRASK,�'�'�.:._--', ' � .. �.;.`-�
<br /> -a, �.' � ss , f�,-
<br />_� '� • COUNTY OF HAI.L } ,,'i v ��-
<br /> ,��-
<br /> =�;.. The foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me thie 19th . `'�'��.
<br /> �_ � daq of January, 1995, . by ��isu�..... ier ea�..ea��� 1�� s . • , ; •
<br /> - Chair�man�'PCeslclpnt � of Pive Pointe Baak, a Nebsaska � ,
<br />_+�� corporation, on behalf of said corporatlon as Zrustee. • ' � .
<br />�� . � ; ' .. ,_i��: _
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