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<br /> = - - {�i ��{$tt�tC�1P[0 ;3iT3 � � � , U.S.Ooyutm��t of F�ousts� - ` . . .
<br /> :- � �. . 9 . �nc}ur�n osv�tapm�r�t . ,
<br /> -=-� ` Regul�tor�a�reecrt�nt . . . . ����H���g � � �� ��3�
<br /> —------ F�ar�1 Ha3tsin�tdctYttrdsslQne► c�.�
<br /> �--- ____- �tausfnp tottfte Et�edy ar4iatxli�ap{�(Nor�ara#'rt) � , ; :�` . . .
<br /> --p-���:��� ` Secttan 202 of t�e ti�tist�}g Aat of 195�osr S�bn 811 af ° . � � � �
<br /> __- =-='� ,�tha lV�ffana)Aitardaht�Ha�si�Act. `. _ � , ` . .
<br /> _������ � . . . � ` :. ` . . .
<br /> -_:.:.��r�z,;::�.'��� � 'i4�is ag�e�me�t entered s'nto this 5eh day of Jasivargt . . 1493• .betaveen�etBph�ge Housin� :
<br /> __„ .� . , -.�:`, , .�o�� � >... -
<br /> ..:=::iiA��`"-..,_ .
<br /> - --�,n•T.-��.-�.} Q �Q�S 11128 John 6alt Bivd., S�te 500, Qmahs, Nebr�►aka 68137 � -
<br /> �� � ;' . . • ' ;
<br /> �_.:. haeinafter r.al2gd M�tga�,aa9 the vndets�grtet!Secretaryof Ha�,�and�Us6aa dev�Iopment dieteSnafier�allt,�F HUTa �
<br /> x
<br /> s �,�._. : _. _
<br /> ;.G'. g �. . . � �
<br /> _s-;�:,:��a�_=t'�. Iliwnsidera�pnofthesnakiugoftfie.t�ritaladv8nCe6yHtJDand 2sno.mtwtut�►dt;:Mortga$ormayeatpetidfromfull�obt�ir;td, "
<br /> �,.;. �`�`���,'=,:. the disbursr�t ofany partth�ea�and inondea W comgly with . fmm�me othtFSauc�e thanpmject�vtnues orother futlds
<br /> ,___.�=-';r�-`��ti"�:��";-� the�u�ne�lsof.t�eHousing�lctofl959QrNadOnalAffamdab�e r�nuedaf$ieMartgagar.p�usuanttothisAgoana�toe.tee •
<br /> -. ���' j�?::
<br /> �r��;� _ .,�{µf• �ws3ngActofi990anQthaReputadansadaptcdbyttteSecretary . CapitalAdvanr.�Agteaaan: ' ` .
<br />��':�,"���� pinsaanttAaetQ.theMortgagorag�eeslcritself.itssuccess�rsand
<br /> � �-.° assi�s,andaayovmerafttnemQrtgagadp�op�ty.tl�aatincannec- 4. Asse�iiYfuttheCapirelAdvaucefortheraN�PiY��
<br /> .=�>i';��'-,;:+'"�" - `
<br /> t underth�sAgt+�nentimtathensrrvE�dfo�t�ep�acdt�aats.
<br />-;�,.:.yµ .:.y7., �.;. tldAWitbtRCtIIOttSaS�F�P�Y���}��th?d80A
<br /> 4 �� ` �f0f SU Ot1tEt Ob�$St10I1S 0�i11C 1VSDIt$a$0[UJIQG(�i�S
<br /> � � andso langast]�capilaIaGvance isoutsta�d'irtg: , � Agreem�r►t,ttc$Mortg�arhsz+eby assigns.Pitdg�3atdrr�srt
<br /> . .�; ` r
<br />�;�•,'� . . . .
<br />,��`_��:_`1.- ..-��,`��.. I. 17ieNoteandMongagebe�noiuterestandrepaymentisnoc gages W HUD all its dg,tus w ds�inrome and cAarges of
<br /> �"�i'_�....ci� :-�',r:-"
<br /> a r�, ' � req�edsolongastl►�h�n$rema�osava�ableforverylaw• whatever sort wEiich it may nxeiva or.be ea�titlad oo snceiva '
<br />:�:�;';;;'',:.:;�.� ;,., , � uzcome eldaiy gessans or veryr tow-iresome peisans with fmmtheoperationo�thsmartgaS�Pt'oP�Y.•subject,how- .
<br /> � � � "� disabilities(whir�ever is applicab2e). ever.w any assignmeat of rents or gmjxt�incame in the
<br /> � Martgagerefesredwhenin.Unuladefaultoccarsu�}der�his
<br /> - ' , --- - 2. Most�agor ar��h and ma�a speeial€�md W be...--.---- - p�.��.�on is�t�Moc�gor tt�
<br /> . ~• � � kuown av the rer�tae fimd a�ecaant in a banY which is a co1F.,�ctand�taimm�dcrtheprovisionsofihisA�Cementsuctt
<br /> ' � � ` � � mraseber of tRse Fedetal Depos�tlasaianr.�Carporati�,Sav- � �incomz.oP�B�Ptu�a�dch�r8e�.6ntnpandefwlt
<br /> : � . .. '" iagsAssuciadanlnsnranceFun�astheNationalCreditUnioA iLiispermissionisterminated,AswaIlc�ass.incamne.uP�B
<br /> - -_._�___.�:�,•• : � ' Sliasefns�uanceFimd,intawltic,�will6edepdsitedallrentals. �rplus�dcharges�ueorcoltdctedtheccaftts.
<br /> ' . � cUarges.incame aad revenue a�sing from the operadon oi �
<br /> � , � � own�st�ip of tne ptojeet. 17ie b2nk in wluch Uus accoimt is S.�(a) Martga$arwillesmblisdi and tnainta�t a iesesve fur►a far
<br /> . . : • esta6lisiiedshallprovidecollatetalaccR�tablewHtTDtoequal rep2acements in a sepaiate soc�ount in a banY whieri is�
<br /> . , . , tIumaAmnmamountinttieacca�uatanyonetimewh�such ins�ued by the Pederal DaDosit Ins�e Corpotation. �
<br />; amoimt exceeds SIOD,000 If the banlc a►ill not provi�e Savmgs Associaticn�ns�uar�ce Pimd,���ht Na�ionaT
<br /> � x, : . appmpiiatecoliaateialuisuch�stances,theMortgagorm'li6e (�editUnionShsnaIns�uaacePaad. Ca�cvtr'..ntIywith
<br /> , �. requ�CedtoestabSi:i�acco�mtsintaroormore�a.nlcssothatthe the effeciive commenc,e�c',.�t Of tental a�+��p pay- —
<br /> . . : , .�r wtat aimmmton dz�osit ai any time does noi�d$100>UUO ments mider the Pro}ect R�ial As�+��Coauac�tse � _
<br /> � ; • • inanqonebanrs EspendinaesshaIIt�madefmmthereve.nue Mongagor will deposit an amount�equal to S . -
<br /> fur�accavnt unSy In accordarice with the operating budget $391.OS P�monrh�mIessadiffere�tdateorama�tfisappfovedin
<br /> � � snbmiued w and approved by HtJD. waiting by HiTD. � .
<br />_ • 3. Notlaterthat►30dayspriortothebeginningofeachfiscalyear. SucJi fimd, wlcether ia►the form of�a casb deposit ar
<br /> � � � ._ ' theMortgagorst�alls�bmitanopeiati�gbudgetforthatfiscal � invested�n obl��ations o�or fulIy guardneeed as to . �=
<br /> ' _ ' ye�rtoHU'D.�ebudgetst�allincludealln�cessaryuDeratinB Psincipalby.theUnitedStatesofAmericashallatalltinxs �� �"_-
<br /> .� . eapensGS.ciarent mair►tenauce et�arges.expenses of reasun- be subject to[he canmol of HUD. DLsbu:semaus from
<br /> � .,F �. '• able upkeep aad iepairs.t�es and special assessment tevies. such fimd.whether for the puipost of effeeting replac�
<br /> .. .' . `�.� pmratedamom�rPquiredforinsuianceandallotherexpenses mentofso�ucaualelementsandmeehanicalequipmentaf.
<br />`� � ' , , � � incident to the operation of the project;and�iaU show the theptoje�tforanyotherpwpos�.maybemadeanlya8cr �—
<br /> �� , . eap�tedievr.nuetopaysuchexpenses.iaclud'mg:eseavefrmd theconsentinwritingofHUD.lntheeventofadefault �---�-�e
<br /> t depostts.Zhe expensses iacurred and disbiuse,ments s3iaU nae in the tenns of the mortgage.HUD may Qem�d the fnll �
<br />, �, , exeeed the reasanabie and necessary ammmt thereo�and eF:e or partial applicati�of the balance in snch fand ta.be -
<br /> - �. . Mortga,gor will not expenB a�►y.amn�mt vr incur any obliga- amaunt due on the mortgage dab� d��-�
<br />._ �,. � . . . donsmexces�ofthearnoimtsag�rovedintheannualoperadng -'.��'=
<br /> _ �. � � � ' bvdget except upon written c�scation by the Mongagor w (b) M0n8aE�avill deposlt the mmimwn capitai invesanent. _ �.•� �. >-.
<br /> = with aa esaaw agent acceptable co HUD purusartt to ' ,":' =,
<br />-- � � HUDtLatsu�expenscswerecm:ndcipatrAandarenecessary "�x,-_ -
<br />:: :� � . . . . andpravidcdfiather.thatnothinginthissectionshaUlimitthe Regulan°ns'� - -
<br /> ,. .,. � � � (c) Within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year.anY .
<br /> �:
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