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<br /> --_--�=�_�,' .
<br /> ----_�=_:��� �. THIS AGRSBN�NT enter�d into bete�een K[JBSTEIt LAK�, IiIIC.. _
<br /> _--=-=�: LSSSOR, axtd ViRGiL L. Rot7S8 and D�RLENE G. RatJSB, �iu�band _ • , —
<br /> _�_ ���� �n@ wife ' ` ' -- . =
<br /> - _ .;�' � tas jo3.nt tenaats; �a� �hether . , � _ �� �-�--
<br /> � -�= .x_�, one or more, LESSBB. - . --
<br /> � . , �
<br /> �sii� � 1. Descriptior� of Leased Premises: Lot Sevea�i7), haviag a Iske-
<br /> ,�� , front fottage of 86 feet, situated oa t8e East aide of tfie West portion of �
<br /> Kuester Lake and heing a part of the Haat IiaZf af the Soutltwest Quarter (B}SW�) .
<br /> <�.. of Sectioa Thirteen (33}, Township Eleven (11) North, R,ange Nine (9), Aesr�of •
<br /> -:�� � ;� ` the 6th P.H., Hal.�. Couaty,_Nebraska, brnmded on tha�+easter].y sifle by the
<br /> f" `?� co�on road, as shawn an surveq dated June 2, 1986, and attached hereto, and • —
<br /> �:_ .�.�. a,,.. ,
<br /> ._ -:i�=� . , . . . � . �
<br /> f`�-.�.� , surh lat .is as shawn on a plat ia possessi.on of Lessor.
<br /> _� ���4���~ � 2. Term o€. Lease: Thirty-five I35E years, cammenci�cg �� , _
<br /> . _ :
<br /> -- ;�• �• b• -- . .._ . -- -Twniiat"�i-:- 199.�--_� and-�terminating ----���ember -31:-�203Q - .. -- - - . ._. ---
<br /> � , :' ;..`��;c,.r'�..s � ---- -- _�
<br /> �' -�;.-��� �`." � 3. O�tion �o Extend Term: i,e�see has the•aption Co extend �
<br /> �'�' '�''" � the� term of this Lease for an addiCional 35 years by g�.ving • �
<br /> � ' �er�� -�c�.�.�t n e���-
<br />. - . . sr••�:"`:" . .
<br /> - _ .��.�,_ ,;'""`�' . . _ �.. Lessor notzce thereof, in writing. bp_ Jnl�r 1, 2029. • --
<br /> p.,��ty�,;�,, �ah ' ,
<br /> - ...:: .'.,' _
<br /> �;�., •.�;^ :; � 4. Riqht to Assignment of Lease: Lessee has the r�ght ta --_---
<br /> M;,` ,_� . assign this Lease provided: , ' ----
<br /> '.�� •�., -
<br /> ;�:� �:,;u..-.;r.
<br /> '�; .y:: __; . (a3 Leasee has complied with atll�texms of this �
<br /> .:� � Lease. . �
<br /> '- �. a.. ,�.,,.,'._..,: . r��:_;__
<br /> __ ���;��:,_�;..�.:_. - , (b) Lessee transfers to the nevr owner ali —
<br /> �` '��� � � interest anfl ownership of tlae Lessee in the " =�_-�
<br />