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<br /> _, 1�.Mt�wi�eboWResYLTo�s � `' z..
<br /> �a
<br /> ��` W fononnr!ia!ii�+�d.Ext�ruian ot ths ttme tor paymerrt or moditIeatian of t1�e sum�asa:ras!by tRi�Qeed of Tnstt pmtted • , -,�;
<br /> ; �. .` . py I.+nder to rry wccaator e��ftsrest o!Borrowr�r�htiE not opxrata4o�sisau,in�µmanau.ths IubaitY af ffis ori�aid 8orrower ,... .':�.,�,,
<br /> `.}°- � ; .. , s�d qarroaraPi�ueceaaacs in e�tmrt.Lander�haU ent bs raqutrad to eemn+mee procssd��s�p�irsa2 s�tet+aue�e�r ar retuee to _ , :.;r'_;-
<br /> '��.�.'�"�, �.,•4•. . uct�d tins ior psym�nt ar otha�v+rta�modify amoRixatian ot tho aan�secured bv tt►is Qsd of Tnut by rwon oi any dgnat�d� , • .,-
<br /> ' •4ti-
<br /> ":LL �. . . � 4• �.'� .�
<br /> mads dY tho odpiul8orrow�r eid Bas�owsrs�ueeareaas e�iRterest-
<br /> '��� , ` . � tb1 Lat���trrs.Nfrthevt atteet�+p tAa ii�bilitji of eny atkar perron Gs6ts for Ms paym�s!oi my ahGpetiaa Rwie�Mant[atsd. . _-
<br /> • ` o�d withau!tfteetis++p tt�6�at eharps of thh Oeed bi Twt u�an my portion at the Ftoperty not than o:thcrsiatare r�d as : �,.-.
<br /> set
<br /> Ndatity toa th�fuU�naunt ot�i!�cs�pud obP.p�ticns,Lettder may.frort tane to tans�►d withaut nottce Q rotaaa�s�1►per�n w ' �`
<br /> . tt�t�.l'n�axtend the ertaturity ar aiter any of ffis tarms of ary aurl�obGpatians,(u"7 arent othm indulQ�ee�,l��)roieas ar saeamay. .rz.
<br /> - ' or�ta�r�x!or tacomrayed a!iny time ed Lander'o oD4�a a�ly pued,portian ar ati ot tT�e FraP�1l.(v1 take ar re?eaaa eny ' _ _ �>'
<br /> — ��,E � other�d'diand savri�ll tos�ry obfiaatton h�n mentIoned.or(v7 malce�mPoai¢ione or otfiar aira+Qercsan2s wit}+d�taes fir . .. ,�-_
<br /> . nt�tien tAsmo. ' ar samsdY hereurtdv,or otRemiae . �. ' ""^-
<br /> • • (eI FatL�r�by L�r Ha��Wat�/Iny forebearm�es by La+dac in exerasino mm1l� , • --�--
<br /> . • ' � . �f{ord�d fsy�pyrecaDte tsw.it►dI not bs�waivsr of at preelude the�cmelae of ery�ueh ri�Rt or retnady.Th�proeureenent of ,
<br /> -<.r .• . . e�wrate�ai th�p�1R�+ant at taxe�s or athsr G�ns oE dearass by Landar�haU no!Oe s waivsr ot Lendar's t19At to aec�taat�th� ' � .'.,, ,., s i"
<br /> e maturity of th�i�a6ts�n�sra+red by this Oeed af Tsust. . , . -
<br /> `. � '. � (d�S�o�aow�d�aipas Sa�d:.IaLit�ed Ssvnni Lti�ty:CaPtioUa.lhe eavan�ts a�ed apreamants hemi�mnYained ehai! . .t�.'
<br />'•'+ ' 6hd.ao�d 4hr riIIht�herMmdu�hal!aiuro to,ths raDsative sueeessora etd�aipns af I.aedar and TrusDOr.Ali caven�ts and .
<br /> ,. �ain�neMS af Tnutor a�s11 6s joint�d savaral. 4hs captio�ra and hee�ps af ffis PartpnDhs of ti�s Desd of Trwt are for '�_ ,., j ..���
<br /> �- %�a � ' comran tansa an y an d�rs a o t t o b�u a d t o a�t a r p ro t or defeie ffis provieions haroaf. • • ,
<br /> . � (e)Bqu�t ta►Natia�.Ths p'utia�hera5y regusst th�t�wpy of�►y natice of defwft heraunder 8►d a r�oyy of Rry notiee of . '-��
<br /> ► ' �Aarwndx b�maIIad to ead�pMY to this DMd ot Trust at the iddte�s s�t tortt�abavs e+ths manner pr�ed by aDpGcabis = � -
<br /> r,,.R -i_s`-_�;.4.4r__'_
<br /> . �. � •�.t .�' tam.6cwpt for my othu aatias�squired undm�ppGcabts Iauv to 6s pfiraf in etothar ma�rter,any no4tee pravidt►d to�in this Qad ot —
<br /> . . Tcust aluli E�pivan by ma�'np aueh natice Dy cartifi�d msd�ddrewd to the otfier putia�.at ths addrass sst forth abav�.MY `:v . -
<br /> . � �:' rtotir.�p�ovid�3 for in tl�L Osed of Tru�t sha116s afftativs uAon maTn�in the m�+resr da�ipnated hes�+.tf Tnntos i�more th�ons -�.�°; --
<br /> r� , ,.. penm�,nottes su►t to the addrea set forth a�ovs dta{!6e notics ta afl sueh Dmons. • ,;�' �.. _
<br /> ,r.%_ ...... _ •, � (fl.Ia�p�atton.lenda msy make or�auss to 6�made reuonaffis a�tria�uPan and insyeetions of ths Property.�ravids�thst !_
<br /> �. .. ... _,'
<br /> . . -�����- � -�-i` �------ . .--�--Lender d►a11 Qtvs Tncator naties priorto arty audf inspactton sP�Y�O raasana�e_�4t!*s therefor refated.to l.andar�urtemst o�ftte ------- - _ -
<br /> ' , . , • . �a��. .. ..------�-- --� -.—�,�.s�--
<br /> � • (� R�oott�y��.Upon psYment of aU�um��ncurad by this Qsed of?rust.Lendm�haf�reQuast Truates to reeanvay ths
<br /> • , .. Propaaty�d�1+�wrranda this Caed of Tnist and a:l eat�ss avidaneinp uidebte�nea saaued by thi�Qasd o4 T�t to Trustab. . ; ,r �-.
<br /> , • , Tivate��ha0 rocomrey ths ProPmtti►withaut warnnty artd+n�ithaut ehups to ths panan ov persons tapaity antitfad therato.Tnutor ,r;;r/_,
<br /> •�: ' '� �' f sha�pay atl eosts of reeordat�on.it arry: ' � � ' _ .
<br /> �r'r . `—
<br /> ,: � p�)p�ta,otW yep�ty:S�a�aity qpnserrtt.As add'illonal-securify tor the paytrieit of the Note:Tmutor hereby pranta Lander under - .
<br /> • � • � ths N�braaks•Unifom�Casnmeririt Code s sxutitY intereat 6�aD fucture�,eq�+�prtsant.�d otfiar paROnal propsRy ussd�eonttsction 'yr �_
<br /> ` witP�the►eai attsta or improvensnta tncatnd thacsan,and aot otherwiss daefued or dearsed to 6e a psrt ot the taf eatate�ecur�ld _
<br /> `. ' ' - hers6y.TFH�rtn+ms�t duJl bs eonsuuad�s a SeeurftY a4*aernent undar�id Cads,and ths Lender�h�U havs afl ths riphts�nd ' � �.y . .
<br /> • .;;.;�: . -�- renadi�s of�s�cursd party wQar ufd Cods§�add'Rion to the ripfit�md c�nadi�«ated under�d nacorded ths La+dar pivaiett .
<br /> sou � �
<br /> � ` � � • to this Os�d oi Truat;provided that lender's ripht��d ransd�s�unQer thi�parapraph d�all be aunulativs tvith.�d Fr�no way a - �.•; ' �
<br /> � I'enitetlan en.Lendars dpt►t��d tanadia�undpr any othar Kcurity apraemant ai�ed by Borrowar or Tivato�. •�.;` :•�,
<br /> ' ' � , W (�e�d Enoun�av. Trustor hmeby wuranu otd ropresa�to t[nt thme is ao detauft uardar the pravisions of any , � _,.,
<br /> . . ` � mortpaps,daed of hust. taars or purchats rantraat de��nba�p aU or my patt of the Property,or other aor+traet.mat�umant or � �rr��1!,.. .
<br /> .. � ' opr�etrtwtT wnstitutRp��an or sicumbnrtee s�a9n�•eU o�mry paR of the Ptoperty teolteati�e,'4ens9,mdstb�p ao of the date of .�- . ..
<br /> . � . �is Oad oi Trust, �nd that�y and all exfitti�y Li�s con�a� unmodilied exeept as dicdosed to Landsr ta T�tor� written � - � �`E. . .. _-
<br /> � f ..
<br /> • , . ditsloyusa cf Gan��d.anaumprance�ptovtdad for Aersin.T�ustor �t+ali tirnaly pedorm a0 oi TruKOr't obGaatt�. covanant�, "i� . ,J ,
<br /> � r�ptas�ntatfons and warrinti�under eny�d aD mcists�p�d tuturo Liaes,ahafl prort�ptiy fomud to Landar eopie�of�11 nati�eas ot -
<br /> ' ' � � and�1t mds8n o►futuro 4wu,m+d rha�not without Lande�s prior writtan consmt m my �,' , _-
<br /> . d d a u f t�s rt 6�c o n n e c t i o n w i t h m s y o • `_.
<br /> � •• � � � manner rrtodify tfis provi�tons of or aitow my iuture�dvance��mdar mV mYmitu+0 or tuture Wns. . • : ���-"
<br /> . `"�'" :;1`,
<br />: � , (�Appfaitian of Pay�rw�t�.Untsa otherwhs cequ'vad by law.aum�pud to Lender hxamdar, ouludlnp rvithout lunitation �
<br />• � " Psym�nts o}prineipal�nd§►tero�t.mawncs proeeeds.candennation proeasds and rent�and profch,d►all hs aypGed by Lander to ",;��i'�/� _
<br /> • ' th�arnount�dus�d owinp from Taator md bortowar in acd+order as landar 6�it�sote diserottan daerri�dasTraDle. _
<br /> ' ' • +. (p �ey, 1t any provLian of tfii� Dad of Tnnt cant6ata with �ppfieaEts faw or is dadired invaGd or othmvise • ��.
<br /> : � un�forcs�bM.�urh aontlict or u►va6d'tty ahall not�Nsat the o9het pravi�ton�af thi�Daad of 7eust or the Y1ots whkh can bs p'nren , ;;^Q
<br /> � .. efttet without ths contfictinp 0*��n,�d to this and the provision�of tfiA Qaad of Tnis!end the Hote ars dee1arod to 6s .. " :- -- � �.
<br /> } • , asvas0l�_ . • '.• .
<br /> � • . (0 T�nn.Ths terms"Truator'�d Borrower'tha0 8sctude both�putar e�d plunl,and whan the Tnutor�nd Bortowar aro the . �,;:��
<br /> �'� � aams pxsanW.thots tarm���used in thi�Oeed of Truat ofia116e intarohanyaabfe. •4. .�', c
<br /> (m)GowNnp taw.This Oeed of Ttust�hall bs Qovamed by the law�of ths Stete of Rebtatin. � _�, . ' �;
<br />�� � ' . .. Trustor Aa�exauted this Dead of Trust as oi the Eate written�bove. �
<br /> , . :. - �. . �� � .
<br />- . � To w s T , ` ,� � :.
<br /> = # • . . t
<br /> ': . .
<br /> .. � � C88RI SWARTZBAIIC,H Tntstar �, � . '"
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<br /> ; '. N8C 3467 Qton�r'su'�a+tQ+�d)Rev.tolH9 . k .
<br /> _- - - -; - - C t2$dNu�culMtmtotCo�Tnntaa:lBatN�ClAttOtitUdn.tincatrb�tasra�n !-_- -- _.y==_-.
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