� ". , NF+Sj:.. �. . . �.+ . � .;� . . < �,. �.a . __ _
<br />. �`1-�a�.+i . .. : • • {Y .. . :... � -. . 1 L �r ?Y 4 _� —_
<br /> . . ' ,t-..�,_d ,�}- �A `. .y .. 4. y ..kl y.�`�..��:ri,.. -�•,ic `,£- `�v .�.� i '
<br /> . .
<br /> .._ .r.:. . .
<br /> - �
<br /> �_�.... •
<br /> , -..... . ...
<br /> u.+r'����.,�..� ` "� 3. .--_'_:'.'i�� ..fi _hd.Gif.'$4.f�.'"��ae _ -- — ----- — __.—9'—�—.
<br /> . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> �t.
<br />.._ _�."_'_�n' . ` . .. < -_ . � �. . � a ' . . —_—_. .. . _
<br /> ��� �f � [ ����� -IS�L _
<br /> L { ar
<br /> -�{+ �l+-v� . ` � : . � _-
<br /> { .�y�F� a4,the aptis�n of L.ender. if mortga e insurance co�•erage (in the amaunt and 4or��e period that Leadet t�quit+�) � -- --
<br /> ��,"��n ,> � - - -----
<br /> ,._;��;_.. , p�vided by an ir�scuer appr�ved by�der again be�omes acailab�e and is ubtain�3.Borrotiser shall pay the gremfwas � __ .�
<br /> �. . _
<br /> `��-�'��:. reqtnred to maintain murcgage insuraace it�sY€ect,or to pmt•ide a lo.SS.rc�rve, until the requirement for saartgage � � __ ---__ _
<br /> ��;-"��r: ' tas�u�nee end�in accordance cvith anF R ritten agreement bettveen Borro�rer and Ixnder or applicable Iaw. �
<br /> ' 9:Inspectian.l�ender or its agent may m�ke t�easonabie er.tries upc�n an:f iuspections of the Progerty.Lmsdsr shall � � ,�� -
<br /> �, . ��, .
<br />'_=1�=���;_.�:£�, . � �'give A�rrower notice at thr timeof or prior to an inspection��e.�ifying re-asonable causC for the ins�eetion. ��.�;?.__--�- .
<br /> _°.,:;:-��,..�,;; •: . 1'0. Candemrtatinn.�i'he proceeds oF,any aecard or ciaim,for damages,direcc.��r consequential,ineQna�etionwith ��x{ -
<br /> R�i�ii.""'__ __
<br /> r ,;,1'' "' s• as�y eandemnation or other taking oF an}part of the Proparty,nr for com•e�•anrx in lieu of.condemifation;are heteby _
<br /> • assigned and sh�ii be paid ee�i.aide�.. . : , . f E"� ~
<br /> �
<br /> � � s,'� In the event of a total :aking of the Ycopert}�,the proceeds shall he a�pl ied ru the sum�:secured by this S�utitp , � ����:�
<br /> ' Iflsttument,nhether��r noc tt�rn due,�sith any excess paid t�Rorron•er.In th�even�:yf a partial taking of the Ptoperty in • p t ^r�:w.-=
<br /> - - w�ich thc�€ais ritarket�:atuC 4f the Pro�et2;r imnaediateIy before the taking is ec{ua!tn or greater than the amouat of th0 ' �. t ; _;:—
<br /> { ",;� sums se+:ured by this Securicy Instrument immediatei}•before the.taking,unlc�ss I3otra«er and Lendgr otherwise agre� ��t>�� '-
<br /> { �:
<br /> . '� . . In writing,the s�ms secured by this Security Insuument sfiaYl be reduce@ by the amount of the ptoceeds multiplied by ;� `���,
<br /> t , = .. - the following fraction:(a)the total amount of t�e sums secured imm�diatel}• befure the taking,divided by(b)t�efaia z��_;,z��� =
<br /> v , _ ...t,. . _ �.� R-__
<br /> rasrket�'atue of ihe Pmpertp immediately before the taking.:�ny balance sl�all be{�aid to Borroicer.Is�the eveat of a.� �??���-g��""�--- -
<br /> � '° •':•t partial t4king of the Propert3•in which the fair rnarket value of the Praperty immeciiatelg beiore the taking is Ies�then �;���.��.
<br /> Y '� � thearnount of the sums secured imrnediately befoce the taking.�mless}iorrcm'er and'I.ender othertviseagree in writiag � • � .- �
<br /> �' ` ,''=•.r;��., or unless appJica6le lan� othernise pre�•ides, th�prc�cerds shall be applird to the sums securec3 by this Seettritp ��_--..--- �``°�'"
<br /> ' � �� Instrument tvhether or n��t che sums are then due_ • "�`� �' �
<br /> .. � �f the Propert}is abaridnned by Fiormn:er, or if,after notice by I.ender r��H��rrn�eer thxt the rond,emaot offets to ' _ ��.��-°
<br /> `• .m&I�e an anard or settle:� c(aim for damag�, Rotro:ser fails n�r�nncS t�� i.endcr l��ithin 3U da}�efte�the date$18 -_.' �"'=-.-=�`
<br /> •- fu�_'.-__-
<br /> � �` . , aotiee is gi�•en,I,Cnder is:�t,chorized to collect and appl}�the pri�ceeds,ac ics c,ptio«,rit}�c�r w rrs¢oration or repair of the `t•;��=__-__-___
<br /> _ � • Froptrt}'oc to tAe sums s��ured by chis Security Pnstrument.�shettler��r nnt tlien d�ie. � ;`:�-�'�"`-_
<br /> �::=:����'' ' '" Unless I.ender and Bnrro�set othensise a ee in n ritin ,an•a lication��f rncrxds to rinci al shall not extendor , = � ����•
<br />. _._.�_,.- •, � 8 S PP P P P � ��
<br /> • � posEpane the due date of the monthl• a ments referred co in dra ra hs I and 2 0�chan e the amouat of sueh '�°--�
<br /> S P Y P" S P � , f. `�'�_�-
<br /> ,�,. _ , ," F�Yraents. =
<br /> � " " ��- �-�----11�Bonower\ot-Reteased;--Forbearance-By--L-ender-:�ot-a��`ai�•er I;stension-o�'�he.titne.forpaymeat�or.__.._. .. ___
<br /> f `� madification of amortizatiun qf the sums secused by this Ser.urity Instrumrnt granted b�• Lender to�aap sucCe�sor in � " '� ---_
<br /> � ' is►terest of Borco�er shali not operate to release the iiability of the original Bc,rroner ar Iiorrower's suocegats in ;'•. � '
<br /> . iaterest.l.ender shall not he required to rommence proreedin�s against ank strccrssor in interest or tefuse to eytend !
<br />- - - -- --=�.'� time for payment or�sthensise modify amortization of the sums secu;ed hl•this Securit}•Instrumentby t�soa otatty � -
<br /> • .. �e�land made bp the original 13on�+cet or Borroner's successors in intCrrst.-�n��Furhrarattce by Lender ia egerCisitsg , ,-f ;
<br /> . .�. • . � �p right or remedy�shall n��t be a�cai�er uf or preclude the e�ercise of an}•right or remed}•. ' :�.�
<br /> ' •� t � • 12.5uccessors and.issigns linund;]oint aad Several•I.iabilit}•;('�rsigners.'The covenants aud a�reemet�ts _ �:
<br /> • vf this Securi[}• lnstrurttent shall bind and benefit ffie succc�ssors and assigaS of I.ender and Horrower.sub�et to the '�_s;;.
<br /> � • provisions of paragraph 17, liorroi�er's co�•enants and agrer.ments shal[be jc�int and se��eral:r1 ny Bormtvet w�o eo'sigas ';`:- _
<br /> � -. " . � , tbis Serurit3•Instrument.bi,t does not.execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Sexurit�• Instrument onlp to mortgaga. , fY '
<br /> • '. grapt and convey that 13orro�cer's interest in the Praperty under thr tcrms of this Security Instrumen� (b) ie nat •
<br /> - '"r petsonally obligated to pay- the sums secured by ttus Securit}• Insttument;and (c) agrees that L.ender and any other _�� �i
<br /> � Bonower may agree to estend,modif3�,fortsear or make any aceutnmodations with regard to tre ternts o4 this SECUrity �:: �
<br /> � - -� IAStnsmentorthe;�`oce�cirhvutthaiBorros�er'sconsent. . .���.,,-� - .=.
<br /> � 13. Lc�an Charges. If the loan secured by this Se�urit}•lnstrument is subje�:c to a.la�v �shich seis masimum loaz► .. <'..• �`,
<br /> • ' � ch&rges, and that la�+� is iinally interpreted so that the intrrest ��r othec I�:�n chc�rges cnllectCd ur to be collected ia . � •` �
<br /> • r:.-. ��
<br />_ � � CoAnecti:�n �cith the luan ctceed the permitted limits, then: (�) any such I��an et�argr shall be reciueed by the amount ;,, ..� • �-
<br /> '' . ,.y�r-;
<br /> _� : � neCessary' to reduce ihc.charge to the permitted limit; anJ (b} any sum�• alread}• �t�lle�ud frurA BottoWer which � � y;� , .�
<br /> �,'" .. �'i-,.: ' esceeded permitted timics nill be rrfun@ed to Ilorrno•er. 1.ender may cii�����.e ��� make this refund by reducingthe •-. ,���='.�`. .'"`
<br /> '". �._
<br /> _ ''..�: '' principai m�•eci undrr ll�c\r�te ur bs-ma king a direct payment to}io�ru�.�r. I!'s r��Cun d r e Juce s p ti n c i p a l.t h e t e d u C t i o A . +. i�
<br />'��•. ' �• wilI be treatedns a partial{�rcpa)'ment u•ithoutany prepayrnent charge under th�l�ute. . '�.-
<br /> �:`='"'f� .' ' 14. Xatices.�n}•nuticr to Horrou�er pro�-ided Yuc in this Securit�� Ins�r:�me+�t sh�ll be gir-en by deliverit�g it or by . . , ; �'
<br /> M_ _ �-.•..
<br /> �-�'� � •- � tnailing it tiS first class mail unless applicable ta��teqiiir�s use of another mcthuJ."fhe notiee shall be ditected to tha , � , -_
<br /> _. ' Ptoperty Address or any�ocher address$orroNer designat�s by notice to I.ender.�ny notire tn Lender shall be given by •• • .�� .• •�:y
<br /> Yiist elass mail ta l.ender's address stated herein or any� ��ther address I xndcr dc:signates by notice w Borno�vet.Any • '�`
<br /> , , notice prcn•ided fo�in this Secu�itk lnstrument�ha l l be deeme d to hace he�n biven u►Borro�rer ur L e n d e s w h e A g i v e n "�'� I,'j.S
<br />�. � as pr�vi de d in t his paragraph. • ,.
<br /> .. ' 15.Go�•erning I.a�c; Severability."1'his Secutity Insuument shall he boverned b}•federal lativ and tha law oi the _ .
<br />-� - .� '. " � jurisdictinn in tsliich the I'roperty is Ic�cated.In theevent that any pr��cisiim��r clause of this Security Instrumentorthe , ' �
<br /> � r'•� Note confGcu n•ith applic�hfe law,such conflict shall nac affect other pm�•isinns oF th'ss Sr.curity Instrumentor thsNote
<br /> � � ' � � � • which can be gieen wFfect�+ithnt►t the conflicting provisi�n.Tu this enJ the rrovitiiuns ni this Securiry lnsttument aad �' • ,
<br />- ••� _•� • the I�ote are decl�red tu h: :,et rrable. � • "
<br /> °`:��. • 'y.. � F�re� 30l� 9/9D . � �
<br /> S:'!t. `1":`t • -�-6RINE1�ax��� osg�A o�6 MltialC • . .
<br /> _ f..�._u.t" .. • ' _ . ' .. �
<br /> - ;t '�� . " ' ..
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<br /> A. . • '. � . � . . .. ' . . . . � _ . •.J^��__t�:�i�. • . - � . . . - . , ,
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