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:. t , . t <br /> "ti t� 't.. ' �z� . - , , - '•� �if �, + �� • : t`' '4 .C <br /> - � - . .���. ;<^ n� 4 • 4 �t � : <br /> _ � � � � - W�• .��� . . . � .J.�,�#i ' <br /> .4gT �h~ S . ( __ '` �' , t ` � . WIGCOGi��,V �F���� ����� . _ � _ i .£ . <br /> Z: <br /> 4.y ._ .� . • - ., r . <br /> `�• � 1���ymenis.Bomowec agress to make all paymeMS�on Ots s curet!debt vrtien due.Untess Bflrrower and tender agrea other��yp�ymen4a ` . t . <br /> -- ` ` tsnder teCefvas trom BartoHOr or ta 6orrowefs benefit�vi.n ba�A''ed first tn er►y amo�'rits Horro�erer owes on ffie sswr�d deDt ex�hLSIv�a€i�terest or • . <br /> ' �:'� ' �$' r�cfa31 53COnd 4o Interest,at�d i�on to�rincipal.ltpa�a�RteAaYment of the seaired debt cxurs tor any� wHt not reQuo9 or exatse�ry ; <br /> `�,`''}� =.� � snchedtated urtil Ne&ecured debt is pald M tud. , . . . : <br /> .. .. ,,� . . . <br /> � ` � 2 Ctl�in►s A�1nat'Efttt 6arrower wili paX eti taxes,assessmsrrt5,artd other charges attri"bista6ts Ua the propsrty when due and wEli deTend 01`e to the ` � <br /> _ � t s .. p p , 8 an1►(iBhts• c G� . <br /> :_,ri� ,,.,< < r�e rty Q3ainst any ctalms wt�ch wou�d�m ar the lien et tNs dsed ot trtjst Lender may reauire Borrower to assi n ctatms or def�enses _ . <br /> _===�_ ei�4 a� ' wMe4�@or�Xer may haim agalnst panle�s who suPDN�or or maiedats t�improva or malntaln t�e property. . - . <br /> �-« �. `� . <br /> s 8.Uifur�nes.9arrower will keep Me pro�srty Ensured undei teims m,cspt2Dte to Lender at Borrowepa expense artd tor Lenders benefit All insutartce <br /> y,.,_�.,�5 pa6�ehatl Inqudo n standar9 mort9a88 clausa In tavor at I.endev.Lender wEU l�g name0 as lass payeo or as the trtsured on aRy sacA frtsuranca <br /> -`r���.t`'��':�:�,`''y: po!ir.y.My Usutane9 pto�eds may De apgifstl.wiShlR Lender8 disCtetlo�.to eitt�8r ttie restoratian or rgpa[t ot the damaged propertY or to the SBCUred , . . . <br /> ;'. • � � deht ff Lendar resZulrea moRgage insurarica.Bo�axee agraesta maU�in sueh insuranco Eor es tong aslender requitss. , ' - S <br /> '-y:r,:'-toa, ` �•�'ft'en_� . ., � ' . <br /> -__;{,'•a{� =.�-�` 1.Praprly.Eorrower wUl keep the proQeRy in gopd crnfdi6on anel make atl�epairs reasonaCty necessarlf• �>.�` ._. <br /> �'�:° �-::j- - S,€a s g e t�e s s.B o r r a�er a g rees to p a Y���ers e enses,irtctu�ing reasana�Ia aicomeys'tees.It Hbriawar breaic4 any covenanLs(n ttils dead of , . - <br /> - : �y � _r�� •Uust cr in arry ohligdtian seaued by this Qeed al Ws4�rrmverwfli pay tflesa errteurtts to Ler.dar a4 p�o,r f�d!n C o Y e n a t t t 9 0!t A i s d 2�d o t t r u s l. <br /> ,a,,.�_... ..�, . .,:.• . ' ' ' . �� . <br /> °'�'F i�.;;;< r"':�' 8.Prtar�rtty[nteiasts-Unless Borrawer first obtalns LerdePs written oonseqt.Bortower wW nat m�ce ar permit eny dfartges to an pdor security <br /> , � ;;.- - .;�. . Interests.6orrower wi(i perEorm a11 ot BoROweYs ab!iga6a�s under any prior mortgage,deed of trust or othar seamty egreement,indu�g Barrower's . ._ <br /> "` ' oavanams to maks payments when due. , � . ` . <br /> ' '`-•�''�:f ' 7.Asstqnmtrt o!t4ea�ts as�d Prafits Bortower assigns to L�ender ehe rents and�i ts o!tha prope�ty UNes�8ortower and Lender have agreed , `-� . <br /> a.:- . .,�•;". ; . � , <br /> -.r'-� � ••--•f � •, aihetwiSe in writing,�otrovrer may callect and wtain the tartts as l�ng as Borrower ts not in'detavtt tt sorrower detaults,lender,tendets agent,or a , �,4- „ <br /> „� - �`�'='�`�` , cpuR a p p ofnled reaeWeT may take Pessessto�a�d manage the property and calfecl the rems.Arry rerrts Lender ooL'ects shall be ap �ed�irst to the • <br /> - � c o s t s o f m a rt a qtrt g the pmpe A V incin�ng eourt cests e n d a tt nm e y s'te e s,c o m m t s s[o n s t o r e M a l a g e n t s,a nd en y other nece s s�y relat�expense�.The . <br /> rem�fntrg emourrt ot rerns w i l�t hen aPP l y to p a Y m e m s o n t h o s e c u r e d d e b t�s p ro v l d e d t n C o v e n a n t 1. � -. , <br /> '4' ?"��``'��' `� p(arirt2d UNt Qevetopment9.Boaowar agrees to tompf�wltb the provfsions o!any lease it this dead at trust is on a , . <br /> - , - �x:t4;-,°r; B.I.�sxhotds•Candomtrttums: - . - . ' <br /> teaseho'd.11 t h�s de e d o t t r u s t is on a u n R i n a w n d o m�n i u m o r a p t a n n e d u n i t d e v a l o p m e n l;B o r r o w e r w W p eri o rt n aU of Borrowers duuties ursder the• <br /> ;• �S-,y.�p , 5 . . - . <br /> -- � ;,•rK�,�r� .,� oa,renants,try-laws,or rcgutaaons of the candominium ov planned unit devafopment _ .. <br /> ;�,, �.;;�;,,,��� � g.Author(ty of L.enderto Partorm tor Barrower.It Bortowar fails to perfortn arry ol8ortaweYS dufies under th(s deed of trust.iende►may pertorm the <br /> ,�,��:.... .. .. dutiies or cause tnem to he perfatmed.Lender may stgn Bortowers name or pay any amourrt if necessary for penortnance.If any canstruction on the � � <br /> _ . du <br /> ._ � ,.;��;�:;:�:.,..'. ;� . propeRy is disconUnusd ar not cartied on in a'teasonabte marmer.�ender may Co whatever is necessary to proter.t Lertders security iMerest U the' <br /> • � groperty.This may inciude a.mpleting the construelian. ';�.°: ; , <br /> , ..t`.- ,.,..�'s .�s <br /> `-� ' Le�ders fat:ure to perfortn witl nat precl�tde lender from ezerdsing azry of its other dghts undef the[aw or this deed of uust ,. , <br /> " ,; . _._.- --� ----• �- - <br /> , . ..--�-�----�----- --�- - �--- �--- --�--._._ ,._.-__. <br /> .. ..------�------._...-�--------- <br /> �. � .. <br /> ,� My amo�snts paid by Lender to pcotect!-endels sealrity irnerest will be secured by this deed of Wst.Such amaunts trr�Ri78 dtie on derri.and"�ittl witl-� " __ l ,_ <br /> •s �` bear interest irom the date o1 the paymerrt until paid in iuil at the intarest tate in effect on the secured debL . . ,—f <br /> �:, <br /> '•� ` � tp,Dofault and AaxTetatton.It Bortower tails ta malce any payment when due or breaks�ny cavenamts under this dee0 of uust ararry obligation . �1 ': <br /> : . <br /> ; , .:,:' <br /> . • -- securgd by tMs deed ot trust ar any prior mortgage or deed of trusi.Leeder may acceterate the mawrity of tha secured debt and demanQ imme0iate <br />..;. � _..�.......__...,..,. - � - <br /> �-:� . .- .. � paymem and may(nvoke�e povrer a1 sale azKl arry other remedies perm+tted bY apAGcabte taw. � <br /> •�. � . -- -• . <br /> - - - -:. . . ._ . - - - - <br /> ..�s.. <br /> t <br /> f:•,. . • - _.... .. _ <br />- . � . 11,Reques!tor NoUee of�efa�tt Ii is hereby requested that copies of the notices of detault and safe be seM to each person wt�o is a party hereto,at . .� �. <br /> � � the adQress of each such person,as set fonh hereln. , . • . <br />� Y' ' ' 12 power o?Seiie.If the Lender imokas the power ot sale,the Trustee shaU first record in the otfice of thereg�ter of Qeeds ai eacN county wherefn the . • `�'' ' <br />- _ ' ��`. "'• � trust prop�rty or some part or putet thereof Is situated a npUce ot defauft containing the inbm�aUon requUedby law.�1'he Tnistee shall also mall copies , , '• _��� � <br />-- . ���`.� af fhe notice ot defauitto.the Borrower,to each person who is a p�y hereto,and to other persons as prescdbed bp ePP�icabta taw.Not less thart ona �-_=_..- . : <br /> month after the Tnutes records the�rotice of defau�.or two menths�T 1ha trust property is not in any in�rporated crty or village and Is used in farming , �� ;;�:;� <br /> •� ' � � � opera�ons cartied on by the uustor.the Trustee snall give public notice of safe to the persons and in the manner presaibed bya prp�l=cabte taw.Tnistee. • , � <br /> ,� ._:� � t r e qulred b y the Farm Homestead P cUon Act.Trustee . ;� �:` <br /> ,_�;, withaul deman d an Borrower,s h a l l s e l l t S i e p r a g e r ry a t p u b t i c a u c t l o n t o t h e h ig h e s t 6 d d er.It <br />- �:_��-- $ball oNer the�:oAert1l�n two separate sales as.requ'ired by appIlcable Iaw.Trustae may po�tpone sate of atl or any parcel of ihe properry by pubtic �r�,� <br /> � � announcement�the Ume anII pface of any pravlous(y scheduled sate.Lender or its designee may purchasa the propsrtyr ei any sale. . ` ?� <br /> � 'L�i':�=i.�:.•.. : �.. . . _'.,� <br /> _:F� Y"��"'`'`' ;=.' .�� Upon recel�t of payment of the pdce�id,Trustee shafl deliver to ttre purchaser Trustee's deed Conveyfng the propecty.The rec�taals contalned tn ___ ..___._. , <br /> Trusisas deed sha�l be pdma facle evidence o1 the truth of the statements wntalned thereln.Trustae shall appiy the proceeds ut the safe in the <br /> � :: ' . . . fol(awlng order.(a)tc a11 expenses ot the sate,1nGuding.but not limited to,reasonabte Tru.stea's tees,reasonabla attamey's tees and reinstatertrent , ,;;;; <br /> r��.�•,.� . tees:(b)to a�l sums secured by U�1s deed of trus�and(e)the balance,if any,to the parsons legalty entitled to�eceive�. ��• <br />�.' •,.T, �, `- . .' . •'..'�,�� <br /> �!� � � ' • 19�./F�po�raclosure.At Lender's optlon,this deed of trust may�e torecrosed in t he manner provi d e d by a p p t l c a b i e l a w f a r t o re c l o s u re o f m o rt g a g e s o n r e a l <br /> ' � 'Y�f�in��J V,?is.'Ry�'p1� ' D"i!'°""l. - • ' . _' ' . . <br /> � . . �•:J-. • <br /> - " � � ���_ �� ib in�neettOn.Lende►may enter the praperty to Inspect it ii lender gives BoROwer notice betorehand.The notiCe must Etate the reasonabte cause for <br /> � ��;���:;�=r ' lendere inspectlon. . <br /> -` � =�-.?;'-� . . . . <br /> -�� - � 18.Cond�mnatlon.Borrower asslgns to Lender the proceeds af anY award or Gatm tor Qamages connected with a conQemnaUon or other taking ot a0 ,, . <br /> ' :=�r . " :, or any�azl at c?se pmperty.Such proceeds a::►be applied as providad in Covenant 1.This assignment ts subject to the tertns of arry pdor seeurity <br /> . ;,y � a�reement . , . •� . <br />_�• ',�;o�'+ . I : <br /> 16, exerGslr.g arry remedy availabl9 to Lender,Lender does notpive up arry rtghts to Iater use any other remedy.By not exerctsing any � <br /> • remedy upon Bortower's defaut l.ender dosa not waive any right to later consider the evem a detault ii tt Aappens flgafn. � � <br /> _;;;�;;,,.; ;��, � 17.Jolnt and Several LIabIIItY�Co-stgners;&ueCOSSOrs and Asslgns Bound.AII duties unQer this deed of trusi are jo(nt and several.Any Borrowet ' : <br /> who co-signs thls deed of trusf�ut does not co-slgn the undeAying debt instrument(s)aoes so onty to grant and convey that Borrowe�'e interest In the � <br /> � ., praperty to the Trustee under the terms ot ihls deed ot tru5t.In addlllon,such a Barrovueragreas that the Lender and any obtier Borrower under thls <br /> � ' ��t' ` • � deed of trust may extend,modi f v or make any other chan ges in the terms ot thts deed of trust or the secured debt without t�at Borrowefs consent and <br /> - - wilhout reteasing t hat B crrower from t he te a n s o f t h l s d e a d 0 1 t N S L ' <br /> _ d_,_'•�'- .:. ..- <br /> ��.,��_; .��.��'w' The dWes�nd trenefits ot this deed ol trust ahall bind and henefit ihe successors and assigns of Lender and Bot►ower. • , <br /> �� '•'�•` '� t@.NoUe�.UNess otherwlse required by taw,any notice to Bortowe►shall be glven by delivedng it or by malling(t by certlfled mail aQdressed to � <br /> '±'"���'•'��~'� Bonower at the properry address or any other aQdress that Borrower has given to Lender.Borrower wfll glve anY no8ce to Lender by cer6tiBd mall ro . <br /> ��fR��=,�:=�.a ' Lendefs aQdcess on p�qe 1 01 thls Aeed of Wst or to any other address wh:ch Lender has des�gnated.My other notice to Lender shall be saM to . <br /> ��•��r.�a� <br /> ;'z;�?.�t:`� Lendafs address as stated an page t ot thls deed ot trust. <br /> =r r:, .;.;4.., • <br /> �;�;��,.,,z,?�,: My noUce shall be Qeemedto have baen glvan to.8orrower or Lenderwhen glven in the stated ahove. . . <br /> �-��'f���;�,�! 19.Tr�nsht ai the Oroparty or�BeneNetal fntere�t In the Boaower.l!all or any part ot the pro or any tnterest ln H�s sotd or transterred without � <br /> ""' Lenael9 PNOr wrltten oonsent.Lender may demand lmmedlate pa}Iment of the secured deht.Len er may also demand Immedlate paymer.t if the <br /> �4`.'�'`':"'• BpRONfBi is no!a nawralperson and a beneticial interest In the Borrawer Is satd or trensterred.However,Lender may not demand p�yrmont fn tfte abave <br /> r�c':•�.-� sftusUon�i}ft Is prohi6lted ey fedsra1 haw as o11he date o1 thls dsed ot W st <br /> `;�: 20.Reeomrayance.When the obligaGon secured by thls Qeed ot wst has been paid,and Lender has no further oht:gaUon to make advances untler the � <br /> --� ' ^ .�,,- instrumerrts or agreements 5ecured by thls deed of trust,the Trustee sha11,upon writter�request by the Lander,reoorney the trust property The Lender . <br />���°��:;� ..�.� shall deGverto the 8onowe►.or to Bomowers suceessar in Interost,the trust d0ed and the note or other evldence of the obligation so saUsfieQ•Borrower i <br />- •�_ :• ' „;�, � . shaU pay arry reoorda8an ccsts. .. , ,' . . <br /> .:+�::,, . ` <br /> '� ` Zt.SuceessCr Trustee.Lender,at Len6efs opUon.may�emove Trustee and appoint�suocessor trustea by flrsi,mailing a copY o1 the subsUhNon of <br /> `�;-:,�• ��i;�;. Uustea es required by appllcable law,andthert,by titlng the subslituUOn of Wstee tor record infhe oHlCO of the reglster of dee�s ofi each county In whtCh . . <br /> ���� � , ahi�eMOr�'Ayr an0 title of ttro Tneis�te�e named in the deed of wst ar�d oi�any suoeessort useo eyance of the pmperty.sha11 suaned to aU ihe powsr,duties. • <br />- �'"'..y._._:.��_._._ � � � . - ` • � . <br /> .�k+`'' . - . • � ' <br /> . . '� • . . . . i .. . <br /> � � <br /> . - .. , . . • . 1 . • <br /> . ! <br />- .-- '�' . . � . , (Ft?�2012) <br /> ' " ,; '`- ,' __ _ ._ : • <br /> --- ----�-- —.- . <br /> . . ' Ber.fsnSystams.h+e.SLCUU'l.MNIt•A6d331,¢30tlCorm dT�QCD1S1Tt3-11E TZ2g� , ,•-•+---'� —. '-"'._.`�. <br /> . . • . '�, - h' � <br />� . ^ . � • , <br /> . <br /> . � <br />_ L , <br /> � � . y -. .- - . � ..... ' � . . . <br /> . . . .- - - - •-- - - --- -- _... . .`l.t y..t. --- - L'!i._,fL'n.. . . .___-I__YL'-�. . _--. '3iit'�.. . '1. --�--- __-__ _ ... _. <br />