� , � _t . . ` . ' _ _I . (' � . . . � . '.� � ... K Q. �?
<br /> f; y . �, s �` <.. ,,�� t � .. . - �. + F�
<br /> s e . �<, � _ L '�` �!`; °'-T�'.t. � _�+4w�'-
<br /> , '} 'k. . .. r� ��� y . •S.• p (. ,i b._.,,,,_ :.-:.
<br /> �:ei�.�k:�e.��. ' _ . , - ' �
<br /> . . ' , C-� ;;:a.*r'*�'�zipl!?��'"'�"'�_'
<br /> �'` ±lO��.�s . , �. . , : .��i fia_
<br /> ,�� �.-_
<br /> �� . E�+ °.�Jr-- r�.4=,�,4.;
<br /> __.'+F'��t . . . � . . , . . - . . ' "=Y3 3r::::
<br /> ` ' ° ` • di�argInS tLc doln hom[sy scco�ed.�E�cimF�*_�++�is 8eccby siven co : P�yabte an a«nana: . � . .�,.-•"_
<br /> M1 1
<br /> • , M�t�agarsaloagasnodda¢ttaa£stsheseuader.tocoiiectsuch�ents. ' I2 Itisax�ypro��.���(allotherpmrisionsofQ�is1l�icrtgaga . ��,,.�?�:
<br /> -_. ' ,.. pmfits aud iaemane far uso in accordauce wilh the gsovisions of Ehe to tiia cantraey eocwitim�nding�.tHat the Mongageo chatl no9t 6o h.
<br /> ; �:'` �ti r , ' �S�01Y A�'��� coquited nar shaU hedsho hava tha sigtst Oo pry►drssbatBR��� ` �1.�
<br /> �.. . 5. '[I�at u p o n dcfault hc�undcr Monga�xi afiaU 6a antillcJ W tha anytu.as�mca�artaxlionnpoaoragai�tJsapzcmiscsdcscn'f�d r� _
<br /> ,,. , �. cgpoinUncn!of a cc�civer by aay.wart having n u i s�i e l Nn.wi l ha u t . f t c t e i n ar an y p a t l W a o o��o r t h o i m p m v c m c a t s s i t u a t e d t h c r c o n.s o , `, -
<br /> . noc'uc.wtafcopasscssionandpmtattbspropertyd�aib�6c�inand , iong as ths Martgagor shait.ia Sood faith�abatest the sama or tho _-�-`._..:`:�- . .
<br /> �`� ' . � . apraatosamenadwlisxttha�us.g�oRtsandinoomathaefram: • a�idil5►dieaeoFhYaP1�P��8�P�8sbroughtiaaw�atof ; . f --
<br /> • wmpcteutj�isdictton.vriushshnIIopaxtetopiavcutthaooIIcdienof '"'�,"'_
<br /> '� � • ` � - ' b. '�aY'at the o tion of tha Mmtgagar Iha � al balaneo seat�d � * . ,
<br /> p P�aF thofax.asrssmeats.oz fienao eonsstcd and We sate arfazffeituraof : .�
<br /> � . � �. �. ` 6crebyrmaybcadjustedonmmtsasecpta6tatothoMostgagcoifP� . thosnidgr�misssoranyp�atthe�oftasatisljrtiscsarao.6atintheevopt . -_"`
<br /> .•.
<br /> �.. °. .� -..'.�.•.:.- prepaymeatr�vtts fmmanawardinooademnationin auordnncaarith ef a ta�c coniest.the Martgagor shall d�posii witl�tho NToitgagea an ,.
<br /> -- r psasr3sl,m�oFpasagagh8lxcein.or8aman i�uanotpa3►���a �uai tsiimnted 6y thc Motigagee suftidcnt tn srt�sfy ali taxes� _,: �-
<br /> ''� inaeonidaneowlt6psovisionsofparagcaph7heieIn.ahenthc.ecisa �es.intarst,artdcastsahtd►mayte�tablyascmedmingsueh .v .� ..�. ,"�.
<br /> .t, . . �-..
<br /> . . ' mvitin�Ioss of prQjest iacom� � oanies� • ;��
<br /> � . _.. 7. 7Uat tjca Mortgagar wiD ke�p:tha'�mpmvemsnta naw oxisring ar 13. 7Ztai it.wU not voIunL�rity aeate a�peim�tn bo etaated against the .- � �=
<br /> ke p p �
<br /> : � � . hcscaf�er er�ctod on tha mmtgaged piopaRY insuttd against!oa by PmP�Y�3eet tothisMa:tgaP,aanS►lienerlia�.tLrferiur�snpai� • - . . . . ' i`�
<br /> ' . • faa and such othcs h�rds�casa�ltIes.amd cantingencies,a4 may 6e w the lien vf Wis Mnstgagaand farther that itwiU ieeep and maJamia `. . . ..;;;. ;'�
<br /> , ., sUpuYnted6ythaMortgagec.aadaDsuchtns�uaaceshsllbaevideneed thasauteft�efmmthociaimofullpasonssttp�lyinglaborattnat�iats �:.. ' • �-,. .
<br /> ' '' 6ystandardP'ueaadBxts�►d�CovetagalnsuranceP��7►�rPQ�¢• abict�w�l�intothaaonstznctienofsayallbw'Idingstwwbeing •,�
<br /> ` • in umounts aat iess tban neusary Lo eomply aritJ�the aPP�� e�+eeted a�m be�ectod en said psem�se� . `:�L-;.�,;�'�
<br /> •',�.' , Coinsniaasa CIauso pfaeenmg0.6at in ao event shaU tha amannts oY
<br /> L Y. , ,. . �4"-
<br /> r. wvcragc6a(essthanaighiYpereentrum(SORb)oPthai�umablavaiucs i4. 7Uatthaimprov«acntsa6autto6amadsaponthap�mscsabo++o _ -•4--= -
<br /> . � ar rtat Icss than,tho prindpal sum of tha MortgaBa wUickevrs is tfia dcsGribcd and aU p1aQS and spca&piIons comPlY wim alt munieipat . . °. --°
<br /> pri •+..��:T..
<br /> ,. ` . . ' lesset.aztd in dofaulf thaeof tba Mortgagea sha11 havcs tha:ight oo a�d'u�arteasaadiegvlationsmadaazpmmnig3ied1rytawf�ir.ufhorlty.� .. . . . . . _;_
<br /> . .. � eff6ciinsaraaae.Such liclesshallbeasdo�edwiL�s�dazdMort- andthatthesamew�Inpmtwmpletianco�nPlYwithallsacbmnnieipxl , •.Y ,_
<br /> n
<br /> _ - " ' �ea CIm�sa with lo�paya6le fo the Martgagw.ac iatarst m1y osdiaa�scesmsd�gnlatioasaadwit6lhaf[assofappliablofuerateag " �': ..f ; �':''' :-
<br /> ' � appear.aadshail6pdspasitedwIWthvMort�c� orinspectoonorgani�tion.6�+esu.auoeiation,arot"'Nrseo.o.I�thocveat , . .
<br /> . °. , .. _
<br /> • , :• :;�"• - ` , tho aay ' ta� mply with such roIes. • • �4',_
<br /> . . :. . Mortgagor shaU at ama to co . , �, , _
<br /> _._ .: ,. . .,.. ._ .
<br /> _ -------_-.�-t--- -- .--'It�atif�ha_pcunises cov_ered heretieh}rzm'.aaY QteseofshaU bo �$u��andorcG�a.V�swlrichaaaaoaYot�aay6�trocome . .. -..---,�;:,:�.,-
<br /> .. � • damaged by fita or oiher 6aazd$gainst wh��msaranca is IieTd as . . . appgcablo W t@e ps�s al�o-ve-descntie�.5�ca C::"tmtic�and.. _ . _ _
<br /> ' ; ,' . . hazivabmrepmvlded.theamountspatdbyan3►u�meei�mP�Y.to demaadbythaMortgagee,thaeupm�thaptincipalsuma�allarc�us
<br /> ,� ,;• ema w ::. �
<br /> , . t6o oxtcni oF ths principal sum remainiog.sf�all ha gaid w the afinter�ctandotherchargespsavidsdfnsheteia.s6aUatthoop@onof -: ..
<br /> . •: . .;' Mart geo.and.�cr o ma 6o a lied to tt►a debt or '
<br /> +- � • ga ption. y Pp thaMortgagccbecemadueandpaya6l� �
<br /> •' � '� ,. _• releasal for ths ' g ar rebwlding of tbo premise� . ,.. �. :,...
<br /> _..,,.-- ---. .__ ., .. _.. _-.. 15. 'ihoMortgagorwvcnaatsandagioastdaisoton astfiisMoztg,age - . `'�-- -
<br /> -- - - - - --- -- g .• . ;
<br /> and_ � �r�,
<br /> . - 8. 7batallawardsofdaawgesinwnnectionwitbaaycandomnationfcr thasaidnotosecucedt�+ebyarooutstanding.itwirinoteae.ccmorfilo ;�:i, ' ,;e
<br /> • . : gablIc asa or Injtuy to suy of said property aco hereby assigned and . forrecordaayinst�vmentwhtch�nposes a�cNon upoq thaaala� �:.�." '� ;:�1
<br /> . � � :_. . ahail6apaIdtoMortgageo.andMartgageo�.shec�byauth�,L�tho �p�y oP tt�e mortgagad pmperly vtr the basis of iaao,calar. ' , �
<br /> :. • nama of Mortgagor.ta aacwta and dclIvcx valid.acquittanco thucoF natlon�l osigin.sax.fau�ilial st�ws.handicap.ago,or a�cd�unlass ':.�'"'�,
<br /> . .- -- .:_.,_ ...: �d to appaal imm any such award;. . pcmuttcd by tha Houstng Act of 1959 or 4ha National Aftrntab3c . '� "'
<br /> . '. • � . 9. 7hatitislaarfuIIysaizcdandpossossedcfc-�.dzazlestatoinfcasimp2a HousingActaadthaliUDrcguLztioasp:amutgatcdehara�s�da. ,,_,;f_�c���,
<br /> ' � andhas�ond�I�ttocanvaysama 16. 'Ii�aiWofondstabcadvanecdkaeinsrawbeusedintheeonst�ex�un
<br /> • of urtaiti i.:.ptovements on tbo lands hca+ein descr�ked.IA asxatdaaeo :,•�."���_
<br /> . � � 10. To kec said gcanisas in go�rcpair+and nat ta do.ar pc:mie to 6o rtaic
<br /> P with a Cagitai Advauca Agrcematt 6ctwccn tite Mo:t�got m►d � �
<br /> �- . - dnn0.upcnsaidprcmisas.�yihittgtbatrs�yLn�lcthowaIuathacof. _ ':.�!.�.� - . .
<br /> �• �. _. oroPthoaceurityintcndcdtobocffed�byvirdsaoflhisinttsumcnr M�gag�� December 1 ,19 � , �� : ,��
<br /> . • . � ttiat It arill not make any sWctuml aIteiatioru W lho 6uilding aithovt whicb Capiql Advaaw Agecmcnt(oxcept tueh part oTpatts IhereoY ! ;
<br />. � tho arrlueo w�weat of tho Dltortgage�to pay to the MortP�B�•� aa may baiaconsistent theres►�ith)is incaipotated henin by:ofeaeenca . . . .
<br /> eres i n . . .�..�
<br />_ � , depcsItinasiessmwacceunta�ceptablemtheMartgageaa.hcnin- tothosameeatcntandeffoctasiffuliysetfottbandmadoaputofthi,s ��:;z,,,'�,;;
<br /> - ' eiterpmvided.untilthofinalmawritydate.asumanfficicnttoDaY� Mortguga as►d if the cansauetion of tha Unpmvements to ba mado . �-- -
<br /> ta�as artd spcciai assossments that hentofam or heiaafta may 6a , p��t tn said Csipital Adwanca Agc�ement sha11 not Ua ennied on •.'a;-�� �'
<br /> .. . IawfulJylavied.asussedotimposedbyairytaxtn&bodYvponthosaid `witY�reasonabiedil�ganco.orsi�allbediscontinuadatanytimeforaay � , •
<br />_ • . . . , .. 1sad.orupontheMartgagarorMortgageoonaaountofthooamcishiP ieasonotherthansWcesorlacdc-0uts.thaMottB=8�0.afterdnenotisa � ' .�•
<br />. . . thetoa4totheo:tentthatpmvisionhasnotbanmadobytheMortgagor . W�eo114ortgagosormysnb�seqacntownet.is6eielryinvestedaithfiill ,:� ,r;:�L
<br /> � . �. , -... fcx tAo payzaont of casb tsx�and syr,cial asacssments as firx+oinafta andcomDletoautharityto eaterupvnsaid�remises.emDlaYwaachmen . _ _ .��
<br /> ehm
<br /> ; pravldsdinsu6puagraPhl7: to pmie�t snct►improvamenta firom deyledatton at lqjury.a�d to ' ' � ±7:
<br /> '•.�r ' . 11: In esso of tho mfusal oz noglect of tho Martgagor to malco sueb ��0���0��e�°���erein.andwc�ntL�uaany . . . ` �.��:
<br /> . WYments,artosatisfyauyprFOrlienoreaoum6mnees.ortoleeapsaid andalloutstFtndingconoractsfarthocaatconattdeampietiono�said -;ti;; �'� •.�;
<br /> ° 6uiIdings. w maYe and cater Inw any conttacts ar.d obligations ��
<br />'_ ��. .. premises in goad cepatr.tho Moitgageo may pay sach ta�as.assess- ahesavu nexssaq►.eitherin h9slherown nama or ia�a c�ameof tho , ,
<br /> menta.aadinsjuancapsemiams.whoaduo,aadmaymakosnchrcpairs Martgagor,and to pay and dlscharge all debts.obT:gatioru,and •
<br /> � F:' .. ._ to Wa gmpesty huoir►martg�ed as in Uto Mortgageo's diactctton he,/ Uah�itics incurrc�Nescby.All rueh sums so advaaced hy thaMort- - .
<br /> t, :..� . . �• sho may dcom ncccssary for iho propeapiesarratlon thsceof.and any gagco(axclusivo of portions of the prinsipal of tho iadebtcdness '' "; f
<br /> . . moncy�sopaidoroxpended shall beoomo soraach additianal indebt saaarA tharby)shall ba additioualiy ssxa�:eA by�his Mortgage and ' . � . '
<br /> • , edntsII.secundlry WsMortgaBatobopatdautofthepcoocedsof Q�e aha116o dae artd FaYa6Ia on daaand wlth interest at 4so rato tv 60 � ' �
<br /> .. �� . : . . sate oY tho masta�ed p�smisw.�f not othetaiso paid by Iho Mort- ���y thm Martgagca�ho p�iaayal sum and other charges � . '. .
<br /> . . . g�or,and ahall 6ear intuest at the rate to 6o spee3f'ccd by tha �yldadlorhereins}iaU.atthoopBonofQ�oMartgageoosholderof ! ��
<br />' . MoctgaSco fram Qto dataotadvanco unti3 paid�and shtl!bo duo and thisMattgagaandUiaaotflaw�insNerama6ecomaduoaadpayabIs � • .
<br /> �. :� � ' Pagg2af4 tamMJD�90t6S�CA � .
<br /> . . . : . . . � • .
<br /> ..
<br /> . � ,
<br /> . . � ' � ._-_.. . .._xs.,�+,r�, ; -__.....__..__ . . .
<br /> .,i . . . _ ' .•{��t.• ' �5. '. .. . ' . . � � . . " . � ' . . .. ' ' . . . �
<br /> ... ' ' . r" • ' " '� " _ ' ' . ' � . , .. �� '� - . ' . ' . �
<br /> �.' , . .. . ' i . ' ' ' . � . . . . � , • . . •. - � � . . ' . . •. � . _ " � •
<br /> " �� ... - � � �, � ' , ' ' , _ . _ . � , - . _ ' . . _ . • .
<br />_r: .� .' . � . � . . . ' � . � . - . . _ _ . . . . _ � ' . . .,
<br /> - ._jf. , •_. ' .. .. . ' . . ' . .. . .' � .,-.- .. � . .. . ,. . . . . � ,. • .
<br /> . . �� � .' _, ... . _ . . : - - " '_ ' ' . , .. � ' " .. ' . .. - . � _... : ._. _ __: ._. : ..... : � . , . . . . . .. ..
<br /> t . �' • , , - • � . � � ' � . . . , � . , - . . � � .. .. � . .' '_ " . . �
<br /> ���� : . ". � � _ � . �� � ' . : � � : . . : . . . � . , . . � � _� � : .�. �
<br /> , .�. .
<br /> _
<br /> � � --- � - ---
<br />