,} .�� , L. �� t . � . „. � . .a ._ • 2 F " � 1 ` -S
<br /> . .;` ^c� _ •;y, � ,�e iy. . �A: '4<,'t` t . - . �r ,.. .3 :�t.�� "� .�r ' 'l
<br /> .Y . _ .� . • f �r k . �,.� i ` t �a... ti .
<br /> t�G,i+"'� 1 ' �,.�__�,r . '�': �C c�„!3� - ; _ .
<br /> � o'�' �t` �� f�..�..y. e+.1.. _-E�.. ._Lf'..a, "xe scO�YtA-.[•i .i'���4`�,�-. . . '�' . �:. "� -°_
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<br /> -t� �; F : containaprovisitmtt�atitsteail6es�b�cttotem�ina@on. , suehfemdsuithepmjoctB�tkaccaimt�dfui{in�sotodo , . . `..
<br /> .-,._�rr+ ,'c.y�,ti . .
<br />--_'�::<=�.;�z'�,: saitJ:oui penalty and with or withanc r,au�.t�an tvjiu� , in vIoiasion of this Agtcemt�t�hatl hold such fiutds 4n, ,_• Y�; : '
<br /> � iequest by HUD ad�ssed�to.�he Mortgagor and the tcuss. A�►y peisson r�eiving p�yetq►bf ehe pm�t tn �
<br /> .�:- s P
<br /> a y�� .°� s�tagemcau agenL Upaa m.ceipt of such request�the violatiosr of this Agreemet�t sttall immediately deliver �
<br /> ,.� t...;.��_.. ,
<br />�_:��`�'�� ::s� �' ` �M�tp�ar shall immcdiately moe+c ro tenminate the con• ' such propeny to the project aled failing sQ to da s?�alf haid • . � _—_
<br /> y-,��"�'�;�;:.=`;''�" � . tr�rt witlus�a p�riad of not mose than 60 days an�i s�aU s�ch ProP�Y in wst. t � � _ . . --
<br /> � ..-�;Y`_. .m�tce ariati�aments s�isfactary W HUD for�confuwing `
<br /> _��� �-'_' (� Muttgagosshallatallttmes.if�equireAbythQlawsofthe. . , . 'r '�_
<br />=.r. . � ` -
<br /> .�.<,�.'-" � pragea managanent cf the projae�_ dictton,maintain In full forc�und ef€est a licensa to
<br />. � '. ' �
<br />_ , :- .. (c) Neiihestdangagarnoritsagc�tss6allmakermypayments aper.ue the project from the State andlor other licenIn� . <.• �� . .
<br /> ��
<br /> . . . forservioes.suPPltesormaseciaLsimtesssar:hscrvtcesare authority.MortgagorshaliEeaseanyptmianofthepraject ' � � . � �s::
<br /> _ I''..'.�._ �� � ,�:�
<br /> � . ac�alty ien��-ed for the prajeat or such supp�c�s ur onty on tsrms approved 6y HUB � . • � ,._
<br /> � ' maferials a�delivered to tfle pm,�ect aad ate s�asonably Mart or shaII not colteci from tcnants os occnpants or. � � � ' ��
<br /> <_ - :�.-°, , neeessaryforicsoge�ation.paymentsfarsachservioesor �� 8a8 � "� "_t�`
<br /> -'Y� - -`'` �� materiaJsshallaoiexceedtheamountor@inarelypaidfor P�nvetenantsoruaaipantsoftheprojectanyadmis- . ' �
<br /> :''--'��-��`:'��- sion fee.foonder's fee.ijfe�ca�fe�►or suBilar payment ..;,,.� .
<br /> ``.:,; '. . � suchs�vic�s,suPPliesormaDettatstntheaze�wflerethe �
<br /> pursvant to ang a�nent,oral or wriu�,wtieiehy the �"., `. . �.
<br /> � . services ate tentiered or the suppliss or mate�ials fiv ` � � .,•
<br /> -- �� Mortgagorag�eestofiunishaccummodatIonsorsenrices
<br />=��``' ��:;;... ' in the pmject w persons maYingsuch payruents. � � } %
<br /> � ..
<br /> - , (d3 The marcSsged Prop�tY,ecNipment.6w'td'mgs,P1�s, .. ., -� � ._ 4 ..
<br /> ' ofFcFS,dLwi+xs. books,aPParaws.coi►tm.cts. r�xonds. (&) No offccet,dir�or.tcustee.anember.stockhoider nor . , ^�,�-.�
<br /> �`.�.� .�_ .' '. . ' d�cwnents,andallodterpapeisrela6ngtherewshallatall anthorized regresentauive of the Martgagor except for . � �.'�.-;;
<br /> tirr.es be maintained in reasonable condirion for proper �8ementbysponsarornan-profitafSliate.shallhave . ,�.�. .. �
<br /> any fuiancial interest in any caonriaetmal arrartgement '�.� ``
<br />._ , . <: . on �
<br /> - _ � audiE and snbject w ex�ation and'u�specnon ax any entered'urw 6y the Mortgagar in cannectian with rendi- --
<br /> �" '�' • reasonable time by H[JD and its duly auUtorized agents. ... : _
<br /> ' Msortgagor and its saccesazs.assigns or its agents stiall ' tion of se�vices, the pmvision of goods or supplies. ,` ��.
<br /> ;,
<br /> `� .J.::__ management of the P�J�•P�ea�t of the sise or _
<br /> � . `�. - _.- . . cetamcapiesafatlwritt�ncontrat.tsotothrainstnanents--�-- �--:.. .--- --- -- --------__ ._----.--. ----._ __..__. ..--.-- --:. , —
<br /> ' • � which af[ect the maitg�ed pmperty;all or any of which other maueis whatsaever .��=��,��
<br />-.'p���i;- . - .. (- ..
<br /> - � ma be subjetx to 3nspection aud examu�ation b HUDor � �
<br /> � Y Y 12 (a) IfprujectisfundedunderSecrian2d2oftheHousingAct ��, ,�}
<br /> � . . ' its duly au�horized agents. � ' of I959.as amended,Mortgagor wilt tnnit pnblic accu=• . •'�''"/� _=
<br /> .. _ . ::
<br /> •. • . ..r,;. . =
<br /> =°-•=-- �«-- -
<br /> -.. .. . . pancy of�project W elderiy famities aftd individuals as ...������ .� ,_.
<br /> k��; . (e) The books and arcowus of ihe ope�ations of the mort - '. - -
<br /> arc� defined in�Section Z02 of the�Iousing Act of t959,and '��`
<br /> , . '` : g;aged pmperty and of the project shall be k�t in accor- . aPplicable HUD Regaladans. If g�►ject is funded under • , " �.i
<br /> _ '. ' dance aith the c�ents of I�iZJD. . ' Section 8v of th�National Affordabls Housi�t�A�t of �, �,�• .
<br />.. .'r�,! ,' . .
<br /> �- ' � (� Withi��tDdaysfollowingtheendofeachfiscalyewrHUD 1990.Mort�agoraiUlimitpnblicoccupancyofthcprnject �• -,,�.. .
<br /> ..� � . shallbcE¢znishedwithacomp2eteannualfinanctalreport topersonswithdisa6iliGesasdefinedlnSection8llofthe • k'�t`'
<br /> n� '
<br /> . � . based upon an examT�,-+�;on of the books anA records of National All'ordabte Hovsing Aci of 1490,and appficabte � � rt�,. � �
<br />- � ' • Mortgagorpiepared"uaaecordancewiththezeqnur.sYents . HUDRsgulations. 7hecriterFagovemin�eligbilityof _. : ;,r,�, .
<br /> ( � •' '`. of H(JD.cenified to be an officer of the Mortga�r t:nd, tena.�ts for admission m Secdon 202 or 5estion 811 nnits ` ..:.` .
<br /> r° '. ' _ ' when roquircd by HUD,prepa:ed �1d �ed by a sind thc conditions of wntinaed ocrupancy shall be in �:1 a�;
<br /> . ;� .,: �. nd --
<br /> • '.� ° ' Cc�tif ed Pui�lic Acco�mtar►t�or other person accepted to accordance with the Projec�t Rental Assistanea Conuact. i°�' • :;i �
<br />:r�_. . . � ,,rr � :
<br /> .:- �... ,.. ��� . �
<br /> :r�,,�:.•.:.�,-: � N) ��Ptas pruvided in(d)betow Martgagor will make its ,. ::..l� .
<br /> :��;':�• ; .. •�,,;.,,..k�:=�--
<br />_ ,. , ,', (g) AttherequestofHUD.itsagents,emplt�yees.orattomeys, dwellin�accommodattons and services availab3e to eli- .,• �f?�%�,;
<br />_:;��~•�=:�U�,.;':' . . the Mortgag�or:,hall give.specifcc answers w questlons giblcoccupantsatcharges�establishedinacCOrdancewIth 'q:,.y`�� �
<br /> �.a � upon which infomiation Is desired from Wne to time a sche3ule to be approved in writing 6y HiJD. Such ., .
<br /> , --�tt�,' �. � relativet�theincome.assets.liabilIties.canuacts,oF�a accommodauonssuaE�notberentedforapeiiodlessthan . • . . `�?
<br />•r$_-,�_:�.��:�: ` t�on,and condition af the pivperty and the status of tlte 30days Commezcialfacllities.ifany,sha116erentedonlY . . +r.•�
<br /> �- :-�,'-' r�- Mort�ag�and any aslier infom�ation with respect to�he ir�accardance with a sci�edWe of charges fixed by the , .. � . +S,
<br /> .. Mottgagor or ihe mortgaged property and of the project Mortgagor and approved in writing by HUD Subieasing � � . . -
<br /> • which may berequested. of dwclling accommodations or commercial facilities . . .} , �`��
<br /> . L,. :.' `:�.r—
<br /> -- (6) All ieceipts of the project shall be de�OSited'm th�name shall be pezmitted only upon the te�ms�d conditions �.. .. ' "`;
<br /> _ approved by HUD In writing. '" . � '"
<br /> -_ . , ofthepmjectinabanlc.whosedepositsarcinsuredbythe _ ,. _ � -.`
<br /> " . � � FDIC,Savings Association Insivance Fimd.or the Na- (o) Upon prior writien appmval by the Sesxetary.Mo�[ba' Sor .. • '�r=
<br /> �� . .�,.� tional Cc�it Union Sha�L�surance Fustd. Such funds may charge to and receive from any fenunt such amounts ( ,. � . �,
<br /> �`::,�,.,�;.. _�'. , shFill6ecvithdcawnaNyinaecordanceariththepmvisions as fmm tune co time may be mnt�ally agceed upon . :
<br />-_ ��;.;��;}�.;;;..,,. ' ofthisAgree�entforcapensesoftlieP1'ol��YP�n betwces4 the tenamt and the Martgagar for any faciliaes . � � . . �?.
<br /> 4;
<br /> -_�_�-�° �ceivuig fimds of thepmjectshall imme�iateiy deposit ancVorserviceswhichmaybefiunist►edbytheMortgagor . � � . ..
<br /> _ -;-�:,� '�" ,
<br /> .� �j ' , � . �:
<br /> r''a*� . '
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