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<br /> '`t� �s'�� ^�.1�z - ' ��i.: }]�ii'�.iMltE `4:.us.�. ,_t�.ieitv —— -- —
<br /> �€�'t,::._ <_ ,. _. _ --
<br /> � L.�� � , �? I�4F#: 032038� — --
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<br /> �a y_I�y y�•Y J :_ • • . . ��J►�'�'�J1��►i L�iL�.�fi r,A ,,,�,�� ` �`- __
<br /> ,.•.-�:� ,.':;,_ � q�'vio�Ie T-B�lt,Vvsekiy Auct�nnAverage(In�e�D-�c.�t�s)°��. � "" =�°�
<br /> ' f1 _�'d
<br /> �. r
<br /> `Y� ` '-'� - �. ZT3Y.S AD.iiJ�1'ABI�RATE ItmIIt is tnade t9is 19'�i �Y� �: 1995 ,and is iacc�w:atedinto aad s8at� �`�,��3� �
<br /> ���_'. ''` � 6e dtemsdto ameIId andsapplemenf the Mattgsge.Deed of Tcust or Sec�ty Deed(the"Sea�ty rushu�ent`�uf thssame datagivcII6y x - �Q _ - -
<br /> ��sr ,� ti , •- r - -
<br />_-�',� � � the nm�de�sigaed(the°Boaavre�'�wsecqre Boaower's Rdjustabis RateNote(th�°idnts")to � , ..•�`
<br /> �``� :.,�::. ° �i�MRiQ� O�T '.�=,: ��,��l:
<br /> ' Q'�!�[AL _
<br /> �;.
<br /> � • • . (the"I�ende�ry of tlte same dau a�d caveang t�e gropetty descaibedla tt�e Secudty ta�snt aa�i�cated aL• r�r,
<br /> �; � . ' ��`.:�
<br /> �7.T S AY�IC�T, C�t�L�D �D, 1� �88�1 � �t �
<br /> � ' ..,' , . [�K1t A�ts+s1 • � `� ` °� ---
<br /> . _� _
<br /> , : 'fv�E NOTE COlOiT'lllNS PROVlSlONS ALLOWfNG FOR CHQNGES lilt THE tNY��'RA'PC Q�i�'P'HE , ��
<br /> �� � � �' ` . �CHSNlGE AT ANY ANiE TIME AND'CHE MAXIMUM HA'ff'E THE BORR011eiER MUST PAY. � � =—
<br />. .��-3`.•" ... ; , . � ' . . ..�. .,�`.�`,..,.-.�.
<br /> � . . .f ADDTITONAL COVENANTS.Ia edditio�to thc covemnLsand agteements made fa the Seauitpins�en�Boaawer9ndis�des . - " '<;,,.'.�,,.•
<br />. , . . v
<br /> , - � . f�thereavenant and agree as foIIaars: �';� ,. 'T:�:.'�:�.
<br />.���- . ' . ' . ..' r ." ' T . ..�+�����
<br /> . Y T'AYNffNf CHAI�GFS '��:� '�
<br /> ;.M�.., : . A. II3TEitF.ST RATE A1�ID MONT�II. N N .
<br /> 6.400 .o.�Note piuvidesfoscb2nges m the ia0erest • '.,•` _�
<br /> � • , � • Zhe note pmvides for an�dal intet�est rate of . . �`
<br /> ;,�.. � , , rate.and We monthly paym�is,as follows: `"�"���.._.
<br /> • 4, INTERF�T RATE AND MON'I�II.Y PAYlV�NT CHANGES . '.:•.':""•'- a
<br /> ��;.. � ' .. (A) t�an8e pates ' --
<br /> �te inierestrate I will pay may cLange on ttiefust day of • ADO�T 19 95 �and aa tbat8ayevery 6th month `;-•�,'l'
<br />. ;. • :� .t.,.�. . .
<br /> �, , �>
<br /> ' " � .. _•. t�eaftkc� on c c a . ; , _-
<br /> .:�:,.�_.._. _ ch date whi h my intetestiate could Laage is catled °(�ange Date" _
<br /> .....:. •�. - ;. -�—•� -Ind�x---�---�----��- - --�--...--�--- ' -- ..._..-- --��-- -�- - ---.. - --- - - ---�-� ----�---- . _ - =-
<br /> :,., r,;.
<br /> .---�------- -- >,
<br /> ... . . :- ... ...... ...... _ ----- - - -- ----
<br /> • . ' BeginaingarIth the fust chaage Date.my interesttate will he based on aa�aClex.�e"Iadex"is the weekty anctlan average ....�. ,� _�t�-�
<br /> . ... � ('mvestrnent)on 6�month tneas�y bilts,as made available6y the Fedeiat Res�r�Board.�he most taxa��ndex Sgiue availabless of the ..;,�.�-==,:,V
<br /> � -.. date 45 days before eaeb Chenge Date iscalled the"Cuaeat Tndex." , t ,
<br /> C n '
<br /> . -. , . If ihe index is no langeravailable,the Note NWderwitl choose a new index�vLicbis basedupon compata62einfo�ation.'Ihe Note ��� _
<br /> _ . ,. ... :. . - -
<br /> - .. ' Ho2der will glve tne riot�ce of ihis choice.- - - - -- - �'.-
<br /> ,. ' ' (G� CalculadonofCl�anges � �A� 'II�t�; EI�,. ' ��e,.. • �.
<br /> � ' • . Before each Chaange Date,the Note Holderwill calcalatemy new inietest:a:eby ad�mg perceata8epoinffi( 3.375 `�) . •�::t ..
<br /> A
<br /> ` � � w dze Caaentlnde�c.'[he Note Hnlderwlll thenmund the result of tfus additiaa tfltlae aeatestane-e�ghthof one peicentagepoint . '��: '
<br /> centa
<br /> .. . �•.:�.• .
<br /> ; . . (0125°.b).Subject to the limits stated in Secdon 4{D)6etow,tLis ro�ded amovatwlll be my new interest��mttl the ntxt(�ange Date. � - ':
<br /> . ,. . . {;;..�. .
<br /> . �. . . ' 11ie NaLe Holder�vill thea determine the amo�t of the monthtY PaYment thatwould be s�'$ctentto npay the�mpa3d princigal tAat I , . , �
<br /> ,.,:�. , � am espectedw owe at the Change Datc ia fiill on the mauuity date atmy new intetes4rdte ia sabstantlaIIY�1�Pa3��•ZLe�esult of . .� ';+:
<br /> � � •� lhisealealationrvI116e the new amouatof my monttily paqmenL . � ��:� �� _
<br /> . . ' . N) Limtts on Intemst Rate Changes •,�j� ..�;� -
<br /> c�.
<br /> , . • ��
<br /> . . � 'Ihe mtetest rate I am:r;quired to pay at the first Change Date wi11 not be gi�eatet tvaa 7.35fl 4b GQ less than 5.650 SU.The� • . :��;�, •,•`
<br /> . � after,my interest rate will aever be incteasedor decreased on any single Chaage Date 1ry more than 3/4 PenentaSepoints(0.750�) . �='_°'
<br /> �.—�.
<br />- � � . . � from the tate of interest I 1�ave been paying for the precedins six montbs.My inte�est tate will never be greater than 10.900b. y:' '
<br /> .. .. �(� Effecdve Date of Chaages ' °�J' '.
<br /> . . My ncw int�rest mte will becwme effecdve on�ch Change Date.I will pay the amo�mt of my aew montWy paymentbegtnn�ug�tLe .' : ;;� �
<br /> - ;.�
<br /> . . . �, SrstmoutWy payment date aftcrthe CSaageDate�c�l the amo�tof my monthlypaymentchanges aga�a. .. . ,�.� }'�;�
<br /> ; � � (�j Nottce of Cha�es . • . rf
<br /> � 'llie Note Holder wUl deHveror mail w me anotice of any cHa��es ia my iaterestrate and t�e affiouatof my monthlypaymentbefan " �„ . ., •- . ??�
<br /> � ' ihe e�ective date of axey cl�ange.'�e natIce will includc informaHon mqn�d hy�taw w be givea me aad also the tide and telephone �! �• i'`��
<br />-^_� .. ` . number of a petson who wiU answsr any question I may have regardiag the notice. ,�' ^ ;�
<br /> �� • Unifomm Coveaant 17 of the Secur�ry Instr�cnt�S aaaended w read as follows: . � . � ��
<br />-'t .� � � 'IYF�asfer of the propertyor a beneficial lntecest in borrower.IPall oz any pazt of the pmpertq or aay inierest in it Is so2d or ttaasfened •�
<br /> '. , . �oT ifa beneficial intetcst in Boirower ls sold ar Uansferted and Boaawer is noi anatutal petson)withont Ieadet's pi3or wtiuea eonseat, . ' ,`
<br /> = �. Iender may,at its option,rcquire imm¢diate paymeat ln fWl of aU s�s seeured by thts Sccmity IastnmmenL II.end�aLso sLnll not cxere4se .
<br /> ' . . . tt�i9 apt�an if:(a)Borrower causes ta be submitted to Leader infoimadan mqniredby Iender to evaivate the inteaded transt'ezce as if a new � . .
<br />- � . . . ' : luaa arere being made to the trnasferee;aad(b)Lender reasonablydet�rmiaesthat Lend�r's secutIty wi11 not be impaiiedby We loan : .
<br /> ���{ . . � • �� ass�ption and that the risk of a b�eacL of any covenaat or agreement in tl�is Sec�ity lasttument ls acceptable W Iendet E .
<br /> � To the e�ttentpermiued by applicable law,Lender may cLarge a rea�onab2e fee as a coadidonto Iender's consent to the Zoaa .
<br /> asswnptfoa.Lender may aLso require the ttan.sferee to slgn an essumg8on agreementt�at�S acceptableto Leader and that obligates the ��
<br /> ';��.-.� �-�. _
<br /> ` * ttansferee w keep nll the ptomises a�rd agreementsmade i�the Note and in thLs SecutIty lastramenL Barrawer wlll oonlinue to be • �
<br /> �'�:�.: .. nbUgat�duader the Note and tlais SecurIty�asuument unles9 Lender reieases Eoimwer in writing.
<br /> ,-��'.` .. . 1f Leader exercises the option w require immediate payment in fu11,Lender sball gfve Baaawer noitce of acceletation.'Ihe notis� � �-
<br /> ��� ... � � s2tall prnvide a period of not tess thaa 30 days fmm the date the notice is dellvemdor mailed wItbia wLich Bortowet mnst pay all s�.s � . `
<br /> : ': sectued by this Security Instruffient If Boaower fails to pay these sums pttorto the cxpiradon of this period,Iaadermay dnvoYe aay � ' -
<br /> remedlcspermittedbyt�isSccuritylastrumentwithouifurthernoticeordemaadoaBoitmver. � � .
<br /> . ' • -B�t SI G BEiAW,Bomower acccpts ead ag�es to the terms and covea�ats ' I�thts Adjustahle Rate Rider. � �
<br />_ . ` t
<br /> - • . .. � (SeaQ le��' r .�� (Seaf) i ... .
<br /> . � � .. . -� -�� � _ .:
<br /> �` � (Seni) (Seaty � ..
<br />_ . . . � -B'�°"" (S�gnOrfginai� � , .
<br /> -� �:. � . j . �
<br /> . . .;
<br /> _�. �_ .. __ MiiL�iS idi'f Fii3dii5ib�i�RR�i�iiitfEii-i�Ri�ff fi�2-Singta Famiiy- �------
<br /> � � • , � Fnnnio Mno/Freddie Mac Unitann Insttument Form 31 t 1/3/85 EG3�33(REV 03/S3) ; . . .
<br /> .
<br /> � .. .
<br /> , . ,.
<br /> 1 . .
<br />