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�. _ . . . ( � . �, y�,.--.---T .c _ ' ' .: ���a- — <br /> rk��,[4'�3 N. .�. '6 a _ . . �.� � _ •' _. �r�{E<.�.-� _ - ;.t f �_� F� ��� -j -_ _ —_ <br /> �t I ��-�.i.a�>� �4-� t k � -.�' s z t�• y t. <br /> EY'[_ ii:"< f• f ci� � �8.:.s�t�r. - -'a'eWf±_ir_�....�...,....� <br /> �f.�.,,-'�" t`uf.s' -,�;}���..,—..�.�.c�:��: �'�� — <br /> ��e..��{ ,c - — — -- — <br /> w3v.i� t�'`yr . • , , " : . � . . <br /> �. -- E�� . . , . . , —_—___ <br /> --g*-f t.5'�.�-3°�1 t . � . � , `.� c - ' . ' ' � — —__ <br /> :� ���,�,.`�`� . , ����— 10�'�e�, .. . — -- <br />::-=��;�_,���"•:�� TQGEI'F�R ���TTEi ait the impro�ements nn�v 'br hereaiter erectrd on t e propertg, snd et9emeu� , ______ <br /> _;��'�-��:...�` ' _ appurtenanoes.aad Piatures non or hete3fte�i3 part oF the propercy.Atl reFlarCmrncs xnd aciditions shnll also be covored =---____-_—_ <br /> �,Y���` � ' by tltis Seeurity Instrument.All of`the forege�in�is referred to�n thia Security lnstrument as the°Property.° ___— - <br /> � s- �'Y< ' � �ORROWER CQVFNAN'�'3 that Bonawer is InnPullg seised of the esTace 6erehy cr�nveyed end t�as tho ri�lli ta � <br /> � �`��T .��� �. g r a n t a n d rn n v e y t fi e P ro�c r t y e n d t h a t t h e P r a p e r t} i s i�n e n c u m b e r e d,c x r c r c f o r e e c u m h r a n r,�;.o f i�o r d.B o r rower � ____- <br /> j� ;'P ... �.. .._ <br /> , `.� � . : wanents and crill defend.genetally the titlQ to the Pri�perty ragainst�il)claims,�nei dcrosnds,�:�hja:t ta any�nctui�bsaACes � ____ __ --_ <br /> �" � :'' � ' • oit�ecor,d. ` � � �_ -- <br /> ,� � < '' � �THIS SECURITY IA'S'tRUMENT combines uniform cocenants for nationai use c�nd non-emiPorm eovenautswitD -� - _ <br /> ���` liiitited tarietians by jurisdiction uSconsdtutea unif��rm seci►rity instrument c�,rering«�1 ptoperty. �� i` ' <br /> 4 . . tJNIFOR14i CUV��I.,�ti C$.Borroiver and l.ender cco�•enaht and agree es f��t I uu•s: � � �` -'°' ' <br /> ���_ <br /> 1.Payment of Principalassd Interest:Prepayment ond Late Charges. ilorm«ersha�l pFamptlypay�vhendue � . f-�� <br /> . -. _ _ , the prjacipal of att�iater�t on tlte deht evidenced b�•thn lote and any prepa}m ent anJ fate charges dus uttdee the NOte. _ =`�; _ <br /> Z. Fuads for Taxes and I�suranca. Subjex:tu applicabte ia�v or to u ti�rit[en�ti�ai�'er by I.ender.Borrower sfiall :"+ -� + � <br /> " ' *.o l.Gnder oa the da}�monthlp payments are due und�r the�ote,untii thc���tG is psid in fult,a sum("Fuads')�or. '� �-_ <br /> , c�• � � ge��earlp taaes astd assessments Hhich may a:ta'sn prioritp�ver this Securit�•Instrum�nt as a lien on tbe Pt^opestg;(bF - '" -- <br /> • '�.. i"r * _�;a'w.�,-_ <br /> . -- � pe�rJy leasehold payments or ground rents on the 1'ropert5,if any;(c,���earl}•h�iard nr propert} inswaitce premiuma; _ 1�:� ._ <br />- - • �,� . id)yearly 41ood insurance premroms,if any;(ef yearly rriortgage insurance premiums,if any;and(f)any sume gaga�ie _ � .�,��„s_,-_ <br /> � b Borrower to T.ender,iri accordanee tvith the pro�•isions of pazagraph�,in lie�!�f the payment of mortgageinstttsact • �'�?"a'� ° <br /> ;�: �'' premiums.These items ar�calted"Fscton ltems."I.ender any time,�ulicci and hold Funds in�a amount naE ' ,`.`��- <br /> : ���'` � ' to eaceed,the masimuin amount a lender for a federally selated mortgage loan may requir� for Borro�ret's escrow :`.'�"____�. <br /> � � � account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures ?lct of 19?4 as amen�ed from time to time, 12 U.S.C. � ���'''`" <br /> ,�' a�?��-�:_ <br /> � � �',•� SecEion 260I et seq. ("RFSPd'),unless anotner.lar�� that applies to the Funds scts a lesser amount.If so,Lender mey, �;_�•:-. ° <br /> .: +_.;,ar.r�a�=__- <br /> - � • ' ', at any time.collect and hold F'unds in an amount not co e�ceed the.Iesset amcxinc.l.ender inay estimate the stnouitt of •:as.r„_-•.=��-__ <br /> :� • • Fuads due on she basis of current data and reasonabie estimates of espenditure��.nF future Fscrow Itemsor otherwtse in =�_-��- <br /> . accordance with applicable law. _ � . .;`'"`��`---- <br /> - � Tfte Funds shaU be hcld in an institution n•hose drposit5 are insured b}•:�i cd��ral dgency,instrumeatelity.orentity ,� "��?�' ,- <br /> _----� ' — • (includingLender,if Lender issuch an institution}�u in an}� Federal Home L��.�t, Banl:. Lendershall aFpDy theFundsto ,,,,k���` - <br /> ���_ ,�,._`• — � <br /> ; ' .._�w.Items.l.�ndessst�y_.tt_ot_char_ge.I3orrot�er_f�r,holdin�and f1hI}•i�the Funds, annually analyzing the _ -:.„�����_ <br /> � escrow account,or�•erif}�ing the Fscrow Items,unlezs Lender pa�s Horroner�ntcrest nn cheTiin�and�applIcable laiv ���Y t�. <br /> • -. H. -...�—_� <br /> .'.�, , - :. petmits Leadet to make such a charge. Hoivever, I.ender may require i�nrco�rer to pa} a o�-time charge for an ,��- <br /> ' , ' independent real estate tas reporting sernce.used bS Lender in co�ertion«i�h ci�is loan,unicss applicab2o law provides ` x' - <br /> ' othertvise.Ualess an agreement is made or applicahle lan requires interest to i�r paiJ, l,ender shall not be rEquired to � ,,,•.�. <br /> . . � _ � pay�orrower eny interest or earnin�s on the Funds. Iincroti�er and}�agree in.�riting,hotvever,thatittter�t ' . _. • <br /> � . � � sbaU be paid on the Fund�I.ender shal;give to Iiorron•er,�cithout charge,an annua!acrounting'of the FUtide,showixig �4:,;� � �. <br /> • �. � eredits and debits to tHe Funds and the pucpose for�rhich each debit to the Nunds tiras made."�hE Funds ere - . . <br /> � • ' additionat seeurity for all sums secured by this Securicy Instrument. � • , � <br /> , 1f the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to toe held A�• applicable lait.Lender sbWl ac�ootu�t to <br /> � Horrower fbs the excess Funds in accordance n•ith the r�quirements of appliraAiC lati�•. If the amc�unt of tha Futtds held � �� . <br /> , � � • by Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the L•'scm« Items tivhen dur, lxnd�r may-•.so notify Aorrower ifl writing, , ' . <br /> aad,in such case Borro�cer shall pay to Lender the amnunt necessary to ms�e u�±c3:c deficiency, liono�ves shall make "�� � <br /> • up the deficiency in no more than twel�e monthly pa}men�s,at Lender e sole discre�con. .' �=�' .. , <br /> • Upon gayment in fult of all sums secured by this Securit}•Instrument,I.cnder shall promptly refund to Borrower ,, <br /> � . - � anq Funds held by L.ender. If, under paragraph 21, I.ender shall acquire or sell the Prnperty. I.ender, prior to the - .��:�� .• <br /> . " .. ' acquisition or sala oF the I'roperty.shall apply an� Funds held by Lender at ttu eime of acquisition or sale es s credit �� '. ��-'':�� <br /> _ ' agatnst the sums secured b}•tnis Security lnstrument. 'r•�r �} <br /> . ' • , 3. A p p l i c a i i o n a i P a�'m e n t s. L'n l e s s a p p;i c a b l e l a ti+ p r o�•i d e s o t h e n�i s e, �I l p a y m e n t s c e c e i ti•e d b y L e n d e r u n d e r : t"�'�• ;i <br /> °��, ... . ,, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,tn an}• prera�•ment charges due under thr�ute;second,to amounts paynble ' ' � ��- <br /> , •� under paragraph 2:third,to interest due;fourth,to pri ncipal duc;and lst,tu an} lacr rh�rges due under the Nots. . �"�' <br /> J�./' �' <br /> � • � 4. (:harges; Liens. 1;��rro�ver shalt pay all ta�es, assessments, cRarges, fir,es anc3 impositions atttibuiabletothe � :-'�'�•`� <br /> , -;<::,�;;, ,�. . <: . <br /> ;. .;�;;�w��;, Property which may attain priarity nver this Seciirii�� lnstniment, and lea�:�'��dd p:��mentS or graurtd ren�. if any. � •�.� <br /> Bostoner shall pay these ubligations in the manner Pro�•ided in paragraph ?. ��r if nut paid in tbat meAAef,Botratver � f;: <br />� ',�� '� ' shall pay thefi on time directi}•tn the pes:son atised �a�mrnt.liurroccer:,h�ll �r��:r.`ii� furnish t.�i.ender all ttotieq a4 , � • � _ <br /> . emaunts to be paid tinder t}iis paragraph.lf linrrcm cr makes thrse pa�•menr.:di;�rtl;,13urrcnter shall promptly furnish _ <br /> _ . � toLender receiptsevidencine the paymen�5. - �•' <br /> - •• BonoNer shal! prumptly diseharge an}�lirn�ti•hich has prie,r:ty ocer this Sccurits•Instrument unless BoTrower.(a) " � �`i�.� '. - .TS <br /> _ . �• agr�es in cvriting to the pa}•ment of the obligation sr.cured hy the lien in a mannrr arreptable to i,ender;(b)contests ia � . <br /> ; . :�' : gaa�faith the lien by,or d�fends against enforcement of the lien in. legal pru�reding::uhich in the Leuder's opinion _. ... � . <br /> • , � . . operate to grevent the enfurcement oE the lien;or (�)sa:ures fmm the hulder u2 t}�c lien an�agreemeAt satisfsctoty to . � _ . <br /> ' � Lender subordinating thr li�n to this Security instcument.If I.ender detecmities t}iat an�•part of tl:e Property is subjeet , <br /> -.:: '� to a}ien nhich may attain priority��ver this Securit}' Instrument,I.ender ma�� �;i�•r Hurrou•er a notica identifying the . . .. � _ <br /> a�• ' - lien. Dorrocver sha11 satisf}• the lieti ot take nne��r rrr��rc uP the actions set f�rTh aFx�ce i�•ithin 10 days ot the giving of . . ' <br />- ,� • <br />- . . notice. � , .� .�. <br />�; '� •• . <br /> ��:,,;.•. Fum 402i 9/9D ' . . <br /> __; k; >� �"6RtNEl�o�+x� '•so?��e Initialt ' . <br /> . -?;r . � � � . � � - <br /> ...,:t;" . . . i , <br /> „�b, � _� - � • <br /> ��:;:��-:. � ., ' :'t� . . w{��i•m�M"�:.:'�t��ti:i�sm,�:'•.:-::s , �,.: . . t�� - � .. • , <br /> . .... . . . . . _ .� Y• . . . <br /> ° - .c�- - • . � . �, , 7 . . '_���F'�:' ' . ' <br /> ,..,, ..._ <br /> :•;:::;� . ;;. '. , . . , . . :� ,a:..� . , <br /> . .. . , . . . . ; .. . . .. . _,— '�+ , . • . � ' . ' <br /> �,, � '. . . ' •• . ' I " - .�_ ,•,- . ' , . . , � • . . : -. _ . <br />,� . . . .. . �� . . _. -J. � . � ' . . . , � . � ; . . . - .. _ . . <br /> _ . �. . . <br />.— ' ' __ ' .. .- ' . ' ' ' ' • ' � _ . ' •- <br /> _. . . • . . � , _ . . � � . . , ' : ' ; . ' . . ' _O _ ' <br /> .`, . , ' . . ' . . _ �, - �• � - , ' ' • '.' . <br />� . ' � .. • . ' , ' , . � ,I - � � � . . . 1� . .. . ' �. . � , . � , <br /> . . . . - . . . - .. . - ' � . . . . ' . y . . . . <br /> .� <br /> . , 4 . . . � � . . . . . . . <br />